/* * Serene Programming Language * * Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Sameer Rahmani * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "serene/exprs/def.h" #include "serene/errors.h" #include "serene/exprs/expression.h" #include "serene/exprs/fn.h" #include "serene/exprs/list.h" #include "serene/exprs/symbol.h" #include "serene/exprs/traits.h" #include "serene/slir/dialect.h" #include "serene/slir/utils.h" #include #include #include namespace serene { namespace exprs { ExprType Def::getType() const { return ExprType::Def; }; std::string Def::toString() const { return llvm::formatv(" {1}>", this->binding, this->value->toString()); } MaybeNode Def::analyze(semantics::AnalysisState &state) { UNUSED(state); return EmptyNode; }; bool Def::classof(const Expression *e) { return e->getType() == ExprType::Def; }; MaybeNode Def::make(semantics::AnalysisState &state, List *list) { // TODO: Add support for docstring as the 3rd argument (4th element) if (list->count() != 3) { std::string msg = llvm::formatv("Expected 3 got {0}", list->count()); return errors::makeError( list->elements[0]->location, msg); } // Make sure that the list starts with a `def` Symbol *defSym = llvm::dyn_cast(list->elements[0].get()); assert((defSym && defSym->name == "def") && "The first element of the list should be a 'def'."); // Make sure that the first argument is a Symbol Symbol *binding = llvm::dyn_cast(list->elements[1].get()); if (binding == nullptr) { return errors::makeError( list->elements[1]->location); } // Analyze the value MaybeNode value = list->elements[2]->analyze(state); Node analyzedValue; // TODO: To refactor this logic into a generic function if (value) { // Success value auto &valueNode = *value; if (valueNode) { // A rewrite is necessary analyzedValue = valueNode; } else { // no rewrite analyzedValue = list->elements[2]; } } else { // Error value return value; } if (analyzedValue->getType() == ExprType::Fn) { Fn *tmp = llvm::dyn_cast(analyzedValue.get()); if (tmp == nullptr) { llvm_unreachable("inconsistent getType for function"); } tmp->setName(binding->name); } auto result = state.ns.define(binding->name, analyzedValue); if (result.succeeded()) { return makeSuccessfulNode(list->location, binding->name, analyzedValue); } llvm_unreachable("Inserting a value in the semantic env failed!"); }; void Def::generateIR(serene::Namespace &ns, mlir::ModuleOp &m) { if (value->getType() == ExprType::Fn) { value->generateIR(ns, m); return; } // auto loc = slir::toMLIRLocation(ns, location.start); // auto &mctx = ns.getContext().mlirContext; // mlir::OpBuilder builder(&mctx); // auto sym = slir::SymbolType::get(&mctx, ns.name, binding); // TODO: we need to change the generate method of expressions // to return mlir::Value or any wrapper of that which would // be the ssa form of the result of the expression. // and then use it to define the def op here. // auto def = builder.create(sym, binding, value); m.emitError("Def: not implemented!"); }; } // namespace exprs } // namespace serene