
186 lines
7.9 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
##===--- - include-what-you-use test framework driver ---===##
# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
"""A test harness for IWYU testing."""
__author__ = ' (Dean Sturtevant)'
import glob
import os
import re
import sys
import unittest
import logging
import posixpath
from fnmatch import fnmatch
import iwyu_test_util
def PosixPath(path):
"""Normalize Windows path separators to POSIX path separators."""
return path.replace('\\', '/')
def Partition(l, delimiter):
delim_index = l.index(delimiter)
except ValueError:
return l, []
return l[:delim_index], l[delim_index+1:]
class OneIwyuTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Superclass for tests. A subclass per test-file is created at runtime."""
def CheckAlsoExtension(self, extension):
"""Return a suitable iwyu flag for checking files with the given extension.
return '--check_also="%s"' % posixpath.join(self.rootdir, '*' + extension)
def MappingFile(self, filename):
"""Return a suitable iwyu flag for adding the given mapping file."""
return '--mapping_file=%s' % posixpath.join(self.rootdir, filename)
def Include(self, filename):
"""Return a -include switch for clang to force include of file."""
return '-include %s' % posixpath.join(self.rootdir, filename)
def setUp(self):
# Iwyu flags for specific tests.
# Map from filename to flag list. If any test requires special
# iwyu flags to run properly, add an entry to the map with
# key=cc-filename (relative to self.rootdir), value=list of flags.
flags_map = {
'': [self.CheckAlsoExtension('-d*.h')],
'': [self.MappingFile('badinc.imp')],
'': [self.CheckAlsoExtension('-d1.h')],
'': [self.CheckAlsoExtension('-d1.h')],
'': [self.CheckAlsoExtension('-autocast.h'),
'': [self.CheckAlsoExtension('-public.h'),
'': [self.CheckAlsoExtension('-d2.h')],
'': [self.CheckAlsoExtension('-d*.h'),
'': [self.CheckAlsoExtension('.c')],
'': [self.CheckAlsoExtension('-i1.h')],
'': ['--pch_in_code', '--prefix_header_includes=remove'],
'': ['--prefix_header_includes=remove'],
'': ['--prefix_header_includes=add'],
'': ['--prefix_header_includes=keep'],
'': ['--prefix_header_includes=remove'],
'': ['--prefix_header_includes=remove'],
prefix_headers = [self.Include('prefix_header_includes-d1.h'),
clang_flags_map = {
'': ['-std=c++11'],
'': ['-std=c++11'],
# MSVC targets need to explicitly enable exceptions, so we do it for all.
'': ['-fcxx-exceptions', '-fexceptions'],
'': ['--driver-mode=cl', '/GF', '/Os', '/W2'],
'': ['-std=c++11'],
'' : ['-std=c++11'],
'': ['-std=c++11'],
'': ['-fdelayed-template-parsing'],
'': ['-fms-extensions'],
'': [
'': prefix_headers,
'': prefix_headers,
'': prefix_headers,
# Internally, we like it when the paths start with rootdir.
self._iwyu_flags_map = dict((posixpath.join(self.rootdir, k), v)
for (k,v) in flags_map.items())
self._clang_flags_map = dict((posixpath.join(self.rootdir, k), v)
for (k,v) in clang_flags_map.items())
def RunOneTest(self, filename):'Testing iwyu on %s', filename)
# Split full/path/to/ into full/path/to/foo and .cc.
(all_but_extension, _) = os.path.splitext(filename)
(dirname, basename) = os.path.split(all_but_extension)
# Generate diagnostics on all foo-* files (well, not other
# foo-*.cc files, which is not kosher but is legal), in addition
# to foo.h (if present) and
all_files = (glob.glob('%s-*' % all_but_extension) +
glob.glob('%s/*/%s-*' % (dirname, basename)) +
glob.glob('%s.h' % all_but_extension) +
glob.glob('%s/*/%s.h' % (dirname, basename)))
files_to_check = [f for f in all_files if not fnmatch(f, self.pattern)]
# IWYU emits summaries with canonicalized filepaths, where all the
# directory separators are set to '/'. In order for the testsuite to
# correctly match up file summaries, we must canonicalize the filepaths
# in the same way here.
files_to_check = [PosixPath(f) for f in files_to_check]
iwyu_flags = self._iwyu_flags_map.get(filename, None)
if iwyu_flags:'%s: Using iwyu flags %s', filename, str(iwyu_flags))
clang_flags = self._clang_flags_map.get(filename, None)
if clang_flags:'%s: Using clang flags %s', filename, str(clang_flags))
iwyu_test_util.TestIwyuOnRelativeFile(self, filename, files_to_check,
iwyu_flags, clang_flags, verbose=True)
def RegisterFilesForTesting(rootdir, pattern):
"""Create a test-class for every file in rootdir matching pattern."""
filenames = []
for (dirpath, dirs, files) in os.walk(rootdir):
dirpath = PosixPath(dirpath) # Normalize path separators.
filenames.extend(posixpath.join(dirpath, f) for f in files
if fnmatch(f, pattern))
if not filenames:
print('No tests found in %s!' % os.path.abspath(rootdir))
module = sys.modules[__name__]
for filename in filenames:
all_but_extension = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
basename = os.path.basename(all_but_extension)
class_name = re.sub('[^0-9a-zA-Z_]', '_', basename) # python-clean
if class_name[0].isdigit(): # classes can't start with a number
class_name = '_' + class_name
while class_name in module.__dict__: # already have a class with that name
class_name += '2' # just append a suffix :-)'Registering %s to test %s', class_name, filename)
test_class = type(class_name, # class name
(OneIwyuTest,), # superclass
# and attrs. f=filename is required for proper scoping
{'runTest': lambda self, f=filename: self.RunOneTest(f),
'rootdir': rootdir,
'pattern': pattern})
setattr(module, test_class.__name__, test_class)
if __name__ == '__main__':
unittest_args, additional_args = Partition(sys.argv, '--')
if additional_args:
RegisterFilesForTesting('tests/cxx', '*.cc')
RegisterFilesForTesting('tests/c', '*.c')