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//===--- implicit_ctor-d1.h - test input file for iwyu --------------------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "tests/cxx/direct.h"
#include "tests/cxx/implicit_ctor-i1.h"
// We do need IndirectWithImplicitCtor even though we just take a
// reference to it. This is because the class has an implicit
// constructor.
// IWYU: IndirectWithImplicitCtor needs a declaration
// IWYU: IndirectWithImplicitCtor is...*implicit_ctor-i2.h.*for autocast
int ImplicitCtorFn(IndirectWithImplicitCtor);
// IWYU: IndirectWithImplicitCtor needs a declaration
// IWYU: IndirectWithImplicitCtor is...*implicit_ctor-i2.h.*for autocast
int ImplicitCtorRefFn(const IndirectWithImplicitCtor&);
// Reporting types for "autocast" for header-defined functions still makes sense
// as opposed to function definitions in source files.
// IWYU: IndirectWithImplicitCtor needs a declaration
// IWYU: IndirectWithImplicitCtor is...*implicit_ctor-i2.h.*for autocast
inline int InlineImplicitCtorRefFn(const IndirectWithImplicitCtor&) {
return 1;
// Test parameter type uses that do not require special handling for "autocast".
int NoAutocastFn(
// A subtle c++ point: forward-declaring is ok for nonconst, because
// you can't do implicit conversion to a non-const reference
// (implicit conversion involves creating a temporary, which
// doesn't bind to non-const references).
// IWYU: IndirectWithImplicitCtor needs a declaration
IndirectWithImplicitCtor& nonconst,
// Forward-declaring is ok because ptrref is a const reference
// to a *pointer*.
// IWYU: IndirectWithImplicitCtor needs a declaration
IndirectWithImplicitCtor* const& ptrref,
// IWYU: IndirectClass needs a declaration
const IndirectClass&,
// IWYU: IndirectClass needs a declaration
tests/cxx/implicit_ctor-d1.h should add these lines:
#include "tests/cxx/implicit_ctor-i2.h"
class IndirectClass;
tests/cxx/implicit_ctor-d1.h should remove these lines:
- #include "tests/cxx/direct.h" // lines XX-XX
- #include "tests/cxx/implicit_ctor-i1.h" // lines XX-XX
The full include-list for tests/cxx/implicit_ctor-d1.h:
#include "tests/cxx/implicit_ctor-i2.h" // for IndirectWithImplicitCtor
class IndirectClass;