
239 lines
6.3 KiB

#! /bin/bash
# Serene Programming Language
# Copyright (c) 2019-2023 Sameer Rahmani <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Commentary
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bunch of helper function to create a container like environment to develop
# Serene on GNU/Linux without going through the headache of compiling LLVM
# 5 times a day :D
set -e
function as_root() {
local rootfs="$1"
sudo unshare \
-w "/serene" \
--uts \
--ipc \
--pid \
--fork \
--kill-child \
--cgroup \
--mount \
--mount-proc \
--root="$rootfs" \
function rootless() {
local rootfs="$1"
unshare \
-w "/serene" \
--uts \
-c \
--ipc \
--pid \
--fork \
--kill-child \
--cgroup \
--mount \
--mount-proc \
--root="$rootfs" \
function download_devfs() {
local repo="$1"
local target="$2"
info "Downloading the tarball from '$repo'"
wget "$repo/fs.latest.tar.xz" -O "$target"
function extract_devfs() {
local tarball="$1"
local to="$2"
info "Extracting the tarball..."
mkdir -p "$to"
tar Jxf "$tarball" -C "$to"
info "Create the 'serene' dir at the root"
mkdir -p "$to/serene"
function mount_serene {
local rootfs="$1"
local project_root="$2"
local serene_dir
mkdir -p "$serene_dir"
info "Mounting Serene's dir into '/serene' in read-only mode"
mountpoint -q "$serene_dir" || sudo mount --rbind -o ro "$project_root" "$serene_dir"
function mount_trees() {
local rootfs="$1"
local project_root="$2"
mount_serene "$rootfs" "$project_root"
info "Mounting the 'tmpfs' at '$rootfs/tmp'"
mkdir -p "$rootfs/tmp"
mountpoint -q "$rootfs/tmp" || sudo mount -t tmpfs tmpfs "$rootfs/tmp"
info "Mounting 'dev' at '$rootfs/dev'"
mkdir -p "$rootfs/dev"
mountpoint -q "$rootfs/dev" || sudo mount --bind /dev "$rootfs/dev"
function unmount_trees() {
local rootfs="$1"
info "Unmounting the 'serene' from '$rootfs/serene'"
sudo umount "$rootfs/serene" &> /dev/null || true
info "Unmounting the 'tmpfs' from '$rootfs/tmp'"
sudo umount "$rootfs/tmp" &> /dev/null || true
info "Unmounting 'dev' from '$rootfs/dev'"
sudo umount "$rootfs/dev" &> /dev/null || true
function init_devfs {
local rootfs="$1"
local project_root="$2"
local create_group
local create_user
create_group="groupadd -f -g$(id -g) $(whoami)"
create_user="adduser -q --disabled-password --gecos '' --uid $(id -u) --gid $(id -g) $(whoami) || true"
mkdir -p "$rootfs/proc"
mount_trees "$rootfs" "$project_root"
info "Creating group '$(whoami)' with ID '$(id -g)'..."
as_root "$rootfs" bash --login -c "$create_group"
info "Creating user '$(whoami)' with ID '$(id -u)'..."
as_root "$rootfs" bash --login -c "$create_user"
info "Make '$(whoami)' a sudoer"
as_root "$rootfs" bash --login -c "adduser $(whoami) sudo || true"
function create_debian_rootfs() {
local to="$1"
info "Pulling the debian docker image"
docker pull debian:sid-slim
info "Spinning up the container"
docker stop devfs &> /dev/null || true
docker rm devfs &> /dev/null || true
docker run --name devfs -d debian:sid-slim
sleep 2
info "Exporting the rootfs to '$to/rootfs.tar'"
docker export -o "$to/rootfs.tar" devfs
info "Tearing down the container"
docker stop devfs &> /dev/null
docker rm devfs &> /dev/null
function create_and_initialize_devfs_image() {
local to="$1"
local project_root="$2"
local llvm_version="$3"
local rootfs
local version
version=$(git describe)
if [ ! -f "$to/rootfs.tar" ]; then
info "Creating the rootfs tar bar"
create_debian_rootfs "$to"
mkdir -p "$rootfs"
if [ ! -f "$to/rootfs/etc/shadow" ]; then
info "Extracting the tarball"
tar xf "$to/rootfs.tar" -C "$rootfs"
mount_trees "$rootfs" "$project_root"
#as_root "$rootfs" bash
as_root "$rootfs" bash -c "echo '$llvm_version' > /etc/llvm_version"
as_root "$rootfs" bash -c "echo 'export LANG=C.UTF-8' >> /etc/bash.bashrc"
as_root "$rootfs" bash -c "echo 'export LANG=C.UTF-8' >> /etc/profile"
as_root "$rootfs" bash /serene/scripts/
unmount_trees "$rootfs"
info "Creating the tarball (It will take a few minutes)"
sudo tar c -C "$rootfs" "." | lzma -c -9 -T "$(nproc)" > "$to/fs.$version.tar.xz"
info "Removing the exporter tarball"
rm -fv "$to/rootfs.tar"
function sync_devfs_image() {
local where="$1"
local version
version=$(git describe)
yes_or_no "Upload images '$where/fs.$version.tar.xz'?" && \
info "Uploading image '$where/fs.$version.tar.xz'" && \
rsync -vlc --progress \
"$where/fs.$version.tar.xz" \
function mark_devfs_image_as_latest() {
local to="$1"
local version
local remote_cmd
version=$(git describe)
info "Marking images 'fs.$version.tar.xz' as latest"
remote_cmd="rm -f /home/www/public/dl.serene/devfs/fs.latest.tar.xz && ln -s /home/www/public/dl.serene/devfs/fs.$version.tar.xz /home/www/public/dl.serene/devfs/fs.latest.tar.xz"
# shellcheck disable=SC2029
ssh "$remote_cmd"
function unmount_and_destroy_devfs() {
local rootfs="$1"
unmount_trees "$rootfs"
yes_or_no "Is it correct? 'sudo rm -rfv $rootfs'?" && sudo rm -rfv "$rootfs"