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2015-07-09 10:31:51 +01:00
;; Functions -------------------------------------------------
(defun insert-arrow ()
(delete-horizontal-space t)
(insert " => "))
(defun setup-bundler ()
"Setup bundler and its keybindings"
(require 'bundler)
(define-key ruby-mode-map (kbd "\C-c b i") 'bundle-install)
(define-key ruby-mode-map (kbd "\C-c b u") 'bundle-update)
(define-key ruby-mode-map (kbd "\C-c b e") 'bundle-exec)
(define-key ruby-mode-map (kbd "\C-c b o") 'bundle-open)
(define-key ruby-mode-map (kbd "\C-c b c") 'bundle-console))
(defun setup-inf-ruby ()
"Setup inf-ruby and Robe"
;; Inf Ruby configuration
(autoload 'inf-ruby "inf-ruby" "Run an inferior Ruby process" t)
(add-hook 'after-init-hook 'inf-ruby-switch-setup)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c r r") 'inf-ruby)
;; TODO: We don't need this if pry setup is present in ~/.irbrc
(setq irbparams " --inf-ruby-mode -r irb/completion")
(setq irbpath (rbenv--expand-path "shims" "irb"))
(setq irb (concat irbpath irbparams))
(add-to-list 'inf-ruby-implementations (cons "ruby" irb))
(inf-ruby-minor-mode t)
(defun ruby-code-completion ()
"Configure Robe and inf-ruby for code completion."
(with-ability ruby-code-completion
(robe-mode t)
(push 'company-robe company-backends))
(with-ability ruby-code-completion
(eval-after-load 'company
'(add-to-list 'company-backends 'company-inf-ruby))))
(defun setup-general-ruby-editor ()
"Setup basic utilities to write Ruby code"
(local-set-key [f1] 'yari)
(eval-after-load 'rspec-mode
(ruby-tools-mode t)
(define-key ruby-mode-map (kbd "C-.") 'insert-arrow)
(hs-minor-mode t)
;; Hack autocomplete so it treat :symbole and symbole the same way
(modify-syntax-entry ?: "."))
(provide 'extensions/ruby/setup)