
339 lines
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;;; elunit.el --- Emacs Lisp Unit Testing framework
;; Copyright (C) 2006 - 2007 Phil Hagelberg
;; Author: Phil Hagelberg
;; URL: http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki/ElUnit
;; Keywords: unit test tdd
;; EmacsWiki: ElUnit
;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.
;; Last-Updated: Fri Nov 16 16:23:06 2007 PST
;; By: Phil Hagelberg
;; Update #: 1
;;; License:
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
;; any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
;;; Commentary:
;; Inspired by regress.el by Wayne Mesard and Tom Breton, Test::Unit
;; by Nathaniel Talbott, and xUnit by Kent Beck
;; ElUnit exists to accomodate test-driven development of Emacs Lisp
;; programs. Tests are divided up into suites. Each test makes a
;; number of assertions to ensure that things are going according to
;; expected.
;; Tests are divided into suites for the purpose of hierarchical
;; structure and hooks. The hierarchy allows suites to belong to
;; suites, in essence creating test trees. The hooks are meant to
;; allow for extra setup that happens once per test, for both before
;; and after it runs.
;; The file `elunit-assertions.el' provides a number of helpful
;; assertions for ensuring that things are going properly. You may use
;; Emacs' built-in `assert' function for checking such things, but the
;; assertions in that file provide much better reporting if you use
;; them. Using `assert-that' is preferred over built-in `assert'.
;;; Todo:
;; * more helper functions, specifically for more functional-test stuff.
;;; Usage:
;; See http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki/ElUnit for discussion and usage.
;; The file `elunit-test.el' contains meta-tests that you may find helpful
;; to refer to as samples.
;; Add the lines:
;; (make-local-variable 'after-save-hook)
;; (add-hook 'after-save-hook (lambda () (elunit "meta-suite")))
;; to the file containing your tests for convenient auto-running.
;;; Code:
(require 'cl)
(require 'compile))
(defstruct test-suite name children tests setup-hook teardown-hook)
(defstruct test name body file line message problem)
(put 'elunit-test-failed 'error-conditions '(failure))
(defvar elunit-default-suite
"Choice to use for default suite to run (gets updated to last suite run).")
(defvar elunit-suites (list (make-test-suite :name 'default-suite))
"A list of every suite that's been defined.")
(defvar elunit-test-count 0)
(defvar elunit-failures nil
"A list of tests that have failed.")
(defvar elunit-done-running-hook nil
"Runs when the tests are finished; passed a total test count and a failure count.")
(defun elunit-clear-suites ()
"Reset the internal suite list."
(setq elunit-suites (list (make-test-suite :name 'default-suite))))
;;; Defining tests
(defmacro* defsuite (suite-name suite-ancestor &key setup-hook teardown-hook)
"Define a suite, which may be hierarchical."
`(let ((suite (make-test-suite :name ',suite-name
:setup-hook ,setup-hook :teardown-hook ,teardown-hook)))
(elunit-delete-suite ',suite-name)
(if ',suite-ancestor
(push suite (test-suite-children (elunit-get-suite ',suite-ancestor))))
(add-to-list 'elunit-suites suite)))
(defun elunit-get-suite (suite)
"Fetch a SUITE by its name."
(if (test-suite-p suite)
(find suite elunit-suites :test (lambda (suite asuite)
(equal suite (test-suite-name asuite))))))
(defun elunit-delete-suite (name)
"Remove a suite named `NAME'."
(setq elunit-suites (remove (elunit-get-suite name) elunit-suites)))
(defmacro deftest (name suite &rest body)
"Define a test `NAME' in `SUITE' with `BODY'."
(search-backward (symbol-name name) nil t)
(let ((line (line-number-at-pos))
(file buffer-file-name)
(suite-sym (gensym)))
`(let ((,suite-sym (elunit-get-suite ',suite)))
;; not a foolproof heuristic to get line number, but good enough.
(elunit-delete-test ',name ,suite-sym)
(push (make-test :name ',name :body (lambda () ,@body)
:file ,file :line ,line)
(test-suite-tests ,suite-sym))))))
(defun elunit-get-test (name suite)
"Return a test given a name and suite."
(if (test-p name) name
(find name (test-suite-tests (elunit-get-suite suite))
:test (lambda (name test) (equal name (test-name test))))))
(defun elunit-delete-test (name suite)
"Delete a test."
(let ((suite (elunit-get-suite suite)))
(setf (test-suite-tests suite)
(delete (elunit-get-test name suite) (test-suite-tests suite)))))
(defun elunit-total-test-count (suite)
"Return the total number of tests in a suite."
(let ((suite (elunit-get-suite suite)))
(if suite
(+ (apply #'+ (elunit-total-test-count (test-suite-children suite)))
(length (test-suite-tests suite))))))
(defun elunit-test-docstring (test)
"Return a test's docstring."
(if (equal (car (test-body test)) 'lambda)
(if (stringp (caddr (test-body test)))
(caddr (test-body test))
;;; Running the tests
(defun elunit (suite)
"Ask for a single suite, run all its tests, and display the results."
(interactive (list (completing-read (concat "Run test suite (default " elunit-default-suite "): " )
(mapcar (lambda (suite) (symbol-name (test-suite-name suite)))
elunit-suites) nil t nil nil elunit-default-suite)))
(setq elunit-default-suite suite)
(setq elunit-test-count 0)
(setq elunit-failures nil)
(with-output-to-temp-buffer "*elunit*"
(switch-to-buffer "*elunit*")
(switch-to-buffer nil)
(princ (concat "Loaded suite: " suite "\n\n"))
(let ((start-time (cadr (current-time))))
(elunit-run-suite (elunit-get-suite (intern suite)))
(princ (format "\n\n%d tests with %d failures in %d seconds."
elunit-test-count (length elunit-failures)
(- (cadr (current-time)) start-time))))
(defun elunit-run-suite (suite)
"Run a suite's tests and children."
(dolist (test (reverse (test-suite-tests suite)))
(if (test-suite-setup-hook suite) (funcall (test-suite-setup-hook suite)))
(elunit-run-test test)
(if (test-suite-teardown-hook suite) (funcall (test-suite-teardown-hook suite))))
(dolist (child-suite (test-suite-children suite))
(elunit-run-suite child-suite))
(run-hook-with-args 'elunit-done-running-hook elunit-test-count (length elunit-failures)))
(defun elunit-run-test (test)
"Run a single test."
(condition-case err
(incf elunit-test-count)
(funcall (test-body test))
(princ "."))
(elunit-failure test err "F"))
(elunit-failure test err "E"))))
(defun elunit-failure (test err output)
"Display and store failure info."
(princ output)
(setf (test-problem test) err)
;; color overlays are GNU-only IIRC
(unless (featurep 'xemacs)
(switch-to-buffer "*elunit*")
(overlay-put (make-overlay (point) (- (point) 1)) 'face '(foreground-color . "red"))
(switch-to-buffer nil))
(setf (test-message test) err)
(push test elunit-failures))
(defun elunit-report-failures ()
"Summarize failures."
(let ((count 0))
(dolist (test elunit-failures)
(incf count)
(princ (format "\n\n%d) %s %s [%s:%s]
Message: %s
Form: %s" count
(if (equal (car (test-problem test)) 'elunit-test-failed)
"Failure:" " Error:")
(test-name test) (test-file test) (test-line test)
(elunit-test-docstring test) (pp-to-string (test-message test))
(pp-to-string (test-body test)))))))
(add-to-list 'compilation-error-regexp-alist '("\\[\\([^\]]*\\):\\([0-9]+\\)\\]" 1 2))
;;; Helper functions
(defmacro with-test-buffer (&rest body)
"Execute BODY in a test buffer named `*elunit-output*'."
(switch-to-buffer "*elunit-output*")
(kill-buffer "*elunit-output*")))
(defun elunit-quiet (suite)
"Run a suite and display results in the minibuffer."
(interactive (list (completing-read (concat "Run test suite (default " elunit-default-suite "): " )
(mapcar (lambda (suite) (symbol-name (test-suite-name suite)))
elunit-suites) nil t nil nil elunit-default-suite)))
(elunit suite))
(message "%d tests with %d failures" elunit-test-count (length elunit-failures)))
;; TODO: font-lock deftest and defsuite
;; do this too? (put 'defsuite 'lisp-indent-function 1)
(defun fail (&rest args)
"Like `error', but reported differently."
(signal 'elunit-test-failed (list (apply 'format args))))
;;; General assertions
;; These are preferred over stuff like (assert (equal [...] because
;; they use the `fail' function, which reports errors nicely.
(defun assert-that (actual)
(unless actual
(fail "%s expected to be non-nil" actual)))
(defun assert-nil (actual)
(when actual
(fail "%s expected to be nil" actual)))
(defun assert-equal (expected actual)
(unless (equal expected actual)
(fail "%s expected to be %s" actual expected)))
(defun assert-not-equal (expected actual)
(when (equal expected actual)
(fail "%s expected to not be %s" actual expected)))
(defun assert-member (elt list)
(unless (member elt list)
(fail "%s expected to include %s" list elt)))
(defun assert-match (regex string)
(unless (string-match regex string)
(fail "%s expected to match %s" string regex)))
(defmacro assert-error (&rest body)
`(condition-case err
(fail "%s expected to signal an error" body))
(error t)))
(defmacro assert-changed (form &rest body)
`(assert-not-equal (eval ,form)
(eval ,form))))
(defmacro assert-not-changed (form &rest body)
`(assert-equal (eval ,form)
(eval ,form))))
;; Buffer-specific assertions
(defun assert-in-buffer (target &optional buffer)
(if buffer (switch-to-buffer buffer))
(goto-char (point-min))
(unless (search-forward target nil t)
(fail "%s expected to be found in buffer %s" target buffer))))
(defun assert-background (target face &optional buffer)
(if buffer (switch-to-buffer buffer))
(goto-char (point-min))
(unless (search-forward target nil t)
(fail "%s expected to be found in buffer %s" target buffer))
(unless (equal (face (get-text-property (point) 'background)))
(fail "%s expected to be displayed with face %s" target face))))
(defun assert-overlay (pos)
(unless (overlays-at pos)
(fail "Expected overlay at position %d" pos)))
(defun assert-no-overlay (pos)
(if (overlays-at pos)
(fail "Expected no overlay at position %d" pos)))
(provide 'elunit)
;;; elunit.el ends here