
124 lines
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;; Shit - My personal emacs IDE configuration
;; Copyright (C) 2010 Sameer Rahmani <lxsameer@gnu.org>
;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;; project.el - Shit providen API for projects
;; Known licenses - Only free softwares license
;; I do not like users who use non-free licenses
;; TODO: gather a complete list of free software licenses
;; TODO: build a hash variable from licenses
(setq known-licenses '("gpl" "bsd" "cc"))
;; Each project plugin should use this function for initializing a versy
;; basic New Project environment.
(defun new-project () "New project basic function"
;; Project name
(setq project-name (read-string "Project Name: "))
(if (string= project-name "") (error "Project name must not be emty"))
;; Shit IDE use unix-project-name for dealing with project OS activity stuffs
(setq unix-project-name (downcase (replace-regexp-in-string " " "_" project-name)))
;; if specified directory does not exists, shit will make it
(setq project-path (read-directory-name "Project Path: " nil nil nil unix-project-name))
(if (not (file-exists-p project-path))
(mkdir project-path)
(log "Project directory created")
;; TODO: find a way to ask a multi choices question
(setq project-license (read-string "Project License: "))
(if (not (member project-license known-licenses))
(setq project-license nil)
(setq project-author nil)
(setq project-home-page nil)
(setq project-author-email nil)
(setq project-desc nil)
(setq project-author (read-string "Project Author: "))
(setq project-author-email (read-string "Project Author Email: "))
(setq project-home-page (read-string "Home Page: "))
(setq project-desc (read-string "Description: "))
(defun project/render (data)
"Render the data with known context variables and return rendered daa"
(setq data (replace-regexp-in-string "::project::" project-name data))
(setq data (replace-regexp-in-string "::desc::" project-desc data))
(setq data (replace-regexp-in-string "::author::" project-author data))
(setq data (replace-regexp-in-string "::email::" project-author-email data))
(setq data (replace-regexp-in-string "::year::" (format-time-string "%Y") data))
(defun insert-license ()
"Return the prepared license string."
(if project-license
(let (license-data license-file)
(setq license-file (concat TEMPLATESPATH (concat "licenses/" (concat project-license ".tmpl"))))
;; loading template file
(setq license-data (io/read license-file))
;; Rendering template
;; (setq license-data (replace-regexp-in-string "::project::" project-name license-data))
;; (setq license-data (replace-regexp-in-string "::desc::" project-desc license-data))
;; (setq license-data (replace-regexp-in-string "::author::" project-author license-data))
;; (setq license-data (replace-regexp-in-string "::email::" project-author-email license-data))
;; (setq license-data (replace-regexp-in-string "::year::" (format-time-string "%Y") license-data))
(setq license-data (project/render license-data))
(identity license-data)
(let (license-data)
(setq license-data "Put you GOD DAMN, FUCKing license here")
(defun project/render-template (template)
"Render the template and return the rendered template string"
(let (data license-data)
(setq data (io/read template))
(setq data (project/render data))
;; add the license header
(setq license-data (insert-license))
(setq data (replace-regexp-in-string "::license::" license-data data))
(defun project/write-dest-file (FILE DATA)
"Write the rendered DATA to its destenation file in project source tree.
destenation file address created from template FILE name.
FILE : (string) Address of corresponding template
DATA : (string) Rendered data"
(let (curfile destfile)
(setq curfile (split-string FILE "/"))
(setq curfile (car (last curfile)))
(setq curfile (replace-regexp-in-string "__project__" unix-project-name curfile))
(setq curfile (replace-regexp-in-string "\.tmpl" "" curfile))
(setq destfile (concat project-path curfile))
(log destfile)