= FG42 Editor :Revision: 1.0.0-alpha3 :Author: Sameer Rahmani (@lxsameer) :Email: :homepage: http://fg42.lxsameer.com :icons: font :iconsfont: font-awesome :sectanchors: true :description: The ultimate Editor for true believers. :toc: macro :toc: left :toclevels: 3 :toc-title: FG42 Documentation :doctype: book :sectnumlevels: 3 :keywords: Emacs, Bundle, Editor, IDE, GNU, Programming :docinfo: shared :type: reference :source-highlighter: coderay :imagesdir: ./images/ ifdef::backend-html5[] image::https://github.com/FG42/FG42/raw/master/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/fg42.png[FG42,align="center"] ++++
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++++ endif::[] --- :sectnums: == What is FG42 *FG42* is a free editor which has built on top of link:https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/[mighty GNU/Emacs] editor. I you're an Emacs user you're going to find FG42 the ultimate editor for an Emacs guru. But if you're not a user of Emacs afraid no more, Your going to enjoy FG42 as well. === Goals I started FG42 out of my personal need and it grew since then. I refactored the whole thing once and came up with a better API for developing it. So my first goal is to share my own tool with other people who showed lots of interest over these years and my second goal is to make in available for people who are not necessarily Emacs users as well. // Getting Started include::getting_started/index.adoc[leveloffset=+1] // Credit - Appendix 1 include::credit.adoc[leveloffset=+1] // Appendix 2 include::appendix/contribute.adoc[leveloffset=+1] // Appendix 3 include::appendix/code_of_conduct.adoc[leveloffset=+1] [colophon] = Colophon The FG42 User Manual (C) 2010-2018 by Sameer Rahmani Created in Asciidoctor, Debian Unstable and FG42 Editor.