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2021-06-08 22:03:12 +01:00
/* -*- C++ -*-
2021-10-12 20:51:03 +01:00
* Serene Programming Language
2021-06-08 22:03:12 +01:00
2022-01-27 11:44:44 +00:00
* Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Sameer Rahmani <>
2021-06-08 22:03:12 +01:00
2021-10-12 20:51:03 +01:00
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
2021-06-08 22:03:12 +01:00
2021-10-12 20:51:03 +01:00
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
2021-06-08 22:03:12 +01:00
2021-10-12 20:51:03 +01:00
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
2021-06-08 22:03:12 +01:00
#include "serene/slir/generatable.h"
2021-06-08 22:03:12 +01:00
#include "serene/slir/dialect.h"
#include <llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h>
#include <llvm/IR/Module.h>
#include <llvm/Support/Casting.h>
#include <llvm/Support/TargetSelect.h>
#include <mlir/ExecutionEngine/ExecutionEngine.h>
#include <mlir/ExecutionEngine/OptUtils.h>
#include <mlir/IR/BuiltinOps.h>
#include <mlir/Support/LogicalResult.h>
#include <mlir/Target/LLVMIR/Dialect/LLVMIR/LLVMToLLVMIRTranslation.h>
#include <mlir/Target/LLVMIR/ModuleTranslation.h>
2022-01-27 11:44:44 +00:00
#include <stdexcept>
#include <utility>
2021-06-08 22:03:12 +01:00
namespace serene {
namespace slir {
// mlir::Operation *Generatable::generate(exprs::Expression *x) {
// switch (x->getType()) {
// case SereneType::Number: {
// return generate(llvm::cast<Number>(x));
// }
// case SereneType::List: {
// generate(llvm::cast<List>(x));
// return nullptr;
// }
// default: {
// return builder.create<ValueOp>(builder.getUnknownLoc(), (uint64_t)3);
// }
// }
// mlir::Value Generator::generate(exprs::List *l) {
// auto first = l->at(0);
// if (!first) {
// // Empty list.
// // TODO: Return Nil or empty list.
// // Just for now.
// return builder.create<ValueOp>(builder.getUnknownLoc(), (uint64_t)0);
// }
// if (first->get()->getType() == SereneType::Symbol) {
// auto fnNameSymbol = llvm::dyn_cast<Symbol>(first->get());
// if (fnNameSymbol->getName() == "fn") {
// if (l->count() <= 3) {
// module.emitError("'fn' form needs exactly 2 arguments.");
// }
// auto args = llvm::dyn_cast<List>(l->at(1).getValue().get());
// auto body = llvm::dyn_cast<List>(l->from(2).get());
// if (!args) {
// module.emitError("The first element of 'def' has to be a symbol.");
// }
// // Create a new anonymous function and push it to the anonymous
// functions
// // map, later on we
// auto loc(fnNameSymbol->location->start);
// auto anonymousName = fmt::format("__fn_{}__", anonymousFnCounter);
// anonymousFnCounter++;
// auto fn = generateFn(loc, anonymousName, args, body);
// mlir::Identifier fnid = builder.getIdentifier(anonymousName);
// anonymousFunctions.insert({fnid, fn});
// return builder.create<FnIdOp>(builder.getUnknownLoc(), fnid.str());
// }
// }
// // auto rest = l->from(1);
// // auto loc = toMLIRLocation(&first->get()->location->start);
// // for (auto x : *rest) {
// // generate(x.get());
// // }
// return builder.create<ValueOp>(builder.getUnknownLoc(), (uint64_t)100);
2021-06-08 22:03:12 +01:00
// mlir::FuncOp Generator::generateFn(serene::reader::Location loc,
// std::string name, List *args, List *body)
// {
// auto location = toMLIRLocation(&loc);
// llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Type, 4> arg_types(args->count(),
// builder.getI64Type());
// auto func_type = builder.getFunctionType(arg_types, builder.getI64Type());
// auto proto = mlir::FuncOp::create(location, name, func_type);
// mlir::FuncOp fn(proto);
// if (!fn) {
// module.emitError("Can not create the function.");
// }
// auto &entryBlock = *fn.addEntryBlock();
// llvm::ScopedHashTableScope<llvm::StringRef, mlir::Value>
// scope(symbolTable);
// // Declare all the function arguments in the symbol table.
// for (const auto arg :
// llvm::zip(args->asArrayRef(), entryBlock.getArguments())) {
// auto argSymbol = llvm::dyn_cast<Symbol>(std::get<0>(arg).get());
// if (!argSymbol) {
// module.emitError("Function parameters must be symbols");
// }
// if (symbolTable.count(argSymbol->getName())) {
// return nullptr;
// }
// symbolTable.insert(argSymbol->getName(), std::get<1>(arg));
// }
// // Set the insertion point in the builder to the beginning of the function
// // body, it will be used throughout the codegen to create operations in
// this
// // function.
// builder.setInsertionPointToStart(&entryBlock);
// // Emit the body of the function.
// if (!generate(body)) {
// fn.erase();
// return nullptr;
// }
// // // Implicitly return void if no return statement was emitted.
// // // FIXME: we may fix the parser instead to always return the last
// // expression
// // // (this would possibly help the REPL case later)
2022-04-04 23:03:48 +01:00
// // func::ReturnOp returnOp;
2021-06-08 22:03:12 +01:00
// // if (!entryBlock.empty())
2022-04-04 23:03:48 +01:00
// // returnOp = dyn_cast<func::ReturnOp>(entryBlock.back());
2021-06-08 22:03:12 +01:00
// // if (!returnOp) {
2022-04-04 23:03:48 +01:00
// // builder.create<func::ReturnOp>(loc(funcAST.getProto()->loc()));
2021-06-08 22:03:12 +01:00
// // } else if (returnOp.hasOperand()) {
// // // Otherwise, if this return operation has an operand then add a
// result
// // to
// // // the function.
// // function.setType(builder.getFunctionType(function.getType().getInputs(),
// // getType(VarType{})));
// // }
// return fn;
// }
} // namespace slir
} // namespace serene