cplugin new shape - First test

This commit is contained in:
lxsameer 2011-01-02 20:36:13 +03:30
parent 34f37c68f9
commit e66336773c
2 changed files with 79 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
(defvar shit-map (make-sparse-keymap)
"Default keymap for shit-mode minor mode that hold the global key
binding for shit IDE. each language plugin will have their own minor-mode
binding for Shit IDE. each language plugin will have their own minor-mode
and keymap for their actions."

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@ -16,21 +16,60 @@
;; C project plugin for Shit IDE
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Hooks
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
(defvar shit-cplug-preinit-hook '()
"This hook runs before initializing the Shit c-plugin minor mode."
(defvar shit-cplug-postinit-hook '()
"This hook runs after Shit c-plugin minor mode initialized."
(defvar shit-cplug-prerm--hook '()
"This hook runs before deactivating Shit c-plugin minor mode."
(defvar shit-cplug-postrm-hook '()
"This hook runs after Shit c-plugin minor mode deactivated."
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Keymaps
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
(defvar shit-cplugin-map (make-sparse-keymap)
"Default keymap for Shit c-plugin minor mode that hold the global key
binding for Shit IDE C projects section."
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Groups
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
(defgroup shit-cplugin nil
"This group contains all the optional components of Shit IDE C plugin."
:group 'shit-group
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Functions
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun init-menus () "Draw required menu for C mode"
(define-key global-map [Ctrl-x p c k ] 'kmodule)
(define-key global-map (kbd "\C-x n k") 'kmodule)
(define-key global-map [menu-bar file new-proj cproj kmodule] '("Kernel Module" . kmodule))
(define-key global-map [menu-bar file new-proj cproj separator2] '("--"))
;; (define-key global-map [menu-bar file new-proj cproj separator2] '("--"))
(define-key global-map [Ctrl-x p c n ] 'make-cpp)
(define-key global-map [menu-bar file new-proj cproj cpp-make] '("Make project (C++)" . make-cpp))
; (define-key global-map [Ctrl-x p c n ] 'make-cpp)
;; (define-key global-map [menu-bar file new-proj cproj cpp-make] '("Make project (C++)" . make-cpp))
(define-key global-map [Ctrl-x p c m ] 'make-c)
(define-key global-map [menu-bar file new-proj cproj c-make] '("Make project (C)" . make-c))
;; (define-key global-map [Ctrl-x p c m ] 'make-c)
;; (define-key global-map [menu-bar file new-proj cproj c-make] '("Make project (C)" . make-c))
(define-key global-map [menu-bar file new-proj cproj separator1] '("--"))
(define-key global-map (kbd "\C-x n \C-c") 'generic-cpp)
(define-key shit-map (kbd "\C-x n \C-c") 'generic-cpp)
(define-key global-map [menu-bar file new-proj cproj cppgeneric] '("Generic project (C++)" . generic-cpp))
@ -55,13 +94,6 @@
(defun init-key-bindings ()
"Initialize the required key bindings for C/C++ project."
(define-key global-map (kbd "\C-c \C-c") 'compile)
(defun generic-c () "Create a generic type C project"
@ -83,5 +115,36 @@
(message major-mode)
;; Initializing c menus at the load time
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Minor Modes
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
(define-minor-mode shit-cplugin-mode
"Toggle Shit C plugin mode.
This mode provide C language plugin for Shit IDE."
:lighter " shit-c"
:keymap shit-cplugin-map
:global t
:group 'shit-group
(if shit-cplugin-mode
;; shit-cplugin-mode is not loaded
(let ()
;; before initiazing mode
(run-hooks shit-cplug-preinit-hook)
(define-key shit-cpluging-map (kbd "\C-c \C-c") 'compile)
;; after mode was initialized
(run-hooks shit-cplug-postinit-hook)
;; shit-mode already loaded
(let ()
;; before deactivating mode
(run-hooks shit-cplug-prerm-hook)
;; after deactivating mode
(run-hooks shit-cplug-postrm-hook)