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# Serene Programming Language
# Copyright (c) 2019-2023 Sameer Rahmani <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
{ lib,
enableGoldPlugin ? true,
debugVersion ? false,
doCheck ? (!stdenv.isx86_32 /* TODO: why */) && (!stdenv.hostPlatform.isMusl)
&& (stdenv.hostPlatform == stdenv.buildPlatform),
enableSharedLibraries ? false,
enablePFM ? false,
enablePolly ? true,
inherit (lib) optional optionals optionalString;
release_version = llvm_source.version;
# Used when creating a version-suffixed symlink of libLLVM.dylib
shortVersion = with lib;
concatStringsSep "." (take 1 (splitString "." release_version));
# Ordinarily we would just the `doCheck` and `checkDeps` functionality
# `mkDerivation` gives us to manage our test dependencies (instead of breaking
# out `doCheck` as a package level attribute).
# Unfortunately `lit` does not forward `$PYTHONPATH` to children processes, in
# particular the children it uses to do feature detection.
# This means that python deps we add to `checkDeps` (which the python
# interpreter is made aware of via `$PYTHONPATH` populated by the python
# setup hook) are not picked up by `lit` which causes it to skip tests.
# Adding `python3.withPackages (ps: [ ... ])` to `checkDeps` also doesn't work
# because this package is shadowed in `$PATH` by the regular `python3`
# package.
# So, we "manually" assemble one python derivation for the package to depend
# on, taking into account whether checks are enabled or not:
python = if doCheck then
# Note that we _explicitly_ ask for a python interpreter for our host
# platform here; the splicing that would ordinarily take care of this for
# us does not seem to work once we use `withPackages`.
checkDeps = ps: with ps; [ psutil ];
in pkgsBuildBuild.targetPackages.python3.withPackages checkDeps
else python3;
stdenv.mkDerivation (rec {
pname = "llvm_llvm";
inherit (llvm_source) version;
src = runCommand "${pname}-src-${version}" {} (''
mkdir -p "$out"
cp -r ${llvm_source}/cmake "$out"
cp -r ${llvm_source}/llvm "$out"
cp -r ${llvm_source}/third-party "$out"
'' + lib.optionalString enablePolly ''
chmod u+w "$out/llvm/tools"
cp -r ${llvm_source}/polly "$out/llvm/tools"
sourceRoot = "${}/llvm";
outputs = [ "out" "lib" "dev" "python" ];
nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake ninja python ];
buildInputs = [ libxml2 libffi ]
++ optional enablePFM libpfm; # exegesis
propagatedBuildInputs = [ ncurses zlib ];
nativeCheckInputs = [
] ++ lib.optional stdenv.isDarwin sysctl;
patches = [
# Running the tests involves invoking binaries (like `opt`) that depend on
# the LLVM dylibs and reference them by absolute install path (i.e. their
# nix store path).
# Because we have not yet run the install phase (we're running these tests
# as part of `checkPhase` instead of `installCheckPhase`) these absolute
# paths do not exist yet; to work around this we point the loader (`ld` on
# unix, `dyld` on macOS) at the `lib` directory which will later become this
# package's `lib` output.
# Previously we would just set `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` to include the build `lib`
# dir but:
# - this doesn't generalize well to other platforms; `lit` doesn't forward
# +
# - even if `lit` forwarded this env var, we actually cannot set
# `DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH` in the child processes `lit` launches because
# "protected processes" (i.e. the python interpreter that runs `lit`):
# - other LLVM subprojects deal with this issue by having their `lit`
# configuration set these env vars for us; it makes sense to do the same
# for LLVM:
# +
# !!! TODO: look into upstreaming this patch
# `lit` has a mode where it executes run lines as a shell script which is
# constructs; this is problematic for macOS because it means that there's
# another process in between `lit` and the binaries being tested. As noted
# above, this means that `DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH` is cleared which means that our
# tests fail with dyld errors.
# To get around this we patch `lit` to reintroduce `DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH`, when
# present in the test configuration.
# It's not clear to me why this isn't an issue for LLVM developers running
# on macOS (nothing about this _seems_ nix specific)..
] ++ lib.optionals enablePolly [
# Just like the `llvm-lit-cfg` patch, but for `polly`.
postPatch = optionalString stdenv.isDarwin ''
substituteInPlace cmake/modules/AddLLVM.cmake \
--replace 'set(_install_name_dir INSTALL_NAME_DIR "@rpath")' "set(_install_name_dir)" \
--replace 'set(_install_rpath "@loader_path/../''${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}''${LLVM_LIBDIR_SUFFIX}" ''${extra_libdir})' ""
# As of LLVM 15, marked as XFAIL on arm64 macOS but lit doesn't seem to pick
# this up:
rm test/MC/ELF/cfi-version.ll
# This test tries to call `sw_vers` by absolute path (`/usr/bin/sw_vers`)
# and thus fails under the sandbox:
substituteInPlace unittests/TargetParser/Host.cpp \
--replace '/usr/bin/sw_vers' "${(builtins.toString darwin.DarwinTools) + "/bin/sw_vers" }"
# This test tries to call the intrinsics `@llvm.roundeven.f32` and
# `@llvm.roundeven.f64` which seem to (incorrectly?) lower to `roundevenf`
# and `roundeven` on macOS.
# However these functions are glibc specific so the test fails:
# -
# -
substituteInPlace test/ExecutionEngine/Interpreter/intrinsics.ll \
--replace "%roundeven32 = call float @llvm.roundeven.f32(float 0.000000e+00)" "" \
--replace "%roundeven64 = call double @llvm.roundeven.f64(double 0.000000e+00)" ""
'' + optionalString (stdenv.isDarwin && stdenv.hostPlatform.isx86) ''
# This test fails on darwin x86_64 because `sw_vers` reports a different
# macOS version than what LLVM finds by reading
# `/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist` (which is passed into
# the sandbox on macOS).
# The `sw_vers` provided by nixpkgs reports the macOS version associated
# with the `CoreFoundation` framework with which it was built. Because
# nixpkgs pins the SDK for `aarch64-darwin` and `x86_64-darwin` what
# `sw_vers` reports is not guaranteed to match the macOS version of the host
# that's building this derivation.
# Astute readers will note that we only _patch_ this test on aarch64-darwin
# (to use the nixpkgs provided `sw_vers`) instead of disabling it outright.
# So why does this test pass on aarch64?
# Well, it seems that `sw_vers` on aarch64 actually links against the _host_
# CoreFoundation framework instead of the nixpkgs provided one.
# Not entirely sure what the right fix is here. I'm assuming aarch64
# `sw_vers` doesn't intentionally link against the host `CoreFoundation`
# (still digging into how this ends up happening, will follow up) but that
# aside I think the more pertinent question is: should we be patching LLVM's
# macOS version detection logic to use `sw_vers` instead of reading host
# paths? This *is* a way in which details about builder machines can creep
# into the artifacts that are produced, affecting reproducibility, but it's
# not clear to me when/where/for what this even gets used in LLVM.
# TODO(@rrbutani): fix/follow-up
substituteInPlace unittests/TargetParser/Host.cpp \
--replace "getMacOSHostVersion" "DISABLED_getMacOSHostVersion"
# This test fails with a `dysmutil` crash; have not yet dug into what's
# going on here (TODO(@rrbutani)).
rm test/tools/dsymutil/ARM/obfuscated.test
'' + ''
# FileSystem permissions tests fail with various special bits
substituteInPlace unittests/Support/CMakeLists.txt \
--replace "Path.cpp" ""
rm unittests/Support/Path.cpp
substituteInPlace unittests/IR/CMakeLists.txt \
--replace "PassBuilderCallbacksTest.cpp" ""
rm unittests/IR/PassBuilderCallbacksTest.cpp
rm test/tools/llvm-objcopy/ELF/mirror-permissions-unix.test
'' + optionalString stdenv.hostPlatform.isMusl ''
patch -p1 -i ${./TLI-musl.patch}
substituteInPlace unittests/Support/CMakeLists.txt \
--replace "add_subdirectory(DynamicLibrary)" ""
rm unittests/Support/DynamicLibrary/DynamicLibraryTest.cpp
# valgrind unhappy with musl or glibc, but fails w/musl only
rm test/CodeGen/AArch64/wineh4.mir
'' + optionalString stdenv.hostPlatform.isAarch32 ''
# skip failing X86 test cases on 32-bit ARM
rm test/DebugInfo/X86/convert-debugloc.ll
rm test/DebugInfo/X86/convert-inlined.ll
rm test/DebugInfo/X86/convert-linked.ll
rm test/tools/dsymutil/X86/op-convert.test
rm test/tools/gold/X86/split-dwarf.ll
rm test/tools/llvm-dwarfdump/X86/prettyprint_types.s
rm test/tools/llvm-dwarfdump/X86/simplified-template-names.s
rm test/CodeGen/RISCV/attributes.ll
rm test/CodeGen/RISCV/xtheadmempair.ll
'' + optionalString (stdenv.hostPlatform.system == "armv6l-linux") ''
# Seems to require certain floating point hardware (NEON?)
rm test/ExecutionEngine/frem.ll
'' + ''
patchShebangs test/BugPoint/
preConfigure = ''
# Workaround for configure flags that need to have spaces
-DLLVM_LIT_ARGS="-svj''${NIX_BUILD_CORES} --no-progress-bar"
# Defensive check: some paths (that we make symlinks to) depend on the release
# version, for example:
# -
# So we want to sure that the version in the source matches the release
# version we were given.
# We do this check here, in the LLVM build, because it happens early.
postConfigure = let
v = lib.versions;
major = v.major release_version;
minor = v.minor release_version;
patch = v.patch release_version;
in ''
# $1: part, $2: expected
check_version() {
part="$(cat include/llvm/Config/llvm-config.h | grep "#define LLVM_VERSION_''${part} " | cut -d' ' -f3)"
if [[ "$part" != "$2" ]]; then
echo >&2 \
"mismatch in the $1 version! we have version ${release_version}" \
"and expected the $1 version to be '$2'; the source has '$part' instead"
exit 3
check_version major ${major}
check_version minor ${minor}
check_version patch ${patch}
# E.g. mesa.drivers use the build-id as a cache key (see #93946):
LDFLAGS = optionalString (enableSharedLibraries && !stdenv.isDarwin) "-Wl,--build-id=sha1";
cmakeBuildType = if debugVersion then "Debug" else "Release";
cmakeFlags = with stdenv; let
# These flags influence llvm-config's in addition to the
# general build. We need to make sure these are also passed via
# CROSS_TOOLCHAIN_FLAGS_NATIVE when cross-compiling or llvm-config-native
# will return different results from the cross llvm-config.
# Some flags don't need to be repassed because LLVM already does so (like
# CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE), others are irrelevant to the result.
flagsForLlvmConfig = [
"-DLLVM_INSTALL_PACKAGE_DIR=${placeholder "dev"}/lib/cmake/llvm"
] ++ optionals enableSharedLibraries [
in flagsForLlvmConfig ++ [
"-DLLVM_INSTALL_UTILS=ON" # Needed by rustc
"-DLLVM_BUILD_TESTS=${if doCheck then "ON" else "OFF"}"
# Static build options =====
# Disables building of shared libs, -fPIC is still injected by cc-wrapper
# libxml2 needs to be disabled because the LLVM build system ignores its .la
# file and doesn't link zlib as well.
# ====
] ++ optionals stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin [
] ++ optionals enableGoldPlugin [
# For LLVMgold plugin
] ++ optionals ((stdenv.hostPlatform != stdenv.buildPlatform) && !(stdenv.buildPlatform.canExecute stdenv.hostPlatform)) [
nativeCC =;
nativeBintools = nativeCC.bintools.bintools;
nativeToolchainFlags = [
# We need to repass the custom GNUInstallDirs values, otherwise CMake
# will choose them for us, leading to wrong results in llvm-config-native
nativeInstallFlags = [
"-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${placeholder "out"}"
"-DCMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR=${placeholder "out"}/bin"
"-DCMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR=${placeholder "dev"}/include"
"-DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=${placeholder "lib"}/lib"
"-DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBEXECDIR=${placeholder "lib"}/libexec"
+ lib.concatStringsSep ";" (lib.concatLists [
postInstall = ''
mkdir -p $python/share
mv $out/share/opt-viewer $python/share/opt-viewer
moveToOutput "bin/llvm-config*" "$dev"
substituteInPlace "$dev/lib/cmake/llvm/LLVMExports-${if debugVersion then "debug" else "release"}.cmake" \
--replace "\''${_IMPORT_PREFIX}/lib/lib" "$lib/lib/lib" \
--replace "$out/bin/llvm-config" "$dev/bin/llvm-config"
substituteInPlace "$dev/lib/cmake/llvm/LLVMConfig.cmake" \
--replace 'set(LLVM_BINARY_DIR "''${LLVM_INSTALL_PREFIX}")' 'set(LLVM_BINARY_DIR "'"$lib"'")'
+ optionalString (stdenv.isDarwin && enableSharedLibraries) ''
ln -s $lib/lib/libLLVM.dylib $lib/lib/libLLVM-${shortVersion}.dylib
ln -s $lib/lib/libLLVM.dylib $lib/lib/libLLVM-${release_version}.dylib
+ optionalString ((stdenv.buildPlatform != stdenv.hostPlatform) && !(stdenv.buildPlatform.canExecute stdenv.hostPlatform)) ''
cp NATIVE/bin/llvm-config $dev/bin/llvm-config-native
inherit doCheck;
checkTarget = "check-all";
# For the update script:
passthru.monorepoSrc = llvm_source;
requiredSystemFeatures = [ "big-parallel" ];
inherit (utils) meta;