
594 lines
24 KiB

;;; ert-selftests.el --- Self-Tests for ERT
;; Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Christian M. Ohler
;; Licensed under the same terms as ERT.
(defvar ert-test-root
(file-name-directory (or (buffer-file-name) load-file-name))
"Location of root used for ert tests.")
(add-to-list 'load-path ert-test-root)
(load "../ert")
(load "../ert-functional")
;;; Self-tests.
;; Test that test bodies are actually run.
(defvar ert-test-body-was-run nil)
(ert-deftest ert-test-body-runs ()
(setq ert-test-body-was-run t))
;; Test that nested test bodies run.
(ert-deftest ert-nested-test-body-runs ()
(lexical-let ((was-run nil))
(let ((test (make-ert-test :body (lambda ()
(setq was-run t)))))
(assert (not was-run))
(ert-run-test test)
(assert was-run))))
;; Test that pass/fail works.
(ert-deftest ert-test-pass ()
(let ((test (make-ert-test :body (lambda ()))))
(let ((result (ert-run-test test)))
(assert (typep result 'ert-test-passed)))))
(ert-deftest ert-test-fail ()
(let ((test (make-ert-test :body (lambda () (ert-fail "failure message")))))
(let ((result (let ((ert-debug-on-error nil))
(ert-run-test test))))
(assert (typep result 'ert-test-failed) t)
(assert (equal (ert-test-result-with-condition-condition result)
'(ert-test-failed "failure message"))
(ert-deftest ert-test-fail-debug-with-condition-case ()
(let ((test (make-ert-test :body (lambda () (ert-fail "failure message")))))
(condition-case condition
(let ((ert-debug-on-error t))
(ert-run-test test))
(assert nil))
(assert (equal condition '(ert-test-failed "failure message")) t)))))
(ert-deftest ert-test-fail-debug-with-debugger-1 ()
(let ((test (make-ert-test :body (lambda () (ert-fail "failure message")))))
(let ((debugger (lambda (&rest debugger-args)
(assert nil))))
(let ((ert-debug-on-error nil))
(ert-run-test test)))))
(ert-deftest ert-test-fail-debug-with-debugger-2 ()
(let ((test (make-ert-test :body (lambda () (ert-fail "failure message")))))
(block nil
(let ((debugger (lambda (&rest debugger-args)
(return-from nil nil))))
(let ((ert-debug-on-error t))
(ert-run-test test))
(assert nil)))))
(ert-deftest ert-test-fail-debug-nested-with-debugger ()
(let ((test (make-ert-test :body (lambda ()
(let ((ert-debug-on-error t))
(ert-fail "failure message"))))))
(let ((debugger (lambda (&rest debugger-args)
(assert nil nil "Assertion a"))))
(let ((ert-debug-on-error nil))
(ert-run-test test))))
(let ((test (make-ert-test :body (lambda ()
(let ((ert-debug-on-error nil))
(ert-fail "failure message"))))))
(block nil
(let ((debugger (lambda (&rest debugger-args)
(return-from nil nil))))
(let ((ert-debug-on-error t))
(ert-run-test test))
(assert nil nil "Assertion b")))))
(ert-deftest ert-test-error ()
(let ((test (make-ert-test :body (lambda () (error "error message")))))
(let ((result (let ((ert-debug-on-error nil))
(ert-run-test test))))
(assert (typep result 'ert-test-error) t)
(assert (equal (ert-test-result-with-condition-condition result)
'(error "error message"))
(ert-deftest ert-test-error-debug ()
(let ((test (make-ert-test :body (lambda () (error "error message")))))
(condition-case condition
(let ((ert-debug-on-error t))
(ert-run-test test))
(assert nil))
(assert (equal condition '(error "error message")) t)))))
;; Test that `should' works.
(ert-deftest ert-test-should ()
(let ((test (make-ert-test :body (lambda () (should nil)))))
(let ((result (let ((ert-debug-on-error nil))
(ert-run-test test))))
(assert (typep result 'ert-test-failed) t)
(assert (equal (ert-test-result-with-condition-condition result)
'(ert-test-failed ((should nil) :form nil :value nil)))
(let ((test (make-ert-test :body (lambda () (should t)))))
(let ((result (ert-run-test test)))
(assert (typep result 'ert-test-passed) t))))
(ert-deftest ert-test-should-value ()
(should (eql (should 'foo) 'foo))
(should (eql (should 'bar) 'bar)))
(ert-deftest ert-test-should-not ()
(let ((test (make-ert-test :body (lambda () (should-not t)))))
(let ((result (let ((ert-debug-on-error nil))
(ert-run-test test))))
(assert (typep result 'ert-test-failed) t)
(assert (equal (ert-test-result-with-condition-condition result)
'(ert-test-failed ((should-not t) :form t :value t)))
(let ((test (make-ert-test :body (lambda () (should-not nil)))))
(let ((result (ert-run-test test)))
(assert (typep result 'ert-test-passed)))))
(ert-deftest ert-test-should-error ()
;; No error.
(let ((test (make-ert-test :body (lambda () (should-error (progn))))))
(let ((result (let ((ert-debug-on-error nil))
(ert-run-test test))))
(should (typep result 'ert-test-failed))
(should (equal (ert-test-result-with-condition-condition result)
((should-error (progn))
:form (progn)
:value nil
:fail-reason "did not signal an error"))))))
;; A simple error.
(let ((test (make-ert-test :body (lambda () (should-error (error "foo"))))))
(let ((result (ert-run-test test)))
(should (typep result 'ert-test-passed))))
;; Error of unexpected type, no test.
(let ((test (make-ert-test :body (lambda ()
(should-error (error "foo")
:type 'singularity-error)))))
(let ((result (ert-run-test test)))
(should (typep result 'ert-test-failed))
(should (equal
(ert-test-result-with-condition-condition result)
((should-error (error "foo") :type 'singularity-error)
:form (error "foo")
:condition (error "foo")
"the error signalled did not have the expected type"))))))
;; Error of the expected type, no test.
(let ((test (make-ert-test :body (lambda ()
(should-error (signal 'singularity-error
:type 'singularity-error)))))
(let ((result (ert-run-test test)))
(should (typep result 'ert-test-passed))))
;; Error that fails the test, no type.
(let ((test (make-ert-test :body (lambda ()
(error "foo")
:test (lambda (error) nil))))))
(let ((result (ert-run-test test)))
(should (typep result 'ert-test-failed))
(should (equal (ert-test-result-with-condition-condition result)
((should-error (error "foo") :test (lambda (error) nil))
:form (error "foo")
:condition (error "foo")
"the error signalled did not pass the test"))))))
;; Error that passes the test, no type.
(let ((test (make-ert-test :body (lambda ()
(should-error (error "foo")
:test (lambda (error) t))))))
(let ((result (ert-run-test test)))
(should (typep result 'ert-test-passed))))
;; Error that has the expected type but fails the test.
(let ((test (make-ert-test :body (lambda ()
(signal 'singularity-error nil)
:type 'singularity-error
:test (lambda (error) nil))))))
(let ((result (ert-run-test test)))
(should (typep result 'ert-test-failed))
(should (equal (ert-test-result-with-condition-condition result)
((should-error (signal 'singularity-error nil)
:type 'singularity-error
:test (lambda (error) nil))
:form (signal singularity-error nil)
:condition (singularity-error)
"the error signalled did not pass the test"))))))
;; Error that has the expected type and passes the test.
(let ((test (make-ert-test :body (lambda ()
(signal 'singularity-error nil)
:type 'singularity-error
:test (lambda (error) t))))))
(let ((result (ert-run-test test)))
(should (typep result 'ert-test-passed)))))
(ert-deftest ert-test-should-error-subtypes ()
(let ((test (make-ert-test
:body (lambda ()
(should-error (signal 'singularity-error nil)
:type 'singularity-error
:exclude-subtypes t)))))
(let ((result (ert-run-test test)))
(should (typep result 'ert-test-passed))))
(let ((test (make-ert-test
:body (lambda ()
(should-error (signal 'arith-error nil)
:type 'singularity-error)))))
(let ((result (ert-run-test test)))
(should (typep result 'ert-test-failed))
(should (equal
(ert-test-result-with-condition-condition result)
((should-error (signal 'arith-error nil)
:type 'singularity-error)
:form (signal arith-error nil)
:condition (arith-error)
"the error signalled did not have the expected type"))))))
(let ((test (make-ert-test
:body (lambda ()
(should-error (signal 'arith-error nil)
:type 'singularity-error
:exclude-subtypes t)))))
(let ((result (ert-run-test test)))
(should (typep result 'ert-test-failed))
(should (equal
(ert-test-result-with-condition-condition result)
((should-error (signal 'arith-error nil)
:type 'singularity-error
:exclude-subtypes t)
:form (signal arith-error nil)
:condition (arith-error)
"the error signalled did not have the expected type"))))))
(let ((test (make-ert-test
:body (lambda ()
(should-error (signal 'singularity-error nil)
:type 'arith-error
:exclude-subtypes t)))))
(let ((result (ert-run-test test)))
(should (typep result 'ert-test-failed))
(should (equal
(ert-test-result-with-condition-condition result)
((should-error (signal 'singularity-error nil)
:type 'arith-error
:exclude-subtypes t)
:form (signal singularity-error nil)
:condition (singularity-error)
"the error signalled was a subtype of the expected type")))))))
;; Test that `should' errors contain the information we expect them to.
(defmacro ert-test-my-list (&rest args)
`(list ,@args))
(ert-deftest ert-test-should-failure-debugging ()
(loop for (body expected-condition) in
`((,(lambda () (let ((x nil)) (should x)))
(ert-test-failed ((should x) :form x :value nil)))
(,(lambda () (let ((x t)) (should-not x)))
(ert-test-failed ((should-not x) :form x :value t)))
(,(lambda () (let ((x t)) (should (not x))))
(ert-test-failed ((should (not x)) :form (not t) :value nil)))
(,(lambda () (let ((x nil)) (should-not (not x))))
(ert-test-failed ((should-not (not x)) :form (not nil) :value t)))
(,(lambda () (let ((x t) (y nil)) (should-not (ert-test-my-list x y))))
((should-not (ert-test-my-list x y))
:form (list t nil)
:value (t nil))))
(,(lambda () (let ((x t)) (should (error "foo"))))
(error "foo")))
(let ((test (make-ert-test :body body)))
(condition-case actual-condition
(let ((ert-debug-on-error t))
(ert-run-test test))
(assert nil))
(should (equal actual-condition expected-condition)))))))
(ert-deftest ert-test-messages ()
(let* ((message-string "Test message")
(messages-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Messages*"))
(test (make-ert-test :body (lambda () (message "%s" message-string)))))
(with-current-buffer messages-buffer
(let ((result (ert-run-test test)))
(should (equal (concat message-string "\n")
(ert-test-result-messages result)))))))
(defun ert-call-with-temporary-messages-buffer (thunk)
(lexical-let ((new-buffer-name (generate-new-buffer-name
"*Messages* orig buffer")))
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Messages*")
(rename-buffer new-buffer-name))
(get-buffer-create "*Messages*")
(funcall thunk))
(kill-buffer "*Messages*")
(with-current-buffer new-buffer-name
(rename-buffer "*Messages*")))))
(ert-deftest ert-test-messages-on-log-truncation ()
(let ((test (make-ert-test
:body (lambda ()
;; Emacs would combine messages if we
;; generate the same message multiple
;; times.
(message "a")
(message "b")
(message "c")
(message "d")))))
(let (result)
(lambda ()
(let ((message-log-max 2))
(setq result (ert-run-test test)))
(should (equal (with-current-buffer "*Messages*"
(should (equal (ert-test-result-messages result) "a\nb\nc\nd\n")))))
;; Test `ert-select-tests'.
(ert-deftest ert-test-select-regexp ()
(should (equal (ert-select-tests "^ert-test-select-regexp$" t)
(list (ert-get-test 'ert-test-select-regexp)))))
(ert-deftest ert-test-test-boundp ()
(should (ert-test-boundp 'ert-test-test-boundp))
(should-not (ert-test-boundp (make-symbol "ert-not-a-test"))))
(ert-deftest ert-test-select-member ()
(should (equal (ert-select-tests '(member ert-test-select-member) t)
(list (ert-get-test 'ert-test-select-member)))))
(ert-deftest ert-test-select-test ()
(should (equal (ert-select-tests (ert-get-test 'ert-test-select-test) t)
(list (ert-get-test 'ert-test-select-test)))))
(ert-deftest ert-test-select-symbol ()
(should (equal (ert-select-tests 'ert-test-select-symbol t)
(list (ert-get-test 'ert-test-select-symbol)))))
(ert-deftest ert-test-select-and ()
(let ((test (make-ert-test
:name nil
:body nil
:most-recent-result (make-ert-test-failed
:condition nil
:backtrace nil))))
(should (equal (ert-select-tests `(and (member ,test) :failed) t)
(list test)))))
;; Test utility functions.
(ert-deftest ert-proper-list-p ()
(should (ert-proper-list-p '()))
(should (ert-proper-list-p '(1)))
(should (ert-proper-list-p '(1 2)))
(should (ert-proper-list-p '(1 2 3)))
(should (ert-proper-list-p '(1 2 3 4)))
(should (not (ert-proper-list-p 'a)))
(should (not (ert-proper-list-p '(1 . a))))
(should (not (ert-proper-list-p '(1 2 . a))))
(should (not (ert-proper-list-p '(1 2 3 . a))))
(should (not (ert-proper-list-p '(1 2 3 4 . a))))
(let ((a (list 1)))
(setf (cdr (last a)) a)
(should (not (ert-proper-list-p a))))
(let ((a (list 1 2)))
(setf (cdr (last a)) a)
(should (not (ert-proper-list-p a))))
(let ((a (list 1 2 3)))
(setf (cdr (last a)) a)
(should (not (ert-proper-list-p a))))
(let ((a (list 1 2 3 4)))
(setf (cdr (last a)) a)
(should (not (ert-proper-list-p a))))
(let ((a (list 1 2)))
(setf (cdr (last a)) (cdr a))
(should (not (ert-proper-list-p a))))
(let ((a (list 1 2 3)))
(setf (cdr (last a)) (cdr a))
(should (not (ert-proper-list-p a))))
(let ((a (list 1 2 3 4)))
(setf (cdr (last a)) (cdr a))
(should (not (ert-proper-list-p a))))
(let ((a (list 1 2 3)))
(setf (cdr (last a)) (cddr a))
(should (not (ert-proper-list-p a))))
(let ((a (list 1 2 3 4)))
(setf (cdr (last a)) (cddr a))
(should (not (ert-proper-list-p a))))
(let ((a (list 1 2 3 4)))
(setf (cdr (last a)) (cdddr a))
(should (not (ert-proper-list-p a)))))
(ert-deftest ert-parse-keys-and-body ()
(should (equal (ert-parse-keys-and-body '(foo)) '(nil (foo))))
(should (equal (ert-parse-keys-and-body '(:bar foo)) '((:bar foo) nil)))
(should (equal (ert-parse-keys-and-body '(:bar foo a (b))) '((:bar foo) (a (b)))))
(should (equal (ert-parse-keys-and-body '(:bar foo :a (b))) '((:bar foo :a (b)) nil)))
(should (equal (ert-parse-keys-and-body '(bar foo :a (b))) '(nil (bar foo :a (b)))))
(should-error (ert-parse-keys-and-body '(:bar foo :a))))
;; Test `ert-run-tests'.
(ert-deftest ert-test-run-tests ()
(let ((passing-test (make-ert-test :name 'passing-test
:body (lambda () (ert-pass))))
(failing-test (make-ert-test :name 'failing-test
:body (lambda () (ert-fail
"failure message"))))
(let ((ert-debug-on-error nil))
(let* ((buffer-name (generate-new-buffer-name " *ert-test-run-tests*"))
(messages nil)
(lambda (format-string &rest args)
(push (apply #'format format-string args) messages))))
(let ((case-fold-search nil))
`(member ,passing-test ,failing-test) buffer-name
(should (equal messages `(,(concat
"Ran 2 tests, 1 results were "
"as expected, 1 unexpected"))))
(with-current-buffer buffer-name
(goto-char (point-min))
(should (equal
(buffer-substring (point-min)
(forward-line 5)
"Selector: (member <passing-test> <failing-test>)\n"
"Passed: 1 (0 unexpected)\n"
"Failed: 1 (1 unexpected)\n"
"Error: 0 (0 unexpected)\n"
"Total: 2/2\n")))))
(when (get-buffer buffer-name)
(kill-buffer buffer-name))))))))
(ert-deftest ert-test-special-operator-p ()
(should (ert-special-operator-p 'if))
(should-not (ert-special-operator-p 'car))
(should-not (ert-special-operator-p 'ert-special-operator-p))
(let ((b (gensym)))
(should-not (ert-special-operator-p b))
(fset b 'if)
(should (ert-special-operator-p b))))
;; This test attempts to demonstrate that there is no way to force
;; immediate truncation of the *Messages* buffer from Lisp (and hence
;; justifies the existence of
;; `ert-force-message-log-buffer-truncation'): The only way that came
;; to my mind was (message ""), which doesn't have the desired effect.
(ert-deftest ert-test-builtin-message-log-flushing ()
(lambda ()
(with-current-buffer "*Messages*"
(let ((message-log-max 2))
(let ((message-log-max t))
(loop for i below 4 do
(message "%s" i))
(should (eql (count-lines (point-min) (point-max)) 4)))
(should (eql (count-lines (point-min) (point-max)) 4))
(message "")
(should (eql (count-lines (point-min) (point-max)) 4))
(message "Test message")
(should (eql (count-lines (point-min) (point-max)) 2)))))))
(ert-deftest ert-test-force-message-log-buffer-truncation ()
(labels ((body ()
(loop for i below 5 do
(message "%s" i)))
(c (x)
(lambda ()
(let ((message-log-max x))
(with-current-buffer "*Messages*"
(lisp (x)
(lambda ()
(let ((message-log-max t))
(let ((message-log-max x))
(with-current-buffer "*Messages*"
(loop for x in '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 t) do
(should (equal (c x) (lisp x))))))
;;; Predicates
(ert-deftest ert-buffer-changes-p ()
(should (buffer-changes-p
(insert "hello")))
(should-not (buffer-changes-p
(message "hello")))))
(ert-deftest ert-buffer-contains-p ()
(insert "hello world")
(should (buffer-contains-p "hello")))
(should-not (buffer-contains-p "goodbye")))
(ert-deftest ert-correctly-indented-p ()
(should (correctly-indented-p (concat ert-test-root "well-indented.el")))
(should-not (correctly-indented-p (concat ert-test-root "badly-indented.el"))))
;;; Utilities
(ert-deftest ert-with-test-buffer ()
(let ((contents "Foo bar\n baz\n\tbip"))
(with-test-buffer contents
(should (string-equal (buffer-string) contents)))))
(ert-deftest ert-with-test-buffer-inserting ()
(let ((contents "Foo bar\n baz\n\tbip"))
(with-test-buffer contents
(insert "Hello\n")
(should (string-equal (buffer-string) (concat "Hello\n" contents))))))
(ert-deftest ert-with-test-buffer-mark ()
(with-test-buffer "Foo<mark> bar baz"
(should (string-equal (buffer-substring (point) (mark)) "Foo"))
(should (string-equal (buffer-string) "Foo bar baz"))))
(ert-deftest ert-with-test-buffer-fake-mark ()
(with-test-buffer "Foo\\<mark> bar baz"
(should (string-equal (buffer-string) "Foo<mark> bar baz"))))
(ert-deftest ert-with-test-buffer-point ()
(with-test-buffer "Foo bar<point> baz"
(insert "bell")
(should (string-equal (buffer-string) "Foo barbell baz"))))
(ert-deftest ert-with-test-buffer-mark-and-point ()
(with-test-buffer "Foo <mark>bar<point> baz"
(upcase-region (mark) (point))
(should (string-equal (buffer-string) "Foo BAR baz"))))
;; Run tests and make sure they actually ran.
(let ((window-configuration (current-window-configuration))
(ert-test-body-was-run nil)
;; The buffer name chosen here should not compete with the default
;; results buffer name for completion in `switch-to-buffer'.
(stats (ert-run-tests-interactively "^ert-" " *ert self-tests*")))
(assert ert-test-body-was-run)
(when (zerop (+ (ert-stats-passed-unexpected stats)
(ert-stats-failed-unexpected stats)
(ert-stats-error-unexpected stats)))
;; Hide results window only when everything went well.
(set-window-configuration window-configuration)))
(provide 'ert-selftests)