
290 lines
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//===--- badinc-i1.h - test input file for iwyu ---------------------------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include <stddef.h> // For offsetof (in
#include <stdlib.h> // also included from badinc-d1.h -- before this file
#include <stdio.h> // also included from badinc-d3.h -- after this file
#include "tests/cxx/badinc-d2.h"
#include "tests/cxx/badinc-i2.h"
#if 0
#include "tests/cxx/badinc-i5.h"
#include "tests/cxx/badinc-i6.h"
#define MACRO_CALLING_I6_FUNCTION I6_Function()
// Lets us test handling of operator<< when first argument is a macro.
I2_OperatorDefinedInI1Class logging_class = I2_OperatorDefinedInI1Class()
// The types.
enum I1_Enum { I11, I12, I13 };
const int kI1ConstInt = 5;
typedef I2_Typedef I1_Typedef; // nested typedefs
struct I1_Struct {
int a;
float b;
I1_Enum c;
union I1_Union {
I1_Struct* a;
I1_Enum b;
int c;
typedef struct {
int a;
float b;
} I1_UnnamedStruct;
class I1_Base {
virtual ~I1_Base() {}
class I1_Class : public I1_Base {
explicit I1_Class(int a) { a_ = a; }
I1_Class() { a_ = 1; }
// Call with T == I1_NamespaceClass, say.
template<typename T> I1_Class(const T* obj, int dummy) : a_(obj->a) { }
struct NestedStruct; // defined below
template<class T> struct NestedTemplateStruct { };
int a() const { return a_; }
I1_Typedef b() const { return static_cast<I2_EnumForTypedefs>(a_); }
template<typename A> I1_Enum I1_ClassTemplateFunction(A a) { return I11; }
template<typename A> static I1_Enum I1_StaticClassTemplateFunction(A a) {
return I12;
static int s() { return 1; }
typedef int I1_Class_int;
int a_;
static I1_Class_int s_;
I1_Class::I1_Class_int I1_Class::s_;
struct I1_Class::NestedStruct {
typedef int NestedStructTypedef;
class I1_SiblingClass : public I1_Base {
class I1_Subclass : public D2_Class {
template<typename FOO, typename BAR=FOO>
class I1_TemplateClass {
I1_TemplateClass() { BAR bar; (void)bar; }
I1_TemplateClass(FOO a) { a_ = a; }
I1_TemplateClass(I1_Union a) { }
template<typename CTOR> I1_TemplateClass(CTOR ctor_arg, bool unused) { }
~I1_TemplateClass() { FOO* tmp; tmp = &a_; BAR bar; (void)bar; }
FOO a() { return a_; }
void new_delete_bar() { BAR* bar = new BAR(); delete bar; }
typedef int I1_TemplateClass_int;
FOO a_;
I1_TemplateClass<FOO>* next_; // test type-recursion
template<typename FOO, typename BAR=FOO>
class I1_TemplateSubclass : public I1_TemplateClass<FOO,BAR> {
template<typename FOO, typename UNUSED = I1_Union>
class I1_TemplateMethodOnlyClass {
FOO a() { FOO retval; return retval; }
FOO* b() { FOO* retval = NULL; return retval; }
template<typename BAR> BAR c() { return BAR(); }
template<typename BAR> BAR* d() { BAR* retval = NULL; return retval; }
template<typename BAR> int e(BAR* b) { return (int)b->size(); }
template<typename BAR> static int s(BAR b) { // BAR should be a ptr type
FOO foo;
return foo.a() + (int)b->size();
template<typename BAR> static int t() { // BAR should be I1_Class
I1_TemplateClass<typename BAR::I1_Class_int> tc;
return tc.a();
// BAR should be I1_TemplateClass
template<template<typename T, typename U=T> class BAR> static int tt() {
BAR<I1_Class> t;
return t.a().a();
template<typename FOO, typename BAR> class I1_TemplateClassFwdDeclaredInD2 {
template<typename FOO> class I1_TypedefOnly_Class {
typedef typename FOO::I1_Class_int i; // best if FOO == I1_Class
// This class is only referenced via D1_I1_Typedef, in badinc-d1.h
class I1_Typedef_Class {
I1_Typedef_Class() { a_ = 1; }
int a() { return a_; }
int a_;
template<typename T> class I1_const_ptr {
explicit I1_const_ptr(const T* ptr) : ptr_(ptr) { }
~I1_const_ptr() { delete ptr_; }
const T& operator*() { return *ptr_; }
const T* operator->() { return ptr_; }
int operator~() { return deref_a(); }
void del() { delete (((ptr_))); }
void indirect_del() { del(); }
int deref_a() { return (*ptr_)->a(); }
const T* ptr_;
// Try an out-of-line operator too, both regular-style and yoda-style.
template<typename T> bool operator==(I1_const_ptr<T>& ptr, const T& val) {
return &*ptr == &val;
template<typename T> bool operator==(const T& val, I1_const_ptr<T>& ptr) {
return &*ptr == &val;
class I1_DefinedInCc_Class;
// This class is never used, but has an empty destructor defined in
// We want to make sure we don't get '(ptr only)' for it.
class EmptyDestructorClass {
EmptyDestructorClass() { }
// This is needed by Cc_TemplateClass. OperateOn is from badinc.h
template<class T> class OperateOn; // forward declare, from badinc.h
template<> class OperateOn<I1_Struct> { };
template<class T> class OperateOn<I1_TemplateClass<T> > { };
typedef I2_Class I1_I2_Class_Typedef;
typedef I1_Class* I1_ClassPtr;
typedef I1_Enum (*I1_FunctionPtr)(I1_Class*);
I1_Enum I1_Function(I1_Class* c) {
return I11;
inline void I1_OverloadedFunction(int i) { }
inline void I1_OverloadedFunction(float f) { }
template<typename T> void I1_OverloadedFunction(const T& t) { }
inline void I1_And_I2_OverloadedFunction(int i) { }
template<typename A> I1_Enum I1_TemplateFunction(A a) {
return I11;
I2_OperatorDefinedInI1Class& I2_OperatorDefinedInI1Class::operator<<(int i) {
return *this;
class I1_ForwardDeclareClass;
struct I1_ManyPtrStruct {
int a;
struct I1_PtrDereferenceStruct {
int a;
class I1_PtrDereferenceClass {
int a() { return 1; }
class I1_PtrDereferenceStatic {
static int a() { return 1; }
class I1_StaticMethod {
static int a() { return 1; }
class I1_MemberPtr {
int a() { return 1; }
class I1_PtrAndUseOnSameLine {
int a() { return 1; }
class I1_SubclassesI2Class : public I2_Class {
int a() { return 1; }
namespace i1_ns {
class I1_NamespaceClass {
int a;
struct I1_NamespaceStruct {
int a;
struct I1_UnusedNamespaceStruct {
int a;
template<typename T> void I1_NamespaceTemplateFn(T t) { }
// Defines a class that's declared in badinc.h.
class H_Class::H_Class_DefinedInI1 { };
// The vars. Just a few.
int i1_int = 6;
I1_Enum i1_i1_enum;
I1_Union i1_i1_union;
I1_UnnamedStruct i1_i1_unnamed_struct;
I1_Class* i1_i1_classptr;
D2_Class i1_d2_class;
namespace i1_ns { int i1_int_global; }
namespace i1_ns { namespace i1_subns { int i1_int_globalsub; } }
namespace i1_ns2 { int i1_int_global2; }
namespace i1_ns2 { namespace i1_subns { int i1_int_global2sub; } }
namespace i1_ns3 { int i1_int_global3; }
namespace i1_ns3 { namespace i1_subns { int i1_int_global3sub; } }
namespace i1_ns4 { int i1_int_global4; }
namespace i1_ns4 { namespace i1_subns { int i1_int_global4sub; } }
namespace i1_ns5 { int i1_unused_global; }
int i1_GlobalFunction(void) { return 1; }