%!TEX TS-program = xelatex %!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode % Lxsameer's CV Latex class % Copyright (C) 2022 Sameer Rahmani % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or % modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License % as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 % of the License, or (at your option) any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software % Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. \documentclass{lxsameer_cv} \setname{Sameer}{Rahmani} \setjobtitle{Senior Software Engineer} \setaddress{Dublin, Ireland} \setmobile{+353 85 8559285} \setmail{lxsameer@lxsameer.com} \setwebsite{https://lxsameer.com} \setposition{Senior Software Engineer} \setlinkedinaccount{https://www.linkedin.com/in/lxsameer/} \setgit{https://devheroes.codes/lxsameer} % Set the global font color \definecolor{AlmostBlack}{HTML}{090907} \AtBeginDocument{\globalcolor{AlmostBlack}} \begin{document} % Draw the avatar and personal detainls \headerview{} \vspace{-0.4cm} %Sections \begin{multicols}{2}[] \vbox{ % Summary \summary{% \hspace{\parindent} I’m a software engineer by day and an amateur scientist by night. Who is passionate about learning cutting edge technologies, adventuring in the world of science, and who lives by his \href{https://lxsameer.com/coh.html}{{\tiny{\faIcon{link}}} code of honor}. I enjoy \hl{physics}, \hl{mathematics}, \hl{CS} and am a firm believer in education. \par I’m a huge free software fan, contributor and advocate. I am also a language enthusiast who has implemented a couple of languages and am currently working on a \hl{compiler} in \hl{LLVM/MLIR} for a typed lisp called \hl{Serene}. \par Richard Feynman once said \textit{``What I cannot create, I do not understand''}, That wise quote summarizes my way of engineering. I love to learn and share my knowledge with others. In fact, I have about 6 years of experience in \hl{teaching} CS and Linux. Also, I make and publish videos on my \href{https://www.youtube.com/c/lxsameer}{{\tiny{\faIcon{link}}} YouTube channel} about my projects and researches to share what I learn with people. I’m a team player who thrives in an environment that challenges me and provides opportunities for growth. } %% Skills \section{Skills} \begin{multicols}{3}[] \skill{Lisp family}{1} \skill{Golang}{0.9} \skill{Rust}{0.7} \skill{C/C++}{0.7} \skill{Haskell}{0.6} \columnbreak{} \\ \skill{Javascript}{1} \skill{Python}{1} \skill{Ruby}{1} \skill{Java}{0.7} \skill{Linux Administration}{1} \columnbreak{} \\ \skill{DevOps}{0.9} \skill{Security Knowledge}{0.5} \skill{Networking Knowledge}{0.7} \skill{Big data Knowledge}{0.8} \skill{Distributed Systems}{0.8} \end{multicols} % Projects \section{Projects} \project{Serene Language}{https://serene-lang.org}{ Serene is a compiler that started as a research project and turned into a serious attempt to create a strongly typed \hl{Lisp}. I'm using \hl{C++}, \hl{LLVM}, and \hl{MLIR} as the core technologies and I create videos about my progress as a way to share the experience with other people. } \project{FG42}{https://serene-lang.org}{ FG42 is an editor/WM on top of \hl{GNU/Emacs} that I started back in \hl{2010} and to this day I keep working on it. FG42 is my main tool that I use it for everything. It has a small user community and few contributors. } \section{Contributions} Linux Kernel, LLVM/Clang, ClojureScript, RubyOnRails, Debian, GNU, Pedestal, and many others.\\[0.1cm] % Education \section{Education} \studiedat{Azad University of Yazd}{B.S in Civil Engineering}{2005-2009} % chktex 8 \\ [0.1cm] % Volunteer work \section{Volunteer Works} {\hspace{0.2cm} \scriptsize{Co-Organizer of:}} \vspace{-0.5cm} \begin{multicols}{2}[] \volunteer{Karajlug (2008-2017)} % chktex 8 \volunteer{Clojure Ireland (2018-Present)} \volunteer{Proud member of \hl{GNU} project} \columnbreak{} \\ \volunteer{IrPyConf 2013, 2014} \volunteer{KarajSFD (2010-2014)} % chktex 8 \end{multicols} } \columnbreak{} % Experience \section{Experience} \vbox{\vspace{0.2cm} \role{Plex}{Senior Staff Software Engineer}{2022-Present}{ \jobdesc{ \hspace{0.2cm} I am a one-man team in charge of our universal toolchain, the build process of our products and optimizing our toolchain. I'm in the process of migrating our llvm based toolchain and dependencies from a painful Conan-based workflow to a to Nix based robust workflow that is going to eliminate a ton of hacky code. I use \hl{LLVM}, \hl{Clang}, \hl{Conan}, \hl{Nix}, \hl{python} and \hl{C++} on a daily basis. }} \role{Udemy}{Senior Staff Software Engineer}{2018-2022}{ \jobdesc{ \hspace{0.2cm} I played a key role in delivering the most important UFB project in its lifetime (since 2015) which is the LearningPaths that was a huge success. Then moved to SRE/Build team to improve the efficiency of our services and development environments. I had to write native components to speed things up. We are using \hl{Python}, \hl{Golang}, \hl{Docker}, \hl{C/C++}, \hl{Rust}, \hl{AWS}, \hl{K8s}, \hl{RabbitMQ}, \hl{Kafka}, \hl{MySQL}, \hl{Cassandra}. }} \role{PageFair}{Senior Software Engineer}{2017-2018}{ % chktex 8 \jobdesc{ \hspace{0.2cm} Successfully developed and maintained a very large scale and complex add exchange system with more than 200 components that used to serve about a billion request per second using technologies like \hl{NodeJS}, \hl{Scala}, \hl{Docker}, \hl{AWS}, \hl{Promethus}, \hl{Python}, \hl{Django}, \hl{PostgreSQL}, \hl{RabbitMQ}. }} \role{Buzzjective}{Senior Software Engineer}{2014-2017}{ % chktex 8 \jobdesc{ \hspace{0.2cm} Worked on a face to face identification service based on Germany called identity.tm that is in used by many banks and financial institutes. We used \hl{RubyOnRails}, \hl{AngularJS}, \hl{PostgreSQL}, \hl{Websocket}, \hl{WebRTC}, \hl{Docker}. } } \role{Yellowen}{Senior Software Engineer}{2010-2014}{ % chktex 8 \jobdesc{ \hspace{0.2cm} During my long journey at Yellown I learned lots of fascinating things and hit many amazing milestones. I started as an intern and became a leader. I participated and lead many projects at Yellowen and worked with many talented people. I Successfully developed and managed several large scale web, mobile, and IoT projects using \hl{RubyonRails}, \hl{Clojure}, \hl{Python/Django}, \hl{C/C++}, \hl{MongoDB}, \hl{PostgreSQL}, \hl{Riak}, \hl{Redis}, \hl{ElasticSearch}, \hl{Fluentd}, \hl{Cassandra}, \hl{Javascript}. The main focus of my team was to do R\&D and build new technologies. } } \role{Bayan}{Senior Software Engineer}{2009-2010}{ % chktex 8 \jobdesc{ \hspace{0.2cm} Worked on a large scale Python/Django SSO which is the beating heart of Bayan services. It was a SaaS application way ahead of its time. We used \hl{MongoDB}, \hl{Python}, \hl{Django}, \hl{Celery}, \hl{Memcached}, \hl{PostgreSQL}. } } \role{Yellowen}{Junior Software Engineer}{2005-2009}{ % chktex 8 \jobdesc{ \hspace{0.2cm} I started as an intern and soon got hired as a junior and mostly worked on a GIS software along side a huge automation software which ran on 3000 school all over the country. We used: \hl{Python/Django}, \hl{C++/Qt}, \hl{PostGIS}, \hl{PostgreSQL}. } } } % Awards \section{Awards} \award{3rd place of the national CS Olympia}{2003} % References \vspace{-0.5cm} \section{References} {\scriptsize {\href{https://lxsameer.com}{\faIcon{link}~https://lxsameer.com}} \\ {\href{https://www.linkedin.com/in/lxsameer/}{\faIcon{link}~https://www.linkedin.com/in/lxsameer/}} \\ {\href{https://devheroes.codes/lxsameer}{\faIcon{link}~https://devheroes.codes/lxsameer}} \\ {\href{https://devheroes.codes/Serene}{\faIcon{link}~https://devheroes.codes/Serene}} \\ {\href{https://github.com/lxsameer}{\faIcon{link}~https://github.com/lxsameer}} (I'm not using github anymore) \\ {\href{https://devheroes.codes/lxsameer/CV}{\faIcon{link}~https://devheroes.codes/lxsameer/CV}} (Yes! My CV is opensource)} \end{multicols} \end{document}