pipeline: Linters: group: build image: lxsameer/serene_ci:13 commands: - export SERENE_CI=true - ./builder setup - export FILES="$(git diff --name-only HEAD HEAD~1)" - pre-commit run --files "$FILES" Build: group: build image: lxsameer/serene_ci:13 commands: # Uncomment this when running with a new toolchain for the # first time to save up space # - rm -rf /root/.serene/* - ./builder build -DSERENE_DISABLE_CCACHE=ON volumes: - serene_config:/root/.serene/ ChatNotify: image: lxsameer/notify:3 settings: matrix_room_id: from_secret: matrix_room matrix_access_token: from_secret: matrix_token matrix_user: from_secret: matrix_user matrix_msg: "[${CI_REPO}][Build] Job #${CI_BUILD_NUMBER} failed for branch ${CI_COMMIT_BRANCH}. ${CI_BUILD_LINK}" secrets: [ matrix_room, matrix_token, matrix_user ] when: - status: [failure] MailNotify: image: lxsameer/woodpecker_mailer:4 settings: from: ci@serene-lang.org user: from_secret: mailer_user password: from_secret: mailer_password to: ${CI_COMMIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL} subject: "[${CI_REPO}][Build] JOB #${CI_BUILD_NUMBER} failed for branch '${CI_COMMIT_BRANCH}'." text: | BUILD: ${CI_BUILD_LINK} COMMIT: ${CI_COMMIT_LINK} when: - status: [failure] secrets: [ mail_pass, mail_user ]