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Serene (Simple) version

Serene simple is a lisp that is implemented in Java as a proof of concept and as an experience to collect data on some of the ideas and implementations that I have. For the full story checkout my blog.


  • JDK >= 1.8
  • rlwrap
  • gradle


in order to run the REPL, run make repl


Use make nrepl command to fire up a nRepl process and connect to it using netcat or something similar. If you're using Emacs, there is a serene-mode available that distributes as part of FG42.

Serene's nRepl is super simple. It waits for a newline char and then evaluates the given input. It sends back the result of the evaluation in <status-char><value> format. status-char is either 0 or 1. Zero means the evaluation was successful and the value is the result of evaluation while one means there was an error during the evaluation and the value is the traceback for the exception.