
141 lines
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/* -*- C++ -*-
* Serene Programming Language
* Copyright (c) 2019-2023 Sameer Rahmani <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* Commentary:
* Rules of a namespace:
* - A namespace has have a name and it has to own it.
* - A namespace may or may not be associated with a file
* - The internal AST of a namespace is an evergrowing tree which may expand at
* any given time. For example via iteration of a REPL
* - `environments` vector is the owner of all the semantic envs
* - The first env in the `environments` is the root env.
* How to create a namespace ?
* The official way to create a namespace object is to use the `SereneContext`
* object and call `readNamespace`, `importNamespace` or `makeNamespace`.
// TODO: Add a mechanism to figure out whether a namespace has changed or not
// either on memory or disk
#include "ast.h"
#include "environment.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include <llvm/ADT/SmallString.h>
#include <llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h>
#include <llvm/ADT/StringRef.h>
#include <llvm/ADT/Twine.h>
#include <llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/Core.h>
#include <llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/ThreadSafeModule.h>
#include <llvm/IR/Module.h>
#include <llvm/Support/Error.h>
#include <mlir/IR/Builders.h>
#include <mlir/IR/BuiltinOps.h>
#include <mlir/IR/OwningOpRef.h>
#include <mlir/IR/Value.h>
#include <mlir/Support/LogicalResult.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <cstddef>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#define NAMESPACE_LOG(...) \
DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("NAMESPACE", llvm::dbgs() << __VA_ARGS__ << "\n");
namespace serene {
namespace jit {
class JIT;
} // namespace jit
class Namespace;
using NSPtr = std::unique_ptr<Namespace>;
using MaybeNS = llvm::Expected<NSPtr>;
using SemanticEnv = Environment<ast::Node>;
using SemanticEnvPtr = std::unique_ptr<SemanticEnv>;
using SemanticEnvironments = std::vector<SemanticEnvPtr>;
/// Serene's namespaces are the unit of compilation. Any code that needs to be
/// compiled has to be in a namespace. The official way to create a new
/// namespace is to use the `readNamespace`, `importNamespace` and
/// `makeNamespace` member functions of `SereneContext`.
class Namespace {
jit::JIT &engine;
/// The content of the namespace. It should alway hold a semantically
/// correct AST. It means thet the AST that we want to store here has
/// to pass the semantic analyzer checks.
ast::Ast tree;
SemanticEnvironments environments;
std::vector<llvm::StringRef> symbolList;
std::string name;
std::optional<std::string> filename;
/// Create a naw namespace with the given `name` and optional `filename` and
/// return a unique pointer to it in the given Serene context.
static NSPtr make(jit::JIT &engine, llvm::StringRef name,
std::optional<llvm::StringRef> filename);
Namespace(jit::JIT &engine, llvm::StringRef ns_name,
std::optional<llvm::StringRef> filename);
/// Create a new environment with the give \p parent as the parent,
/// push the environment to the internal environment storage and
/// return a reference to it. The namespace itself is the owner of
/// environments.
SemanticEnv &createEnv(SemanticEnv *parent);
/// Return a referenece to the top level (root) environment of ns.
SemanticEnv &getRootEnv();
/// Define a new binding in the root environment with the given \p name
/// and the given \p node. Defining a new binding with a name that
/// already exists in legal and will overwrite the previous binding and
/// the given name will point to a new value from now on.
mlir::LogicalResult define(std::string &name, ast::Node &node);
/// Add the given \p ast to the namespace and return any possible error.
/// The given \p ast will be added to a vector of ASTs by expanding
/// the tree vector to contain \p ast.
/// This function runs the semantic analyzer on the \p ast as well.
llvm::Error ExpandTree(ast::Ast &ast);
ast::Ast &getTree();
const std::vector<llvm::StringRef> &getSymList() { return symbolList; };
/// Dumps the namespace with respect to the compilation phase
// void dump();
} // namespace serene