
224 lines
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/* -*- C++ -*-
* Serene Programming Language
* Copyright (c) 2019-2024 Sameer Rahmani <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "namespace.h"
#include "jit/jit.h"
#include <llvm/ADT/StringRef.h>
#include <llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h>
#include <llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h>
#include <mlir/IR/Builders.h>
#include <mlir/IR/BuiltinOps.h>
#include <mlir/IR/Verifier.h>
#include <mlir/Support/LogicalResult.h>
#include <memory>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
using namespace llvm;
namespace serene {
Namespace::Namespace(jit::JIT &engine, llvm::StringRef ns_name,
std::optional<llvm::StringRef> filename)
: engine(engine), name(ns_name) {
if (filename.has_value()) {
// Create the root environment
SemanticEnv &Namespace::createEnv(SemanticEnv *parent) {
auto env = std::make_unique<SemanticEnv>(parent);
return *environments.back();
SemanticEnv &Namespace::getRootEnv() {
assert(!environments.empty() && "Root env is not created!");
return *environments.front();
// mlir::LogicalResult Namespace::define(std::string &name, ast::Node &node) {
// auto &rootEnv = getRootEnv();
// if (failed(rootEnv.insert_symbol(name, node))) {
// return mlir::failure();
// }
// symbolList.push_back(name);
// return mlir::success();
// }
ast::Ast &Namespace::getTree() { return this->tree; }
llvm::Error Namespace::ExpandTree(ast::Ast &ast) {
// If the target phase is just parsing we don't want
// to run the semantic analyzer or anything beyond parser
if (engine.getOptions().compilationPhase == CompilationPhase::Parse) {
// we just want the raw AST
this->tree.insert(this->tree.end(), std::make_move_iterator(ast.begin()),
return llvm::Error::success();
// just for now
this->tree.insert(this->tree.end(), std::make_move_iterator(ast.begin()),
// auto &rootEnv = getRootEnv();
// auto state = semantics::makeAnalysisState(*this, rootEnv);
// // Run the semantic analyer on the ast and then if everything
// // is ok add the form to the tree and forms
// auto maybeForm = semantics::analyze(*state, ast);
// if (!maybeForm) {
// return maybeForm.takeError();
// }
// auto semanticAst = std::move(*maybeForm);
// this->tree.insert(this->tree.end(), semanticAst.begin(),
// semanticAst.end());
return llvm::Error::success();
// MaybeModuleOp Namespace::generate(unsigned offset) {
// // The reason why we return an optional value instead of Errors
// // is the way MLIR's diagnostic engine works. Passes may use
// // the `emit` function of operations to report errors to the
// // diagnostic engine. So we can't return any error diractly.
// mlir::OpBuilder builder(&ctx.mlirContext);
// // TODO: Fix the unknown location by pointing to the `ns` form
// auto module = mlir::ModuleOp::create(builder.getUnknownLoc(),
// std::optional<llvm::StringRef>(name));
// auto treeSize = getTree().size();
// // Walk the AST and call the `generateIR` function of each node.
// // Since nodes will have access to the a reference of the
// // namespace they can use the builder and keep adding more
// // operations to the module via the builder
// for (unsigned i = offset; i < treeSize; ++i) {
// auto &node = getTree()[i];
// node->generateIR(*this, module);
// }
// if (mlir::failed(mlir::verify(module))) {
// module.emitError("Can't verify the module");
// module.erase();
// return llvm::None;
// }
// if (mlir::failed(runPasses(module))) {
// // TODO: Report a proper error
// module.emitError("Failure in passes!");
// module.erase();
// return llvm::None;
// }
// return MaybeModuleOp(module);
// }
// mlir::LogicalResult Namespace::runPasses(mlir::ModuleOp &m) {
// return;
// };
// void Namespace::dump() {
// llvm::outs() << "\nMLIR: \n";
// auto maybeModuleOp = generate();
// if (!maybeModuleOp) {
// llvm::errs() << "Failed to generate the IR.\n";
// return;
// }
// mlir::OpPrintingFlags flags;
// flags.enableDebugInfo();
// maybeModuleOp.getValue()->print(llvm::outs(), flags);
// };
// MaybeModule Namespace::compileToLLVM() {
// // The reason why we return an optional value instead of Errors
// // is the way MLIR's diagnostic engine works. Passes may use
// // the `emit` function of operations to report errors to the
// // diagnostic engine. So we can't return any error diractly.
// auto maybeModule = generate();
// if (!maybeModule) {
// NAMESPACE_LOG("IR generation failed for '" << name << "'");
// return llvm::None;
// }
// if (ctx.getTargetPhase() >= CompilationPhase::IR) {
// mlir::ModuleOp module = maybeModule.getValue().get();
// return ::serene::slir::compileToLLVMIR(ctx, module);
// }
// return llvm::None;
// };
// MaybeModule Namespace::compileToLLVMFromOffset(unsigned offset) {
// // The reason why we return an optional value instead of Errors
// // is the way MLIR's diagnostic engine works. Passes may use
// // the `emit` function of operations to report errors to the
// // diagnostic engine. So we can't return any error diractly.
// auto maybeModule = generate(offset);
// if (!maybeModule) {
// NAMESPACE_LOG("IR generation failed for '" << name << "'");
// return llvm::None;
// }
// if (ctx.getTargetPhase() >= CompilationPhase::IR) {
// mlir::ModuleOp module = maybeModule.getValue().get();
// return ::serene::slir::compileToLLVMIR(ctx, module);
// }
// return llvm::None;
// };
NSPtr Namespace::make(jit::JIT &engine, llvm::StringRef name,
std::optional<llvm::StringRef> filename) {
return std::make_unique<Namespace>(engine, name, filename);
Namespace::~Namespace() {
// TODO: Clean up anything related to this namespace in the context
// TODO: Remove anything related to this namespace in the JIT
NAMESPACE_LOG("Destructing NS: " << name);
} // namespace serene