Fix some the linters problems reported by the golang-cli

This commit is contained in:
Sameer Rahmani 2021-01-22 20:37:44 +00:00
parent fabb3cbb32
commit 3f554445d8
9 changed files with 115 additions and 125 deletions

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@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ linters:
- dogsled
- dupl
- errcheck
- exhaustive
- funlen
- gochecknoinits
- goconst

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@ -49,11 +49,11 @@ func (t *Bool) Hash() uint32 {
return hash.Of(append([]byte{byte(ast.Bool)}, bytes...))
func (t *Bool) isTrue() bool {
func (t *Bool) IsTrue() bool {
return t.value
func (t *Bool) isFalse() bool {
func (t *Bool) IsFalse() bool {
return !t.value

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@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ func PrNativeFn(rt *Runtime, scope IScope, n Node, args *List) (IExpr, IError) {
func PrnNativeFn(rt *Runtime, scope IScope, n Node, args *List) (IExpr, IError) {
Prn(rt, toRepresentables(args.Rest().(IColl))...)
return MakeNil(n), nil
@ -69,7 +68,6 @@ func RequireNativeFn(rt *Runtime, scope IScope, n Node, args *List) (IExpr, IErr
return result, nil
func HashNativeFn(rt *Runtime, scope IScope, n Node, args *List) (IExpr, IError) {

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@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ func REPL(flags map[string]bool) {
defer rl.Close()
_______ _______ ______ _______ _______ _______
| __| ___| __ \ ___| | | ___|
|__ | ___| < ___| | ___|
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ bootstrap the Serene's compiler.
This is free software, and you are welcome
to redistribute it under certain conditions;
for details take a look at the LICENSE file.
for details take a look at the LICENSE file.\n\n
for {
rl.SetPrompt(fmt.Sprintf("%s> ", rt.CurrentNS().GetName()))

View File

@ -160,7 +160,6 @@ func MakeRuntimeError(rt *Runtime, e IExpr, errno errors.Errno, msg string) IErr
errno: errno,
trace: rt.Stack.ToTraceBack(),
func MakeSyntaxErrorf(n Node, msg string, a ...interface{}) IError {

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@ -209,9 +209,9 @@ tco:
// Instructions should change the return value, but errors
// are ok
if forms.GetType() == ast.Instruction {
err := ProcessInstruction(rt, forms.(*Instruction))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
e := ProcessInstruction(rt, forms.(*Instruction))
if e != nil {
return nil, e
@ -269,7 +269,6 @@ tco:
switch sform {
// `ns` evaluation rules:
// * The first element has to be a symbol representing the
// name of the namespace. ( We won't evaluate the first
@ -317,10 +316,10 @@ tco:
// TODO: Implement `concat` in serene itself when we have protocols available
// Concats all the collections together.
case "concat":
evaledForms, err := evalForm(rt, scope, list.Rest().(*List))
evaledForms, e := evalForm(rt, scope, list.Rest().(*List))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if e != nil {
return nil, e
lists := evaledForms.(*List).ToSlice()
@ -358,10 +357,10 @@ tco:
return nil, MakeError(rt, list, "'cons' needs exactly 3 arguments")
evaledForms, err := evalForm(rt, scope, list.Rest().(*List))
evaledForms, e := evalForm(rt, scope, list.Rest().(*List))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if e != nil {
return nil, e
coll, ok := evaledForms.(*List).Rest().First().(IColl)
@ -444,21 +443,21 @@ tco:
return nil, MakeError(rt, args, "'if' needs exactly 3 aruments")
pred, err := EvalForms(rt, scope, args.First())
pred, e := EvalForms(rt, scope, args.First())
result := pred.GetType()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if e != nil {
return nil, e
if (result == ast.Bool && pred.(*Bool).isFalse()) || result == ast.Nil {
if (result == ast.Bool && pred.(*Bool).IsFalse()) || result == ast.Nil {
// Falsy clause
exprs = append([]IExpr{args.Rest().Rest().First()}, restOfExprs(exprs, i)...)
} else {
// Truthy clause
exprs = append([]IExpr{args.Rest().First()}, restOfExprs(exprs, i)...)
i = 0
goto body // rewrite
@ -487,9 +486,9 @@ tco:
if list.Count() != 2 {
return nil, MakeError(rt, list, "'eval' needs exactly 1 arguments")
form, err := evalForm(rt, scope, list.Rest().(*List))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
form, e := evalForm(rt, scope, list.Rest().(*List))
if e != nil {
return nil, e
ret, err = EvalForms(rt, scope, form)
@ -538,8 +537,7 @@ tco:
// TODO: We need to destruct the bindings here and remove this check
// for the symbol type
if name.GetType() != ast.Symbol {
err := MakeError(rt, name, "'let' doesn't support desbbtructuring yet, use a symbol.")
return nil, err
return nil, MakeError(rt, name, "'let' doesn't support desbbtructuring yet, use a symbol.")
// You might be wondering why we're using `EvalForms` here to evaluate

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@ -127,7 +127,6 @@ func (sp *StringParser) next(skipWhitespace bool) *string {
// contains a separator or not. In a Lisp whitespace and someother characters
// are conceptually the same and we need to treat them the same as well.
func isSeparator(c *string) bool {
if c == nil {
return false
@ -561,7 +560,6 @@ func readQuasiquotedExpr(parser IParsable) (IExpr, IError) {
// important function in the parser which dispatches the call to different
// reader functions based on the first character
func readExpr(parser IParsable) (IExpr, IError) {
c :=

View File

@ -29,24 +29,25 @@ import (
func toRepresanbleString(ast ...IRepresentable) string {
var results []string
for _, x := range ast {
results = append(results, x.String())
return strings.Join(results, " ")
func toPrintableString(ast ...IRepresentable) string {
var results []string
for _, x := range ast {
for _, x := range ast {
if printable, ok := x.(IPrintable); ok {
results = append(results, printable.PrintToString())
results = append(results, x.String())
return strings.Join(results, " ")
@ -185,7 +186,6 @@ func printErrorWithTraceBack(rt *Runtime, err IError) {
func PrintError(rt *Runtime, err IError) {
switch err.GetErrType() {
case SyntaxError, SemanticError:
printError(rt, err, 0)

View File

@ -18,8 +18,6 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
package core
import ""
// func qqLoop(xs []IExpr) IExpr {
// acc := MakeEmptyList()
// for i := len(xs) - 1; 0 <= i; i -= 1 {
@ -62,114 +60,114 @@ import ""
// return e
// }
// }
const qqQUOTE string = "*quote*"
// const qqQUOTE string = "*quote*"
func isSymbolEqual(e IExpr, name string) bool {
if e.GetType() == ast.Symbol && e.(*Symbol).GetName() == name {
return true
return false
func isQuasiQuote(e IExpr) bool {
return isSymbolEqual(e, "quasiquote")
// func isSymbolEqual(e IExpr, name string) bool {
// if e.GetType() == ast.Symbol && e.(*Symbol).GetName() == name {
// return true
// }
// return false
// }
// func isQuasiQuote(e IExpr) bool {
// return isSymbolEqual(e, "quasiquote")
// }
func isUnquote(e IExpr) bool {
return isSymbolEqual(e, "unquote")
// func isUnquote(e IExpr) bool {
// return isSymbolEqual(e, "unquote")
// }
func isUnquoteSplicing(e IExpr) bool {
return isSymbolEqual(e, "unquote-splicing")
// func isUnquoteSplicing(e IExpr) bool {
// return isSymbolEqual(e, "unquote-splicing")
// }
func qqSimplify(e IExpr) (IExpr, IError) {
return e, nil
// func qqSimplify(e IExpr) (IExpr, IError) {
// return e, nil
// }
func qqProcess(rt *Runtime, e IExpr) (IExpr, IError) {
switch e.GetType() {
// func qqProcess(rt *Runtime, e IExpr) (IExpr, IError) {
// switch e.GetType() {
// Example: `x => (*quote* x) => (quote x)
case ast.Symbol:
sym, err := MakeSymbol(MakeNodeFromExpr(e), qqQUOTE)
if err != nil {
//newErr := makeErrorAtPoint()
// TODO: uncomment next line when we have stackable errors
// newErr.stack(err)
return nil, err
elems := []IExpr{
// // Example: `x => (*quote* x) => (quote x)
// case ast.Symbol:
// sym, err := MakeSymbol(MakeNodeFromExpr(e), qqQUOTE)
// if err != nil {
// //newErr := makeErrorAtPoint()
// // TODO: uncomment next line when we have stackable errors
// // newErr.stack(err)
// return nil, err
// }
// elems := []IExpr{
// sym,
// e,
// }
n := MakeNodeFromExprs(elems)
if n == nil {
n = &sym.Node
return MakeList(
), nil
// n := MakeNodeFromExprs(elems)
// if n == nil {
// n = &sym.Node
// }
// return MakeList(
// *n,
// elems,
// ), nil
case ast.List:
list := e.(*List)
first := list.First()
// case ast.List:
// list := e.(*List)
// first := list.First()
// Example: ``... reads as (quasiquote (quasiquote ...)) and this if will check
// for the second `quasiquote`
if isQuasiQuote(first) {
result, err := qqCompletelyProcess(rt, list.Rest().First())
// // Example: ``... reads as (quasiquote (quasiquote ...)) and this if will check
// // for the second `quasiquote`
// if isQuasiQuote(first) {
// result, err := qqCompletelyProcess(rt, list.Rest().First())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
return qqProcess(rt, result)
// return qqProcess(rt, result)
// }
// Example: `~x reads as (quasiquote (unquote x))
if isUnquote(first) {
return list.Rest().First(), nil
// ???
if isUnquoteSplicing(first) {
return nil, MakeError(rt, first, "'unquote-splicing' is not allowed out of a collection.")
// // Example: `~x reads as (quasiquote (unquote x))
// if isUnquote(first) {
// return list.Rest().First(), nil
// }
// // ???
// if isUnquoteSplicing(first) {
// return nil, MakeError(rt, first, "'unquote-splicing' is not allowed out of a collection.")
// }
// p := list
// q := MakeEmptyList()
// for {
// p = p.Rest().(*List)
// }
// // p := list
// // q := MakeEmptyList()
// // for {
// // p = p.Rest().(*List)
// // }
// }
return e, nil
// return e, nil
// }
func qqRemoveQQFunctions(e IExpr) (IExpr, IError) {
return e, nil
// func qqRemoveQQFunctions(e IExpr) (IExpr, IError) {
// return e, nil
// }
func qqCompletelyProcess(rt *Runtime, e IExpr) (IExpr, IError) {
rawResult, err := qqProcess(rt, e)
// func qqCompletelyProcess(rt *Runtime, e IExpr) (IExpr, IError) {
// rawResult, err := qqProcess(rt, e)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
if rt.IsQQSimplificationEnabled() {
rawResult, err = qqSimplify(rawResult)
// if rt.IsQQSimplificationEnabled() {
// rawResult, err = qqSimplify(rawResult)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// }
return qqRemoveQQFunctions(rawResult)
// return qqRemoveQQFunctions(rawResult)
// }
func quasiquote(rt *Runtime, e IExpr) (IExpr, IError) {
return qqCompletelyProcess(rt, e)
// func quasiquote(rt *Runtime, e IExpr) (IExpr, IError) {
// return qqCompletelyProcess(rt, e)
// }