
22 lines
705 B
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#+SETUPFILE: ../config.org
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil
#+EXPORT_FILE_NAME: index.html
#+DATE: 2021-07-01
#+TITLE: FG42, The ultimate editor for true believers
#+PAGE: true
#+DESC: An GNU/Emacs based editor for hackers
#+INCLUDE: "../../README.org::*Future Gadgets 42" :only-contents t
* Contribute
FG42 made possible by the effort of the community of [[http:/pages/contributors.html][Contributors]].
If you're interested in *FG42* and wants to contribute to the project please follow
the [[http:/pages/how-to-contribute.html][How to Contribute Guitd]]. Also please read our [[http:/pages/code-of-conduct.html][Code of Conduct]] as well.
* Recent updates:
2021-10-17 13:20:02 +01:00
#+INCLUDE: "../../README.org::*License"