
427 lines
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Executable File

##===--- - include-what-you-use test framework -----------===##
# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
"""Utilities for writing tests for IWYU.
This script has been tested with python 2.4, 2.7, 3.1.3 and 3.2.
In order to support all of these platforms there are a few unusual constructs:
* print statements require parentheses
* standard output must be decoded as utf-8
* range() must be used in place of xrange()
* _PortableNext() is used to obtain next iterator value
There is more detail on some of these issues at:
__author__ = ' (Zhanyong Wan)'
import difflib
import operator
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
# These are the warning/error lines that produces when --verbose >= 3
_EXPECTED_DIAGNOSTICS_RE = re.compile(r'^(.*?):(\d+):.*//\s*IWYU:\s*(.*)$')
_ACTUAL_DIAGNOSTICS_RE = re.compile(r'^(.*?):(\d+):\d+:\s*'
# This is the final summary output that produces when --verbose >= 1
# The summary for a given source file should appear in that source file,
# surrounded by '/**** IWYU_SUMMARY' and '***** IWYU_SUMMARY */'.
_EXPECTED_SUMMARY_END_RE = re.compile(r'\**\s*IWYU_SUMMARY\s*\*+/')
_ACTUAL_SUMMARY_START_RE = re.compile(r'^(.*?) should add these lines:$')
_ACTUAL_SUMMARY_END_RE = re.compile(r'^---$')
_ACTUAL_REMOVAL_LIST_START_RE = re.compile(r'.* should remove these lines:$')
_NODIFFS_RE = re.compile(r'^\((.*?) has correct #includes/fwd-decls\)$')
def _PortableNext(iterator):
if hasattr(iterator, 'next'): # Python 2.4-2.6
next(iterator) # Python 3
def _GetIwyuPath(iwyu_paths):
"""Returns the path to IWYU or raises IOError if it cannot be found."""
for path in iwyu_paths:
if sys.platform == 'win32':
path = os.path.normpath(path) + '.exe'
if os.path.exists(path):
return path
raise IOError('Failed to locate IWYU.\nSearched %s' % iwyu_paths)
# Linux/Mac OS X default out-of-tree paths.
# Windows default out-of-tree paths.
def _IsCppSource(file_path):
return (file_path.endswith('.h') or file_path.endswith('.cc') or
def _GetAllCppFilesUnderDir(root_dir):
cpp_files = []
for (dir, _, files) in os.walk(root_dir): # iterates over all dirs
cpp_files += [os.path.join(dir, f) for f in files if _IsCppSource(f)]
return cpp_files
def _GetCommandOutput(command):
p = subprocess.Popen(command,
lines = [line.decode("utf-8") for line in p.stdout.readlines()]
return lines
def _GetExpectedDiagnosticRegexes(expected_diagnostic_specs):
"""Returns a map: source file location => list of regexes for that line."""
# Maps a source file location to the warning/error message regex specified
# on that line.
spec_loc_to_regex = {}
for line in expected_diagnostic_specs:
m = _EXPECTED_DIAGNOSTICS_RE.match(line.strip())
if m:
path, line_num, regex = m.groups()
if not regex:
# Allow the regex to be omitted if we are uninterested in the
# diagnostic message.
regex = r'.*'
spec_loc_to_regex[path, int(line_num)] = re.compile(regex)
# Maps a source file line location to a list of regexes for diagnostics
# that should be generated for that line.
expected_diagnostic_regexes = {}
regexes = []
for loc in sorted(spec_loc_to_regex.keys()):
# Do we have a spec on the next line?
path, line_num = loc
next_line_loc = path, line_num + 1
if next_line_loc not in spec_loc_to_regex:
expected_diagnostic_regexes[next_line_loc] = regexes
regexes = []
return expected_diagnostic_regexes
def _GetActualDiagnostics(actual_output):
"""Returns a map: source file location => list of diagnostics on that line.
The elements of the list are unique and sorted."""
actual_diagnostics = {}
for line in actual_output:
m = _ACTUAL_DIAGNOSTICS_RE.match(line.strip())
if m:
path, line_num, message = m.groups()
loc = path, int(line_num)
actual_diagnostics[loc] = actual_diagnostics.get(loc, []) + [message]
locs = actual_diagnostics.keys()
for loc in locs:
actual_diagnostics[loc] = sorted(set(actual_diagnostics[loc]))
return actual_diagnostics
def _StripCommentFromLine(line):
"""Removes the "// ..." comment at the end of the given line."""
m = re.match(r'(.*)//', line)
if m:
return + '\n'
return line
def _NormalizeSummaryLineNumbers(line):
"""Replaces the comment '// lines <number>-<number>' with '// lines XX-YY'.
Because line numbers in the source code often change, it's a pain to
keep the '// lines <number>-<number>' comments accurate in our
'golden' output. Instead, we normalize these iwyu comments to just
say how many line numbers are listed by mapping the output to
'// lines XX-XX' (for one-line spans) or '// lines XX-XX+<number>'.
For instance, '// lines 12-12' would map to '// lines XX-XX', while
'// lines 12-14' would map to '//lines XX-XX+2'.
line: the line to be normalized.
A new line with the '// lines' comment, if any, normalized as
described above. If no '// lines' comment is present, returns
the original line.
m ='// lines ([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)', line)
if not m:
return line
if ==
return line[:m.start()] + '// lines XX-XX\n'
num_lines = int( - int(
return line[:m.start()] + '// lines XX-XX+%d\n' % num_lines
def _NormalizeSummaryLine(line):
"""Alphabetically sorts the symbols in the '// for XXX, YYY, ZZZ' comments.
Most iwyu summary lines have the form
#include <foo.h> // for XXX, YYY, ZZZ
XXX, YYY, ZZZ are symbols that this file uses from foo.h. They are
sorted in frequency order, but that changes so often as the test is
augmented, that it's impractical to test. We just sort the symbols
alphabetically and compare that way. This means we never test the
frequency ordering here, but that's a small price to pay for easier
testing development.
We also always move the '// for' comment to be exactly two spaces
after the '#include' text. Again, this means we don't test the
indenting correctly (though does), but allows us
to rename filenames without having to reformat each test. This is
particularly important when opensourcing, since the filenames will
be different in opensource-land than they are inside google.
line: one line of the summary output
A normalized form of 'line', with the 'why' symbols sorted and
whitespace before the 'why' comment collapsed.
m = re.match(r'(.*?)\s* // for (.*)', line)
if not m:
return line
symbols =', ')
return '%s // for %s\n' % (, ', '.join(symbols))
def _GetExpectedSummaries(files):
"""Returns a map: source file => list of iwyu summary lines."""
expected_summaries = {}
for f in files:
in_summary = False
fh = open(f)
for line in fh:
in_summary = True
expected_summaries[f] = []
elif _EXPECTED_SUMMARY_END_RE.match(line):
in_summary = False
elif re.match(r'^\s*//', line):
pass # ignore comment lines
elif in_summary:
# Get rid of blank lines at the beginning and end of the each summary.
for loc in expected_summaries:
while expected_summaries[loc] and expected_summaries[loc][-1] == '\n':
while expected_summaries[loc] and expected_summaries[loc][0] == '\n':
return expected_summaries
def _GetActualSummaries(output):
"""Returns a map: source file => list of iwyu summary lines."""
actual_summaries = {}
file_being_summarized = None
in_addition_section = False # Are we in the "should add these lines" section?
for line in output:
# For files with no diffs, we print a different (one-line) summary.
m = _NODIFFS_RE.match(line)
if m:
actual_summaries[] = [line]
m = _ACTUAL_SUMMARY_START_RE.match(line)
if m:
file_being_summarized =
in_addition_section = True
actual_summaries[file_being_summarized] = [line]
elif _ACTUAL_SUMMARY_END_RE.match(line):
file_being_summarized = None
elif file_being_summarized:
in_addition_section = False
# Replace any line numbers in comments with something more stable.
line = _NormalizeSummaryLineNumbers(line)
if in_addition_section:
# Each #include in the "should add" list will appear later in
# the full include list. There's no need to verify its symbol
# list twice. Therefore we remove the symbol list here for
# easy test maintenance.
line = _StripCommentFromLine(line)
line = _NormalizeSummaryLine(line)
return actual_summaries
def _VerifyDiagnosticsAtLoc(loc_str, regexes, diagnostics):
"""Verify the diagnostics at the given location; return a list of failures."""
# Find out which regexes match a diagnostic and vice versa.
matching_regexes = [[] for unused_i in range(len(diagnostics))]
matched_diagnostics = [[] for unused_i in range(len(regexes))]
for (r_index, regex) in enumerate(regexes):
for (d_index, diagnostic) in enumerate(diagnostics):
failure_messages = []
# Collect unmatched diagnostics and multiply matched diagnostics.
for (d_index, r_indexes) in enumerate(matching_regexes):
if not r_indexes:
failure_messages.append('Unexpected diagnostic:\n%s\n'
% diagnostics[d_index])
elif len(r_indexes) > 1:
'The diagnostic message:\n%s\n'
'matches multiple regexes:\n%s'
% (diagnostics[d_index],
'\n'.join([regexes[r_index].pattern for r_index in r_indexes])))
# Collect unmatched regexes and regexes with multiple matches.
for (r_index, d_indexes) in enumerate(matched_diagnostics):
if not d_indexes:
failure_messages.append('Unmatched regex:\n%s\n'
% regexes[r_index].pattern)
elif len(d_indexes) > 1:
'The regex:\n%s\n'
'matches multiple diagnostics:\n%s'
% (regexes[r_index].pattern,
'\n'.join([diagnostics[d_index] for d_index in d_indexes])))
return ['%s %s' % (loc_str, message) for message in failure_messages]
def _CompareExpectedAndActualDiagnostics(expected_diagnostic_regexes,
"""Verify that the diagnostics are as expected; return a list of failures."""
failures = []
for loc in sorted(set(actual_diagnostics.keys()) |
# Find all regexes and actual diagnostics for the given location.
regexes = expected_diagnostic_regexes.get(loc, [])
diagnostics = actual_diagnostics.get(loc, [])
failures += _VerifyDiagnosticsAtLoc('\n%s:%s:' % loc, regexes, diagnostics)
return failures
def _CompareExpectedAndActualSummaries(expected_summaries, actual_summaries):
"""Verify that the summaries are as expected; return a list of failures."""
failures = []
for loc in sorted(set(actual_summaries.keys()) |
this_failure = difflib.unified_diff(expected_summaries.get(loc, []),
actual_summaries.get(loc, []))
_PortableNext(this_failure) # read past the 'what files are this' header
failures.append('Unexpected summary diffs for %s:\n' % loc)
except StopIteration:
pass # empty diff
return failures
def TestIwyuOnRelativeFile(test_case, cc_file, cpp_files_to_check,
iwyu_flags=None, verbose=False):
"""Checks running IWYU on the given .cc file.
test_case: A googletest.TestCase instance.
cc_file: The name of the file to test, relative to the current dir.
cpp_files_to_check: A list of filenames for the files
to check the diagnostics on, relative to the current dir.
iwyu_flags: Extra command-line flags to pass to iwyu.
iwyu_flags = iwyu_flags or [] # Make sure iwyu_flags is a list.
# Require verbose level 3 so that we can verify the individual diagnostics.
# We allow the level to be overriden by the IWYU_VERBOSE environment
# variable, or by iwyu_flags, for easy debugging. (We put the
# envvar-based flag first, so user flags can override it later.)
iwyu_flags = ['--verbose=%s' % os.getenv('IWYU_VERBOSE', '3')] + iwyu_flags
iwyu_flags = ['--mapping_file=iwyu.gcc.imp'] + iwyu_flags
# clang reads iwyu flags after the -Xiwyu clang flag: '-Xiwyu --verbose=6'
iwyu_flags = ['-Xiwyu ' + flag for flag in iwyu_flags]
# TODO(csilvers): verify that has exit-status 0.
cmd = '%s %s -I . %s' % (_IWYU_PATH, ' '.join(iwyu_flags), cc_file)
if verbose:
print('>>> Running %s' % cmd)
output = _GetCommandOutput(cmd)
sys.stdout.flush() # don't commingle this output with the failure output
expected_diagnostics = _GetCommandOutput('grep -n -H "^ *// *IWYU" %s' %
(' '.join(cpp_files_to_check)))
failures = _CompareExpectedAndActualDiagnostics(
# Also figure out if the end-of-parsing suggestions match up.
failures += _CompareExpectedAndActualSummaries(
test_case.assertTrue(not failures, ''.join(failures))
# TODO(dsturtevant): Move all tests using this function to the test directory
# harness, then get rid of it.
def TestIwyuOnFile(test_case, relative_test_dir, cc_file, iwyu_flags=None):
"""Checks running IWYU on the .cc file in the given directory."""
os.path.join(relative_test_dir, cc_file),