Fix the libgcc issue and add diff-hl cube

Cette révision appartient à :
Sameer Rahmani 2021-10-17 11:03:55 +01:00
Parent 8d24af524a
révision e3b78a4ca9
3 fichiers modifiés avec 46 ajouts et 9 suppressions

Voir le fichier

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ install-ci:
@echo "Creating the link..."
@echo "#! /bin/sh" > ./fg42
@echo "export FG42_HOME=$(shell pwd)" >> ./fg42
@echo "# export LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/" >> ./fg42
@echo "export LIBRARY_PATH=$(gcc -print-search-dirs| sed -n '/^libraries:/{s:^[^/]*::;p}')" >> ./fg42
@echo 'emacs --name FG42 --no-site-file --no-site-lisp --no-splash --title FG42 -l $$FG42_HOME/fg42-config.el "$$@"' >> ./fg42
@chmod +x ./fg42
@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ install:
@cp ./scripts/fg42-wm ./fg42-wm
@echo "export FG42_HOME=$(shell pwd)" >> ./fg42
@echo "export FG42_HOME=$(shell pwd)" >> ./fg42-wm
@echo "# export LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/" >> ./fg42
@echo "# export LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/" >> ./fg42-wm
@echo "export LIBRARY_PATH=$(gcc -print-search-dirs| sed -n '/^libraries:/{s:^[^/]*::;p}')" >> ./fg42
@echo "export LIBRARY_PATH=$(gcc -print-search-dirs| sed -n '/^libraries:/{s:^[^/]*::;p}')" >> ./fg42-wm
@echo 'FG42_WM=false emacs --name FG42 --no-site-file --no-site-lisp --no-splash --title FG42 -l $$FG42_HOME/fg42-config.el "$$@"' >> ./fg42
@echo 'FG42_WM=true emacs --name FG42 --no-site-file --no-site-lisp --no-splash --title FG42 -l $$FG42_HOME/fg42-config.el "$$@"' >> ./fg42-wm
@chmod +x ./fg42

Voir le fichier

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
:background "#bd93f9" :height 0.1 :box nil))))
(defvar global-font-size 10)
(defvar global-font-size 12)
(setq lsp-clients-clangd-executable "/home/lxsameer/usr/lib/llvm-13rc2/bin/clangd")
@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
(defconst llvm-config-dir (concat LLVM_DIR "/llvm/utils/emacs/"))
(defconst mlir-config-dir (concat LLVM_DIR "/mlir/utils/emacs/"))
(add-hook 'c++-mode-hook (lambda ()
(load (concat llvm-config-dir "emacs.el"))
(load (concat llvm-config-dir "llvm-mode.el"))
@ -73,6 +74,16 @@
(autoload 'tablegen-mode (concat llvm-config-dir "tablegen-mode") "Code highlighting for tablegen" t)
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.td\\'" . tablegen-mode))
(autoload 'tablegen-mode (concat llvm-config-dir "tablegen-mode") "Code highlighting for tablegen" t)
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.td\\'" . tablegen-mode))
(autoload 'tablegen-mode (concat llvm-config-dir "tablegen-mode") "Code highlighting for tablegen" t)
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.td\\'" . tablegen-mode))
(load-file "/home/lxsameer/src/serene/serene/resources/emacs/serene-dev.el")
;; =========== FG42 stuff ===============================
;; (use-flags wm font-icons cursor-type
;; exec-path-from-shell golang
@ -163,5 +174,9 @@
(set-face-attribute 'region nil :background "#888")
(provide '.fg42)
;;; .fg42.v3.el ends here
;; ============== MY STUFF ==============================
(provide 'fg42.user.v3)
;;; fg42.user.v3.el ends here

Voir le fichier

@ -29,9 +29,29 @@
(require 'fg42/cube)
(defcube fg42/diff-hl-cube
"This cube highlights changes to the current buffer in respect to the
VC status of the file. For example if you're using *git* in your project
and you've made some changes to the current buffer that are not commited
yet it will highlihgt them for you.
For more info check out [[][diff-hl]] 's page."
(:title "Diff Highlight Cube"
:flag diff-hl
:flag-default t)
(fpkg/use diff-hl
(when-flag git
(add-hook 'magit-pre-refresh-hook 'diff-hl-magit-pre-refresh)
(add-hook 'magit-post-refresh-hook 'diff-hl-magit-post-refresh))
(defcube fg42/git-cube
"Git cube"
(:title "cubes/fg42/"
"This cube integrates *git* into *FG42*."
(:title "Git Cube"
:flag git
:flag-default t)
@ -40,7 +60,9 @@
(fpkg/use magit-todos
:after magit
:init (require 'magit-todos)))
:init (require 'magit-todos))
(provide 'cubes/git)