
1579 lines
66 KiB

;;; ert.el --- Emacs Lisp Regression Testing
;; Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Christian M. Ohler
;; Author: Christian M. Ohler
;; Version: 0.2
;; Keywords: lisp, tools
;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.
;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
;; License, or (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see `http://www.gnu.org/licenses/'.
;;; Commentary:
;; ERT is a tool for automated testing in Emacs Lisp. Its main
;; features are facilities for defining and running test cases and
;; reporting the results as well as for debugging test failures
;; interactively.
;; See the manual distributed with ERT as well as the docstrings for
;; more details. To compile the manual, run `makeinfo ert.texinfo' in
;; the ERT directory, then C-u M-x info ert.info in Emacs to view it.
;; ERT ships with self-tests in the file ert-selftests.el. These are
;; good examples of how tests should be written.
;;; Code:
(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
(require 'ewoc)
(require 'find-func)
(require 'debug)
(defvar ert-debug-on-error nil
"Non-nil means enter debugger when a test fails or terminates with an error.")
;;; Defining and locating tests.
;; The data structure that represents a test case.
(defstruct ert-test
(name nil)
(documentation nil)
(body (assert nil))
(most-recent-result nil)
(expected-result-type 'ert-test-passed))
(defun ert-test-boundp (symbol)
"Return non-nil if SYMBOL names a test."
(and (get symbol 'ert-test) t))
(defun ert-get-test (symbol)
"If SYMBOL names a test, return that. Signal an error otherwise."
(assert (ert-test-boundp symbol) t)
(get symbol 'ert-test))
(defun ert-set-test (symbol definition)
"Make SYMBOL name the test DEFINITION, and return DEFINITION."
(put symbol 'ert-test definition)
(defun ert-make-test-unbound (symbol)
"Make SYMBOL name no test. Return SYMBOL."
(remprop symbol 'ert-test)
(defun ert-test-result-expected-p (test result)
"Return non-nil if RESULT matches the expected result type for TEST."
(typep result (ert-test-expected-result-type test)))
(defvar ert-find-test-regexp
(concat "^\\s-*(ert-deftest"
"The regexp the `find-function' mechanisms use for locating test definitions.")
(defun ert-parse-keys-and-body (keys-and-body)
"Split KEYS-AND-BODY into keyword-and-value pairs and the remaining body.
KEYS-AND-BODY should have the form of a property list, with the
exception that only keywords are permitted as keys and that the
tail -- the body -- is a list of forms that does not start with a
Returns a two-element list containing the keys-and-values plist
and the body."
(let ((extracted-key-accu '())
(remaining keys-and-body))
(while (and (consp remaining) (keywordp (first remaining)))
(let ((keyword (pop remaining)))
(unless (consp remaining)
(error "Value expected after keyword %S in %S"
keyword keys-and-body))
(when (assoc keyword extracted-key-accu)
(warn "Keyword %S appears more than once in %S" keyword
(push (cons keyword (pop remaining)) extracted-key-accu)))
(setq extracted-key-accu (nreverse extracted-key-accu))
(list (loop for (key . value) in extracted-key-accu
collect key
collect value)
(defmacro* ert-deftest (name () &body keys-and-body)
"Define NAME (a symbol) as a test.
\(fn NAME () [:documentation DOCSTRING] [:expected-result TYPE] BODY...)"
(declare (debug (&define :name test name sexp
[&optional [":documentation" stringp]]
[&optional [":expected-result" sexp]]
(destructuring-bind ((&key (expected-result nil expected-result-supplied-p)
(documentation nil documentation-supplied-p))
(ert-parse-keys-and-body keys-and-body)
(ert-set-test ',name
:name ',name
:body (lambda () ,@body)
,@(when expected-result-supplied-p
`(:expected-result-type ,expected-result))
,@(when documentation-supplied-p
`(:documentation ,documentation))))
;; This hack allows `symbol-file' to associate `ert-deftest'
;; forms with files, and therefore enables `find-function' to
;; work with tests. However, it leads to warnings in
;; `unload-feature', which doesn't know how to undefine tests
;; and has no mechanism for extension.
(push '(ert-deftest . ,name) current-load-list)
(defun ert-read-test-name (prompt &optional default-value history)
"Read the name of a test and return it as a symbol.
Prompt with PROMPT. By default, return DEFAULT-VALUE."
(when (symbolp default-value) (setq default-value (symbol-name default-value)))
(intern (completing-read prompt obarray #'ert-test-boundp
t nil history default-value nil)))
(defun ert-find-test-other-window (test-name)
"Find, in another window, the definition of TEST-NAME."
(interactive (list (ert-read-test-name "Find test definition: ")))
(find-function-do-it test-name 'ert-deftest 'switch-to-buffer-other-window))
(defun ert-delete-test (test-name)
"An interactive interface to `ert-make-test-unbound'."
(interactive (list (let ((default (thing-at-point 'symbol)))
(when default
(set-text-properties 0 (length default) nil default)
(when (or (string= default "nil") (intern-soft default))
(setq default (intern default)))
(unless (ert-test-boundp default)
(setq default nil)))
(completing-read (if (null default)
"Delete test: "
(format "Delete test (default %s): "
obarray #'ert-test-boundp
nil nil default nil))))
(ert-make-test-unbound test-name))
(defun ert-delete-all-tests ()
"Make all symbols in `obarray' name no test."
(when (interactive-p)
(unless (y-or-n-p "Delete all tests? ")
(error "Aborted")))
(mapc #'ert-delete-test (mapcar #'ert-test-name (ert-select-tests t t)))
;;; Test selectors.
(defun ert-select-tests (selector universe)
"Select, from UNIVERSE, a set of tests according to SELECTOR.
UNIVERSE should be a list of tests, or t, which refers to all
tests named by symbols in `obarray'.
Returns the set of tests as a list.
Valid selectors:
nil -- Selects the empty set.
t -- Selects UNIVERSE.
:new -- Selects all tests that have not been run yet.
:failed, :passed, :error -- Select tests according to their most recent result.
:expected, :unexpected -- Select tests according to their most recent result.
a string -- Selects all tests that have a name that matches the string, a regexp.
a test -- Selects that test.
a symbol -- Selects the test that the symbol names, errors if none.
\(member TESTS...\) -- Selects TESTS, a list of tests or symbols naming tests.
\(eql TEST\) -- Selects TEST, a test or a symbol naming a test.
\(and SELECTORS...\) -- Selects the tests that match all SELECTORS.
\(or SELECTORS...\) -- Selects the tests that match any SELECTOR.
\(not SELECTOR\) -- Selects all tests that do not match SELECTOR.
\(satisfies PREDICATE\) -- Selects all tests that satisfy PREDICATE.
Only selectors that require a superset of tests, such
as (satisfies ...), strings, :new, etc. make use of UNIVERSE.
Selectors that do not, such as \(member ...\), just return the
set implied by them without checking whether it is really
contained in UNIVERSE."
;; This code needs to match the etypecase in
;; `ert-insert-human-readable-selector'.
(etypecase selector
((member nil) nil)
((member t) (etypecase universe
(list universe)
((member t) (ert-select-tests "" universe))))
((member :new) (ert-select-tests
`(satisfies ,(lambda (test)
(typep (ert-test-most-recent-result test)
((member :failed) (ert-select-tests
`(satisfies ,(lambda (test)
(typep (ert-test-most-recent-result test)
((member :passed) (ert-select-tests
`(satisfies ,(lambda (test)
(typep (ert-test-most-recent-result test)
((member :error) (ert-select-tests
`(satisfies ,(lambda (test)
(typep (ert-test-most-recent-result test)
((member :expected) (ert-select-tests
,(lambda (test)
(ert-test-most-recent-result test))))
((member :unexpected) (ert-select-tests `(not :expected) universe))
(etypecase universe
((member t) (mapcar #'ert-get-test
(apropos-internal selector #'ert-test-boundp)))
(list (remove-if-not (lambda (test)
(and (ert-test-name test)
(string-match selector (ert-test-name test))))
(ert-test (list selector))
(assert (ert-test-boundp selector))
(list (ert-get-test selector)))
(destructuring-bind (operator &rest operands) selector
(ecase operator
(mapcar (lambda (purported-test)
(etypecase purported-test
(symbol (assert (ert-test-boundp purported-test))
(ert-get-test purported-test))
(ert-test purported-test)))
(assert (eql (length operands) 1))
(ert-select-tests `(member ,@operands) universe))
;; Do these definitions of AND, NOT and OR satisfy de
;; Morgan's rules? Should they?
(case (length operands)
(0 (ert-select-tests 't universe))
(t (ert-select-tests `(and ,@(rest operands))
(ert-select-tests (first operands) universe)))))
(assert (eql (length operands) 1))
(set-difference (ert-select-tests 't universe)
(ert-select-tests (first operands) universe)))
(case (length operands)
(0 (ert-select-tests 'nil universe))
(t (union (ert-select-tests (first operands) universe)
(ert-select-tests `(or ,@(rest operands)) universe)))))
(assert (eql (length operands) 1))
(remove-if-not (first operands) (ert-select-tests 't universe))))))))
(defun ert-insert-human-readable-selector (selector)
"Insert a human-readable presentation of SELECTOR into the current buffer."
;; This is needed to avoid printing the (huge) contents of the
;; `backtrace' slot of the result objects in the
;; `most-recent-result' slots of test case objects in (eql ...) or
;; (member ...) selectors.
(labels ((rec (selector)
;; This code needs to match the etypecase in `ert-select-tests'.
(etypecase selector
((or (member nil t
:new :failed :passed :error
:expected :unexpected)
(if (ert-test-name selector)
(make-symbol (format "<%S>" (ert-test-name selector)))
(make-symbol "<unnamed test>")))
(destructuring-bind (operator &rest operands) selector
(ecase operator
((member eql and not or)
`(,operator ,@(mapcar #'rec operands)))
(insert (format "%S" (rec selector)))))
;;; Running tests.
(put 'ert-test-failed 'error-conditions '(error ert-test-failed))
(put 'ert-test-failed 'error-message "Test failed")
(defun ert-pass ()
"Terminate the current test and mark it passed. Does not return."
(throw 'ert-pass nil))
(defun ert-fail (data)
"Terminate the current test and mark it failed. Does not return.
DATA is displayed to the user and should state the reason of the failure."
(signal 'ert-test-failed (list data)))
;; The data structures that represent the result of running a test.
(defstruct ert-test-result
(messages nil))
(defstruct (ert-test-passed (:include ert-test-result)))
(defstruct (ert-test-result-with-condition (:include ert-test-result))
(condition (assert nil))
(backtrace (assert nil)))
(defstruct (ert-test-error (:include ert-test-result-with-condition)))
(defstruct (ert-test-quit (:include ert-test-result-with-condition)))
(defstruct (ert-test-failed (:include ert-test-result-with-condition)))
(defstruct (ert-test-aborted-with-non-local-exit (:include ert-test-result)))
(defun ert-record-backtrace ()
"Record the current backtrace (as a list) and return it."
;; Since the backtrace is stored in the result object, result
;; objects must only be printed with appropriate limits
;; (`print-level' and `print-length') in place. For interactive
;; use, the cost of ensuring this possibly outweighs the advantage
;; of storing the backtrace for
;; `ert-results-pop-to-backtrace-for-test-at-point' given that we
;; already have `ert-results-rerun-test-debugging-errors-at-point'.
;; For batch use, however, printing the backtrace may be useful.
;; 6 is the number of frames our own debugger adds (when
;; compiled; more when interpreted). FIXME: Need to describe a
;; procedure for determining this constant.
for i from 6
for frame = (backtrace-frame i)
while frame
collect frame))
;; A container for the state of the execution of a single test and
;; environment data needed during its execution.
(defstruct ert-test-execution-info
(test (assert nil))
(result (assert nil))
;; A thunk that may be called when RESULT has been set to its final
;; value and test execution should be terminated. Should not
;; return.
(exit-continuation (assert nil))
;; The binding of `debugger' outside of the execution of the test.
;; The binding of `ert-debug-on-error' that is in effect for the
;; execution of the current test. We store it to avoid being
;; affected by any new bindings the test itself may establish. (I
;; don't remember whether this feature is important.)
(defun ert-run-test-debugger (info debugger-args)
"The function that `debugger' is bound to during the execution of tests.
Records failures and errors and either terminates the test
silently or calls the interactive debugger, as appropriate."
(destructuring-bind (first-debugger-arg &rest more-debugger-args) debugger-args
(ecase first-debugger-arg
((lambda debug t exit nil)
(apply (ert-test-execution-info-next-debugger info) debugger-args))
(let* ((condition (first more-debugger-args))
(type (case (car condition)
((quit) 'quit)
((ert-test-failed) 'failed)
(otherwise 'error)))
(backtrace (ert-record-backtrace)))
(setf (ert-test-execution-info-result info)
(ecase type
(make-ert-test-quit :condition condition
:backtrace backtrace))
(make-ert-test-failed :condition condition
:backtrace backtrace))
(make-ert-test-error :condition condition
:backtrace backtrace))))
;; Work around Emacs' heuristic (in eval.c) for detecting
;; errors in the debugger.
(incf num-nonmacro-input-events)
;; FIXME: We should probably implement more fine-grained
;; control a la non-t `debug-on-error' here.
((ert-test-execution-info-ert-debug-on-error info)
(apply (ert-test-execution-info-next-debugger info) debugger-args))
(funcall (ert-test-execution-info-exit-continuation info)))))))
(defun ert-run-test-internal (ert-test-execution-info)
(lexical-let ((info ert-test-execution-info))
(setf (ert-test-execution-info-next-debugger info) debugger
(ert-test-execution-info-ert-debug-on-error info) ert-debug-on-error)
(catch 'ert-pass
;; For now, each test gets its own temp buffer and its own
;; window excursion, just to be safe. If this turns out to be
;; too expensive, we can remove it.
(let ((debugger (lambda (&rest debugger-args)
(ert-run-test-debugger info debugger-args)))
(debug-on-error t)
(debug-on-quit t)
;; FIXME: Do we need to store the old binding of this
;; and consider it in `ert-run-test-debugger'?
(debug-ignored-errors nil))
(funcall (ert-test-body (ert-test-execution-info-test info))))))
(setf (ert-test-execution-info-result info) (make-ert-test-passed)))
(defun ert-make-marker-in-messages-buffer ()
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Messages*")
(set-marker (make-marker) (point-max))))
(defun ert-force-message-log-buffer-truncation ()
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Messages*")
;; This is a reimplementation of this part of message_dolog() in xdisp.c:
;; if (NATNUMP (Vmessage_log_max))
;; {
;; scan_newline (Z, Z_BYTE, BEG, BEG_BYTE,
;; -XFASTINT (Vmessage_log_max) - 1, 0);
;; del_range_both (BEG, BEG_BYTE, PT, PT_BYTE, 0);
;; }
(when (and (integerp message-log-max) (>= message-log-max 0))
(let ((begin (point-min))
(end (save-excursion
(goto-char (point-max))
(forward-line (- message-log-max))
(delete-region begin end)))))
(defun ert-run-test (test)
"Run TEST. Return the result and store it in TEST's `most-recent-result' slot."
(setf (ert-test-most-recent-result test) nil)
(block error
(lexical-let* ((begin-marker (ert-make-marker-in-messages-buffer))
(info (make-ert-test-execution-info
:test test
:result (make-ert-test-aborted-with-non-local-exit)
:exit-continuation (lambda ()
(return-from error nil)))))
(let ((message-log-max t))
(ert-run-test-internal info))
(let ((result (ert-test-execution-info-result info)))
(setf (ert-test-result-messages result)
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Messages*")
(buffer-substring begin-marker (point-max))))
(setf (ert-test-most-recent-result test) result)))))
(ert-test-most-recent-result test))
;;; The `should' macros.
(defun ert-special-operator-p (thing)
"Return non-nil if THING is a symbol naming a special operator."
(and (symbolp thing)
(let ((definition (indirect-function thing t)))
(and (subrp definition)
(eql (cdr (subr-arity definition)) 'unevalled)))))
(defun ert-expand-should (whole form env inner-expander)
"Helper function for the `should' macro and its variants.
Analyzes FORM and produces an expression that has the same
semantics under evaluation but records additional debugging
information. INNER-EXPANDER adds the actual checks specific to
the particular variant of `should'."
(let ((form (macroexpand form env)))
;; It's sort of a wart that `inner-expander' can't influence the
;; value the expansion returns.
((atom form)
(funcall inner-expander form `(list ',whole :form ',form :value ,form)))
((ert-special-operator-p (car form))
(let ((value (gensym "value-")))
`(let ((,value (make-symbol "ert-form-evaluation-aborted")))
,(funcall inner-expander
`(setq ,value ,form)
`(list ',whole :form ',form :value ,value))
(let ((fn-name (car form))
(arg-forms (cdr form)))
(assert (or (symbolp fn-name)
(and (consp fn-name)
(eql (car fn-name) 'lambda)
(listp (cdr fn-name)))))
(let ((fn (gensym "fn-"))
(args (gensym "args-"))
(value (gensym "value-"))
(default-value (gensym "ert-form-evaluation-aborted-")))
`(let ((,fn (function ,fn-name))
(,args (list ,@arg-forms)))
(let ((,value ',default-value))
,(funcall inner-expander
`(setq ,value (apply ,fn ,args))
`(nconc (list ',whole)
(list :form `(,,fn ,@,args))
(unless (eql ,value ',default-value)
(list :value ,value))
(let ((-explainer-
(and (symbolp ',fn-name)
(get ',fn-name
(when -explainer-
(list :explanation
(apply -explainer- ,args))))))
(defmacro* should (form &environment env)
"Evaluate FORM. If it returns nil, abort the current test as failed.
Returns the value of FORM."
(ert-expand-should `(should ,form) form env
(lambda (inner-form form-description-form)
`(unless ,inner-form
(ert-fail ,form-description-form)))))
(defmacro* should-not (form &environment env)
"Evaluate FORM. If it returns non-nil, abort the current test as failed.
Returns nil."
(ert-expand-should `(should-not ,form) form env
(lambda (inner-form form-description-form)
`(unless (not ,inner-form)
(ert-fail ,form-description-form)))))
(defun ert-should-error-handle-error (form-description-fn
condition type exclude-subtypes test)
"Helper function for `should-error'.
Determines whether CONDITION matches TYPE, EXCLUDE-SUBTYPES and
TEST, and aborts the current test as failed if it doesn't."
(let ((signalled-conditions (get (car condition) 'error-conditions))
(handled-conditions (etypecase type
(list type)
(symbol (list type)))))
(assert signalled-conditions)
(unless (intersection signalled-conditions handled-conditions)
(ert-fail (append
(funcall form-description-fn)
:condition condition
:fail-reason (concat "the error signalled did not"
" have the expected type")))))
(when exclude-subtypes
(unless (member (car condition) handled-conditions)
(ert-fail (append
(funcall form-description-fn)
:condition condition
:fail-reason (concat "the error signalled was a subtype"
" of the expected type"))))))
(unless (funcall test condition)
(ert-fail (append
(funcall form-description-fn)
:condition condition
:fail-reason "the error signalled did not pass the test"))))))
;; FIXME: The expansion will evaluate the keyword args (if any) in
;; nonstandard order.
(defmacro* should-error (form &rest keys &key type exclude-subtypes test
&environment env)
"Evaluate FORM. Unless it signals an error, abort the current test as failed.
The error signalled additionally needs to match TYPE and satisfy
TEST. TYPE should be a condition name or a list of condition
names. If EXCLUDE-SUBTYPES is nil, the error matches TYPE if one
of its condition names is an element of TYPE. If
EXCLUDE-SUBTYPES is non-nil, the error matches TYPE if it is an
element of TYPE. TEST should be a predicate."
;; Returns a gensym named `ert-form-evaluation-aborted-XXX', but
;; that's a wart, so let's not document it.
(unless type (setq type ''error))
(unless test (setq test '(lambda (condition) t)))
`(should-error ,form ,@keys)
form env
(lambda (inner-form form-description-form)
(let ((errorp (gensym "errorp"))
(form-description-fn (gensym "form-description-fn-")))
`(let ((,errorp nil)
(,form-description-fn (lambda () ,form-description-form)))
(condition-case -condition-
;; We can't use ,type here because we want to evaluate it.
(setq ,errorp t)
(ert-should-error-handle-error ,form-description-fn
,type ,exclude-subtypes ,test)))
;; It would make sense to have the `should-error' form
;; return the error in this case, but `ert-expand-should'
;; doesn't allow that at the moment.
(unless ,errorp
(ert-fail (append
(funcall ,form-description-fn)
:fail-reason "did not signal an error")))))))))
;;; Explanation of `should' failures.
(defun ert-proper-list-p (x)
"Return non-nil if X is a proper list, nil otherwise."
for firstp = t then nil
for fast = x then (cddr fast)
for slow = x then (cdr slow) do
(when (null fast) (return t))
(when (not (consp fast)) (return nil))
(when (null (cdr fast)) (return t))
(when (not (consp (cdr fast))) (return nil))
(when (and (not firstp) (eq fast slow)) (return nil))))
(defun ert-explain-not-equal (a b)
"Return a programmer-readable explanation of why A and B are not `equal'.
Returns nil if they are equal."
(if (not (equal (type-of a) (type-of b)))
`(different-types ,a ,b)
(etypecase a
(let ((a-proper-p (ert-proper-list-p a))
(b-proper-p (ert-proper-list-p b)))
(if (not (eql (not a-proper-p) (not b-proper-p)))
`(one-list-proper-one-improper ,a ,b)
(if a-proper-p
(if (not (equal (length a) (length b)))
;; This would be even more helpful if it showed
;; something like what `set-difference' would
;; return.
`(proper-lists-of-different-length ,a ,b)
(loop for i from 0
for ai in a
for bi in b
for xi = (ert-explain-not-equal ai bi)
do (when xi (return `(list-elt ,i ,xi)))))
(let ((car-x (ert-explain-not-equal (car a) (car b))))
(if car-x
`(car ,car-x)
(let ((cdr-x (ert-explain-not-equal (cdr a) (cdr b))))
(if cdr-x
`(cdr ,cdr-x))
(array (if (not (equal (length a) (length b)))
`(arrays-of-different-length ,a ,b)
(loop for i from 0
for ai across a
for bi across b
for xi = (ert-explain-not-equal ai bi)
do (when xi (return `(array-elt ,i ,xi))))))
(atom (if (not (equal a b))
`(different-atoms ,a ,b)
(put 'equal 'ert-explainer 'ert-explain-not-equal)
;;; Results display.
;; The data structure that contains the set of tests being executed
;; during one particular test run, their results, the state of the
;; execution, and some statistics.
;; The data about results and expected results of tests may seem
;; redundant here, since the test objects also carry such information.
;; However, the information in the test objects may be more recent, it
;; may correspond to a different test run. We need the information
;; that corresponds to this run in order to be able to update the
;; statistics correctly when a test is re-run interactively and has a
;; different result than before.
(defstruct ert-stats
(selector (assert nil))
;; The tests, in order.
(tests (assert nil) :type vector)
;; A map of test names (or the test objects themselves for unnamed
;; tests) to indices into the `tests' vector.
(test-map (assert nil) :type hash-table)
;; The results of the tests during this run, in order.
(test-results (assert nil) :type vector)
;; The expected result types of the tests, in order.
(test-results-expected (assert nil) :type vector)
(total (assert nil))
(passed-expected 0)
(passed-unexpected 0)
(failed-expected 0)
(failed-unexpected 0)
(error-expected 0)
(error-unexpected 0)
(start-time (assert nil))
(end-time nil)
(aborted-p nil)
(current-test nil))
;; An entry in the results buffer ewoc. There is one entry per test.
(defstruct ert-ewoc-entry
(test (assert nil))
(result nil)
;; If the result of this test was expected, its ewoc entry is hidden
;; initially.
(hidden-p (assert nil))
;; An ewoc entry may be collapsed to hide details such as the error
;; condition.
;; I'm not sure the ability to expand and collapse entries is still
;; a useful feature.
(expanded-p t)
;; By default, the ewoc entry presents the error condition with
;; certain limits on how much to print (`print-level',
;; `print-length'). The user can interactively switch to a set of
;; higher limits.
(extended-printer-limits-p nil))
;; Variables local to the results buffer.
;; The ewoc.
(defvar ert-results-ewoc)
;; The stats object.
(defvar ert-results-stats)
;; A string with one character per test. Each character represents
;; the result of the corresponding test. The string is displayed near
;; the top of the buffer and serves as a progress bar.
(defvar ert-results-progress-bar-string)
;; The position where the progress bar button begins.
(defvar ert-results-progress-bar-button-begin)
;; The test result listener that updates the buffer when tests are run.
(defvar ert-results-listener)
;; The same as `ert-results-stats', but dynamically bound. Used for
;; the mode line progress indicator.
(defvar ert-current-run-stats nil)
(defun ert-format-time-iso8601 (time)
"Format TIME in the particular variant of ISO 8601 used for timestamps in ERT."
(format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d %T%z" time))
(defun ert-insert-test-name-button (test-name)
(insert-text-button (format "%S" test-name)
:type 'ert-test-name-button
'ert-test-name test-name))
(defun ert-results-update-ewoc-hf (ewoc stats)
"Update the header and footer of EWOC to show certain information from STATS.
Also sets `ert-results-progress-bar-button-begin'."
(let ((run-count (+ (ert-stats-passed-expected stats)
(ert-stats-passed-unexpected stats)
(ert-stats-failed-expected stats)
(ert-stats-failed-unexpected stats)
(ert-stats-error-expected stats)
(ert-stats-error-unexpected stats)))
(results-buffer (current-buffer)))
;; header
(insert "Selector: ")
(ert-insert-human-readable-selector (ert-stats-selector stats))
(insert "\n")
(format (concat "Passed: %s (%s unexpected)\n"
"Failed: %s (%s unexpected)\n"
"Error: %s (%s unexpected)\n"
"Total: %s/%s\n\n")
(+ (ert-stats-passed-expected stats)
(ert-stats-passed-unexpected stats))
(ert-stats-passed-unexpected stats)
(+ (ert-stats-failed-expected stats)
(ert-stats-failed-unexpected stats))
(ert-stats-failed-unexpected stats)
(+ (ert-stats-error-expected stats)
(ert-stats-error-unexpected stats))
(ert-stats-error-unexpected stats)
(ert-stats-total stats)))
(format "Started at: %s\n"
(ert-format-time-iso8601 (ert-stats-start-time stats))))
;; FIXME: This is ugly. Need to properly define invariants of
;; the `stats' data structure.
(let ((state (cond ((ert-stats-aborted-p stats)
((ert-stats-current-test stats)
((ert-stats-end-time stats)
(ecase state
(insert ""))
(cond ((ert-stats-current-test stats)
(insert "Aborted during test: ")
(ert-test-name (ert-stats-current-test stats))))
(insert "Aborted."))))
(assert (ert-stats-current-test stats))
(insert "Running test: ")
(ert-insert-test-name-button (ert-test-name
(ert-stats-current-test stats))))
(assert (not (ert-stats-current-test stats)))
(insert "Finished.")))
(insert "\n")
(if (ert-stats-end-time stats)
(format "%s%s\n"
(if (ert-stats-aborted-p stats)
"Aborted at: "
"Finished at: ")
(ert-format-time-iso8601 (ert-stats-end-time stats))))
(insert "\n"))
(insert "\n"))
(let ((progress-bar-string (with-current-buffer results-buffer
(let ((progress-bar-button-begin
(insert-text-button (substring progress-bar-string 0 run-count)
:type 'ert-results-progress-bar-button)))
(with-current-buffer results-buffer
(set (make-local-variable 'ert-results-progress-bar-button-begin)
(insert (substring progress-bar-string run-count)))
(insert "\n\n")
;; footer
;; We actually want an empty footer, but that would trigger a bug
;; in ewoc, sometimes clearing the entire buffer.
(defun ert-results-update-stats-display (ewoc stats)
"Update EWOC and the mode line to show data from STATS."
(ert-results-update-ewoc-hf ewoc stats)
(redisplay t))
(defun ert-char-for-test-result (result expectedp)
"Return a character that represents the test result RESULT."
(let ((char
(etypecase result
(ert-test-passed ?.)
(ert-test-failed ?f)
(ert-test-error ?e)
(null ?-)
(ert-test-aborted-with-non-local-exit ?a))))
(if expectedp
(upcase char))))
(defun ert-string-for-test-result (result expectedp)
"Return a string that represents the test result RESULT."
(etypecase result
(ert-test-passed "passed")
(ert-test-failed "failed")
(ert-test-error "error")
(null "unknown")
(ert-test-aborted-with-non-local-exit "aborted")))
(defun ert-tests-running-mode-line-indicator ()
(let* ((stats ert-current-run-stats)
(tests-total (ert-stats-total stats))
(tests-completed (+ (ert-stats-passed-expected stats)
(ert-stats-passed-unexpected stats)
(ert-stats-failed-expected stats)
(ert-stats-failed-unexpected stats)
(ert-stats-error-expected stats)
(ert-stats-error-unexpected stats))))
(if (>= tests-completed tests-total)
(format " ERT(%s/%s,finished)" tests-completed tests-total)
(format " ERT(%s/%s):%s"
(1+ tests-completed)
(if (null (ert-stats-current-test stats))
(format "%S"
(ert-test-name (ert-stats-current-test stats))))))))
(defun ert-pp-with-indentation-and-newline (object)
"Pretty-print OBJECT, indenting it to the current column of point.
Ensures a final newline is inserted."
(let ((begin (point)))
(pp object (current-buffer))
(unless (bolp) (insert "\n"))
(goto-char begin)
(defun ert-print-test-for-ewoc (entry)
"The ewoc print function for ewoc test entries."
(let* ((test (ert-ewoc-entry-test entry))
(result (ert-ewoc-entry-result entry))
(hiddenp (ert-ewoc-entry-hidden-p entry))
(expandedp (ert-ewoc-entry-expanded-p entry))
(extended-printer-limits-p (ert-ewoc-entry-extended-printer-limits-p
(cond (hiddenp)
(insert-text-button (format "%c"
(ert-test-result-expected-p test
:type 'ert-results-expand-collapse-button)
(insert " ")
(ert-insert-test-name-button (ert-test-name test))
(insert "\n")
(when (and expandedp (not (eql result 'nil)))
(etypecase result
(insert " passed\n")
(insert ""))
(insert " ")
(let ((print-escape-newlines t)
(print-level (if extended-printer-limits-p 10 5))
(print-length (if extended-printer-limits-p 100 10)))
(let ((begin (point)))
(ert-test-result-with-condition-condition result))
(narrow-to-region begin (point))
;; Inhibit optimization in `debugger-make-xrefs'
;; that sometimes inserts unrelated backtrace
;; info into our buffer.
(let ((debugger-previous-backtrace nil))
(insert " aborted\n")))
(insert "\n")))))
(defun ert-setup-results-buffer (stats listener buffer-name)
"Set up a test results buffer."
(unless buffer-name (setq buffer-name "*ert*"))
(let ((buffer (let ((default-major-mode 'fundamental-mode))
(get-buffer-create buffer-name))))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(setq buffer-read-only t)
(let ((inhibit-read-only t))
(set (make-local-variable 'ert-results-ewoc)
(ewoc-create 'ert-print-test-for-ewoc nil nil t))
(set (make-local-variable 'ert-results-stats) stats)
(set (make-local-variable 'ert-results-progress-bar-string)
(make-string (ert-stats-total stats)
(ert-char-for-test-result nil t)))
(set (make-local-variable 'ert-results-listener) listener)
(ert-results-update-ewoc-hf ert-results-ewoc ert-results-stats)
(goto-char (1- (point-max)))
(defun ert-run-or-rerun-test (stats test listener)
"Run the single test TEST and record the result using STATS and LISTENER."
(let ((ert-current-run-stats stats)
(pos (ert-stats-test-index stats test))
(results (ert-stats-test-results stats))
(expected (ert-stats-test-results-expected stats)))
;; Adjust stats to remove previous result.
(if (aref expected pos)
(etypecase (aref results pos)
(ert-test-passed (decf (ert-stats-passed-expected stats)))
(ert-test-failed (decf (ert-stats-failed-expected stats)))
(ert-test-error (decf (ert-stats-error-expected stats)))
(etypecase (aref results pos)
(ert-test-passed (decf (ert-stats-passed-unexpected stats)))
(ert-test-failed (decf (ert-stats-failed-unexpected stats)))
(ert-test-error (decf (ert-stats-error-unexpected stats)))
(setf (aref results pos) nil)
;; Call listener after setting/before resetting
;; (ert-stats-current-test stats); the listener might refresh the
;; mode line display, and if the value is not set yet/any more
;; during this refresh, the mode line will flicker unnecessarily.
(setf (ert-stats-current-test stats) test)
(funcall listener 'test-started stats test)
(setf (ert-test-most-recent-result test) nil)
(ert-run-test test)
(let* ((result (ert-test-most-recent-result test))
(expectedp (typep result (ert-test-expected-result-type test))))
;; Adjust stats to add new result.
(if expectedp
(etypecase result
(ert-test-passed (incf (ert-stats-passed-expected stats)))
(ert-test-failed (incf (ert-stats-failed-expected stats)))
(ert-test-error (incf (ert-stats-error-expected stats)))
(etypecase result
(ert-test-passed (incf (ert-stats-passed-unexpected stats)))
(ert-test-failed (incf (ert-stats-failed-unexpected stats)))
(ert-test-error (incf (ert-stats-error-unexpected stats)))
(setf (aref results pos) result
(aref expected pos) expectedp)
(funcall listener 'test-ended stats test result))
(setf (ert-stats-current-test stats) nil))))
(defun ert-run-tests (selector listener)
"Run the tests specified by SELECTOR, sending progress updates to LISTENER."
(let* ((tests (coerce (ert-select-tests selector t) 'vector))
(map (let ((map (make-hash-table :size (length tests))))
(loop for i from 0
for test across tests
for key = (or (ert-test-name test) test) do
(assert (not (gethash key map)))
(setf (gethash key map) i))
(stats (make-ert-stats :selector selector
:tests tests
:test-map map
:test-results (make-vector (length tests) nil)
:test-results-expected (make-vector
(length tests) nil)
:total (length tests)
:start-time (current-time))))
(funcall listener 'run-started stats)
(let ((abortedp t))
(let ((ert-current-run-stats stats))
(loop for test across tests do
(ert-run-or-rerun-test stats test listener))
(setq abortedp nil))
(setf (ert-stats-aborted-p stats) abortedp)
(setf (ert-stats-end-time stats) (current-time))
(funcall listener 'run-ended stats abortedp)))
(defun ert-stats-test-index (stats test)
"Return the index of TEST in the run represented by STATS."
(gethash (or (ert-test-name test) test) (ert-stats-test-map stats)))
(defvar ert-selector-history nil
"List of recent test selectors read from terminal.")
;; Should OUTPUT-BUFFER-NAME and MESSAGE-FN really be arguments here?
;; They are needed only for our automated self-tests at the moment.
;; Or should there be some other mechanism?
(defun ert-run-tests-interactively (selector
&optional output-buffer-name message-fn)
"Run the tests specified by SELECTOR and display the results in a buffer."
(list (let ((default (if ert-selector-history
(first ert-selector-history)
(read-from-minibuffer (if (null default)
"Run tests: "
(format "Run tests (default %s): " default))
nil nil t 'ert-selector-history
default nil))
(unless message-fn (setq message-fn 'message))
(lexical-let ((output-buffer-name output-buffer-name)
(message-fn message-fn))
(setq listener
(lambda (event-type &rest event-args)
(ecase event-type
(destructuring-bind (stats) event-args
(setq buffer (ert-setup-results-buffer stats
(pop-to-buffer buffer)))
(destructuring-bind (stats abortedp) event-args
(funcall message-fn
"%sRan %s tests, %s results were as expected%s"
(if (not abortedp)
"Aborted: ")
(ert-stats-total stats)
(+ (ert-stats-passed-expected stats)
(ert-stats-failed-expected stats)
(ert-stats-error-expected stats))
(let ((unexpected
(+ (ert-stats-passed-unexpected stats)
(ert-stats-failed-unexpected stats)
(ert-stats-error-unexpected stats))))
(if (zerop unexpected)
(format ", %s unexpected" unexpected))))
(ert-results-update-stats-display (with-current-buffer buffer
(destructuring-bind (stats test) event-args
(with-current-buffer buffer
(let* ((ewoc ert-results-ewoc)
(pos (ert-stats-test-index stats test))
(node (ewoc-nth ewoc pos)))
(unless node
;; FIXME: How expensive is this assertion?
(assert (or (zerop pos) (ewoc-nth ewoc (1- pos)))
(setq node (ewoc-enter-last
(make-ert-ewoc-entry :test test
:hidden-p t))))
(setf (ert-ewoc-entry-test (ewoc-data node)) test)
(setf (ert-ewoc-entry-result (ewoc-data node)) nil)
(aset ert-results-progress-bar-string pos
(ert-char-for-test-result nil t))
(ert-results-update-stats-display ewoc stats)
(ewoc-invalidate ewoc node)))))
(destructuring-bind (stats test result) event-args
(with-current-buffer buffer
(let* ((ewoc ert-results-ewoc)
(pos (ert-stats-test-index stats test))
(node (ewoc-nth ewoc pos)))
(setf (ert-ewoc-entry-result (ewoc-data node)) result)
(when (ert-ewoc-entry-hidden-p (ewoc-data node))
(setf (ert-ewoc-entry-hidden-p (ewoc-data node))
(ert-test-result-expected-p test result)))
(aset ert-results-progress-bar-string pos
(ert-char-for-test-result result
test result)))
(ert-results-update-stats-display ewoc stats)
(ewoc-invalidate ewoc node))))))))
(defalias 'ert 'ert-run-tests-interactively)
(defvar ert-batch-backtrace-right-margin 70
"*The maximum line length for printing backtraces in `ert-run-tests-batch'.")
(defun ert-run-tests-batch (selector)
"Run the tests specified by SELECTOR, printing results to the terminal.
Returns the stats object."
(lambda (event-type &rest event-args)
(ecase event-type
(destructuring-bind (stats) event-args
(message "Running %s tests (%s)"
(length (ert-stats-tests stats))
(ert-format-time-iso8601 (ert-stats-start-time stats)))))
(destructuring-bind (stats abortedp) event-args
(let ((unexpected (+ (ert-stats-passed-unexpected stats)
(ert-stats-failed-unexpected stats)
(ert-stats-error-unexpected stats))))
(message "\n%sRan %s tests, %s results were as expected%s (%s)\n"
(if (not abortedp)
"Aborted: ")
(ert-stats-total stats)
(+ (ert-stats-passed-expected stats)
(ert-stats-failed-expected stats)
(ert-stats-error-expected stats))
(if (zerop unexpected)
(format ", %s unexpected" unexpected))
(ert-format-time-iso8601 (ert-stats-end-time stats)))
(unless (zerop unexpected)
(message "%s unexpected results:" unexpected)
(loop for test across (ert-stats-tests stats)
for result = (ert-test-most-recent-result test) do
(when (not (ert-test-result-expected-p test result))
(message "%9s %S"
(ert-string-for-test-result result nil)
(ert-test-name test))))
(message "%s" "")))))
(destructuring-bind (stats test result) event-args
(etypecase result
(message "Test %S backtrace:" (ert-test-name test))
(ert-print-backtrace (ert-test-result-with-condition-backtrace result))
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (not (eobp))
(let ((start (point))
(end (progn (end-of-line) (point))))
(setq end (min end
(+ start ert-batch-backtrace-right-margin)))
(message "%s" (buffer-substring-no-properties
start end)))
(forward-line 1)))
(insert " ")
(let ((print-escape-newlines t)
(print-level 5)
(print-length 10))
(let ((begin (point)))
(ert-test-result-with-condition-condition result))))
(goto-char (1- (point-max)))
(assert (looking-at "\n"))
(delete-char 1)
(message "Test %S condition:" (ert-test-name test))
(message "%s" (buffer-string))))
(let* ((max (prin1-to-string (length (ert-stats-tests stats))))
(format-string (concat "%9s %"
(prin1-to-string (length max))
"s/" max " %S")))
(message format-string
(ert-string-for-test-result result
test result))
(1+ (ert-stats-test-index stats test))
(ert-test-name test)))))))))
;;; Commands and button actions for the results buffer.
(define-derived-mode ert-results-mode fundamental-mode "ERT-Results"
"Major mode for viewing results of ERT test runs.")
(loop for (key binding) in
'(("j" ert-results-jump-between-summary-and-result)
("." ert-results-find-test-at-point-other-window)
("r" ert-results-rerun-test-at-point)
("d" ert-results-rerun-test-at-point-debugging-errors)
("b" ert-results-pop-to-backtrace-for-test-at-point)
("m" ert-results-pop-to-messages-for-test-at-point)
("p" ert-results-toggle-printer-limits-for-test-at-point)
("D" ert-delete-test)
("q" quit-window)
([tab] forward-button)
([backtab] backward-button))
(define-key ert-results-mode-map key binding))
(define-button-type 'ert-results-progress-bar-button
'action #'ert-results-progress-bar-button-action
'help-echo "mouse-2, RET: Reveal test result")
(define-button-type 'ert-test-name-button
'action #'ert-test-name-button-action
'help-echo "mouse-2, RET: Find test definition")
(define-button-type 'ert-results-expand-collapse-button
'action #'ert-results-expand-collapse-button-action
'help-echo "mouse-2, RET: Expand/collapse test result")
(defun ert-results-test-node-or-null-at-point ()
"If point is on a valid ewoc node, return it; return nil otherwise.
To be used in the ERT results buffer."
(let* ((ewoc ert-results-ewoc)
(node (ewoc-locate ewoc)))
;; `ewoc-locate' will return an arbitrary node when point is on
;; header or footer, or when all nodes are invisible. So we need
;; to validate its return value here.
(if (and (>= (point) (ewoc-location node))
(not (ert-ewoc-entry-hidden-p (ewoc-data node))))
(defun ert-results-test-node-at-point ()
"If point is on a valid ewoc node, return it; signal an error otherwise.
To be used in the ERT results buffer."
(or (ert-results-test-node-or-null-at-point)
(error "No test at point")))
(defun ert-results-expand-collapse-button-action (button)
"Expand or collapse the test node BUTTON belongs to."
(let* ((ewoc ert-results-ewoc)
(node (save-excursion
(goto-char (ert-button-action-position))
(entry (ewoc-data node)))
(setf (ert-ewoc-entry-expanded-p entry)
(not (ert-ewoc-entry-expanded-p entry)))
(ewoc-invalidate ewoc node)))
(defun ert-results-find-test-at-point-other-window ()
"Find the definition of the test at point in another window.
To be used in the ERT results buffer."
(let* ((node (ert-results-test-node-at-point))
(entry (ewoc-data node))
(test (ert-ewoc-entry-test entry))
(name (ert-test-name test)))
(ert-find-test-other-window name)))
(defun ert-test-name-button-action (button)
"Find the definition of the test BUTTON belongs to, in another window."
(let ((name (button-get button 'ert-test-name)))
(ert-find-test-other-window name)))
(defun ert-ewoc-position (ewoc node)
"Return the position of NODE in EWOC, or nil if NODE is not in EWOC."
(loop for i from 0
for node-here = (ewoc-nth ewoc 0) then (ewoc-next ewoc node-here)
do (when (eql node node-here)
(return i))
finally (return nil)))
(defun ert-results-jump-between-summary-and-result ()
"Jump back and forth between the test run summary and individual test results.
From an ewoc node, jumps to the character that represents the
same test in the progress bar, and vice versa.
To be used in the ERT results buffer."
;; Maybe this command isn't actually needed much, but if it is, it
;; seems like an indication that the UI design is not optimal. If
;; jumping back and forth between a summary at the top of the buffer
;; and the error log in the remainder of the buffer is useful, then
;; the summary apparently needs to be easily accessible from the
;; error log, and perhaps it would be better to have it in a
;; separate buffer to keep it visible.
(let ((ewoc ert-results-ewoc)
(progress-bar-begin ert-results-progress-bar-button-begin))
(cond ((ert-results-test-node-or-null-at-point)
(let* ((node (ert-results-test-node-at-point))
(pos (ert-ewoc-position ewoc node)))
(goto-char (+ progress-bar-begin pos))))
((and (<= progress-bar-begin (point))
(< (point) (button-end (button-at progress-bar-begin))))
(let* ((node (ewoc-nth ewoc (- (point) progress-bar-begin)))
(entry (ewoc-data node)))
(when (ert-ewoc-entry-hidden-p entry)
(setf (ert-ewoc-entry-hidden-p entry) nil)
(ewoc-invalidate ewoc node))
(ewoc-goto-node ewoc node)))
(goto-char progress-bar-begin)))))
(defun ert-button-action-position ()
"The buffer position where the last button action was triggered."
(cond ((integerp last-command-event)
((eventp last-command-event)
(posn-point (event-start last-command-event)))
(t (assert nil))))
(defun ert-results-progress-bar-button-action (button)
"Find the ewoc node that represents the same test as the character clicked on."
(goto-char (ert-button-action-position))
(defun ert-results-rerun-test-at-point ()
"Re-run the test at point.
To be used in the ERT results buffer."
(let* ((ewoc ert-results-ewoc)
(node (ert-results-test-node-at-point))
(entry (ewoc-data node))
(old-test (ert-ewoc-entry-test entry))
(test-name (ert-test-name old-test))
;; FIXME: Write a test for this lookup.
(test (if test-name
(if (ert-test-boundp test-name)
(ert-get-test test-name)
(error "No such test: %S" test-name))
(stats ert-results-stats)
(pos (gethash test (ert-stats-test-map stats)))
(progress-message (format "Running test %S" (ert-test-name test))))
;; Need to save and restore point manually here: When point is on
;; the first visible ewoc entry while the header is updated, point
;; moves to the top of the buffer. This is undesirable, and a
;; simple `save-excursion' doesn't prevent it.
(let ((point (point)))
(message "%s..." progress-message)
(ert-run-or-rerun-test stats test
(ert-results-update-stats-display ewoc stats)
(message "%s...%s"
(let ((result (ert-test-most-recent-result test)))
result (ert-test-result-expected-p test result)))))
(goto-char point)))))
(defun ert-results-rerun-test-at-point-debugging-errors ()
"Re-run the test at point with `ert-debug-on-error' bound to t.
To be used in the ERT results buffer."
(let ((ert-debug-on-error t))
(defun ert-print-backtrace (backtrace)
"Format the backtrace BACKTRACE to the current buffer."
;; This is essentially a reimplementation of Fbacktrace
;; (src/eval.c), but for a saved backtrace, not the current one.
(let ((print-escape-newlines t)
(print-level 8)
(print-length 50))
(dolist (frame backtrace)
(ecase (first frame)
;; Special operator.
(destructuring-bind (special-operator &rest arg-forms)
(cdr frame)
(format " %S\n" (list* special-operator arg-forms)))))
;; Function call.
(destructuring-bind (fn &rest args) (cdr frame)
(insert (format " %S(" fn))
(loop for firstp = t then nil
for arg in args do
(unless firstp
(insert " "))
(insert (format "%S" arg)))
(insert ")\n")))))))
(defun ert-results-pop-to-backtrace-for-test-at-point ()
"Display the backtrace for the test at point.
To be used in the ERT results buffer."
(let* ((node (ert-results-test-node-at-point))
(entry (ewoc-data node))
(test (ert-ewoc-entry-test entry))
(result (ert-ewoc-entry-result entry)))
(etypecase result
(ert-test-passed (error "Test passed, no backtrace available"))
(let ((backtrace (ert-test-result-with-condition-backtrace result))
(let ((default-major-mode 'fundamental-mode))
(get-buffer-create "*ERT Backtrace*"))))
(pop-to-buffer buffer)
(setq buffer-read-only t)
(let ((inhibit-read-only t))
;; Use unibyte because `debugger-setup-buffer' also does so.
(set-buffer-multibyte nil)
(setq truncate-lines t)
(ert-print-backtrace backtrace)
(goto-char (point-min))
(insert "Backtrace for test `")
(ert-insert-test-name-button (ert-test-name test))
(insert "':\n")))))))
(defun ert-results-pop-to-messages-for-test-at-point ()
"Display the part of the *Messages* buffer generated during the test at point.
To be used in the ERT results buffer."
(let* ((node (ert-results-test-node-at-point))
(entry (ewoc-data node))
(test (ert-ewoc-entry-test entry))
(result (ert-ewoc-entry-result entry)))
(let ((buffer
(let ((default-major-mode 'fundamental-mode))
(get-buffer-create "*ERT Messages*"))))
(pop-to-buffer buffer)
(setq buffer-read-only t)
(let ((inhibit-read-only t))
(insert (ert-test-result-messages result))
(goto-char (point-min))
(insert "Messages for test `")
(ert-insert-test-name-button (ert-test-name test))
(insert "':\n")))))
(defun ert-results-toggle-printer-limits-for-test-at-point ()
"Toggle how much of the condition to print for the test at point.
To be used in the ERT results buffer."
(let* ((ewoc ert-results-ewoc)
(node (ert-results-test-node-at-point))
(entry (ewoc-data node)))
(setf (ert-ewoc-entry-extended-printer-limits-p entry)
(not (ert-ewoc-entry-extended-printer-limits-p entry)))
(ewoc-invalidate ewoc node)))
(defun ert-activate-font-lock-keywords ()
'(("(\\(\\<ert-deftest\\)\\>\\s *\\(\\sw+\\)?"
(1 font-lock-keyword-face nil t)
(2 font-lock-function-name-face nil t)))))
(defun* ert-remove-from-list (list-var element &key key test)
"Remove ELEMENT from the value of LIST-VAR if present.
This is an inverse of `add-to-list'."
(unless key (setq key #'identity))
(unless test (setq test #'equal))
(setf (symbol-value list-var)
(remove* element
(symbol-value list-var)
:key key
:test test)))
;;; Actions on load/unload.
(add-to-list 'find-function-regexp-alist '(ert-deftest . ert-find-test-regexp))
(add-to-list 'minor-mode-alist '(ert-current-run-stats
(add-to-list 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'ert-activate-font-lock-keywords)
(put 'ert-deftest 'lisp-indent-function 2)
(defun ert-unload-function ()
(ert-remove-from-list 'find-function-regexp-alist 'ert-deftest :key #'car)
(ert-remove-from-list 'minor-mode-alist 'ert-current-run-stats :key #'car)
(ert-remove-from-list 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'ert-activate-font-lock-keywords)
(put 'ert-deftest 'lisp-indent-function nil)
(defvar ert-unload-hook '())
(add-hook 'ert-unload-hook 'ert-unload-function)
(provide 'ert)
;;; ert.el ends here