How to install KUSO-IDE ----------------------- For use Kuso-IDE follow below step: First you must install some Dependencies for installing KUSO-IDE by the below list: * GNU Emacs Python dependencies ------------------- * pep8 * pyflakes * pychecker * pylint HTML dependencies ----------------- * tidy CSS dependencies ---------------- * python-cssutils (pip install cssutils) second clone Kuso-IDE any where you like on your computer: $ git clone Third install Kuso-IDE with running like: $ ./ Then you will see this question and follow the awnser: Do you want to install Kuso IDE as an stand alone application ([y]/n)? (if you say [y]es you can run KUSO-IDE stand alone.) Enter your full name: YOUR NAME Enter your email address: YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS Where is your workspace directory[~/src/]:~/YOUR WORKSPACE "if you null this option your emacs work with ~/src/ as default workspace" Then you will see this message and your installation completed: Backing up exists .emacs file . . . Copying files . . . Creating ~/.emacs Installation finished. Restart the GNU/Emacs and make sure that all the requirements met Backing up exists .emacs file . . . Copying files . . . Creating ~/.emacs Installation finished. Restart the GNU/Emacs and make sure that all the requirements met. Enjoy it! KUSO-IDE Facilities ------------------- In this version of KUSO-IDE some facilities developed for working better and faster with this IDE like: * Auto Complition with this facility which in KUSO-IDE existent you can complete reserve word and the variables previously written by the user and this Auto Complition available for these programming language : (C , Python , Elisp , Html). * Syntax Checker with this facility there is no worried about syntax error.when you type wrong , this facility highlight your wrong code. * Django mode Django mode is the best of KUSO-IDE facilities , for running this facility use : M-x Django-mode then you can see Django in your menu bar which organized : Management Development server "press f6 buttom for running Django server which equivalent (python runserver) command in shell" Development server Extended "runnig Django server with manual argumant" syncdb "press f7 for synchronized your database" syncdb with Extra option "runnig syncdb with extra parameter" Custom Command "runnig another command of" Project shell C-c s "runnig Django-shell of your project" Check buffer whit pylint "based on pep8 standard check you'r source code and give a rank number to you'r source code quality" Cleanup source tree "cleanup source tree of project" Current word help