
3843 lines
165 KiB

//===--- - main logic and driver for include-what-you-use ---------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// A Clang-based tool that catches Include-What-You-Use violations:
// The analysis enforces the following rule:
// - For every symbol (variable, function, constant, type, and macro)
// X in C++ file, X must be declared in or in a header
// file directly included by itself, CU.h, or CU-inl.h. Likewise
// for CU.h and CU-inl.h.
// The rule has a few slight wrinkles:
// 1) can also 'inherit' #includes from CU.h and CU-inl.h.
// Likewise for,, etc.
// 2) can inherit #includes from ../public/CU.h in addition to
// ./CU.h (likewise for -inl.h).
// 3) For system #includes, and a few google #includes, we hard-code
// in knowledge of which #include files are public and which are not.
// (For instance, <vector> is public, <bits/stl_vector.h> is not.)
// We force, CU.h, and CU-inl.h to #include the public version.
// checks if a symbol can be forward-declared instead of fully
// declared. If so, it will enforce the rule that the symbol is
// forward-declared in the file that references it. We only forward-
// declare classes and structs (possibly templatized). We will not
// try to forward-declare variables or functions.
// Checking iwyu violations for variables, functions, constants, and
// macros is easy. Types can be trickier. Obviously, if you declare
// a variable of type Foo in, it's straightforward to check
// whether it's an iwyu violation. But what if you call a function
// that returns a type, e.g. 'if (FnReturningSomeSTLType()->empty())'?
// Is it an iwyu violation if you don't #include the header for that
// STL type? We say no: whatever file provided the function
// FnReturningSomeSTLType is also responsible for providing whatever
// the STL type is, so we don't have to. Otherwise, we get into an
// un-fun propagation problem if we change the signature of
// FnReturningSomeSTLType to return a different type of STL type. So
// in general, types are only iwyu-checked if they appear explicitly
// in the source code.
// It can likewise be difficult to say whether a template arg is
// forward-declable: set<Foo*> x does not require the full type info
// for Foo, but remove_pointer<Foo*>::type does. And f<Foo>() doesn't
// require full type info for Foo if f doesn't actually use Foo in it.
// For now we do the simple heuristic that if the template arg is a
// pointer, it's ok if it's forward-declared, and if not, it's not.
// We use the following terminology:
// - A *symbol* is the name of a function, variable, constant, type,
// macro, etc.
// - A *quoted include path* is an include path with the surrounding <>
// or "", e.g. <stdio.h> or "ads/util.h".
// - Any #include falls into exactly one of three (non-overlapping)
// categories:
// * it's said to be *necessary* if it's a compiler or IWYU error to
// omit the #include;
// * it's said to be *optional* if the #include is unnecessary but
// having it is not an IWYU error either (e.g. if bar.h is a
// necessary #include of foo.h, and uses symbols from
// bar.h, it's optional for to #include bar.h.);
// * it's said to be *undesired* if it's an IWYU error to have the
// #include.
// Therefore, when we say a #include is *desired*, we mean that it's
// either necessary or optional.
// - We also say that a #include is *recommended* if the IWYU tool
// recommends to have it in the C++ source file. Obviously, any
// necessary #include must be recommended, and no undesired
// #include can be recommended. An optional #include can be
// either recommended or not -- the IWYU tool can decide which
// case it is. For example, if desires bar.h, but can
// already get it via foo.h, IWYU won't recommend to
// #include bar.h, unless it already does so.
#include <stddef.h> // for size_t
#include <stdio.h> // for snprintf
#include <stdlib.h> // for atoi, exit
#include <string.h>
#include <algorithm> // for swap, find, make_pair
#include <deque> // for swap
#include <iterator> // for find
#include <list> // for swap
#include <map> // for map, swap, etc
#include <memory> // for unique_ptr
#include <set> // for set, set<>::iterator, swap
#include <string> // for string, operator+, etc
#include <utility> // for pair, make_pair
#include <vector> // for vector, swap
#include "iwyu_ast_util.h"
#include "iwyu_cache.h"
#include "iwyu_globals.h"
#include "iwyu_location_util.h"
#include "iwyu_output.h"
#include "iwyu_path_util.h"
// This is needed for
// preprocessor_info().PublicHeaderIntendsToProvide(). Somehow IWYU
// removes it mistakenly.
#include "iwyu_preprocessor.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
#include "iwyu_stl_util.h"
#include "iwyu_string_util.h"
#include "iwyu_verrs.h"
#include "port.h" // for CHECK_
#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTConsumer.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclBase.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclTemplate.h"
#include "clang/AST/NestedNameSpecifier.h"
#include "clang/AST/RecursiveASTVisitor.h"
#include "clang/AST/Stmt.h"
#include "clang/AST/TemplateBase.h"
#include "clang/AST/Type.h"
#include "clang/AST/TypeLoc.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/FrontendAction.h"
#include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h"
#include "clang/Sema/Sema.h"
namespace clang {
class FileEntry;
class PPCallbacks;
class SourceManager;
class Token;
} // namespace clang
namespace include_what_you_use {
// I occasionally clean up this list by running:
// $ grep "using clang":: | cut -b14- | tr -d ";" | while read t; do grep -q "[^:]$t" || echo $t; done
using clang::ASTConsumer;
using clang::ASTContext;
using clang::ASTFrontendAction;
using clang::ArrayType;
using clang::Attr;
using clang::CXXConstructExpr;
using clang::CXXConstructorDecl;
using clang::CXXCtorInitializer;
using clang::CXXDeleteExpr;
using clang::CXXDestructorDecl;
using clang::CXXMethodDecl;
using clang::CXXNewExpr;
using clang::CXXOperatorCallExpr;
using clang::CXXRecordDecl;
using clang::CallExpr;
using clang::ClassTemplateDecl;
using clang::ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl;
using clang::CompilerInstance;
using clang::Decl;
using clang::DeclContext;
using clang::DeclRefExpr;
using clang::ElaboratedType;
using clang::EnumType;
using clang::Expr;
using clang::FileEntry;
using clang::FriendDecl;
using clang::FriendTemplateDecl;
using clang::FunctionDecl;
using clang::FunctionProtoType;
using clang::FunctionTemplateDecl;
using clang::FunctionType;
using clang::ImplicitCastExpr;
using clang::LValueReferenceType;
using clang::LinkageSpecDecl;
using clang::MacroInfo;
using clang::MemberExpr;
using clang::NamedDecl;
using clang::NestedNameSpecifier;
using clang::NestedNameSpecifierLoc;
using clang::OverloadExpr;
using clang::ParmVarDecl;
using clang::PPCallbacks;
using clang::PointerType;
using clang::QualType;
using clang::QualifiedTypeLoc;
using clang::RecordDecl;
using clang::RecordType;
using clang::RecursiveASTVisitor;
using clang::ReferenceType;
using clang::SourceLocation;
using clang::SourceManager;
using clang::Stmt;
using clang::SubstTemplateTypeParmType;
using clang::TagDecl;
using clang::TagType;
using clang::TemplateArgument;
using clang::TemplateArgumentList;
using clang::TemplateArgumentLoc;
using clang::TemplateDecl;
using clang::TemplateName;
using clang::TemplateSpecializationKind;
using clang::TemplateSpecializationType;
using clang::TemplateTemplateParmDecl;
using clang::Token;
using clang::TranslationUnitDecl;
using clang::Type;
using clang::TypeLoc;
using clang::TypedefDecl;
using clang::TypedefType;
using clang::UnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr;
using clang::UsingDecl;
using clang::UsingShadowDecl;
using clang::ValueDecl;
using clang::VarDecl;
using llvm::cast;
using llvm::dyn_cast;
using llvm::dyn_cast_or_null;
using llvm::errs;
using llvm::isa;
using llvm::raw_string_ostream;
using std::find;
using std::make_pair;
using std::map;
using std::set;
using std::string;
using std::swap;
using std::vector;
namespace {
string IntToString(int i) {
char buf[64]; // big enough for any number
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", i);
return buf;
bool CanIgnoreLocation(SourceLocation loc) {
// If we're in a macro expansion, we always want to treat this as
// being in the expansion location, never the as-written location,
// since that's what the compiler does. CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()
// is an optimization, so we want to be conservative about what we
// ignore.
const FileEntry* file_entry = GetFileEntry(loc);
const FileEntry* file_entry_after_macro_expansion =
// ignore symbols used outside foo.{h,cc} + check_also
return (!ShouldReportIWYUViolationsFor(file_entry) &&
} // namespace
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// --- BaseAstVisitor
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// We have a hierarchy of AST visitor classes, to keep the logic
// as clear as possible. The top level, BaseAstVisitor, has some
// basic, not particularly iwyu-related, functionality:
// 1) Maintain current_ast_node_, the current chain in the AST tree.
// 2) Provide functions related to the current location.
// 3) Print each node we're visiting, depending on --verbose settings.
// 4) Add appropriate implicit text. iwyu acts as if all constructor
// initializers were explicitly written, all default constructors
// were explicitly written, etc, even if they're not. We traverse
// the implicit stuff as if it were explicit.
// 5) Add two callbacks that subclasses can override (just like any
// other AST callback): TraverseImplicitDestructorCall and
// HandleFunctionCall. TraverseImplicitDestructorCall is a
// callback for a "pseudo-AST" node that covers destruction not
// specified in source, such as a destructor destroying one of the
// fields in its class. HandleFunctionCall is a convenience
// callback that bundles callbacks from many different kinds of
// function-calling callbacks (CallExpr, CXXConstructExpr, etc)
// into one place.
// To maintain current_ast_node_ properly, this class also implements
// VisitNestedNameSpecifier, VisitTemplateName, VisitTemplateArg, and
// VisitTemplateArgLoc, which are parallel to the Visit*Decl()/etc
// visitors. Subclasses should override these Visit routines, and not
// the Traverse routine directly.
template <class Derived>
class BaseAstVisitor : public RecursiveASTVisitor<Derived> {
typedef RecursiveASTVisitor<Derived> Base;
// We need to create implicit ctor/dtor nodes, which requires
// non-const methods on CompilerInstance, so the var can't be const.
explicit BaseAstVisitor(CompilerInstance* compiler)
: compiler_(compiler),
current_ast_node_(NULL) {}
virtual ~BaseAstVisitor() {}
// Pure virtual methods that a subclass must implement.
// Returns true if we are not interested in the current ast node for
// any reason (for instance, it lives in a file we're not
// analyzing).
virtual bool CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode() const = 0;
// Returns true if we should print the information for the
// current AST node, given what file it's in. For instance,
// except at very high verbosity levels, we don't print AST
// nodes from system header files.
virtual bool ShouldPrintSymbolFromCurrentFile() const = 0;
// A string to add to the information we print for each symbol.
// Each subclass can thus annotate if it's handling a node.
// The return value, if not empty, should start with a space!
virtual string GetSymbolAnnotation() const = 0;
// (1) Maintain current_ast_node_
// How subclasses can access current_ast_node_;
const ASTNode* current_ast_node() const { return current_ast_node_; }
ASTNode* current_ast_node() { return current_ast_node_; }
void set_current_ast_node(ASTNode* an) { current_ast_node_ = an; }
bool TraverseDecl(Decl* decl) {
if (current_ast_node_->StackContainsContent(decl))
return true; // avoid recursion
ASTNode node(decl, *GlobalSourceManager());
CurrentASTNodeUpdater canu(&current_ast_node_, &node);
return Base::TraverseDecl(decl);
bool TraverseStmt(Stmt* stmt) {
if (current_ast_node_->StackContainsContent(stmt))
return true; // avoid recursion
ASTNode node(stmt, *GlobalSourceManager());
CurrentASTNodeUpdater canu(&current_ast_node_, &node);
return Base::TraverseStmt(stmt);
bool TraverseType(QualType qualtype) {
if (qualtype.isNull())
return Base::TraverseType(qualtype);
const Type* type = qualtype.getTypePtr();
if (current_ast_node_->StackContainsContent(type))
return true; // avoid recursion
ASTNode node(type, *GlobalSourceManager());
CurrentASTNodeUpdater canu(&current_ast_node_, &node);
return Base::TraverseType(qualtype);
// RecursiveASTVisitor has a hybrid type-visiting system: it will
// call TraverseTypeLoc when it can, but will call TraverseType
// otherwise. For instance, if we see a FunctionDecl, and it
// exposes the return type via a TypeLoc, it will recurse via
// TraverseTypeLoc. If it exposes the return type only via a
// QualType, though, it will recurse via TraverseType. The upshot
// is we need two versions of all the Traverse*Type routines. (We
// don't need two versions the Visit*Type routines, since the
// default behavior of Visit*TypeLoc is to just call Visit*Type.)
bool TraverseTypeLoc(TypeLoc typeloc) {
// QualifiedTypeLoc is a bit of a special case in the typeloc
// system, off to the side. We don't care about qualifier
// positions, so avoid the need for special-casing by just
// traversing the unqualified version instead.
if (typeloc.getAs<QualifiedTypeLoc>()) {
typeloc = typeloc.getUnqualifiedLoc();
if (current_ast_node_->StackContainsContent(&typeloc))
return true; // avoid recursion
ASTNode node(&typeloc, *GlobalSourceManager());
CurrentASTNodeUpdater canu(&current_ast_node_, &node);
return Base::TraverseTypeLoc(typeloc);
bool TraverseNestedNameSpecifier(NestedNameSpecifier* nns) {
if (nns == NULL)
return true;
ASTNode node(nns, *GlobalSourceManager());
CurrentASTNodeUpdater canu(&current_ast_node_, &node);
if (!this->getDerived().VisitNestedNameSpecifier(nns))
return false;
return Base::TraverseNestedNameSpecifier(nns);
bool TraverseNestedNameSpecifierLoc(NestedNameSpecifierLoc nns_loc) {
if (!nns_loc) // using NNSLoc::operator bool()
return true;
ASTNode node(&nns_loc, *GlobalSourceManager());
CurrentASTNodeUpdater canu(&current_ast_node_, &node);
// TODO(csilvers): have VisitNestedNameSpecifierLoc instead.
if (!this->getDerived().VisitNestedNameSpecifier(
return false;
return Base::TraverseNestedNameSpecifierLoc(nns_loc);
bool TraverseTemplateName(TemplateName template_name) {
ASTNode node(&template_name, *GlobalSourceManager());
CurrentASTNodeUpdater canu(&current_ast_node_, &node);
if (!this->getDerived().VisitTemplateName(template_name))
return false;
return Base::TraverseTemplateName(template_name);
bool TraverseTemplateArgument(const TemplateArgument& arg) {
ASTNode node(&arg, *GlobalSourceManager());
CurrentASTNodeUpdater canu(&current_ast_node_, &node);
if (!this->getDerived().VisitTemplateArgument(arg))
return false;
return Base::TraverseTemplateArgument(arg);
bool TraverseTemplateArgumentLoc(const TemplateArgumentLoc& argloc) {
ASTNode node(&argloc, *GlobalSourceManager());
CurrentASTNodeUpdater canu(&current_ast_node_, &node);
if (!this->getDerived().VisitTemplateArgumentLoc(argloc))
return false;
return Base::TraverseTemplateArgumentLoc(argloc);
// (2) Provide functions related to the current location.
SourceLocation CurrentLoc() const {
CHECK_(current_ast_node_ && "Call CurrentLoc within Visit* or Traverse*");
const SourceLocation loc = current_ast_node_->GetLocation();
if (!loc.isValid())
return loc;
// If the token is formed via macro concatenation, the spelling
// location will be in <scratch space>. Use the instantiation
// location instead.
const SourceLocation spelling_loc = GetSpellingLoc(loc);
if (IsInMacro(loc) && StartsWith(PrintableLoc(spelling_loc), "<scratch "))
return GetInstantiationLoc(loc);
return spelling_loc;
string CurrentFilePath() const {
return GetFilePath(CurrentLoc());
const FileEntry* CurrentFileEntry() const {
return GetFileEntry(CurrentLoc());
string PrintableCurrentLoc() const {
return PrintableLoc(CurrentLoc());
// (3) Print each node we're visiting.
// The current file location, the class or decl or type name in
// brackets, along with annotations such as the indentation depth,
// etc.
string AnnotatedName(const string& name) const {
return (PrintableCurrentLoc() + ": (" +
IntToString(current_ast_node_->depth()) + GetSymbolAnnotation() +
(current_ast_node_->in_forward_declare_context() ?
", fwd decl" : "") +
") [ " + name + " ] ");
// At verbose level 7 and above, returns a printable version of
// the pointer, suitable for being emitted after AnnotatedName.
// At lower verbose levels, returns the empty string.
string PrintablePtr(const void* ptr) const {
if (ShouldPrint(7)) {
char buffer[32];
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%p ", ptr);
return buffer;
return "";
// The top-level Decl class. All Decls call this visitor (in
// addition to any more-specific visitors that apply for a
// particular decl).
bool VisitDecl(clang::Decl* decl) {
if (ShouldPrintSymbolFromCurrentFile()) {
errs() << AnnotatedName(string(decl->getDeclKindName()) + "Decl")
<< PrintablePtr(decl) << PrintableDecl(decl) << "\n";
return true;
bool VisitStmt(clang::Stmt* stmt) {
if (ShouldPrintSymbolFromCurrentFile()) {
errs() << AnnotatedName(stmt->getStmtClassName()) << PrintablePtr(stmt);
errs() << "\n";
return true;
bool VisitType(clang::Type* type) {
if (ShouldPrintSymbolFromCurrentFile()) {
errs() << AnnotatedName(string(type->getTypeClassName()) + "Type")
<< PrintablePtr(type) << PrintableType(type) << "\n";
return true;
// Make sure our logging message shows we're in the TypeLoc hierarchy.
bool VisitTypeLoc(clang::TypeLoc typeloc) {
if (ShouldPrintSymbolFromCurrentFile()) {
errs() << AnnotatedName(string(typeloc.getTypePtr()->getTypeClassName())
+ "TypeLoc")
<< PrintableTypeLoc(typeloc) << "\n";
return true;
bool VisitNestedNameSpecifier(NestedNameSpecifier* nns) {
if (ShouldPrintSymbolFromCurrentFile()) {
errs() << AnnotatedName("NestedNameSpecifier")
<< PrintablePtr(nns) << PrintableNestedNameSpecifier(nns) << "\n";
return true;
bool VisitTemplateName(TemplateName template_name) {
if (ShouldPrintSymbolFromCurrentFile()) {
errs() << AnnotatedName("TemplateName")
<< PrintableTemplateName(template_name) << "\n";
return true;
bool VisitTemplateArgument(const TemplateArgument& arg) {
if (ShouldPrintSymbolFromCurrentFile()) {
errs() << AnnotatedName("TemplateArgument")
<< PrintablePtr(&arg) << PrintableTemplateArgument(arg) << "\n";
return true;
bool VisitTemplateArgumentLoc(const TemplateArgumentLoc& argloc) {
if (ShouldPrintSymbolFromCurrentFile()) {
errs() << AnnotatedName("TemplateArgumentLoc")
<< PrintablePtr(&argloc) << PrintableTemplateArgumentLoc(argloc)
<< "\n";
return true;
// (4) Add implicit text.
// When we see an object that has implicit text that iwyu
// wants to look at, we make callbacks as if that text had
// been explicitly written. Here's text we consider:
// * CXXDestructorDecl: a destructor call for each non-POD field
// in the dtor's class, and each base type of that class.
// * CXXConstructorDecl: a constructor call for each type/base
// of the class that is not explicitly listed in an initializer.
// * CXXRecordDecl: a CXXConstructorDecl for each implicit
// constructor (zero-arg and copy). A CXXDestructor decl
// if the destructor is implicit. A CXXOperatorCallDecl if
// operator= is explicit.
bool TraverseCXXConstructorDecl(clang::CXXConstructorDecl* decl) {
if (!Base::TraverseCXXConstructorDecl(decl)) return false;
if (CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()) return true;
// We only care about classes that are actually defined.
if (!decl || !decl->isThisDeclarationADefinition()) return true;
// RAV's TraverseCXXConstructorDecl already handles
// explicitly-written initializers, so we just want the rest.
for (CXXConstructorDecl::init_const_iterator it = decl->init_begin();
it != decl->init_end(); ++it) {
const CXXCtorInitializer* init = *it;
if (!init->isWritten()) {
if (!this->getDerived().TraverseStmt(init->getInit()))
return false;
return true;
bool TraverseCXXDestructorDecl(clang::CXXDestructorDecl* decl) {
if (!Base::TraverseCXXDestructorDecl(decl)) return false;
if (CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()) return true;
// We only care about calls that are actually defined.
if (!decl || !decl->isThisDeclarationADefinition()) return true;
// Collect all the fields (and bases) we destroy, and call the dtor.
set<const Type*> member_types;
const CXXRecordDecl* record = decl->getParent();
for (clang::RecordDecl::field_iterator it = record->field_begin();
it != record->field_end(); ++it) {
for (clang::CXXRecordDecl::base_class_const_iterator
it = record->bases_begin(); it != record->bases_end(); ++it) {
for (Each<const Type*> it(&member_types); !it.AtEnd(); ++it) {
const NamedDecl* member_decl = TypeToDeclAsWritten(*it);
// We only want those fields that are c++ classes.
if (const CXXRecordDecl* cxx_field_decl = DynCastFrom(member_decl)) {
if (const CXXDestructorDecl* field_dtor
= cxx_field_decl->getDestructor()) {
if (!this->getDerived().TraverseImplicitDestructorCall(
const_cast<CXXDestructorDecl*>(field_dtor), *it))
return false;
return true;
// clang lazily constructs the implicit methods of a C++ class (the
// default constructor and destructor, etc) -- it only bothers to
// create a CXXMethodDecl if someone actually calls these classes.
// But we need to be non-lazy: iwyu depends on analyzing what future
// code *may* call in a class, not what current code *does*. So we
// force all the lazy evaluation to happen here. This will
// (possibly) add a bunch of MethodDecls to the AST, as children of
// decl. We're hoping it will always be safe to modify the AST
// while it's being traversed!
void InstantiateImplicitMethods(CXXRecordDecl* decl) {
if (decl->isDependentType()) // only instantiate if class is instantiated
clang::Sema& sema = compiler_->getSema();
DeclContext::lookup_result ctors = sema.LookupConstructors(decl);
for (Each<NamedDecl*> it(&ctors); !it.AtEnd(); ++it) {
// Ignore templated constructors.
if (isa<FunctionTemplateDecl>(*it))
CXXConstructorDecl* ctor = cast<CXXConstructorDecl>(*it);
if (!ctor->hasBody() && !ctor->isDeleted() && ctor->isImplicit()) {
if (sema.getSpecialMember(ctor) == clang::Sema::CXXDefaultConstructor) {
sema.DefineImplicitDefaultConstructor(CurrentLoc(), ctor);
} else {
// TODO(nlewycky): enable this!
//sema.DefineImplicitCopyConstructor(CurrentLoc(), ctor);
// Unreferenced template constructors stay uninstantiated on purpose.
if (CXXDestructorDecl* dtor = sema.LookupDestructor(decl)) {
if (!dtor->isDeleted()) {
if (!dtor->hasBody() && dtor->isImplicit())
sema.DefineImplicitDestructor(CurrentLoc(), dtor);
if (!dtor->isDefined() && dtor->getTemplateInstantiationPattern())
sema.PendingInstantiations.push_back(make_pair(dtor, CurrentLoc()));
// TODO(nlewycky): copy assignment operator
// clang queues up method instantiations. We need to process them now.
// clang doesn't bother to set a TypeSourceInfo for implicit
// methods, since, well, they don't have a location. But
// RecursiveASTVisitor crashes without one, so when we lie and say
// we're not implicit, we have to lie and give a location as well.
// (We give the null location.) This is a small memory leak.
void SetTypeSourceInfoForImplicitMethodIfNeeded(FunctionDecl* decl) {
if (decl->getTypeSourceInfo() == NULL) {
ASTContext& ctx = compiler_->getASTContext();
// RAV.h's TraverseDecl() ignores implicit nodes, so we lie a bit.
// TODO(csilvers): figure out a more principled way.
bool TraverseImplicitDeclHelper(clang::FunctionDecl* decl) {
CHECK_(decl->isImplicit() && "TraverseImplicitDecl is for implicit decls");
bool retval = this->getDerived().TraverseDecl(decl);
return retval;
// Handle implicit methods that otherwise wouldn't be seen by RAV.
bool TraverseCXXRecordDecl(clang::CXXRecordDecl* decl) {
if (!Base::TraverseCXXRecordDecl(decl)) return false;
if (CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()) return true;
// We only care about classes that are actually defined.
if (!decl || !decl->isThisDeclarationADefinition()) return true;
// Check to see if there are any implicit constructors. Can be
// several: implicit default constructor, implicit copy constructor.
for (CXXRecordDecl::ctor_iterator it = decl->ctor_begin();
it != decl->ctor_end(); ++it) {
CXXConstructorDecl* ctor = *it;
if (ctor->isImplicit() && !ctor->isDeleted()) {
if (!TraverseImplicitDeclHelper(ctor))
return false;
// Check the (single) destructor.
bool hasImplicitDeclaredDestructor = (!decl->needsImplicitDestructor() &&
if (hasImplicitDeclaredDestructor) {
if (!TraverseImplicitDeclHelper(decl->getDestructor()))
return false;
// Check copy and move assignment operators.
for (CXXRecordDecl::method_iterator it = decl->method_begin();
it != decl->method_end(); ++it) {
bool isAssignmentOperator = it->isCopyAssignmentOperator() ||
if (isAssignmentOperator && it->isImplicit()) {
if (!TraverseImplicitDeclHelper(*it))
return false;
return true;
// (5) Add TraverseImplicitDestructorCall and HandleFunctionCall.
// TraverseImplicitDestructorCall: This is a callback this class
// introduces that is a first-class callback just like any AST-node
// callback. It is used to cover two places where the compiler
// destroys objects, but there's no written indication of that in
// the text: (1) when a local variable or a temporary goes out of
// scope (NOTE: in this case, we attribute the destruction to the
// same line as the corresponding construction, not to where the
// scope ends). (2) When a destructor destroys one of the fields of
// a class. For instance: 'class Foo { MyClass b; }': In addition
// to executing its body, Foo::~Foo calls MyClass::~Myclass on b.
// Note we only call this if an actual destructor is being executed:
// we don't call it when an int goes out of scope!
// HandleFunctionCall: A convenience callback that 'bundles'
// the following Expr's, each of which causes one or more
// function calls when evaluated (though most of them are
// not a child of CallExpr):
// * CallExpr (obviously)
// * CXXMemberCallExpr
// * CXXOperatorCallExpr -- a call to operatorXX()
// * CXXConstructExpr -- calls a constructor to create an object,
// and maybe a destructor when the object goes out of scope.
// * CXXTemporaryObjectExpr -- subclass of CXXConstructExpr
// * CXXNewExpr -- calls operator new and a constructor
// * CXXDeleteExpr -- calls operator delete and a destructor
// * DeclRefExpr -- if the declref is a function pointer, we
// treat it as a function call, since it can act like one
// in the future
// * ImplicitDestructorCall -- calls a destructor
// Each of these calls HandleFunctionCall for the function calls
// it does. A subclass interested only in function calls, and
// not exactly what expression caused them, can override
// HandleFunctionCall. Note: subclasses should expect that
// the first argument to HandleFunctionCall may be NULL (e.g. when
// constructing a built-in type), in which case the handler should
// immediately return.
// If the function being called is a member of a class, parent_type
// is the type of the method's owner (parent), as it is written in
// the source. (We need the type-as-written so we can distinguish
// explicitly-written template args from default template args.) We
// also pass in the CallExpr (or CXXConstructExpr, etc). This may
// be NULL if the function call is implicit.
bool HandleFunctionCall(clang::FunctionDecl* callee,
const clang::Type* parent_type,
const clang::Expr* calling_expr) {
if (!callee) return true;
if (ShouldPrintSymbolFromCurrentFile()) {
errs() << AnnotatedName("FunctionCall")
<< PrintablePtr(callee) << PrintableDecl(callee) << "\n";
return true;
bool TraverseImplicitDestructorCall(clang::CXXDestructorDecl* decl,
const Type* type_being_destroyed) {
if (CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()) return true;
if (!decl) return true;
if (ShouldPrintSymbolFromCurrentFile()) {
errs() << AnnotatedName("Destruction")
<< PrintableType(type_being_destroyed) << "\n";
return this->getDerived().HandleFunctionCall(decl, type_being_destroyed,
bool TraverseCallExpr(clang::CallExpr* expr) {
if (!Base::TraverseCallExpr(expr)) return false;
if (CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()) return true;
return this->getDerived().HandleFunctionCall(expr->getDirectCallee(),
bool TraverseCXXMemberCallExpr(clang::CXXMemberCallExpr* expr) {
if (!Base::TraverseCXXMemberCallExpr(expr)) return false;
if (CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()) return true;
return this->getDerived().HandleFunctionCall(expr->getDirectCallee(),
bool TraverseCXXOperatorCallExpr(clang::CXXOperatorCallExpr* expr) {
if (!Base::TraverseCXXOperatorCallExpr(expr)) return false;
if (CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()) return true;
const Type* parent_type = TypeOfParentIfMethod(expr);
// If we're a free function -- bool operator==(MyClass a, MyClass b) --
// we still want to have a parent_type, as if we were defined as
// MyClass::operator==. So we go through the arguments and take the
// first one that's a class, and associate the function with that.
if (!parent_type) {
if (const Expr* first_argument = GetFirstClassArgument(expr))
parent_type = GetTypeOf(first_argument);
return this->getDerived().HandleFunctionCall(expr->getDirectCallee(),
parent_type, expr);
bool TraverseCXXConstructExpr(clang::CXXConstructExpr* expr) {
if (!Base::TraverseCXXConstructExpr(expr)) return false;
if (CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()) return true;
if (!this->getDerived().HandleFunctionCall(expr->getConstructor(),
return false;
// When creating a local variable or a temporary, but not a pointer, the
// constructor is also responsible for destruction (which happens
// implicitly when the variable goes out of scope). Only when initializing
// a field of a class does the constructor not have to worry
// about destruction. It turns out it's easier to check for that.
bool willCallImplicitDestructorOnLeavingScope =
!IsCXXConstructExprInInitializer(current_ast_node()) &&
if (willCallImplicitDestructorOnLeavingScope) {
// Create the destructor if it hasn't been lazily created yet.
if (const CXXDestructorDecl* dtor_decl = GetSiblingDestructorFor(expr)) {
if (!this->getDerived().TraverseImplicitDestructorCall(
const_cast<CXXDestructorDecl*>(dtor_decl), GetTypeOf(expr)))
return false;
return true;
bool TraverseCXXTemporaryObjectExpr(clang::CXXTemporaryObjectExpr* expr) {
if (!Base::TraverseCXXTemporaryObjectExpr(expr)) return false;
if (CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()) return true;
// In this case, we *know* we're responsible for destruction as well.
CXXConstructorDecl* ctor_decl = expr->getConstructor();
CXXDestructorDecl* dtor_decl =
const Type* type = GetTypeOf(expr);
return (this->getDerived().HandleFunctionCall(ctor_decl, type, expr) &&
this->getDerived().HandleFunctionCall(dtor_decl, type, expr));
bool TraverseCXXNewExpr(clang::CXXNewExpr* expr) {
if (!Base::TraverseCXXNewExpr(expr)) return false;
if (CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()) return true;
const Type* parent_type = expr->getAllocatedType().getTypePtrOrNull();
// 'new' calls operator new in addition to the ctor of the new-ed type.
if (FunctionDecl* operator_new = expr->getOperatorNew()) {
// If operator new is a method, it must (by the semantics of
// per-class operator new) be a method on the class we're newing.
const Type* op_parent = NULL;
if (isa<CXXMethodDecl>(operator_new))
op_parent = parent_type;
if (!this->getDerived().HandleFunctionCall(operator_new, op_parent, expr))
return false;
return true;
bool TraverseCXXDeleteExpr(clang::CXXDeleteExpr* expr) {
if (!Base::TraverseCXXDeleteExpr(expr)) return false;
if (CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()) return true;
const Type* parent_type = expr->getDestroyedType().getTypePtrOrNull();
// We call operator delete in addition to the dtor of the deleted type.
if (FunctionDecl* operator_delete = expr->getOperatorDelete()) {
// If operator delete is a method, it must (by the semantics of per-
// class operator delete) be a method on the class we're deleting.
const Type* op_parent = NULL;
if (isa<CXXMethodDecl>(operator_delete))
op_parent = parent_type;
if (!this->getDerived().HandleFunctionCall(operator_delete, op_parent,
return false;
const CXXDestructorDecl* dtor = GetDestructorForDeleteExpr(expr);
return this->getDerived().HandleFunctionCall(
const_cast<CXXDestructorDecl*>(dtor), parent_type, expr);
// This is to catch assigning template functions to function pointers.
// For instance, 'MyFunctionPtr p = &TplFn<MyClass*>;': we need to
// expand TplFn to see if it needs full type info for MyClass.
bool TraverseDeclRefExpr(clang::DeclRefExpr* expr) {
if (!Base::TraverseDeclRefExpr(expr)) return false;
if (CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()) return true;
// If it's a normal function call, that was already handled by a
// CallExpr somewhere. We want only assignments.
if (current_ast_node()->template ParentIsA<CallExpr>() ||
(current_ast_node()->template ParentIsA<ImplicitCastExpr>() &&
current_ast_node()->template AncestorIsA<CallExpr>(2))) {
return true;
if (FunctionDecl* fn_decl = DynCastFrom(expr->getDecl())) {
// If fn_decl has a class-name before it -- 'MyClass::method' --
// it's a method pointer.
const Type* parent_type = NULL;
if (expr->getQualifier() && expr->getQualifier()->getAsType())
parent_type = expr->getQualifier()->getAsType();
if (!this->getDerived().HandleFunctionCall(fn_decl, parent_type, expr))
return false;
return true;
CompilerInstance* compiler() { return compiler_; }
template <typename T> friend class BaseAstVisitor;
CompilerInstance* const compiler_;
// The currently active decl/stmt/type/etc -- that is, the node
// being currently visited in a Visit*() or Traverse*() method. The
// advantage of ASTNode over the object passed in to Visit*() and
// Traverse*() is ASTNode knows its parent.
ASTNode* current_ast_node_;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// --- AstTreeFlattenerVisitor
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// This simple visitor just creates a set of all AST nodes (stored as
// void*'s) seen while traversing via BaseAstVisitor.
class AstFlattenerVisitor : public BaseAstVisitor<AstFlattenerVisitor> {
typedef BaseAstVisitor<AstFlattenerVisitor> Base;
// We divide our set of nodes into category by type. For most AST
// nodes, we can store just a pointer to the node. However, for
// some AST nodes we don't get a pointer into the AST, we get a
// temporary (stack-allocated) object, and have to store the full
// object ourselves and use its operator== to test for equality.
// These types each get their own set (or, usually, vector, since
// the objects tend not to support operator< or hash<>()).
class NodeSet {
// We could add more versions, but these are the only useful ones so far.
bool Contains(const Type* type) const {
return ContainsKey(others, type);
bool Contains(const Decl* decl) const {
return ContainsKey(others, decl);
bool Contains(const ASTNode& node) const {
if (const TypeLoc* tl = node.GetAs<TypeLoc>()) {
return ContainsValue(typelocs, *tl);
} else if (const NestedNameSpecifierLoc* nl
= node.GetAs<NestedNameSpecifierLoc>()) {
return ContainsValue(nnslocs, *nl);
} else if (const TemplateName* tn = node.GetAs<TemplateName>()) {
// The best we can do is to compare the associated decl
if (tn->getAsTemplateDecl() == NULL)
return false; // be conservative if we can't compare decls
for (Each<TemplateName> it(&tpl_names); it.AtEnd(); ++it) {
if (it->getAsTemplateDecl() == tn->getAsTemplateDecl())
return true;
return false;
} else if (const TemplateArgument* ta = node.GetAs<TemplateArgument>()) {
// TODO(csilvers): figure out how to compare template arguments
return false;
} else if (const TemplateArgumentLoc* tal =
node.GetAs<TemplateArgumentLoc>()) {
// TODO(csilvers): figure out how to compare template argument-locs
return false;
} else {
return ContainsKey(others, node.GetAs<void>());
void AddAll(const NodeSet& that) {
Extend(&typelocs, that.typelocs);
Extend(&nnslocs, that.nnslocs);
Extend(&tpl_names, that.tpl_names);
Extend(&tpl_args, that.tpl_args);
Extend(&tpl_arglocs, that.tpl_arglocs);
InsertAllInto(that.others, &others);
// Needed since we're treated like an stl-like object.
bool empty() const {
return (typelocs.empty() && nnslocs.empty() &&
tpl_names.empty() && tpl_args.empty() &&
tpl_arglocs.empty() && others.empty());
void clear() {
friend class AstFlattenerVisitor;
// It's ok not to check for duplicates; we're just traversing the tree.
void Add(TypeLoc tl) { typelocs.push_back(tl); }
void Add(NestedNameSpecifierLoc nl) { nnslocs.push_back(nl); }
void Add(TemplateName tn) { tpl_names.push_back(tn); }
void Add(TemplateArgument ta) { tpl_args.push_back(ta); }
void Add(TemplateArgumentLoc tal) { tpl_arglocs.push_back(tal); }
void Add(const void* o) { others.insert(o); }
vector<TypeLoc> typelocs;
vector<NestedNameSpecifierLoc> nnslocs;
vector<TemplateName> tpl_names;
vector<TemplateArgument> tpl_args;
vector<TemplateArgumentLoc> tpl_arglocs;
set<const void*> others;
// Public interface:
explicit AstFlattenerVisitor(CompilerInstance* compiler) : Base(compiler) { }
const NodeSet& GetNodesBelow(Decl* decl) {
CHECK_(seen_nodes_.empty() && "Nodes should be clear before GetNodesBelow");
NodeSet* node_set = &nodeset_decl_cache_[decl];
if (node_set->empty()) {
if (decl->isImplicit()) {
} else {
swap(*node_set, seen_nodes_); // move the seen_nodes_ into the cache
return *node_set; // returns the cache entry
// Pure virtual methods that the base class requires.
virtual bool CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode() const {
return false;
virtual bool ShouldPrintSymbolFromCurrentFile() const {
return false;
virtual string GetSymbolAnnotation() const {
return "[Uninstantiated template AST-node] ";
// Top-level handlers that construct the tree.
bool VisitDecl(Decl*) { AddCurrentAstNodeAsPointer(); return true; }
bool VisitStmt(Stmt*) { AddCurrentAstNodeAsPointer(); return true; }
bool VisitType(Type*) { AddCurrentAstNodeAsPointer(); return true; }
bool VisitTypeLoc(TypeLoc typeloc) {
VERRS(7) << GetSymbolAnnotation() << PrintableTypeLoc(typeloc) << "\n";
return true;
bool VisitNestedNameSpecifier(NestedNameSpecifier*) {
return true;
bool VisitTemplateName(TemplateName tpl_name) {
VERRS(7) << GetSymbolAnnotation()
<< PrintableTemplateName(tpl_name) << "\n";
return true;
bool VisitTemplateArgument(const TemplateArgument& tpl_arg) {
VERRS(7) << GetSymbolAnnotation()
<< PrintableTemplateArgument(tpl_arg) << "\n";
return true;
bool VisitTemplateArgumentLoc(const TemplateArgumentLoc& tpl_argloc) {
VERRS(7) << GetSymbolAnnotation()
<< PrintableTemplateArgumentLoc(tpl_argloc) << "\n";
return true;
bool TraverseImplicitDestructorCall(clang::CXXDestructorDecl* decl,
const Type* type) {
VERRS(7) << GetSymbolAnnotation() << "[implicit dtor] "
<< static_cast<void*>(decl)
<< (decl ? PrintableDecl(decl) : "NULL") << "\n";
return Base::TraverseImplicitDestructorCall(decl, type);
bool HandleFunctionCall(clang::FunctionDecl* callee,
const clang::Type* parent_type,
const clang::Expr* calling_expr) {
VERRS(7) << GetSymbolAnnotation() << "[function call] "
<< static_cast<void*>(callee)
<< (callee ? PrintableDecl(callee) : "NULL") << "\n";
return Base::HandleFunctionCall(callee, parent_type, calling_expr);
// Class logic.
void AddAstNodeAsPointer(const void* node) {
void AddCurrentAstNodeAsPointer() {
if (ShouldPrint(7)) {
errs() << GetSymbolAnnotation() << current_ast_node()->GetAs<void>()
<< " ";
errs() << "\n";
NodeSet seen_nodes_;
// Because we make a new AstFlattenerVisitor each time we flatten, we
// need to make this map static.
// TODO(csilvers): just have one flattener, so this needn't be static.
static map<const Decl*, NodeSet> nodeset_decl_cache_;
map<const Decl*, AstFlattenerVisitor::NodeSet>
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// --- VisitorState
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is a simple struct holding data that IwyuBaseASTVisitor will
// need to access and manipulate. It's held separately from
// IwyuBaseASTVisitor because we want this information to be shared
// between the IwyuASTConsumer and the InstantiatedTemplateVisitor,
// each of which gets its own copy of IwyuBaseASTVisitor data. So to
// share data, we need to hold it somewhere else.
struct VisitorState {
VisitorState(CompilerInstance* c, const IwyuPreprocessorInfo& ipi)
: compiler(c), preprocessor_info(ipi) {}
CompilerInstance* const compiler;
// Information gathered at preprocessor time, including #include info.
const IwyuPreprocessorInfo& preprocessor_info;
// When we see an overloaded function that depends on a template
// parameter, we can't resolve the overload until the template
// is instantiated (e.g., MyFunc<int> in the following example):
// template<typename T> MyFunc() { OverloadedFunction(T()); }
// However, sometimes we can do iwyu even before resolving the
// overload, if *all* potential overloads live in the same file. We
// mark the location of such 'early-processed' functions here, so
// when we see the function again at template-instantiation time, we
// know not to do iwyu-checking on it again. (Since the actual
// function-call exprs are different between the uninstantiated and
// instantiated calls, we can't store the exprs themselves, but have
// to store their location.)
set<SourceLocation> processed_overload_locs;
// When we see a using declaration, we want to keep track of what
// file it's in, because other files may depend on that using
// declaration to get the names of their types right. We want to
// make sure we don't replace an #include with a forward-declare
// when we might need the #include's using declaration.
// The key is the type being 'used', the FileEntry is the file
// that has the using decl. If there are multiple using decls
// for a file, we prefer the one that has NamedDecl in it.
multimap<const NamedDecl*, const UsingDecl*> using_declarations;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// --- IwyuBaseAstVisitor
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// We use two AST visitor classes to implement IWYU: IwyuAstConsumer
// is the main visitor that traverses the AST corresponding to what's
// actually written in the source code, and
// InstantiatedTemplateVisitor is for traversing template
// instantiations. This class template holds iwyu work that is be
// shared by both.
template <class Derived>
class IwyuBaseAstVisitor : public BaseAstVisitor<Derived> {
typedef BaseAstVisitor<Derived> Base;
explicit IwyuBaseAstVisitor(VisitorState* visitor_state)
: Base(visitor_state->compiler),
visitor_state_(visitor_state) {}
virtual ~IwyuBaseAstVisitor() {}
// To avoid having this-> pointers everywhere, we re-export Base's
// functions that we use in this class. This is a language nit(?)
// when a templated class subclasses from another templated class.
using Base::CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode;
using Base::CurrentLoc;
using Base::CurrentFileEntry;
using Base::PrintableCurrentLoc;
using Base::current_ast_node;
// Pure virtual methods that a subclass must implement.
// Returns true if we are not interested in iwyu information for the
// given type, where the type is *not* the current AST node.
// TODO(csilvers): check we're calling this consistent with its API.
virtual bool CanIgnoreType(const Type* type) const = 0;
// Returns true if we are not interested in doing an iwyu check on
// the given decl, where the decl is *not* the current AST node.
// TODO(csilvers): check we're calling this consistent with its API.
virtual bool CanIgnoreDecl(const Decl* decl) const = 0;
// IWYU logic.
// Helper for MapPrivateDeclToPublicDecl. Returns true if the decl
// is a template specialization whose (written qualified) name matches
// the given name, has the given number of template arguments, and
// whose specified tpl argument is a type.
bool DeclIsTemplateWithNameAndNumArgsAndTypeArg(
const Decl* decl, const string& name,
size_t num_args, size_t type_arg_idx) const {
const ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl* tpl_decl = DynCastFrom(decl);
if (!tpl_decl)
return false;
const string actual_name = GetWrittenQualifiedNameAsString(tpl_decl);
if (name != actual_name)
return false;
const TemplateArgumentList& tpl_args = tpl_decl->getTemplateArgs();
if (tpl_args.size() != num_args)
return false;
if (tpl_args.get(type_arg_idx).getKind() != TemplateArgument::Type)
return false;
return true;
// This requires the above function to have been called on decl, first.
const Type* GetTplTypeArg(const Decl* decl, size_t type_arg_idx) const {
const ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl* tpl_decl = DynCastFrom(decl);
CHECK_(tpl_decl && "Must call DeclIsTemplateWithNameAndNumArgsAndTypeArg");
const TemplateArgumentList& tpl_args = tpl_decl->getTemplateArgs();
CHECK_(tpl_args.size() > type_arg_idx && "Invalid type_arg_idx");
CHECK_(tpl_args.get(type_arg_idx).getKind() == TemplateArgument::Type);
return tpl_args.get(type_arg_idx).getAsType().getTypePtr();
// Some types, such as __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator or std::__wrap_iter, are
// private types that should not be exposed to the user. Instead, they're
// exposed to the user via typedefs, like vector::iterator.
// Sometimes, the typedef gets lost (such as for find(myvec.begin(),
// myvec.end(), foo)), so we need to manually map back. We map
// __normal_iterator<foo, vector> to vector<> and __wrap_iter<foo> to foo,
// assuming that the vector<> class includes the typedef. Likewise, we map
// any free function taking a private iterator (such as operator==) the
// same way, assuming that that (templatized) function is instantiated
// as part of the vector class.
// We do something similar for _List_iterator and _List_const_iterator
// from GNU libstdc++, and for __list_iterator and __list_const_iterator
// from libc++. These private names are defined in stl_list.h and list
// respectively, so we don't need to re-map them, but we do want to re-map
// reverse_iterator<_List_iterator> to something in list header.
// If the input decl does not correspond to one of these private
// decls, we return NULL. This method is actually a helper for
// MapPrivateDeclToPublicDecl() and MapPrivateTypeToPublicType().
const Type* MapPrivateDeclToPublicType(const NamedDecl* decl) const {
const NamedDecl* class_decl = decl;
// If we're a member method, then the __normal_iterator or __wrap_iter will
// be the parent: __normal_iterator::operator=. If we're a free
// overloaded operator, then the __normal_iterator will be the
// first argument: operator==(__normal_iterator<...>& lhs, ...);
if (const CXXMethodDecl* method_decl = DynCastFrom(class_decl)) {
class_decl = method_decl->getParent();
} else if (const FunctionDecl* fn = DynCastFrom(decl)) {
if (fn->isOverloadedOperator() && fn->getNumParams() >= 1) {
const Type* firstarg_type = fn->getParamDecl(0)->getType().getTypePtr();
firstarg_type = RemovePointersAndReferencesAsWritten(firstarg_type);
class_decl = TypeToDeclAsWritten(firstarg_type);
// In addition to __normal_iterator<x> and __wrap_iter<x>, we want
// to handle reverse_iterator<__normal_iterator<x>>, and in the same way.
if (DeclIsTemplateWithNameAndNumArgsAndTypeArg(
class_decl, "std::reverse_iterator", 1, 0)) {
const Type* reversed_iterator_type = GetTplTypeArg(class_decl, 0);
// Gets class_decl to be reversed iterator.
class_decl = TypeToDeclAsWritten(reversed_iterator_type);
// If it's reverse_iterator<_List_iterator>, map to
// _List_iterator, which is defined in stl_list like we want. Also map
// reverse_iterator<__list_iterator> to __list_iterator which is defined
// in list.
if (DeclIsTemplateWithNameAndNumArgsAndTypeArg(
class_decl, "std::_List_iterator", 1, 0) ||
class_decl, "std::_List_const_iterator", 1, 0) ||
class_decl, "std::__list_iterator", 2, 0) ||
class_decl, "std::__list_const_iterator", 2, 0)) {
return reversed_iterator_type;
if (DeclIsTemplateWithNameAndNumArgsAndTypeArg(
class_decl, "__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator", 2, 1)) {
return GetTplTypeArg(class_decl, 1);
if (DeclIsTemplateWithNameAndNumArgsAndTypeArg(
class_decl, "std::__wrap_iter", 1, 0)) {
return GetTplTypeArg(class_decl, 0);
return NULL;
const NamedDecl* MapPrivateDeclToPublicDecl(const NamedDecl* decl) const {
const Type* public_type = MapPrivateDeclToPublicType(decl);
if (public_type)
return TypeToDeclAsWritten(public_type);
return decl;
const Type* MapPrivateTypeToPublicType(const Type* type) const {
const NamedDecl* private_decl = TypeToDeclAsWritten(type);
const Type* public_type = MapPrivateDeclToPublicType(private_decl);
if (public_type)
return public_type;
return type;
// Re-assign uses from macro authors to macro callers when possible.
// With macros, it can be very difficult to tell what types are the
// responsibility of the macro-caller, and which the macro-author. e.g.
// #define SIZE_IN_FOOS(ptr) ( sizeof(*ptr) / sizeof(Foo) )
// Here the type of *ptr is the responsibility of the caller, while the
// type of Foo is the responsibility of the author, even though the
// Exprs for *ptr and Foo are both located inside the macro (the Expr
// for ptr is located at the macro-calling site, but not for *ptr).
// To help us guess the owner, we use this rule: if the macro-file
// intends-to-provide the type, then we keep ownership of the type
// at the macro. Otherwise, we assume it's with the caller. This
// works well as long as the file defining the macro is well-behaved.
// This function should be called with a use-loc that is within
// an expanded macro (so the use-loc will point to either inside a
// macro definition, or to an argument to a macro call). If it
// points within a macro definition, and that macro-definition file
// does not mean to re-export the symbol being used, then we reassign
// use of the decl to the macro-caller.
SourceLocation GetUseLocationForMacroExpansion(SourceLocation use_loc,
const Decl* used_decl) {
CHECK_(IsInMacro(use_loc) && "Unexpected non-macro-expansion call");
if (!preprocessor_info().PublicHeaderIntendsToProvide(
GetFileEntry(use_loc), GetFileEntry(used_decl)))
return GetInstantiationLoc(use_loc);
return use_loc;
// There are a few situations where iwyu is more restrictive than
// C++: where C++ allows a forward-declare but iwyu wants the full
// type. One is in a typedef: if you write 'typedef Foo MyTypedef',
// iwyu says that you are responsible for #including "foo.h", but
// the language allows a forward-declare. Another is for
// 'autocast': if your function has a parameter with a conversion
// (one-arg, not-explicit) constructor, iwyu requires that the
// function-author provides the full type of that parameter, but
// the language doesn't. (It's ok with all callers providing the
// full type instead.)
// In each of these situations, we allow the user to say that iwyu
// should not require #includes for these underlying types, but
// allow forward-declares instead. The author can do this by
// explicitly forward-declaring in the same file: for instance, they
// would do
// class Foo; typedef Foo MyTypedef; // can be on different lines :-)
// class AutocastType; void MyFunc(AutocastType); // but in same file
// If a definition- or declaration-site does this forward-declaring
// *and* does not directly #include the necessary file for Foo or
// AutocastType, we take that as a signal from the code-author that
// iwyu should relax its policies. These functions calculate the
// types (which may have many component-types if it's a templated
// type) for which the code-author has made this decision.
bool CodeAuthorWantsJustAForwardDeclare(const Type* type,
SourceLocation use_loc) {
const NamedDecl* decl = TypeToDeclAsWritten(type);
if (decl == NULL) // only class-types are candidates for returning true
return false;
// If we're a template specialization, we also accept
// forward-declarations of the underlying template (vector<T>, not
// vector<int>).
set<const NamedDecl*> redecls = GetClassRedecls(decl);
if (const ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl* spec_decl = DynCastFrom(decl)) {
// Check if the author forward-declared the class in the same file.
bool found_earlier_forward_declare_in_same_file = false;
for (Each<const NamedDecl*> it(&redecls); !it.AtEnd(); ++it) {
if (IsBeforeInSameFile(*it, use_loc)) {
found_earlier_forward_declare_in_same_file = true;
if (!found_earlier_forward_declare_in_same_file)
return false;
// Check if the the author is not #including the file with the
// definition. PublicHeaderIntendsToProvide has exactly the
// semantics we want. Note if there's no definition anywhere, we
// say the author does not want the full type (which is a good
// thing, since there isn't one!)
if (const NamedDecl* dfn = GetDefinitionForClass(decl)) {
if (IsBeforeInSameFile(dfn, use_loc))
return false;
if (preprocessor_info().PublicHeaderIntendsToProvide(
GetFileEntry(use_loc), GetFileEntry(dfn))) {
return false;
// OK, looks like the author has stated they don't want the fulll type.
return true;
set<const Type*> GetCallerResponsibleTypesForTypedef(
const TypedefDecl* decl) {
set<const Type*> retval;
const Type* underlying_type = decl->getUnderlyingType().getTypePtr();
// If the underlying type is itself a typedef, we recurse.
if (const TypedefType* underlying_typedef = DynCastFrom(underlying_type)) {
if (const TypedefDecl* underlying_typedef_decl
= DynCastFrom(TypeToDeclAsWritten(underlying_typedef))) {
// TODO(csilvers): if one of the intermediate typedefs
// #includes the necessary definition of the 'final'
// underlying type, do we want to return the empty set here?
return GetCallerResponsibleTypesForTypedef(underlying_typedef_decl);
const Type* deref_type
= RemovePointersAndReferencesAsWritten(underlying_type);
if (CodeAuthorWantsJustAForwardDeclare(deref_type, GetLocation(decl))) {
// TODO(csilvers): include template type-args if appropriate.
// This requires doing an iwyu visit of the instantiated
// underlying type and seeing which type-args we require full
// use for. Also have to handle the case where the type-args
// are themselves templates. It will require pretty substantial
// iwyu surgery.
return retval;
// ast_node is the node for the autocast CastExpr. We use it to get
// the parent CallExpr to figure out what function is being called.
set<const Type*> GetCallerResponsibleTypesForAutocast(
const ASTNode* ast_node) {
while (ast_node && !ast_node->IsA<CallExpr>())
ast_node = ast_node->parent();
CHECK_(ast_node && "Should only check Autocast if under a CallExpr");
const CallExpr* call_expr = ast_node->GetAs<CallExpr>();
const FunctionDecl* fn_decl = call_expr->getDirectCallee();
if (!fn_decl) // TODO(csilvers): what to do for fn ptrs and the like?
return set<const Type*>();
// Collect the non-explicit, one-arg constructor ('autocast') types.
set<const Type*> autocast_types;
for (FunctionDecl::param_const_iterator param = fn_decl->param_begin();
param != fn_decl->param_end(); ++param) {
const Type* param_type = GetTypeOf(*param);
if (HasImplicitConversionConstructor(param_type)) {
const Type* deref_param_type =
// Now look at all the function decls that are visible from the
// call-location. We keep only the autocast params that *all*
// the function decl authors want the caller to be responsible
// for. We do this by elimination: start with all types, and
// remove them as we see authors providing the full type.
set<const Type*> retval = autocast_types;
for (FunctionDecl::redecl_iterator fn_redecl = fn_decl->redecls_begin();
fn_redecl != fn_decl->redecls_end(); ++fn_redecl) {
// Ignore function-decls that we can't see from the use-location.
if (!preprocessor_info().FileTransitivelyIncludes(
GetFileEntry(call_expr), GetFileEntry(*fn_redecl))) {
for (set<const Type*>::iterator it = retval.begin();
it != retval.end(); ) {
if (!CodeAuthorWantsJustAForwardDeclare(*it, GetLocation(*fn_redecl))) {
// set<> has nice property that erasing doesn't invalidate iterators.
} else {
// TODO(csilvers): include template type-args of each entry of retval.
return retval;
set<const Type*> GetCallerResponsibleTypesForFnReturn(
const FunctionDecl* decl) {
set<const Type*> retval;
const Type* return_type
= RemoveElaboration(decl->getReturnType().getTypePtr());
if (CodeAuthorWantsJustAForwardDeclare(return_type, GetLocation(decl))) {
// TODO(csilvers): include template type-args if appropriate.
return retval;
// Checkers, that tell iwyu_output about uses of symbols.
// We let, but don't require, subclasses to override these.
// The comment, if not NULL, is extra text that is included along
// with the warning message that iwyu emits.
virtual void ReportDeclUseWithComment(SourceLocation used_loc,
const NamedDecl* decl,
const char* comment) {
// Map private decls like __normal_iterator to their public counterpart.
decl = MapPrivateDeclToPublicDecl(decl);
if (CanIgnoreDecl(decl))
// Figure out the best location to attribute uses inside macros.
if (IsInMacro(used_loc))
used_loc = GetUseLocationForMacroExpansion(used_loc, decl);
const FileEntry* used_in = GetFileEntry(used_loc);
used_loc, decl, IsNodeInsideCXXMethodBody(current_ast_node()),
// Sometimes using a decl drags in a few other uses as well:
// If we're a use that depends on a using declaration, make sure
// we #include the file with the using declaration.
// TODO(csilvers): check that our getQualifier() does not match
// the namespace of the decl. If we have 'using std::vector;' +
// 'std::vector<int> foo;' we don't actually care about the
// using-decl.
// TODO(csilvers): maybe just insert our own using declaration
// instead? We can call it "Use what you use". :-)
// TODO(csilvers): check for using statements and namespace aliases too.
if (const UsingDecl* using_decl
= GetUsingDeclarationOf(decl, GetDeclContext(current_ast_node()))) {
used_loc, using_decl, IsNodeInsideCXXMethodBody(current_ast_node()),
"(for using decl)");
// For typedefs, the user of the type is sometimes the one
// responsible for the underlying type. We check if that is the
// case here, since we might be using a typedef type from
// anywhere. ('autocast' is similar, but is handled in
// VisitCastExpr; 'fn-return-type' is also similar and is
// handled in HandleFunctionCall.)
if (const TypedefDecl* typedef_decl = DynCastFrom(decl)) {
// One exception: if this TypedefType is being used in another
// typedef (that is, 'typedef MyTypedef OtherTypdef'), then the
// user -- the other typedef -- is never responsible for the
// underlying type. Instead, users of that typedef are.
if (!current_ast_node()->template ParentIsA<TypedefDecl>()) {
const set<const Type*>& underlying_types
= GetCallerResponsibleTypesForTypedef(typedef_decl);
if (!underlying_types.empty()) {
VERRS(6) << "User, not author, of typedef "
<< typedef_decl->getQualifiedNameAsString()
<< " owns the underlying type:\n";
// If any of the used types are themselves typedefs, this will
// result in a recursive expansion. Note we are careful to
// recurse inside this class, and not go back to subclasses.
for (Each<const Type*> it(&underlying_types); !it.AtEnd(); ++it)
IwyuBaseAstVisitor<Derived>::ReportTypeUseWithComment(used_loc, *it,
// The comment, if not NULL, is extra text that is included along
// with the warning message that iwyu emits.
virtual void ReportDeclForwardDeclareUseWithComment(SourceLocation used_loc,
const NamedDecl* decl,
const char* comment) {
decl = MapPrivateDeclToPublicDecl(decl);
if (CanIgnoreDecl(decl))
// Figure out the best location to attribute uses inside macros.
if (IsInMacro(used_loc))
used_loc = GetUseLocationForMacroExpansion(used_loc, decl);
const FileEntry* used_in = GetFileEntry(used_loc);
used_loc, decl, IsNodeInsideCXXMethodBody(current_ast_node()),
// If we're a use that depends on a using declaration, make sure
// we #include the file with the using declaration.
if (const UsingDecl* using_decl
= GetUsingDeclarationOf(decl, GetDeclContext(current_ast_node()))) {
used_loc, using_decl, IsNodeInsideCXXMethodBody(current_ast_node()),
"(for using decl)");
// Like ReportDeclUse, but for the common case of no comment.
void ReportDeclUse(SourceLocation used_loc, const NamedDecl* decl) {
return ReportDeclUseWithComment(used_loc, decl, NULL);
void ReportDeclForwardDeclareUse(SourceLocation used_loc,
const NamedDecl* decl) {
return ReportDeclForwardDeclareUseWithComment(used_loc, decl, NULL);
void ReportDeclsUse(SourceLocation used_loc,
const set<const NamedDecl*>& decls) {
for (Each<const NamedDecl*> it(&decls); !it.AtEnd(); ++it)
ReportDeclUse(used_loc, *it);
// Called when the given type is fully used at used_loc, regardless
// of the type being explicitly written in the source code or not.
// The comment, if not NULL, is extra text that is included along
// with the warning message that iwyu emits.
virtual void ReportTypeUseWithComment(SourceLocation used_loc,
const Type* type,
const char* comment) {
// TODO(csilvers): figure out if/when calling CanIgnoreType() is correct.
if (!type)
// Map private types like __normal_iterator to their public counterpart.
type = MapPrivateTypeToPublicType(type);
// For the below, we want to be careful to call *our*
// ReportDeclUse(), not any of the ones in subclasses.
if (IsPointerOrReferenceAsWritten(type)) {
type = RemovePointersAndReferencesAsWritten(type);
if (const NamedDecl* decl = TypeToDeclAsWritten(type)) {
VERRS(6) << "(For pointer type " << PrintableType(type) << "):\n";
used_loc, decl, comment);
} else {
if (const NamedDecl* decl = TypeToDeclAsWritten(type)) {
decl = GetDefinitionAsWritten(decl);
VERRS(6) << "(For type " << PrintableType(type) << "):\n";
used_loc, decl, comment);
// Like ReportTypeUse, but for the common case of no comment.
void ReportTypeUse(SourceLocation used_loc, const Type* type) {
return ReportTypeUseWithComment(used_loc, type, NULL);
void ReportTypesUse(SourceLocation used_loc, const set<const Type*>& types) {
for (Each<const Type*> it(&types); !it.AtEnd(); ++it)
ReportTypeUse(used_loc, *it);
// Visitors of types derived from clang::Decl.
// Friend declarations only need their types forward-declared.
bool VisitFriendDecl(clang::FriendDecl* decl) {
if (CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()) return true;
return true;
bool VisitFriendTemplateDecl(clang::FriendTemplateDecl* decl) {
if (CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()) return true;
return true;
// If you say 'typedef Foo Bar', C++ says you just need to
// forward-declare Foo. But iwyu would rather you fully define Foo,
// so all users of Bar don't have to. We make two exceptions:
// 1) The author of the typedef doesn't *want* to provide Foo, and
// is happy making all the callers do so. The author indicates
// this by explicitly forward-declaring Foo and not #including
// foo.h.
// 2) The typedef is a member of a templated class, and the
// underlying type is a template parameter:
// template<class T> struct C { typedef T value_type; };
// This is not a re-export because you need the type to
// access the typedef (via 'C<Someclass>::value_type'), so
// there's no need for the typedef-file to provide the type
// too. TODO(csilvers): this is patently wrong; figure out
// something better. We need something that doesn't require
// the full type info for creating a scoped_ptr<MyClass>.
// As an extension of (2), if the typedef is a template type that
// contains T as a template parameter, the typedef still re-exports
// the template type (it's not (2)), but the template parameter
// itself can be forward-declared, just as in (2). That is:
// template<class T> struct C { typedef pair<T,T> value_type; };
// iwyu will demand the full type of pair, but not of its template
// arguments. This is handled not here, but below, in
// VisitSubstTemplateTypeParmType.
bool VisitTypedefDecl(clang::TypedefDecl* decl) {
if (CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()) return true;
const Type* underlying_type = decl->getUnderlyingType().getTypePtr();
const Type* deref_type
= RemovePointersAndReferencesAsWritten(underlying_type);
if (CodeAuthorWantsJustAForwardDeclare(deref_type, GetLocation(decl)) ||
isa<SubstTemplateTypeParmType>(underlying_type)) {
} else {
return Base::VisitTypedefDecl(decl);
// If we're a declared (not defined) function, all our types --
// return type and argument types -- are forward-declarable. The
// one exception required by the language is the throw types, which
// we clean up in VisitType().
// There are two more exceptions that iwyu imposes:
// (1) iwyu asks the function author to provide the full type
// information for the return type. That way the user doesn't
// have to.
// (2) If any of our function parameters have a type with a
// non-explicit, one-arg constructor, or is a const reference to
// such a type, mark that type as not forward declarable. The
// worry is that people might need the full type for the
// implicit conversion (the 'autocast'), for instance, passing
// in a char* to Fn(const StringPiece& foo) { ... }
// Both of these iwyu requirements can be overridden by the function
// author; for details, see CodeAuthorWantsJustAForwardDeclare.
bool VisitFunctionDecl(clang::FunctionDecl* decl) {
if (CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()) return true;
if (!decl->isThisDeclarationADefinition()) {
// Make all our types forward-declarable...
// (The exceptions below don't apply to friend declarations; we
// never need full types for them.)
if (IsFriendDecl(decl))
return true;
// ...except the return value.
const Type* return_type
= RemoveElaboration(decl->getReturnType().getTypePtr());
const bool is_responsible_for_return_type
= (!CanIgnoreType(return_type) &&
!IsPointerOrReferenceAsWritten(return_type) &&
!CodeAuthorWantsJustAForwardDeclare(return_type, GetLocation(decl)));
// Don't bother to report here, when the language agrees with us
// we need the full type; that will be reported elsewhere, so
// reporting here would be double-counting.
const bool type_use_reported_in_visit_function_type
= (!current_ast_node()->in_forward_declare_context() ||
if (is_responsible_for_return_type &&
!type_use_reported_in_visit_function_type) {
ReportTypeUseWithComment(GetLocation(decl), return_type,
"(for fn return type)");
// ...and non-explicit, one-arg ('autocast') constructor types.
for (FunctionDecl::param_iterator param = decl->param_begin();
param != decl->param_end(); ++param) {
const Type* param_type = GetTypeOf(*param);
if (!HasImplicitConversionConstructor(param_type))
const Type* deref_param_type =
if (CanIgnoreType(param_type) && CanIgnoreType(deref_param_type))
// TODO(csilvers): remove this 'if' check when we've resolved the
// clang bug where getTypeSourceInfo() can return NULL.
if ((*param)->getTypeSourceInfo()) {
const TypeLoc param_tl = (*param)->getTypeSourceInfo()->getTypeLoc();
// While iwyu requires the full type of autocast parameters,
// c++ does not. Function-writers can force iwyu to follow
// the language by explicitly forward-declaring the type.
// Check for that now, and don't require the full type.
if (CodeAuthorWantsJustAForwardDeclare(deref_param_type,
// This is a 'full type required' check, to 'turn off' fwd decl.
// But don't bother to report in situations where we need the
// full type for other reasons; that's just double-reporting.
if (current_ast_node()->in_forward_declare_context() ||
IsPointerOrReferenceAsWritten(param_type)) {
ReportTypeUseWithComment(GetLocation(&param_tl), deref_param_type,
"(for autocast)");
} else {
VERRS(6) << "WARNING: NULL TypeSourceInfo for " << PrintableDecl(*param)
<< " (type " << PrintableType(param_type) << ")\n";
return true;
// Special handling for C++ methods to detect covariant return types.
// These are defined as a derived class overriding a method with a different
// return type from the base.
bool VisitCXXMethodDecl(CXXMethodDecl* method_decl) {
if (CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()) return true;
if (HasCovariantReturnType(method_decl)) {
const Type* return_type = RemovePointersAndReferencesAsWritten(
VERRS(3) << "Found covariant return type in "
<< method_decl->getQualifiedNameAsString()
<< ", needs complete type of "
<< PrintableType(return_type)
<< ".\n";
ReportTypeUse(CurrentLoc(), return_type);
return Base::VisitCXXMethodDecl(method_decl);
// Visitors of types derived from clang::Stmt.
// Catch statements always require the full type to be visible,
// no matter if we're catching by value, reference or pointer.
bool VisitCXXCatchStmt(clang::CXXCatchStmt* stmt) {
if (CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()) return true;
if (const Type* caught_type = stmt->getCaughtType().getTypePtrOrNull()) {
// Strip off pointers/references to get to the 'base' type.
caught_type = RemovePointersAndReferencesAsWritten(caught_type);
ReportTypeUse(CurrentLoc(), caught_type);
} else {
// catch(...): no type to act on here.
return Base::VisitCXXCatchStmt(stmt);
// When casting non-pointers, iwyu will do the right thing
// automatically, but sometimes when casting from one pointer to
// another, you still need the full type information of both types:
// for instance, when static-casting from a sub-class to a
// super-class. Testing shows this is true for static, dynamic
// casts, and implicit casts, but not for reinterpret casts, const
// casts, or C-style casts. (Functional casts like int(3.5) are
// treated the same as C-style casts.) clang helpfully provides a
// 'cast kind', which we use to determine when full types are
// needed. When we notice that the cast is a cast up or down a
// class hierarchy, we require full type info for both types even
// for C-style casts (though the language doesn't), to give the
// compiler a fighting chance of generating correct code.
bool VisitCastExpr(clang::CastExpr* expr) {
if (CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()) return true;
const Type* const from_type = GetTypeOf(expr->getSubExprAsWritten());
const Type* const to_type = GetTypeOf(expr);
const Type* const deref_from_type = RemovePointersAndReferences(from_type);
const Type* const deref_to_type = RemovePointersAndReferences(to_type);
// For all those casts that don't result in function calls
// (everything except a user-defined cast or a constructor cast),
// we only care about the need for full types when casting either
// a pointer to a pointer, or any type to a reference.
// Unfortunately, when casting to a reference, clang seems to
// strip the reference off of to_type, so we need a separate
// function call to tell.
if (expr->getCastKind() != clang::CK_UserDefinedConversion &&
expr->getCastKind() != clang::CK_ConstructorConversion) {
if (!((from_type->hasPointerRepresentation() && // pointer or reference
to_type->hasPointerRepresentation()) ||
return true; // we only care about ptr-to-ptr casts for this check
bool need_full_deref_from_type = false;
bool need_full_deref_to_type = false;
// The list of kinds:
switch (expr->getCastKind()) {
// This cast still isn't handled directly.
case clang::CK_Dependent:
// These casts don't require any iwyu action.
case clang::CK_LValueToRValue:
case clang::CK_AtomicToNonAtomic:
case clang::CK_NonAtomicToAtomic:
case clang::CK_ReinterpretMemberPointer:
case clang::CK_BuiltinFnToFnPtr:
case clang::CK_ZeroToOCLEvent: // OpenCL event_t is a built-in type.
case clang::CK_AddressSpaceConversion: // Address spaces are associated
// with pointers, so no need for
// the full type.
// We shouldn't be seeing any of these kinds.
case clang::CK_ArrayToPointerDecay:
case clang::CK_FloatingCast:
case clang::CK_FloatingComplexCast:
case clang::CK_FloatingComplexToBoolean:
case clang::CK_FloatingComplexToIntegralComplex:
case clang::CK_FloatingComplexToReal:
case clang::CK_FloatingRealToComplex:
case clang::CK_FloatingToBoolean:
case clang::CK_FloatingToIntegral:
case clang::CK_FunctionToPointerDecay:
case clang::CK_IntegralCast:
case clang::CK_IntegralComplexCast:
case clang::CK_IntegralComplexToBoolean:
case clang::CK_IntegralComplexToFloatingComplex:
case clang::CK_IntegralComplexToReal:
case clang::CK_IntegralRealToComplex:
case clang::CK_IntegralToBoolean:
case clang::CK_IntegralToFloating:
case clang::CK_IntegralToPointer:
case clang::CK_MemberPointerToBoolean:
case clang::CK_NullToMemberPointer:
case clang::CK_NullToPointer:
case clang::CK_PointerToBoolean:
case clang::CK_PointerToIntegral:
case clang::CK_ToUnion:
case clang::CK_ToVoid:
// Due to a bug in clang, we sometimes get IntegralToPointer
// kinds for a cast that should be a NoOp kind:
// It's possible clang mis-categorizes in other cases too. So
// I just log here, rather than asserting and possibly
// crashing iwyu.
VERRS(3) << "WARNING: Unexpected cast that involves a non-pointer: "
<< expr->getCastKindName() << "\n";
case clang::CK_AnyPointerToBlockPointerCast:
case clang::CK_ARCConsumeObject:
case clang::CK_ARCExtendBlockObject:
case clang::CK_ARCProduceObject:
case clang::CK_ARCReclaimReturnedObject:
case clang::CK_BlockPointerToObjCPointerCast:
case clang::CK_CopyAndAutoreleaseBlockObject:
case clang::CK_CPointerToObjCPointerCast:
case clang::CK_ObjCObjectLValueCast:
case clang::CK_VectorSplat:
"TODO(csilvers): for objc and clang lang extensions");
// Kinds for reinterpret_cast and const_cast, which need no full types.
case clang::CK_BitCast: // used for reinterpret_cast
case clang::CK_LValueBitCast: // used for reinterpret_cast
case clang::CK_NoOp: // used for const_cast, etc
// Need the full to-type so we can call its constructor.
case clang::CK_ConstructorConversion:
// 'Autocast' -- calling a one-arg, non-explicit constructor
// -- is a special case when it's done for a function call.
// iwyu requires the function-writer to provide the #include
// for the casted-to type, just so we don't have to require it
// here. *However*, the function-author can override this
// iwyu requirement, in which case we're responsible for the
// casted-to type. See IwyuBaseASTVisitor::VisitFunctionDecl.
if (!current_ast_node()->template HasAncestorOfType<CallExpr>() ||
deref_to_type)) {
need_full_deref_to_type = true;
// Need the full from-type so we can call its 'operator <totype>()'.
case clang::CK_UserDefinedConversion:
need_full_deref_from_type = true;
// Kinds that cast up or down an inheritance hierarchy.
case clang::CK_BaseToDerived:
case clang::CK_BaseToDerivedMemberPointer:
// Just 'to' type is enough: full type for derived gets base type too.
need_full_deref_to_type = true;
case clang::CK_DerivedToBase:
case clang::CK_UncheckedDerivedToBase:
case clang::CK_DerivedToBaseMemberPointer:
need_full_deref_from_type = true;
case clang::CK_Dynamic:
// Usually dynamic casting is a base-to-derived cast, but it is
// possible to dynamic-cast between siblings, in which case we
// need both types.
need_full_deref_from_type = true;
need_full_deref_to_type = true;
// TODO(csilvers): test if we correctly say we use FooPtr for
// typedef Foo* FooPtr; ... static_cast<FooPtr>(...) ...
if (need_full_deref_from_type && !CanIgnoreType(deref_from_type)) {
ReportTypeUse(CurrentLoc(), deref_from_type);
if (need_full_deref_to_type && !CanIgnoreType(deref_to_type)) {
ReportTypeUse(CurrentLoc(), deref_to_type);
return true;
// Mark that we need the full type info for our base type -- the
// thing we're a member of -- and it's not just forward-declarable.
// For instance, for code 'Mytype* myvar; myvar->a;', we'll get a
// MemberExpr callback whose base has the type of myvar.
bool VisitMemberExpr(clang::MemberExpr* expr) {
if (CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()) return true;
const Expr* base_expr = expr->getBase()->IgnoreParenImpCasts();
const Type* base_type = GetTypeOf(base_expr);
CHECK_(base_type && "Member's base does not have a type?");
const Type* deref_base_type // For myvar->a, base-type will have a *
= expr->isArrow() ? RemovePointerFromType(base_type) : base_type;
if (CanIgnoreType(base_type) && CanIgnoreType(deref_base_type))
return true;
// Technically, we should say the type is being used at the
// location of base_expr. That may be a different file than us in
// cases like MACRO.b(). However, while one can imagine
// situations where the base-type is the responsibility of the
// macro-author ('SOME_GLOBAL_OBJECT.a()'), the more common case
// is it's our responsibility ('CHECK_NOTNULL(x).a()'). Until we
// can better distinguish whether a macro body is an expression
// that's responsible for its type or not, we just assume it is.
// TODO(csilvers): fix when we can determine what the macro-text
// is responsible for and what we're responsible for.
// TODO(csilvers): we should be reporting a fwd-decl use for
// GetTypeOf(expr), not on deref_base_type.
ReportTypeUse(CurrentLoc(), deref_base_type);
return true;
// For a[4], report that we need the full type of *a (to get its
// size; otherwise the compiler can't tell the address of a[4]).
bool VisitArraySubscriptExpr(clang::ArraySubscriptExpr* expr) {
if (CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()) return true;
const Type* element_type = GetTypeOf(expr);
if (CanIgnoreType(element_type))
return true;
ReportTypeUse(CurrentLoc(), element_type);
return true;
// Mark that we need the full type info for the thing we're taking
// sizeof of. Sometimes this is double-counting: for
// sizeof(some_type), RecursiveASTVisitor will visit some_type and
// say it needs the full type information there, and for
// sizeof(some_var), we'll report we need full type information when
// some_var is defined. But if the arg is a reference, nobody else
// will say we need full type info but us.
bool VisitUnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr(clang::UnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr* expr) {
if (CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()) return true;
// Calling sizeof on a reference-to-X is the same as calling it on X.
// If sizeof() takes a type, this is easy to check. If sizeof()
// takes an expr, it's hard to tell -- GetTypeOf(expr) 'sees through'
// references. Luckily, we want to see through references, so we
// just use the GetTypeOf().
if (expr->isArgumentType()) {
const TypeLoc& arg_tl = expr->getArgumentTypeInfo()->getTypeLoc();
if (const ReferenceType* reftype = DynCastFrom(arg_tl.getTypePtr())) {
const Type* dereftype = reftype->getPointeeTypeAsWritten().getTypePtr();
if (!CanIgnoreType(reftype) || !CanIgnoreType(dereftype))
ReportTypeUse(GetLocation(&arg_tl), dereftype);
} else {
// No need to report on non-ref types, RecursiveASTVisitor will get 'em.
} else {
const Expr* arg_expr = expr->getArgumentExpr();
const Type* dereftype = arg_expr->getType().getTypePtr();
if (!CanIgnoreType(dereftype))
// This reports even if the expr ends up not being a reference, but
// that's ok (if potentially redundant).
ReportTypeUse(GetLocation(arg_expr), dereftype);
return true;
// We want to mark use of the base type For 'free function' operator
// overloads ('ostream& operator<<(ostream& o, int x)') just like we
// do for member functions ('ostream& ostream::operator<<(int x)')
// -- for iwyu purposes, 'x << 4' is just semantic sugar around
// x.operator<<(4).
bool VisitCXXOperatorCallExpr(clang::CXXOperatorCallExpr* expr) {
if (CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()) return true;
if (const Expr* owner_expr = GetFirstClassArgument(expr)) {
const Type* owner_type = GetTypeOf(owner_expr);
// Note we report the type use is the location of owner_expr
// (the 'a' in 'a << b' or the 'MACRO' in 'MACRO << b'), rather
// than our location (which is the '<<'). That way, we properly
// situate the owner when it's a macro.
if (!CanIgnoreType(owner_type))
ReportTypeUse(GetLocation(owner_expr), owner_type);
return true;
// We have to check the type being deleted is fully defined (the
// language doesn't require it, but bad things happen if it's not:
// the destructor isn't run).
bool VisitCXXDeleteExpr(clang::CXXDeleteExpr* expr) {
if (CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()) return true;
const Expr* delete_arg = expr->getArgument()->IgnoreParenImpCasts();
// We always delete a pointer, so do one dereference to get the
// actual type being deleted.
const Type* delete_ptr_type = GetTypeOf(delete_arg);
const Type* delete_type = RemovePointerFromType(delete_ptr_type);
if (CanIgnoreType(delete_ptr_type) && CanIgnoreType(delete_type))
return true;
if (delete_type && !IsPointerOrReferenceAsWritten(delete_type))
ReportTypeUse(CurrentLoc(), delete_type);
return true;
// Handle the case of passing references to variadic functions
// (those with '...'). We need the full type information for the
// reference in that case, since compilers seem to just deref the
// var before passing it in. Note we subclass all the
// function-calling methods rather than HandleFunctionCall, because
// a) we need type-specific caller information anyway, and b)
// HandleFunctionCall isn't called for calls via function-pointers,
// which we want.
void ReportIfReferenceVararg(const Expr* const* args, unsigned num_args,
const FunctionProtoType* callee_type) {
if (callee_type && callee_type->isVariadic()) {
const unsigned first_vararg_index = callee_type->getNumParams();
for (unsigned i = first_vararg_index; i < num_args; i++) {
// We only care about reporting for references, but it's ok if
// we catch a few non-ref types too (it's just redundant).
// All expressions that are references will have their
// valuekind be an LValue, so we use that as the test.
if (args[i]->getValueKind() == clang::VK_LValue) {
// The types of expressions 'see through' the reference to
// the underlying type, which is exactly what we want here.
ReportTypeUse(CurrentLoc(), GetTypeOf(args[i]));
void ReportIfReferenceVararg(const Expr* const* args, unsigned num_args,
const FunctionDecl* callee) {
if (callee) {
const FunctionProtoType* callee_type =
CHECK_(callee_type &&
"The type of a FunctionDecl must be a FunctionProtoType.");
ReportIfReferenceVararg(args, num_args, callee_type);
// We only need visitors for CallExpr, ConstructExpr, and NewExpr
// (which also captures their subclasses). We can ignore DeleteExpr
// since destructors never have arguments. NewExpr we treat below,
// since it requires other checks as well.
bool VisitCallExpr(clang::CallExpr* expr) {
if (CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()) return true;
// Nothing to do if the called function is an old K&R-style function.
const FunctionType* fn_type = GetCalleeFunctionType(expr);
if (const FunctionProtoType* fn_proto = DynCastFrom(fn_type))
ReportIfReferenceVararg(expr->getArgs(), expr->getNumArgs(), fn_proto);
return true;
bool VisitCXXConstructExpr(clang::CXXConstructExpr* expr) {
if (CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()) return true;
ReportIfReferenceVararg(expr->getArgs(), expr->getNumArgs(),
return true;
// An OverloadExpr is an overloaded function (or method) in an
// uninstantiated template, that can't be resolved until the
// template is instantiated. The simplest case is something like:
// void Foo(int) { ... }
// void Foo(float) { ... }
// template<typename T> Fn(T t) { Foo(t); }
// But by far the most common case is when the function-to-be-called
// is also a templated function:
// template<typename T> Fn1(T t) { ... }
// template<typename T> Fn2(T t) { Fn1(t); }
// In either case, we look at all the potential overloads. If they
// all exist in the same file -- which is pretty much always the
// case, especially with a template calling a template -- we can do
// an iwyu warning now, even without knowing the exact overload.
// In that case, we store the fact we warned, so we won't warn again
// when the template is instantiated.
// TODO(csilvers): to be really correct, we should report *every*
// overload that callers couldn't match via ADL.
bool VisitOverloadExpr(clang::OverloadExpr* expr) {
// No CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode() check here! It's later in the function.
// Make sure all overloads are in the same file.
if (expr->decls_begin() == expr->decls_end()) // not sure this is possible
return true;
const NamedDecl* first_decl = *expr->decls_begin();
const FileEntry* first_decl_file_entry = GetFileEntry(first_decl);
for (OverloadExpr::decls_iterator it = expr->decls_begin();
it != expr->decls_end(); ++it) {
if (GetFileEntry(*it) != first_decl_file_entry)
return true;
// For now, we're only worried about function calls.
// TODO(csilvers): are there other kinds of overloads we need to check?
const FunctionDecl* arbitrary_fn_decl = NULL;
for (OverloadExpr::decls_iterator it = expr->decls_begin();
it != expr->decls_end(); ++it) {
const NamedDecl* decl = *it;
// Sometimes a UsingShadowDecl comes between us and the 'real' decl.
if (const UsingShadowDecl* using_shadow_decl = DynCastFrom(decl))
decl = using_shadow_decl->getTargetDecl();
if (const FunctionDecl* fn_decl = DynCastFrom(decl)) {
arbitrary_fn_decl = fn_decl;
} else if (const FunctionTemplateDecl* tpl_decl = DynCastFrom(decl)) {
arbitrary_fn_decl = tpl_decl->getTemplatedDecl();
// If we're an overloaded operator, we can never do the iwyu check
// before instantiation-time, because we don't know if we might
// end up being the built-in form of the operator. (Even if the
// only operator==() we see is in foo.h, we don't need to #include
// foo.h if the only call to operator== we see is on two integers.)
if (arbitrary_fn_decl && !arbitrary_fn_decl->isOverloadedOperator()) {
VERRS(7) << "Adding to processed_overload_locs: "
<< PrintableCurrentLoc() << "\n";
// Because processed_overload_locs might be set in one visitor
// but used in another, each with a different definition of
// CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode(), we have to be conservative and set
// the has-considered flag always. But of course we only
// actually report the function use if CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()
// is *currently* false.
if (!CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode())
ReportDeclUse(CurrentLoc(), arbitrary_fn_decl);
return true;
// TODO(csilvers): handle some special cases when we're a
// CXXDependentScopeMemberExpr (e.g. vector<T>::resize().). If the
// base class is a TemplateSpecializationType, get its TemplateDecl
// and if all explicit specializations and patterns are defined in
// the same file, treat it as an expr with only one decl. May have
// trouble with methods defined in a different file than they're
// declared.
// If getOperatorNew() returns NULL, it means the operator-new is
// overloaded, and technically we can't know which operator-new is
// being called until the template is instantiated. But if it looks
// like a placement-new, we handle it at template-writing time
// anyway.
bool VisitCXXNewExpr(clang::CXXNewExpr* expr) {
// Like in VisitOverloadExpr(), we update processed_overload_locs
// regardless of the value of CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode().
// We say it's placement-new if the (lone) placment-arg is a
// pointer. Unfortunately, often clang will just say it's a
// dependent type. In that case, we can still say it's a pointer
// in the (common) case the placement arg looks like '&something'.
// (This is possibly wrong for classes that override operator&, but
// those classes deserve what they get.)
if (!expr->getOperatorNew() &&
expr->getNumPlacementArgs() == 1 &&
(GetTypeOf(expr->getPlacementArg(0))->isPointerType() ||
GetTypeOf(expr->getPlacementArg(0))->isArrayType() ||
IsAddressOf(expr->getPlacementArg(0)))) {
// Treat this like an OverloadExpr.
VERRS(7) << "Adding to processed_overload_locs (placement-new): "
<< PrintableCurrentLoc() << "\n";
if (!CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()) {
// We have to 'make up' a full file path for 'new'. We'll
// parse it to '<new>' before using, so any path that does
// that, and is clearly a c++ path, is fine; its exact
// contents don't matter that much.
const FileEntry* use_file = CurrentFileEntry();
CurrentLoc(), "<new>", "operator new");
// We also need to do a varargs check, like for other function calls.
if (CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()) return true;
// ... only if this NewExpr involves a constructor call.
const Expr* Init = expr->getInitializer();
if (const CXXConstructExpr* CCE =
return true;
// When we call (or potentially call) a function, do an IWYU check
// via ReportDeclUse() to make sure the definition of the function
// is properly #included.
bool HandleFunctionCall(FunctionDecl* callee, const Type* parent_type,
const clang::Expr* calling_expr) {
if (!Base::HandleFunctionCall(callee, parent_type, calling_expr))
return false;
if (!callee || CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode() || CanIgnoreDecl(callee))
return true;
// We may have already been checked in a previous
// VisitOverloadExpr() call. Don't check again in that case.
if (IsProcessedOverloadLoc(CurrentLoc()))
return true;
ReportDeclUse(CurrentLoc(), callee);
// Usually the function-author is responsible for providing the
// full type information for the return type of the function, but
// in cases where it's not, we have to take responsibility.
// TODO(csilvers): check the fn argument types as well.
const Type* return_type = callee->getReturnType().getTypePtr();
if (ContainsKey(GetCallerResponsibleTypesForFnReturn(callee),
return_type)) {
ReportTypeUse(CurrentLoc(), return_type);
return true;
// Visitors of types derived from clang::Type.
bool VisitType(clang::Type* type) {
// In VisitFunctionDecl(), we say all children of function
// declarations are forward-declarable. This is true, *except*
// for the exception (throw) types. We clean that up here.
// TODO(csilvers): figure out how to do these two steps in one place.
const FunctionProtoType* fn_type = NULL;
if (!fn_type) {
fn_type = current_ast_node()->template GetParentAs<FunctionProtoType>();
if (!fn_type) {
if (const FunctionDecl* fn_decl
= current_ast_node()->template GetParentAs<FunctionDecl>())
fn_type = dyn_cast<FunctionProtoType>(GetTypeOf(fn_decl));
if (fn_type) {
for (FunctionProtoType::exception_iterator it =
it != fn_type->exception_end(); ++it)
if (it->getTypePtr() == type) { // *we're* an exception decl
return Base::VisitType(type);
bool VisitTemplateSpecializationType(
clang::TemplateSpecializationType* type) {
if (CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()) return true;
if (CanIgnoreType(type)) return true;
const NamedDecl* decl = TypeToDeclAsWritten(type);
// If we are forward-declarable, so are our template arguments.
if (CanForwardDeclareType(current_ast_node())) {
ReportDeclForwardDeclareUse(CurrentLoc(), decl);
} else {
ReportDeclUse(CurrentLoc(), decl);
return true;
// Visitors defined by BaseAstVisitor.
bool VisitNestedNameSpecifier(NestedNameSpecifier* nns) {
if (!Base::VisitNestedNameSpecifier(nns)) return false;
// If we're in an nns (e.g. the Foo in Foo::bar), we're never
// forward-declarable, even if we're part of a pointer type, or in
// a template argument, or whatever.
return true;
// Template arguments are forward-declarable by default. However,
// default template template args shouldn't be: we're responsible for
// the full type info for default args. So no forward-declaring
// MyClass in 'template<template<typename A> class T = MyClass> C ...'
// We detect because MyClass's parent is TemplateTemplateParmDecl.
// TODO(csilvers): And not when they're a type that's in
// known_fully_used_tpl_type_args_. See if that solves the problem with
// I1_TemplateClass<std::vector<I1_Class> > i1_nested_templateclass(...)
void DetermineForwardDeclareStatusForTemplateArg(ASTNode* ast_node) {
CHECK_(ast_node->IsA<TemplateArgument>() &&
"Should only pass in a template arg to DFDSFTA");
if (!IsDefaultTemplateTemplateArg(ast_node)) {
bool VisitTemplateArgument(const TemplateArgument& arg) {
if (!Base::VisitTemplateArgument(arg)) return false;
// Template arguments are forward-declarable...usually.
return true;
bool VisitTemplateArgumentLoc(const TemplateArgumentLoc& argloc) {
if (!Base::VisitTemplateArgumentLoc(argloc)) return false;
// Template arguments are forward-declarable...usually.
return true;
// Helper routines for visiting and traversing. These helpers
// encode the logic of whether a particular type of object
// can be forward-declared or not.
// TODO(csilvers): get rid of in_forward_declare_context() and make
// this the canonical place to figure out if we can forward-declare.
bool CanForwardDeclareType(const ASTNode* ast_node) const {
// Cannot forward-declare an enum even if it's in a forward-declare context.
// TODO(vsapsai): make enums forward-declarable in C++11.
if (ast_node->IsA<EnumType>())
return false;
// If we're in a forward-declare context, well then, there you have it.
if (ast_node->in_forward_declare_context())
return true;
// If we're in a typedef, we don't want to forward-declare even if
// we're a pointer. ('typedef Foo* Bar; Bar x; x->a' needs full
// type of Foo.)
if (ast_node->ParentIsA<TypedefDecl>())
return false;
// If we ourselves are a forward-decl -- that is, we're the type
// component of a forward-declaration (which would be our parent
// AST node) -- then we're forward-declarable by definition.
if (const TagDecl* parent
= current_ast_node()->template GetParentAs<TagDecl>()) {
if (IsForwardDecl(parent))
return true;
// Another place we disregard what the language allows: if we're
// a dependent type, in theory we can be forward-declared. But
// we require the full definition anyway, so all the template
// callers don't have to provide it instead. Thus we don't
// run the following commented-out code (left here for reference):
//if (ast_node->GetAs<TemplateSpecializationType>()->isDependentType())
// return false;
// Read past elaborations like 'class' keyword or namespaces.
while (ast_node->ParentIsA<ElaboratedType>()) {
ast_node = ast_node->parent();
// Now there are two options: either we have a type or we have a declaration
// involving a type.
const Type* parent_type = ast_node->GetParentAs<Type>();
if (parent_type == NULL) {
// Since it's not a type, it must be a decl.
// Our target here is record members, all of which derive from ValueDecl.
if (const ValueDecl *decl = ast_node->GetParentAs<ValueDecl>()) {
// We can shortcircuit static data member declarations immediately,
// they can always be forward-declared.
if (const VarDecl *var_decl = DynCastFrom(decl)) {
if (!var_decl->isThisDeclarationADefinition() &&
var_decl->isStaticDataMember()) {
return true;
parent_type = GetTypeOf(decl);
// TODO(csilvers): should probably just be IsPointerOrReference
return parent_type && IsPointerOrReferenceAsWritten(parent_type);
const IwyuPreprocessorInfo& preprocessor_info() const {
return visitor_state_->preprocessor_info;
void AddUsingDeclaration(const NamedDecl* target_decl, // what's being used
const UsingDecl* using_decl) {
template <typename T> friend class IwyuBaseAstVisitor;
bool IsProcessedOverloadLoc(SourceLocation loc) const {
return ContainsKey(visitor_state_->processed_overload_locs, loc);
void AddProcessedOverloadLoc(SourceLocation loc) {
const UsingDecl* GetUsingDeclarationOf(const NamedDecl* decl,
const DeclContext* using_context) {
// We look through all the using-decls of the given decl. We
// limit them to ones that are visible from the decl-context we're
// currently in (that is, what namespaces we're in). Of those, we
// pick the one that's in the same file as decl, if possible,
// otherwise we pick one arbitrarily.
const UsingDecl* retval = NULL;
vector<const UsingDecl*> using_decls
= FindInMultiMap(visitor_state_->using_declarations, decl);
for (Each<const UsingDecl*> it(&using_decls); !it.AtEnd(); ++it) {
if (!(*it)->getDeclContext()->Encloses(using_context))
if (GetFileEntry(decl) == GetFileEntry(*it) || // in same file, prefer
retval == NULL) { // not in same file, but better than nothing
retval = *it;
return retval;
// Do not any variables here! If you do, they will not be shared
// between the normal iwyu ast visitor and the
// template-instantiation visitor, which is almost always a mistake.
// Instead, add them to the VisitorState struct, above.
VisitorState* const visitor_state_;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// --- InstantiatedTemplateVisitor
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// This class is used to find all template-specified types used in an
// instantiated template class, function, or method -- or rather, all
// such types that are used in a way that can't be forward-declared.
// That is, for
// template<class T, class U> int Myfunc() { T* t; U u; Thirdclass z; }
// if we saw an instantiation such as myfunc<Foo, Bar>, we would pass
// that instantiation to this traversal class, and it would report
// that Bar is used in a non-forward-declarable way. (It would not
// report Foo, which is used only in a forward-declarable way, and
// would not report Thirdclass, which is not a type specified in a
// template.)
// This class has two main entry points: one for instantiated
// template functions and methods (including static methods,
// constructor calls, and operator overloads), and one for
// instantiated template classes.
// In each case, it is given the appropriate node from the AST that
// captures the instantiation (a TemplateSpecializationType or
// CallExpr), and returns a set of Type* nodes of types that are used
// in a non-forward-declarable way. Note it's safe to call this even
// on non-templatized functions and classes; we'll just always return
// the empty set in that case.
// The traversal of the AST is done via RecursiveASTVisitor, which uses
// CRTP (
// TODO(csilvers): move this to its own file?
class InstantiatedTemplateVisitor
: public IwyuBaseAstVisitor<InstantiatedTemplateVisitor> {
typedef IwyuBaseAstVisitor<InstantiatedTemplateVisitor> Base;
InstantiatedTemplateVisitor(VisitorState* visitor_state)
: Base(visitor_state) {
// Public entry points
// ScanInstantiatedFunction() looks through the template definition of
// the given function as well as the definitions of all functions
// called from it (directly or indirectly) and records all template
// type arguments fully used by them and all methods used by them.
// The "fully used type arguments" are a subset of
// tpl_type_args_of_interest, which are the types we care about, and
// usually explicitly written at the call site.
// ScanInstantiatedType() is similar, except that it looks through
// the definition of a class template instead of a statement.
// resugar_map is a map from an unsugared (canonicalized) template
// type to the template type as written (or as close as we can find
// to it). If a type is not in resugar-map, it might be due to a
// recursive template call and encode a template type we don't care
// about ourselves. If it's in the resugar_map but with a NULL
// value, it's a default template parameter, that the
// template-caller may or may not be responsible for.
void ScanInstantiatedFunction(
const FunctionDecl* fn_decl, const Type* parent_type,
const ASTNode* caller_ast_node,
const map<const Type*, const Type*>& resugar_map) {
caller_ast_node_ = caller_ast_node;
resugar_map_ = resugar_map;
// Make sure that the caller didn't already put the decl on the ast-stack.
CHECK_(caller_ast_node->GetAs<Decl>() != fn_decl && "AST node already set");
// caller_ast_node requires a non-const ASTNode, but our node is
// const. This cast is safe because we don't do anything with this
// node (instead, we immediately push a new node on top of it).
TraverseExpandedTemplateFunctionHelper(fn_decl, parent_type);
// This isn't a Stmt, but sometimes we need to fully instantiate
// a template class to get at a field of it, for instance:
// MyClass<T>::size_type s;
void ScanInstantiatedType(
const Type* type, const ASTNode* caller_ast_node,
const map<const Type*, const Type*>& resugar_map) {
caller_ast_node_ = caller_ast_node;
resugar_map_ = resugar_map;
// Make sure that the caller didn't already put the type on the ast-stack.
CHECK_(caller_ast_node->GetAs<Type>() != type && "AST node already set");
// caller_ast_node requires a non-const ASTNode, but our node is
// const. This cast is safe because we don't do anything with this
// node (instead, we immediately push a new node on top of it).
// As in TraverseExpandedTemplateFunctionHelper, we ignore all AST nodes
// that will be reported when we traverse the uninstantiated type.
if (const NamedDecl* type_decl_as_written = TypeToDeclAsWritten(type)) {
AstFlattenerVisitor nodeset_getter(compiler());
nodes_to_ignore_ = nodeset_getter.GetNodesBelow(
TraverseType(QualType(type, 0));
// Implements virtual methods from Base.
// When checking a template instantiation, we don't care where the
// template definition is, so we never have any reason to ignore a
// node.
virtual bool CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode() const {
// TODO(csilvers): call CanIgnoreType() if we're a type.
return nodes_to_ignore_.Contains(*current_ast_node());
// For template instantiations, we want to print the symbol even if
// it's not from the main compilation unit.
virtual bool ShouldPrintSymbolFromCurrentFile() const {
return GlobalFlags().verbose >= 5;
virtual string GetSymbolAnnotation() const { return " in tpl"; }
// We only care about types that would have been dependent in the
// uninstantiated template: that is, SubstTemplateTypeParmType types
// or types derived from them. We use nodes_to_ignore_ to select
// down to those. Even amongst subst-type, we only want ones in the
// resugar-map: the rest we have chosen to ignore for some reason.
virtual bool CanIgnoreType(const Type* type) const {
if (nodes_to_ignore_.Contains(type))
return true;
// If we're a default template argument, we should ignore the type
// if the template author intend-to-provide it, but otherwise we
// should not ignore it -- the caller is responsible for the type.
// This captures cases like hash_set<Foo>, where the caller is
// responsible for defining hash<Foo>.
// SomeInstantiatedTemplateIntendsToProvide handles the case we
// have a templated class that #includes "foo.h" and has a
// scoped_ptr<Foo>: we say the templated class provides Foo, even
// though it's scoped_ptr.h that's actually trying to call
// Foo::Foo and ::~Foo.
// TODO(csilvers): this isn't ideal: ideally we'd want
// 'TheInstantiatedTemplateForWhichTypeWasADefaultTemplateArgumentIntendsToProvide',
// but clang doesn't store that information.
if (IsDefaultTemplateParameter(type))
return SomeInstantiatedTemplateIntendsToProvide(type);
// If we're not in the resugar-map at all, we're not a type
// corresponding to the template being instantiated, so we
// can be ignored.
type = RemoveSubstTemplateTypeParm(type);
return !ContainsKey(resugar_map_, type);
// We ignore function calls in nodes_to_ignore_, which were already
// handled by the template-as-written, and function names that we
// are not responsible for because the template code is (for
// instance, we're not responsible for a vector's call to
// allocator::allocator(), because <vector> provides it for us).
virtual bool CanIgnoreDecl(const Decl* decl) const {
return nodes_to_ignore_.Contains(decl);
// We always attribute type uses to the template instantiator. For
// decls, we do unless it looks like the template "intends to
// provide" the decl, by #including the file that defines the decl
// (if templates call other templates, we have to find the right
// template).
virtual void ReportDeclUseWithComment(SourceLocation used_loc,
const NamedDecl* decl,
const char* comment) {
const SourceLocation actual_used_loc = GetLocOfTemplateThatProvides(decl);
if (actual_used_loc.isValid()) {
// If a template is responsible for this decl, then we don't add
// it to the cache; the cache is only for decls that the
// original caller is responsible for.
Base::ReportDeclUseWithComment(actual_used_loc, decl, comment);
} else {
// Let all the currently active types and decls know about this
// report, so they can update their cache entries.
for (Each<CacheStoringScope*> it(&cache_storers_); !it.AtEnd(); ++it)
Base::ReportDeclUseWithComment(caller_loc(), decl, comment);
virtual void ReportTypeUseWithComment(SourceLocation used_loc,
const Type* type,
const char* comment) {
// clang desugars template types, so Foo<MyTypedef>() gets turned
// into Foo<UnderlyingType>(). Try to convert back.
type = ResugarType(type);
for (Each<CacheStoringScope*> it(&cache_storers_); !it.AtEnd(); ++it)
Base::ReportTypeUseWithComment(caller_loc(), type, comment);
// Overridden traverse-style methods from Base.
// The 'convenience' HandleFunctionCall is perfect for us!
bool HandleFunctionCall(FunctionDecl* callee, const Type* parent_type,
const clang::Expr* calling_expr) {
if (const Type* resugared_type = ResugarType(parent_type))
parent_type = resugared_type;
if (!Base::HandleFunctionCall(callee, parent_type, calling_expr))
return false;
if (!callee || CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode() || CanIgnoreDecl(callee))
return true;
return TraverseExpandedTemplateFunctionHelper(callee, parent_type);
bool TraverseUnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr(clang::UnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr* expr) {
if (!Base::TraverseUnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr(expr)) return false;
if (CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()) return true;
const Type* arg_type = expr->getTypeOfArgument().getTypePtr();
// Calling sizeof on a reference-to-X is the same as calling it on X.
if (const ReferenceType* reftype = DynCastFrom(arg_type)) {
arg_type = reftype->getPointeeTypeAsWritten().getTypePtr();
if (const TemplateSpecializationType* type = DynCastFrom(arg_type)) {
// Even though sizeof(MyClass<T>) only requires knowing how much
// storage MyClass<T> takes, the language seems to require that
// MyClass<T> be fully instantiated, even typedefs. (Try
// compiling 'template<class T> struct C { typedef typename T::a t; };
// class S; int main() { return sizeof(C<S>); }'.)
return TraverseDataAndTypeMembersOfClassHelper(type);
return true;
bool TraverseTemplateSpecializationTypeHelper(
const clang::TemplateSpecializationType* type) {
if (CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()) return true;
if (CanForwardDeclareType(current_ast_node()))
return TraverseDataAndTypeMembersOfClassHelper(type);
bool TraverseTemplateSpecializationType(
clang::TemplateSpecializationType* type) {
if (!Base::TraverseTemplateSpecializationType(type)) return false;
return TraverseTemplateSpecializationTypeHelper(type);
bool TraverseTemplateSpecializationTypeLoc(
clang::TemplateSpecializationTypeLoc typeloc) {
if (!Base::TraverseTemplateSpecializationTypeLoc(typeloc)) return false;
return TraverseTemplateSpecializationTypeHelper(typeloc.getTypePtr());
bool TraverseSubstTemplateTypeParmTypeHelper(
const clang::SubstTemplateTypeParmType* type) {
if (CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()) return true;
if (CanIgnoreType(type)) return true;
const Type* actual_type = ResugarType(type);
CHECK_(actual_type && "If !CanIgnoreType(), we should be resugar-able");
return TraverseType(QualType(actual_type, 0));
// When we see a template argument used inside an instantiated
// template, we want to explore the type recursively. For instance
// if we see Inner<Outer<Foo> >(), we want to recurse onto Foo.
bool TraverseSubstTemplateTypeParmType(
clang::SubstTemplateTypeParmType* type) {
if (!Base::TraverseSubstTemplateTypeParmType(type))
return false;
return TraverseSubstTemplateTypeParmTypeHelper(type);
bool TraverseSubstTemplateTypeParmTypeLoc(
clang::SubstTemplateTypeParmTypeLoc typeloc) {
if (!Base::TraverseSubstTemplateTypeParmTypeLoc(typeloc))
return false;
return TraverseSubstTemplateTypeParmTypeHelper(typeloc.getTypePtr());
// These do the actual work of finding the types to return. Our
// task is made easier since (at least in theory), every time we
// instantiate a template type, the instantiation has type
// SubstTemplateTypeParmTypeLoc in the AST tree.
bool VisitSubstTemplateTypeParmType(clang::SubstTemplateTypeParmType* type) {
if (CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()) return true;
if (CanIgnoreType(type)) return true;
// Figure out how this type was actually written. clang always
// canonicalizes SubstTemplateTypeParmType, losing typedef info, etc.
const Type* actual_type = ResugarType(type);
CHECK_(actual_type && "If !CanIgnoreType(), we should be resugar-able");
// TODO(csilvers): whenever we report a type use here, we want to
// do an iwyu check on this type (to see if sub-types are used).
// If we're a nested-name-specifier class (the Foo in Foo::bar),
// we need our full type info no matter what the context (even if
// we're a pointer, or a template arg, or whatever).
// TODO(csilvers): consider encoding this logic via
// in_forward_declare_context. I think this will require changing
// in_forward_declare_context to yes/no/maybe.
if (current_ast_node()->ParentIsA<NestedNameSpecifier>()) {
ReportTypeUse(CurrentLoc(), actual_type);
return Base::VisitSubstTemplateTypeParmType(type);
// If we're inside a typedef, we don't need our full type info --
// in this case we follow what the C++ language allows and let
// the underlying type of a typedef be forward-declared. This has
// the effect that code like:
// class MyClass;
// template<class T> struct Foo { typedef T value_type; ... }
// Foo<MyClass> f;
// does not make us require the full type of MyClass. The idea
// is that using Foo<MyClass>::value_type already requires the
// type for MyClass, so it doesn't make sense for the typedef
// to require it as well. TODO(csilvers): this doesn't really
// make any sense. Who figures out we need the full type if
// you do 'Foo<MyClass>::value_type m;'?
for (const ASTNode* ast_node = current_ast_node();
ast_node != caller_ast_node_; ast_node = ast_node->parent()) {
if (ast_node->IsA<TypedefDecl>())
return Base::VisitSubstTemplateTypeParmType(type);
// sizeof(a reference type) is the same as sizeof(underlying type).
// We have to handle that specially here, or else we'll say the
// reference is forward-declarable, below.
if (current_ast_node()->ParentIsA<UnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr>() &&
isa<ReferenceType>(actual_type)) {
const ReferenceType* actual_reftype = cast<ReferenceType>(actual_type);
return Base::VisitSubstTemplateTypeParmType(type);
// If we're used in a forward-declare context (MyFunc<T>() { T* t; }),
// or are ourselves a pointer type (MyFunc<Myclass*>()),
// we don't need to do anything: we're fine being forward-declared.
if (current_ast_node()->in_forward_declare_context())
return Base::VisitSubstTemplateTypeParmType(type);
if (current_ast_node()->ParentIsA<PointerType>() ||
current_ast_node()->ParentIsA<LValueReferenceType>() ||
return Base::VisitSubstTemplateTypeParmType(type);
// We attribute all uses in an instantiated template to the
// template's caller.
ReportTypeUse(caller_loc(), actual_type);
return Base::VisitSubstTemplateTypeParmType(type);
// If constructing an object, check the type we're constructing.
// Normally we'd see that type later, when traversing the return
// type of the constructor-decl, but if we wait for that, we'll lose
// any SubstTemplateTypeParmType's we have (we lose all
// SubstTemplateTypeParmType's going from Expr to Decl).
// TODO(csilvers): This should maybe move to HandleFunctionCall.
bool VisitCXXConstructExpr(clang::CXXConstructExpr* expr) {
if (CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()) return true;
const Type* class_type = GetTypeOf(expr);
if (CanIgnoreType(class_type)) return true;
// If the ctor type is a SubstTemplateTypeParmType, get the type-as-typed.
const Type* actual_type = ResugarType(class_type);
CHECK_(actual_type && "If !CanIgnoreType(), we should be resugar-able");
ReportTypeUse(caller_loc(), actual_type);
return Base::VisitCXXConstructExpr(expr);
// Clears the state of the visitor.
void Clear() {
caller_ast_node_ = NULL;
// If we see the instantiated template using a type or decl (such as
// std::allocator), we want to know if the author of the template is
// providing the type or decl, so the code using the instantiated
// template doesn't have to. For instance:
// vector<int, /*allocator<int>*/> v; // in
// Does <vector> provide the definition of allocator<int>? If not,
// will have to #include <allocator>.
// We say the template-as-written does provide the decl if it, or
// any other header seen since we started instantiating the
// template, sees it. The latter requirement is to deal with a
// situation like this: we have a templated class that #includes
// "foo.h" and has a scoped_ptr<Foo>; we say the templated class
// provides Foo, even though it's scoped_ptr.h that's actually
// trying to call Foo::Foo and Foo::~Foo.
SourceLocation GetLocOfTemplateThatProvides(const NamedDecl* decl) const {
if (!decl)
return SourceLocation(); // an invalid source-loc
for (const ASTNode* ast_node = current_ast_node();
ast_node != caller_ast_node_; ast_node = ast_node->parent()) {
if (preprocessor_info().PublicHeaderIntendsToProvide(
return ast_node->GetLocation();
return SourceLocation(); // an invalid source-loc
bool SomeInstantiatedTemplateIntendsToProvide(const NamedDecl* decl) const {
return GetLocOfTemplateThatProvides(decl).isValid();
bool SomeInstantiatedTemplateIntendsToProvide(const Type* type) const {
type = RemoveSubstTemplateTypeParm(type);
type = RemovePointersAndReferences(type); // get down to the decl
if (const NamedDecl* decl = TypeToDeclAsWritten(type))
return GetLocOfTemplateThatProvides(decl).isValid();
return true; // we always provide non-decl types like int, etc.
// For a SubstTemplateTypeParmType, says whether it corresponds to a
// default template parameter (one not explicitly specified when the
// class was instantiated) or not. We store this in resugar_map by
// having the value be NULL.
bool IsDefaultTemplateParameter(const Type* type) const {
type = RemoveSubstTemplateTypeParm(type);
return ContainsKeyValue(resugar_map_, type, static_cast<Type*>(NULL));
// clang desugars template types, so Foo<MyTypedef>() gets turned
// into Foo<UnderlyingType>(). We can 'resugar' using resugar_map_.
// If we're not in the resugar-map, then we weren't canonicalized,
// so we can just use the input type unchanged.
const Type* ResugarType(const Type* type) const {
type = RemoveSubstTemplateTypeParm(type);
// If we're the resugar-map but with a value of NULL, it means
// we're a default template arg, which means we don't have anything
// to resugar to. So just return the input type.
if (ContainsKeyValue(resugar_map_, type, static_cast<const Type*>(NULL)))
return type;
return GetOrDefault(resugar_map_, type, type);
bool TraverseExpandedTemplateFunctionHelper(const FunctionDecl* fn_decl,
const Type* parent_type) {
if (!fn_decl || ContainsKey(traversed_decls_, fn_decl))
return true; // avoid recursion and repetition
// If we have cached the reporting done for this decl before,
// report again (but with the new caller_loc this time).
// Otherwise, for all reporting done in the rest of this scope,
// store in the cache for this function.
if (ReplayUsesFromCache(*FunctionCallsFullUseCache(),
fn_decl, caller_loc()))
return true;
// Make sure all the types we report in the recursive TraverseDecl
// calls, below, end up in the cache for fn_decl.
CacheStoringScope css(&cache_storers_, FunctionCallsFullUseCache(),
fn_decl, resugar_map_);
// We want to ignore all nodes that are the same in this
// instantiated function as they are in the uninstantiated version
// of the function. The latter will be reported when we traverse
// the uninstantiated function, so we don't need to re-traverse
// them here.
AstFlattenerVisitor nodeset_getter(compiler());
// This gets to the decl for the (uninstantiated) template-as-written:
const FunctionDecl* decl_as_written
= fn_decl->getTemplateInstantiationPattern();
if (!decl_as_written) {
if (fn_decl->isImplicit()) { // TIP not set up for implicit methods
// TODO(csilvers): handle implicit template methods
} else { // not a templated decl
decl_as_written = fn_decl;
if (decl_as_written) {
FunctionDecl* const daw = const_cast<FunctionDecl*>(decl_as_written);
// We need to iterate over the function. We do so even if it's
// an implicit function.
if (fn_decl->isImplicit()) {
if (!TraverseImplicitDeclHelper(const_cast<FunctionDecl*>(fn_decl)))
return false;
} else {
if (!TraverseDecl(const_cast<FunctionDecl*>(fn_decl)))
return false;
// If we're a constructor, we also need to construct the entire class,
// even typedefs that aren't used at construct time. Try compiling
// template<class T> struct C { typedef typename T::a t; };
// class S; int main() { C<S> c; }
if (isa<CXXConstructorDecl>(fn_decl)) {
CHECK_(parent_type && "How can a constructor have no parent?");
parent_type = RemoveElaboration(parent_type);
if (!TraverseDataAndTypeMembersOfClassHelper(
return false;
return true;
// Does the actual recursing over data members and type members of
// the instantiated class. Unlike
// TraverseClassTemplateSpecializationDecl() in the base class, it
// does *not* traverse the methods.
bool TraverseDataAndTypeMembersOfClassHelper(
const TemplateSpecializationType* type) {
if (!type)
return true;
// No point in doing traversal if we're forward-declared
if (current_ast_node()->in_forward_declare_context())
return true;
while (type->isTypeAlias()) {
type = DynCastFrom(type->getAliasedType().getTypePtr());
if (!type)
return true;
// If we're a dependent type, we only try to be analyzed if we're
// in the precomputed list -- in general, the only thing clang
// tells us about dependent types is their name (which is all we
// need for the precomputed list!). This means iwyu will properly
// analyze the use of SomeClass in code like 'map<T, SomeClass>',
// but not in 'MyMap<T, SomeClass>', since we have precomputed
// information about the STL map<>, but not the user type MyMap.
// TODO(csilvers): do better here.
if (type->isDependentType()) {
// TODO(csilvers): This is currently always a noop; need to fix
// GetTplTypeResugarMapForClassNoComponentTypes to do something
// useful for dependent types.
ReplayClassMemberUsesFromPrecomputedList(type); // best-effort
return true;
const ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl* class_decl
= DynCastFrom(TypeToDeclAsWritten(type));
CHECK_(class_decl && "TemplateSpecializationType is not a TplSpecDecl?");
if (ContainsKey(traversed_decls_, class_decl))
return true; // avoid recursion & repetition
// If we have cached the reporting done for this decl before,
// report again (but with the new caller_loc this time).
// Otherwise, for all reporting done in the rest of this scope,
// store in the cache for this function.
if (ReplayUsesFromCache(*ClassMembersFullUseCache(),
class_decl, caller_loc()))
return true;
if (ReplayClassMemberUsesFromPrecomputedList(type))
return true;
// Make sure all the types we report in the recursive TraverseDecl
// calls, below, end up in the cache for class_decl.
CacheStoringScope css(&cache_storers_, ClassMembersFullUseCache(),
class_decl, resugar_map_);
for (DeclContext::decl_iterator it = class_decl->decls_begin();
it != class_decl->decls_end(); ++it) {
if (isa<CXXMethodDecl>(*it) || isa<FunctionTemplateDecl>(*it))
if (!TraverseDecl(*it))
return false;
// Most methods on template classes are instantiated when they're
// called, and we don't need to deal with them here. But virtual
// methods are instantiated when the class's key method is
// instantiated, and since template classes rarely have a key
// method, it means they're instantiated whenever the class is
// instantiated. So we need to instantiate virtual methods here.
for (DeclContext::decl_iterator it = class_decl->decls_begin();
it != class_decl->decls_end(); ++it) {
if (const CXXMethodDecl* method_decl = DynCastFrom(*it)) {
if (method_decl->isVirtual()) {
if (!TraverseExpandedTemplateFunctionHelper(method_decl, type))
return false;
return true;
// Cache methods. Caches hold the list of full uses found when we
// last instantiated a given decl, saving a lot of tree-walking if
// we have to do it again.
// Returns true if we replayed uses, false if key isn't in the cache.
bool ReplayUsesFromCache(const FullUseCache& cache, const NamedDecl* key,
SourceLocation use_loc) {
if (!cache.Contains(key, resugar_map_))
return false;
VERRS(6) << "(Replaying full-use information from the cache for "
<< key->getQualifiedNameAsString() << ")\n";
ReportTypesUse(use_loc, cache.GetFullUseTypes(key, resugar_map_));
ReportDeclsUse(use_loc, cache.GetFullUseDecls(key, resugar_map_));
return true;
// We precompute (hard-code) results of calling
// TraverseDataAndTypeMembersOfClassHelper for some types (mostly
// STL types). This way we don't even need to traverse them once.
// Returns true iff we did appropriate reporting for this type.
bool ReplayClassMemberUsesFromPrecomputedList(
const TemplateSpecializationType* tpl_type) {
if (current_ast_node() && current_ast_node()->in_forward_declare_context())
return true; // never depend on any types if a fwd-decl
const NamedDecl* tpl_decl = TypeToDeclAsWritten(tpl_type);
// This says how the template-args are used by this hard-coded type
// (a set<>, or map<>, or ...), to avoid having to recurse into them.
const map<const Type*, const Type*>& resugar_map_for_precomputed_type =
// But we need to reconcile that with the types-of-interest, as
// stored in resugar_map_. To do this, we take only those entries
// from resugar_map_for_precomputed_type that are also present in
// resugar_map_. We consider type components, so if
// resugar_map_for_precomputed_type has less_than<Foo> or hash<Foo>,
// we'll add those in even if resugar_map_ only includes 'Foo'.
map<const Type*, const Type*> resugar_map;
for (Each<const Type*, const Type*> it(&resugar_map_for_precomputed_type);
!it.AtEnd(); ++it) {
// TODO(csilvers): for default template args, it->first is sometimes
// a RecordType even when it's a template specialization. Figure out
// how to get the proper type components in that situation.
const set<const Type*> type_components = GetComponentsOfType(it->first);
if (ContainsAnyKey(resugar_map_, type_components)) {
if (resugar_map.empty())
return false;
VERRS(6) << "(Using pre-computed list of full-use information for "
<< tpl_decl->getQualifiedNameAsString() << ")\n";
// For entries with a non-NULL value, we report the value, which
// is the unsugared type, as being fully used. Entries with a
// NULL value are default template args, and we only report them
// if the template class doesn't intend-to-provide them.
for (Each<const Type*, const Type*> it(&resugar_map); !it.AtEnd(); ++it) {
const Type* resugared_type = NULL;
if (it->second) {
resugared_type = it->second;
} else {
const NamedDecl* resugared_decl = TypeToDeclAsWritten(it->first);
if (!preprocessor_info().PublicHeaderIntendsToProvide(
GetFileEntry(tpl_decl), GetFileEntry(resugared_decl)))
resugared_type = it->first;
if (resugared_type && !resugared_type->isPointerType()) {
ReportTypeUse(caller_loc(), resugared_type);
// For a templated type, check the template args as well.
if (const TemplateSpecializationType* spec_type
= DynCastFrom(resugared_type)) {
return true;
// Member accessors.
SourceLocation caller_loc() const {
return caller_ast_node_->GetLocation();
// Member variables.
// The AST-chain when this template was instantiated.
const ASTNode* caller_ast_node_;
// resugar_map is a map from an unsugared (canonicalized) template
// type to the template type as written (or as close as we can find
// to it). If a type is not in resugar-map, it might be due to a
// recursive template call and encode a template type we don't care
// about ourselves. If it's in the resugar_map but with a NULL
// value, it's a default template parameter, that the
// template-caller may or may not be responsible for.
map<const Type*, const Type*> resugar_map_;
// Used to avoid recursion in the *Helper() methods.
set<const Decl*> traversed_decls_;
AstFlattenerVisitor::NodeSet nodes_to_ignore_;
// The current set of nodes we're updating cache entries for.
set<CacheStoringScope*> cache_storers_;
}; // class InstantiatedTemplateVisitor
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// --- IwyuAstConsumer
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// This class listens to Clang's events as the AST is generated.
// The traversal of the AST is done via RecursiveASTVisitor, which uses
// CRTP (
class IwyuAstConsumer
: public ASTConsumer, public IwyuBaseAstVisitor<IwyuAstConsumer> {
typedef IwyuBaseAstVisitor<IwyuAstConsumer> Base;
IwyuAstConsumer(VisitorState* visitor_state)
: Base(visitor_state),
instantiated_template_visitor_(visitor_state) {}
// Implements pure virtual methods from Base.
// Returns true if we are not interested in symbols used in used_in
// for whatever reason. For instance, we can ignore nodes that are
// neither in the file we're compiling nor in its associated .h file.
virtual bool CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode() const {
// If we're outside of foo.{h,cc} and the set of check_also files,
// just ignore.
if (CanIgnoreLocation(current_ast_node()->GetLocation()))
return true;
// If we're a field of a typedef type, ignore us: our rule is that
// the author of the typedef is responsible for everything
// involving the typedef.
if (IsMemberOfATypedef(current_ast_node()))
return true;
// TODO(csilvers): if we're a type, call CanIgnoreType().
return false;
// We print symbols from files in the main compilation unit (,
// foo.h, foo-inl.h) if the debug level is 5 or 6, for non-system
// files if the debug level is 7, and all files if the debug level
// is 8 or more.
virtual bool ShouldPrintSymbolFromCurrentFile() const {
return ShouldPrintSymbolFromFile(CurrentFileEntry());
virtual string GetSymbolAnnotation() const { return ""; }
// We are interested in all types for iwyu checking.
virtual bool CanIgnoreType(const Type* type) const {
return type == NULL;
virtual bool CanIgnoreDecl(const Decl* decl) const {
return decl == NULL;
// Parser event handlers. Clang will call them to notify this
// ASTConsumer as it parses the source code. See class ASTConsumer in
// clang/AST/ASTConsumer.h
// for all the handlers we can override.
// Called once at the beginning of the compilation.
virtual void Initialize(ASTContext& context) {} // NOLINT
// Called once at the end of the compilation.
virtual void HandleTranslationUnit(ASTContext& context) { // NOLINT
// TODO(csilvers): automatically detect preprocessing is done, somehow.
// We run a separate pass to force parsing of late-parsed function
// templates.
// We have to calculate the .h files before the .cc file, since
// the .cc file inherits #includes from the .h files, and we
// need to figure out what those #includes are going to be.
size_t num_edits = 0;
const FileEntry* const main_file = preprocessor_info().main_file();
const set<const FileEntry*>* const files_to_report_iwyu_violations_for
= preprocessor_info().files_to_report_iwyu_violations_for();
for (Each<const FileEntry*> file(files_to_report_iwyu_violations_for);
!file.AtEnd(); ++file) {
if (*file == main_file)
num_edits += preprocessor_info().FileInfoFor(*file)
num_edits += preprocessor_info().FileInfoFor(main_file)
// We need to force the compile to fail so we can re-run.
exit(EXIT_SUCCESS_OFFSET + num_edits);
void ParseFunctionTemplates(TranslationUnitDecl* decl) {
set<FunctionDecl*> late_parsed_decls = GetLateParsedFunctionDecls(decl);
clang::Sema& sema = compiler()->getSema();
// If we have any late-parsed functions, make sure the
// -fdelayed-template-parsing flag is on. Otherwise we don't know where
// they came from.
CHECK_((compiler()->getLangOpts().DelayedTemplateParsing ||
late_parsed_decls.empty()) &&
"Should not have late-parsed decls without "
for (const FunctionDecl* fd : late_parsed_decls) {
if (CanIgnoreLocation(GetLocation(fd)))
// Force parsing and AST building of the yet-uninstantiated function
// template body.
clang::LateParsedTemplate* lpt = sema.LateParsedTemplateMap[fd];
sema.LateTemplateParser(sema.OpaqueParser, *lpt);
// AST visitors. We start by adding a visitor callback for
// most of the subclasses of Decl/Stmt/Type listed in:
// clang/AST/DeclNodes.def
// clang/AST/
// clang/AST/TypeNodes.def
// We exclude only:
// 1) abstract declarations and types with no logic (e.g. NamedDecl)
// 2) ObjC declarations, statements, and types (e.g. ObjcIvarDecl)
// RecursiveASTVisitor defines specialized visitors for each specific
// math operation (MulAssign, OffsetOf, etc). We don't override
// those callbacks, but use their default behavior, which is to call
// back to VisitUnaryOperator, VisitBinaryOperator, etc.
// Over time, as we understand when a callback is called and
// which can be ignored by iwyu, we will pare down the list.
// Each of these returns a bool: false if we want to abort the
// traversal (we never do). For Visit*(), we can abort early if
// we're not in the main compilation-unit, since we only ever give
// iwyu warnings on symbols in those files.
// --- Visitors of types derived from clang::Decl.
bool VisitNamespaceAliasDecl(clang::NamespaceAliasDecl* decl) {
if (CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()) return true;
ReportDeclUse(CurrentLoc(), decl->getNamespace());
return Base::VisitNamespaceAliasDecl(decl);
bool VisitUsingDecl(clang::UsingDecl* decl) {
// If somebody in a different file tries to use one of these decls
// with the shortened name, then they had better #include us in
// order to get our using declaration. We store the necessary
// information here. Note: we have to store this even if this is
// an ast node we would otherwise ignore, since other AST nodes
// (which we might not ignore) can depend on it.
for (UsingDecl::shadow_iterator it = decl->shadow_begin();
it != decl->shadow_end(); ++it) {
AddUsingDeclaration((*it)->getTargetDecl(), decl);
if (CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()) return true;
// The shadow decls hold the declarations for the var/fn/etc we're
// using. (There may be more than one if, say, we're using an
// overloaded function.) We check to make sure nothing we're
// using is an iwyu violation.
for (UsingDecl::shadow_iterator it = decl->shadow_begin();
it != decl->shadow_end(); ++it) {
ReportDeclForwardDeclareUse(CurrentLoc(), (*it)->getTargetDecl());
return Base::VisitUsingDecl(decl);
bool VisitTagDecl(clang::TagDecl* decl) {
if (CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()) return true;
if (IsForwardDecl(decl)) {
// If we're a templated class, make sure we add the whole template.
const NamedDecl* decl_to_fwd_declare = decl;
if (const CXXRecordDecl* cxx_decl = DynCastFrom(decl))
if (cxx_decl->getDescribedClassTemplate())
decl_to_fwd_declare = cxx_decl->getDescribedClassTemplate();
// We've found a forward-declaration. We'll report we've found
// it, but we also want to report if we know already that we
// should keep this forward-declaration around (and not consider
// it for deletion if it's never used). There are a few
// situations we can do this, described below.
bool definitely_keep_fwd_decl = false;
// (1) If the forward-decl has a linkage spec ('extern "C"')
// then it can't be removed, since that information probably
// isn't encoded anywhere else.
// (Surprisingly classes can have linkage specs! -- they are
// applied to all static methods of the class. See
if (current_ast_node()->ParentIsA<LinkageSpecDecl>()) {
definitely_keep_fwd_decl = true;
// (2) GCC-style __attributes__ work the same way: we can't assume
// that attributes are consistent between declarations, so we can't
// remove a decl with attributes unless they're inherited, i.e. propagated
// from another redeclaration as opposed to explicitly written.
} else if (decl->hasAttrs()) {
for (Each<const Attr*> it(&decl->getAttrs()); !it.AtEnd(); ++it) {
if (!(*it)->isInherited()) {
definitely_keep_fwd_decl = true;
// (3) If we're a nested class ("class A { class SubA; };"),
// then we can't necessary be removed either, since we're part
// of the public API of the enclosing class -- it's illegal to
// have a nested class and not at least declare it in the
// enclosing class. If the nested class is actually defined in
// the enclosing class, then we're fine; if not, we need to keep
// the first forward-declaration.
} else if (IsNestedClassAsWritten(current_ast_node())) {
if (!decl->getDefinition() || decl->getDefinition()->isOutOfLine()) {
// TODO(kimgr): Member class redeclarations are illegal, per C++
// standard DR85, so this check for first redecl can be removed.
// Nested classes should always be definitely kept. More details here:
// GCC and MSVC both still allow redeclarations of nested classes,
// though, so it seems hygienic to remove all but one.
if (const NamedDecl* first_decl = GetFirstRedecl(decl)) {
// Check if we're the decl with the smallest line number.
if (decl == first_decl)
definitely_keep_fwd_decl = true;
decl_to_fwd_declare, definitely_keep_fwd_decl);
return Base::VisitTagDecl(decl);
// If you specialize a template, you need a declaration of the
// template you're specializing. That is, for code like this:
// template <class T> struct Foo;
// template<> struct Foo<int> { ... };
// we don't want iwyu to recommend removing the 'forward declare' of Foo.
bool VisitClassTemplateSpecializationDecl(
clang::ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl* decl) {
if (CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()) return true;
ClassTemplateDecl* specialized_decl = decl->getSpecializedTemplate();
ReportDeclForwardDeclareUse(CurrentLoc(), specialized_decl);
return Base::VisitClassTemplateSpecializationDecl(decl);
// If you say 'typedef Foo Bar', then clients can use Bar however
// they want without having to worry about #including anything
// except you. That puts you on the hook for all the #includes that
// Bar might need, for *anything* one might want to do to a Bar.
// TODO(csilvers): we can probably relax this rule in .cc files.
// TODO(csilvers): this should really move into IwyuBaseASTVisitor
// (that way we'll correctly identify need for hash<> in hash_set).
// This is a Traverse*() because Visit*() can't call HandleFunctionCall().
bool TraverseTypedefDecl(clang::TypedefDecl* decl) {
// Before we go up the tree, make sure the parents know we don't
// forward-declare the underlying type of a typedef decl.
if (!Base::TraverseTypedefDecl(decl))
return false;
if (CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()) return true;
const Type* underlying_type = decl->getUnderlyingType().getTypePtr();
const Decl* underlying_decl = TypeToDeclAsWritten(underlying_type);
// We simulate a user calling all the methods in a class.
if (const CXXRecordDecl* record_decl = DynCastFrom(underlying_decl)) {
for (DeclContext::decl_iterator it = record_decl->decls_begin();
it != record_decl->decls_end(); ++it) {
FunctionDecl* fn_decl = NULL;
if (CXXMethodDecl* method_decl = DynCastFrom(*it)) {
fn_decl = method_decl;
} else if (FunctionTemplateDecl* tpl_decl = DynCastFrom(*it)) {
fn_decl = tpl_decl->getTemplatedDecl(); // templated method decl
} else {
continue; // not a method or static method
if (!this->getDerived().HandleFunctionCall(
fn_decl, underlying_type, static_cast<Expr*>(NULL)))
return false;
// We don't have to simulate a user instantiating the type, because
// RecursiveASTVisitor.h will recurse on the typedef'ed type for us.
return true;
// --- Visitors of types derived from clang::Stmt.
// Called whenever a variable, function, enum, etc is used.
bool VisitDeclRefExpr(clang::DeclRefExpr* expr) {
if (CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()) return true;
ReportDeclUse(CurrentLoc(), expr->getDecl());
return Base::VisitDeclRefExpr(expr);
// This Expr is for sizeof(), alignof() and similar. The compiler
// fully instantiates a template class before taking the size of it.
// So so do we.
bool VisitUnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr(clang::UnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr* expr) {
if (CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()) return true;
const Type* arg_type = expr->getTypeOfArgument().getTypePtr();
// Calling sizeof on a reference-to-X is the same as calling it on X.
if (const ReferenceType* reftype = DynCastFrom(arg_type)) {
arg_type = reftype->getPointeeTypeAsWritten().getTypePtr();
if (!IsTemplatizedType(arg_type))
return Base::VisitUnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr(expr);
const map<const Type*, const Type*> resugar_map
= GetTplTypeResugarMapForClass(arg_type);
arg_type, current_ast_node(), resugar_map);
return Base::VisitUnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr(expr);
// --- Visitors of types derived from clang::Type.
bool VisitTypedefType(clang::TypedefType* type) {
if (CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()) return true;
// TypedefType::getDecl() returns the place where the typedef is defined.
if (CanForwardDeclareType(current_ast_node())) {
ReportDeclForwardDeclareUse(CurrentLoc(), type->getDecl());
} else {
ReportDeclUse(CurrentLoc(), type->getDecl());
return Base::VisitTypedefType(type);
// This is a superclass of RecordType and CXXRecordType.
bool VisitTagType(clang::TagType* type) {
if (CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()) return true;
// If we're forward-declarable, then no complicated checking is
// needed: just forward-declare.
if (CanForwardDeclareType(current_ast_node())) {
if (compiler()->getLangOpts().CPlusPlus) {
// In C++, if we're already elaborated ('class Foo x') but not
// namespace-qualified ('class ns::Foo x') there's no need even to
// forward-declare.
// Note that enums are never forward-declarable, so elaborated enums are
// short-circuited in CanForwardDeclareType.
const ASTNode* parent = current_ast_node()->parent();
if (!IsElaborationNode(parent) || IsNamespaceQualifiedNode(parent))
ReportDeclForwardDeclareUse(CurrentLoc(), type->getDecl());
} else {
// In C, all struct references are elaborated, so we really never need
// to forward-declare. But there's one case where an elaborated struct
// decl in a parameter list causes Clang to warn about constrained
// visibility, so we recommend forward declaration to avoid the warning.
// E.g.
// void init(struct mystruct* s);
// warning: declaration of 'struct mystruct' will not be visible
// outside of this function [-Wvisibility]
if (current_ast_node()->HasAncestorOfType<ParmVarDecl>())
ReportDeclForwardDeclareUse(CurrentLoc(), type->getDecl());
return Base::VisitTagType(type);
// OK, seems to be a use that requires the full type.
ReportDeclUse(CurrentLoc(), type->getDecl());
return Base::VisitTagType(type);
// Like for CXXConstructExpr, etc., we sometimes need to instantiate
// a class when looking at TemplateSpecializationType -- for instance,
// when we need to access a class typedef: MyClass<A>::value_type.
bool VisitTemplateSpecializationType(
clang::TemplateSpecializationType* type) {
if (CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()) return true;
// If we're not in a forward-declare context, use of a template
// specialization requires having the full type information.
if (!CanForwardDeclareType(current_ast_node())) {
const map<const Type*, const Type*> resugar_map
= GetTplTypeResugarMapForClass(type);
// ScanInstantiatedType requires that type not already be on the
// ast-stack that it sees, but in our case it will be. So we
// pass in the parent-node.
const ASTNode* ast_parent = current_ast_node()->parent();
type, ast_parent, resugar_map);
return Base::VisitTemplateSpecializationType(type);
// --- Visitors defined by BaseASTVisitor (not RecursiveASTVisitor).
bool VisitTemplateName(TemplateName template_name) {
if (CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode()) return true;
if (!Base::VisitTemplateName(template_name)) return false;
// The only time we can see a TemplateName not in the
// context of a TemplateSpecializationType is when it's
// the default argument of a template template arg:
// template<template<class T> class A = TplNameWithoutTST> class Foo ...
// So that's the only case we need to handle here.
// TODO(csilvers): check if this is really forward-declarable or
// not. You *could* do something like: 'template<template<class
// T> class A = Foo> class C { A<int>* x; };' and never
// dereference x, but that's pretty unlikely. So for now, we just
// assume these default template template args always need full
// type info.
if (IsDefaultTemplateTemplateArg(current_ast_node())) {
ReportDeclUse(CurrentLoc(), template_name.getAsTemplateDecl());
return true;
// For expressions that require us to instantiate a template
// (CallExpr of a template function, or CXXConstructExpr of a
// template class, etc), we need to instantiate the template and
// check IWYU status of the template parameters *in the template
// code* (so for 'MyFunc<T>() { T t; ... }', the contents of
// MyFunc<MyClass> add an iwyu requirement on MyClass).
bool HandleFunctionCall(FunctionDecl* callee, const Type* parent_type,
const clang::Expr* calling_expr) {
if (!Base::HandleFunctionCall(callee, parent_type, calling_expr))
return false;
if (!callee || CanIgnoreCurrentASTNode() || CanIgnoreDecl(callee))
return true;
if (!IsTemplatizedFunctionDecl(callee) && !IsTemplatizedType(parent_type))
return true;
map<const Type*, const Type*> resugar_map
= GetTplTypeResugarMapForFunction(callee, calling_expr);
if (parent_type) { // means we're a method of a class
InsertAllInto(GetTplTypeResugarMapForClass(parent_type), &resugar_map);
callee, parent_type,
current_ast_node(), resugar_map);
return true;
// Class we call to handle instantiated template functions and classes.
InstantiatedTemplateVisitor instantiated_template_visitor_;
}; // class IwyuAstConsumer
// We use an ASTFrontendAction to hook up IWYU with Clang.
class IwyuAction : public ASTFrontendAction {
virtual std::unique_ptr<ASTConsumer> CreateASTConsumer(
CompilerInstance& compiler, // NOLINT
llvm::StringRef /* dummy */) {
// Do this first thing after getting our hands on a CompilerInstance.
IwyuPreprocessorInfo* const preprocessor_consumer =
new IwyuPreprocessorInfo();
VisitorState* const visitor_state
= new VisitorState(&compiler, *preprocessor_consumer);
return std::unique_ptr<IwyuAstConsumer>(new IwyuAstConsumer(visitor_state));
} // namespace include_what_you_use
#include "iwyu_driver.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/FrontendAction.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ManagedStatic.h"
#include "llvm/Support/TargetSelect.h"
using include_what_you_use::OptionsParser;
using include_what_you_use::IwyuAction;
using include_what_you_use::CreateCompilerInstance;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
// Must initialize X86 target to be able to parse Microsoft inline
// assembly. We do this unconditionally, because it allows an IWYU
// built for non-X86 targets to parse MS inline asm without choking.
// The command line should look like
// path/to/iwyu -Xiwyu --verbose=4 [-Xiwyu --other_iwyu_flag]... CLANG_FLAGS...
OptionsParser options_parser(argc, argv);
std::unique_ptr<clang::CompilerInstance> compiler(CreateCompilerInstance(
options_parser.clang_argc(), options_parser.clang_argv()));
if (compiler) {
// Create and execute the frontend to generate an LLVM bitcode module.
std::unique_ptr<clang::ASTFrontendAction> action(new IwyuAction);
// We always return a failure exit code, to indicate we didn't
// successfully compile (produce a .o for) the source files we were
// given.
return 1;