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# Options for analysis running.
# The default concurrency value is the number of available CPU.
concurrency: 6
# Timeout for analysis, e.g. 30s, 5m.
# Default: 1m
timeout: 30s
# Exit code when at least one issue was found.
# Default: 1
issues-exit-code: 2
# Include test files or not.
# Default: true
tests: false
# Which dirs to skip: issues from them won't be reported.
# Can use regexp here: `generated.*`, regexp is applied on full path.
# Default value is empty list,
# but default dirs are skipped independently of this option's value (see skip-dirs-use-default).
# "/" will be replaced by current OS file path separator to properly work on Windows.
- src/external_libs
- autogenerated_by_my_lib
# Allow multiple parallel golangci-lint instances running.
# If false (default) - golangci-lint acquires file lock on start.
allow-parallel-runners: false
# Define the Go version limit.
# Mainly related to generics support in go1.18.
# Default: use Go version from the go.mod file, fallback on the env var `GOVERSION`, fallback on 1.17
go: '1.18'
# output configuration options
# Format: colored-line-number|line-number|json|tab|checkstyle|code-climate|junit-xml|github-actions
# Multiple can be specified by separating them by comma, output can be provided
# for each of them by separating format name and path by colon symbol.
# Output path can be either `stdout`, `stderr` or path to the file to write to.
# Example: "checkstyle:report.json,colored-line-number"
# Default: colored-line-number
# Print lines of code with issue.
# Default: true
#print-issued-lines: false
# Print linter name in the end of issue text.
# Default: true
#print-linter-name: false
# Make issues output unique by line.
# Default: true
# uniq-by-line: false
# Add a prefix to the output file references.
# Default is no prefix.
#path-prefix: ""
# Sort results by: filepath, line and column.
# sort-results: false
enable-all: true
- maligned
- exhaustivestruct
- scopelint
- golint
- interfacer
- bodyclose
- contextcheck
- nilerr
- noctx
- rowserrcheck
- sqlclosecheck
- tparallel
- unparam
- wastedassign
- structcheck