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//===--- iwyu_location_util.h - SourceLoc-related utilities for iwyu ------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// clang-File utilities for the IWYU checker.
// This file deals with clang's FileEntry and SourceLocation classes,
// and useful utilities on them. It does not deal with file paths
// per se; for that, see iwyu_path_util.h
// In addition to some ad hoc helper routines, in general, for every
// type we consider, we try to provide 3 routines (as appropriate):
// GetLocation(): convert the object to an appropriate SourceLocation
// GetFileEntry(): convert the object to the file it's in
// GetFilePath(): convert the object to the filename it's in
// Background on Clang data structures:
// Clang uses the type FileEntry to identify a physical file in the
// file system. A FileEntry is created for each source file Clang
// processes. Clang never creates two FileEntry objects for the same
// file. Therefore we use const FileEntry* in IWYU as unique IDs for
// files.
// Clang's FileID type is a misnomer. It's actually an ID of a
// particular #include statement. If a file is #included in two
// places, it will have two different FildIDs.
// A SourceLocation is a compact encoding of a location in a
// particular #include of a source file. From it you can find the
// file path, line number, column number, and which file (if any)
// #includes the file.
#include <string.h>
#include <string>
#include "port.h"
#include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
#include "clang/AST/NestedNameSpecifier.h"
#include "clang/AST/Stmt.h"
#include "clang/AST/TemplateBase.h"
#include "clang/AST/TypeLoc.h"
#include "clang/Basic/FileManager.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
#include "clang/Lex/Token.h"
#include "iwyu_globals.h"
#include "iwyu_path_util.h"
namespace include_what_you_use {
using std::string;
// Helper functions for FileEntry.
// Some symbols are directly defined by the compiler. For them, the
// definition location points to the "<built-in>" file.
inline bool IsBuiltinFile(const clang::FileEntry* file) {
return file == NULL;
// There are two kinds of symbols that are not defined in the source
// files: the compiler can define some standard symbols
// (e.g. __FILE__), and the user can define macros on the command line
// of the compiler using -D. A symbol appears to be defined in file
// "<built-in>" in the first case, and "<command line>" in the second.
// IsBuiltinOrCommandLineFile(file) returns true if it's either of the
// two cases.
inline bool IsBuiltinOrCommandLineFile(const clang::FileEntry* file) {
return IsBuiltinFile(file) || (!strcmp(file->getName(), "<command line>"));
inline string GetFilePath(const clang::FileEntry* file) {
return (IsBuiltinFile(file) ? "<built-in>" :
// Helper functions for SourceLocation and FullSourceLoc.
inline clang::FullSourceLoc GetSpellingLoc(clang::SourceLocation loc) {
return clang::FullSourceLoc(loc, *GlobalSourceManager()).getSpellingLoc();
inline clang::FullSourceLoc GetInstantiationLoc(clang::SourceLocation loc) {
return clang::FullSourceLoc(loc, *GlobalSourceManager()).getInstantiationLoc();
// Returns the line number corresponding to a source location.
// Prefers the spelling line number, but if it's not useful (because
// the location is in <scratch space> for instance, due to macro token
// concatenation), uses the instantiation line number. Returns -1 if
// we can't figure out the line #.
inline int GetLineNumber(clang::SourceLocation loc) {
if (!loc.isValid())
return -1;
const clang::FullSourceLoc fullloc(loc, *GlobalSourceManager());
bool invalid = false;
int retval = fullloc.getSpellingLineNumber(&invalid);
if (invalid)
retval = fullloc.getInstantiationLineNumber(&invalid);
if (invalid)
retval = -1;
return retval;
inline int GetInstantiationLineNumber(clang::SourceLocation loc) {
if (!loc.isValid())
return -1;
return GetLineNumber(GetInstantiationLoc(loc));
// The rest of this section of the file is for returning the
// FileEntry* corresponding to a source location: the file that the
// location is in. This is a surprising amount of work.
namespace internal {
// clang uses the name FileID to mean 'a filename that was reached via
// a particular series of #includes.' (What one might think a FileID
// might be -- a unique reference to a filesystem object -- is
// actually a FileEntry*.) We use a less-confusing pseudonym.
typedef clang::FileID IncludeID;
// Tells which #include loc comes from.
inline IncludeID GetIncludeID(clang::SourceLocation loc) {
return GlobalSourceManager()->getFileID(loc);
inline const clang::FileEntry* GetFileEntryFromIncludeID(IncludeID include_id) {
return GlobalSourceManager()->getFileEntryForID(include_id);
} // namespace internal
inline const clang::FileEntry* GetFileEntry(clang::FullSourceLoc full_loc) {
return internal::GetFileEntryFromIncludeID(internal::GetIncludeID(full_loc));
inline const clang::FileEntry* GetFileEntry(clang::SourceLocation loc) {
if (!loc.isValid())
return NULL;
// We want where the user actually writes the token, instead of
// where it appears as part of a macro expansion. For example, in:
// file foo.h, line 5: #define FOO(x) x + y
// file, line 10: FOO(z)
// FOO(z) will expand to 'z + y', where symbol z's location is
// foo.h, line 5, and its spelling location is, line 10.
const clang::FileEntry* retval = GetFileEntry(GetSpellingLoc(loc));
// Sometimes the spelling location is NULL, because the symbol is
// 'spelled' via macro concatenation. For instance, all the
// __gthrw3 symbols in
// /usr/include/c++/4.2/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/gthr-default.h.
// In that case, fall back on the instantiation location.
if (!retval) {
retval = GetFileEntry(GetInstantiationLoc(loc));
return retval;
// GetFileEntry(), GetFilePath(), and GetLocation().
inline clang::SourceLocation GetLocation(const clang::Token& token) {
return token.getLocation();
clang::SourceLocation GetLocation(const clang::Decl* token);
clang::SourceLocation GetLocation(const clang::Stmt* stmt);
clang::SourceLocation GetLocation(const clang::TypeLoc* typeloc);
clang::SourceLocation GetLocation(const clang::NestedNameSpecifierLoc* nnsloc);
clang::SourceLocation GetLocation(const clang::TemplateArgumentLoc* argloc);
// These define default implementations of GetFileEntry() and
// GetPath() in terms of GetLocation(). As long as an object defines
// its own GetLocation(), it will get these other two for free.
template<typename T> const clang::FileEntry* GetFileEntry(const T& obj) {
return GetFileEntry(GetLocation(obj));
template<typename T> const string GetFilePath(const T& obj) {
return GetFilePath(GetFileEntry(obj));
} // namespace include_what_you_use