/* -*- C++ -*- * Serene Programming Language * * Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Sameer Rahmani * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef SERENE_TEST_CONTEXT_H #define SERENE_TEST_CONTEXT_H #include "serene/context.h" #include "serene/namespace.h" #include "serene/reader/location.h" #include "serene/serene.h" #include "./test_helpers.cpp.inc" #include #include #include namespace serene { TEST_CASE("Compiler options", "[context]") { auto opts = Options(); opts.JITLazy = !opts.JITLazy; opts.JITenableGDBNotificationListener = !opts.JITenableGDBNotificationListener; auto ctx = makeSereneContext(opts); CHECK(ctx->opts.JITLazy == opts.JITLazy); CHECK(ctx->opts.JITenableGDBNotificationListener == opts.JITenableGDBNotificationListener); }; TEST_CASE("makeNamespace & getNS", "[context]") { auto ctx = makeSereneContext(); auto *ns = ctx->getNS("blah"); REQUIRE_FALSE(ns); auto userNs = ctx->makeNamespace("user", llvm::Optional("/some/file")); CHECK(userNs->name == "user"); REQUIRE(userNs->filename); CHECK(userNs->filename.getValue() == "/some/file"); ns = ctx->getNS("user"); REQUIRE(ns); CHECK(ns->name == userNs->name); /// Creating new ns with the same name overrides the old one auto userNs1 = ctx->makeNamespace( "user", llvm::Optional("/some/other/file")); ns = ctx->getNS("user"); REQUIRE(ns); CHECK(ns->name == userNs1->name); REQUIRE(ns->filename); CHECK(ns->filename.getValue() == "/some/other/file"); }; TEST_CASE( "withCurrentNS run a function with the given namespace as the current NS", "[context]") { auto ctx = makeSereneContext(); auto userNs = ctx->makeNamespace("user", llvm::Optional("/some/file")); ctx->withCurrentNS("user", [&]() -> int { CHECK(ctx->getCurrentNS().name == userNs->name); return 0; }); // Checking the `void` type specialization ctx->withCurrentNS("user", [&]() -> void { CHECK(ctx->getCurrentNS().name == userNs->name); }); CHECK(ctx->getCurrentNS().name == DEFAULT_NS_NAME); }; TEST_CASE("getSharedPtrToNS returns a shared ptr to the NS", "[context]") { auto ctx = makeSereneContext(); auto userNs = ctx->makeNamespace("user", llvm::Optional("/some/file")); auto userNs1 = ctx->makeNamespace( "user1", llvm::Optional("/some/file1")); CHECK(ctx->getCurrentNS().name == DEFAULT_NS_NAME); NSPtr shouldBeUser1 = ctx->getSharedPtrToNS("user"); REQUIRE(shouldBeUser1); CHECK(shouldBeUser1->name == userNs->name); }; TEST_CASE("Compilation phase", "[context]") { auto ctx = makeSereneContext(); auto cp = CompilationPhase::O3; ctx->setOperationPhase(cp); CHECK(ctx->getTargetPhase() == cp); CHECK(ctx->getOptimizatioLevel() == 3); // Anything below 0 is 0 cp = CompilationPhase::MLIR; ctx->setOperationPhase(cp); CHECK(ctx->getOptimizatioLevel() == 0); }; TEST_CASE("makeNamespace", "[context]") { auto ctx = makeSereneContext(); auto ns = ctx->makeNamespace("example.ns", llvm::None); // Namespace has to be empty CHECK(ns->name == "example.ns"); CHECK(ns->getTree().empty()); CHECK(ns->filename == llvm::None); }; TEST_CASE("context and jit", "[context]") { auto ctx = makeSereneContext(); auto ns = ctx->makeNamespace("example.ns", llvm::None); REQUIRE(ctx->jit); // no JITDylib should be defined for an empty NS CHECK(ctx->getNumberOfJITDylibs(*ns) == 0); SECTION("JITDylib management") { auto unknown = reader::LocationRange::UnknownLocation(DEFAULT_NS_NAME); REQUIRE(!ctx->jit->addNS(*ns, unknown)); CHECK(ctx->getNumberOfJITDylibs(*ns) == 1); REQUIRE(ctx->getLatestJITDylib(*ns)); CHECK(ctx->getLatestJITDylib(*ns)->getName() == "example.ns#1"); }; }; } // namespace serene #endif