%!TEX TS-program = xelatex %!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode % Lxsameer's CV Latex class % Copyright (C) 2022 Sameer Rahmani % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or % modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License % as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 % of the License, or (at your option) any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software % Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. \documentclass{lxsameer_cv} \setname{Sameer}{Rahmani} \setjobtitle{Senior Software Engineer} \setaddress{Dublin, Ireland} \setmobile{+353 85 8559285} \setmail{lxsameer@lxsameer.com} \setwebsite{https://lxsameer.com} \setposition{Senior Software Engineer} \setlinkedinaccount{https://www.linkedin.com/in/lxsameer/} \setgit{https://devheroes.codes/lxsameer} % Set the global font color \definecolor{AlmostBlack}{HTML}{090907} \AtBeginDocument{\globalcolor{AlmostBlack}} \begin{document} % Draw the avatar and personal detainls \headerview{} \vspace{-0.4cm} %Sections \begin{multicols}{2}[] \vbox{ % Summary \summary{% \hspace{\parindent} I'm a software engineer by day and an amateur scientist by night who is passionate about learning cutting edge technologies and adventuring in the world of science and lives by his \href{https://lxsameer.com/coh.html}{code of honor}. In love with \hl{physics}, \hl{mathematics}, \hl{CS} and a believer in education. \par I'm a Huge Free Software fan, contributor and advocate and a language enthusiast who has implemented couple of languages and at the moment working on a \hl{compiler} in \hl{LLVM/MLIR} for a typed lisp called \hl{Serene}. \par Richard Feynman once said \textit{``What I cannot create, I do not understand''}, That wise quote summarizes my way of engineering. I love to learn and share what I've learned with others. In fact I have about 6 years of experience in \hl{teaching} CS and Linux and also, I make and publish videos on my \href{https://www.youtube.com/c/lxsameer}{{\tiny{\faIcon{link}}} YouTube channel} about my projects and researches to share what I learn with people. I'm team player who likes to work in a friendly environment that help him grow and gives him the opportunity to challenge himself and learn about things that he is passionate about. } % Skills \section{Skills} \begin{multicols}{3}[] \skill{Lisp family}{1} \skill{Golang}{0.9} \skill{Rust}{0.7} \skill{C/C++}{0.7} \skill{Haskell}{0.6} \columnbreak{} \\ \skill{Javascript}{1} \skill{Python}{1} \skill{Ruby}{1} \skill{Java}{0.7} \skill{Linux Administration}{1} \columnbreak{} \\ \skill{DevOps}{0.9} \skill{Security Knowledge}{0.5} \skill{Networking Knowledge}{0.7} \skill{Big data Knowledge}{0.8} \skill{Distributed Systems}{0.8} \end{multicols} % Projects \section{Projects} \project{Serene Language}{https://serene-lang.org}{ Serene is a compiler that started as a research project and turned into a serious attempt to create a strongly typed \hl{Lisp}. I'm using \hl{C++}, \hl{LLVM}, and \hl{MLIR} as the core technologies and I create videos about my progress as a way to share the experience with other people. } \project{FG42}{https://serene-lang.org}{ FG42 is an editor/WM on top of \hl{GNU/Emacs} that I started back in \hl{2010} and to this day I keep working on it. FG42 is my main tool that I use it for everything. It has a small user community and few contributors. } \project{Hellhound}{https://hellhound.io}{ HellHound is a set of libraries to create simple and elegant programs based on streams. A HellHound application is a system of components which work together asynchronously. Components form one or more data pipelines through workflows. It is an opinionated implementation of the commander pattern is \hl{Clojure}. } \section{Contributions} Linux Kernel, LLVM/Clang, ClojureScript, RubyOnRails, Debian, GNU, Pedestal, and many others.\\[0.1cm] % Education \section{Education} \studiedat{Azad University of Yazd}{B.S in Civil Engineering}{2005-2009} % chktex 8 } \columnbreak{} % Experience \section{Experience} \vbox{\vspace{0.2cm} \role{Udemy}{Senior Staff Software Engineer}{2018-Present}{ \jobdesc{ \hspace{0.2cm} I played a key role in delivering the most important UFB project in its lifetime (since 2015) which is the LearningPaths that was a huge success. Then moved to SRE/Build team to improve the efficiency of our services and development environments. I had to write native components to speed things up. We are using \hl{Python}, \hl{Golang}, \hl{Docker}, \hl{C/C++}, \hl{Rust}, \hl{AWS}, \hl{K8s}, \hl{RabbitMQ}, \hl{Kafka}, \hl{MySQL}, \hl{Cassandra} and \ldots }} \role{PageFair}{Senior Software Engineer}{2017-2018}{ % chktex 8 \jobdesc{ \hspace{0.2cm} Successfully developed and maintained a very large scale and complex add exchange system with more than 200 components that used to serve about a billion request per second using technologies like \hl{NodeJS}, \hl{Scala}, \hl{Docker}, \hl{AWS}, \hl{Promethus}, \hl{Python}, \hl{Django}, \hl{PostgreSQL}, \hl{RabbitMQ} and \ldots }} \role{Buzzjective}{Senior Software Engineer}{2014-2017}{ % chktex 8 \jobdesc{ \hspace{0.2cm} Worked on a face to face identification service based on Germany called identity.tm that is in used by many banks and financial institutes. We used \hl{RubyOnRails}, \hl{AngularJS}, \hl{PostgreSQL}, \hl{Websocket}, \hl{WebRTC}, \hl{Docker} and \ldots } } \role{Yellowen}{Senior Software Engineer}{2010-2014}{ % chktex 8 \jobdesc{ \hspace{0.2cm} During my long journey at Yellown I learned lots of fascinating things and hit many amazing milestones. I started as an intern and became a leader. I participated and lead many projects at Yellowen and worked with many talented people. I Successfully developed and managed several large scale web, mobile, and IoT projects using \hl{RubyonRails}, \hl{Clojure}, \hl{Python/Django}, \hl{C/C++}, \hl{MongoDB}, \hl{PostgreSQL}, \hl{Riak}, \hl{Redis}, \hl{ElasticSearch}, \hl{Fluentd}, \hl{Cassandra}, \hl{Javascript} and \ldots. The main focus of my team was to do R\&D and build new technologies. } } \role{Bayan}{Senior Software Engineer}{2009-2010}{ % chktex 8 \jobdesc{ \hspace{0.2cm} Worked on a large scale Python/Django SSO which is the beating heart of Bayan services. It was a SaaS application way ahead of its time. We used \hl{MongoDB}, \hl{Python}, \hl{Django}, \hl{Celery}, \hl{Memcached}, \hl{PostgreSQL} and \ldots } } \role{Yellowen}{Junior Software Engineer}{2005-2009}{ % chktex 8 \jobdesc{ \hspace{0.2cm} I started as an intern and soon got hired as a junior and mostly worked on a GIS software along side a huge automation software which ran on 3000 school all over the country. We used: \hl{Python/Django}, \hl{C++/Qt}, \hl{PostGIS}, \hl{PostgreSQL} and \ldots } } } % Awards \section{Awards} \award{3rd place of the national CS Olympia}{2003} % Volunteer work \section{Volunteer Works} {\hspace{0.2cm} \scriptsize{Co-Organizer of:}} \vspace{-0.5cm} \begin{multicols}{2}[] \volunteer{Karajlug (2008-2017)} % chktex 8 \volunteer{Clojure Ireland (2018-Present)} \volunteer{Proud member of \hl{GNU} project} \columnbreak{} \\ \volunteer{IrPyConf 2013, 2014} \volunteer{KarajSFD (2010-2014)} % chktex 8 \end{multicols} % References \vspace{-0.5cm} \section{References} {\scriptsize {\href{https://lxsameer.com}{\faIcon{link}~https://lxsameer.com}} \\ {\href{https://www.linkedin.com/in/lxsameer/}{\faIcon{link}~https://www.linkedin.com/in/lxsameer/}} \\ {\href{https://devheroes.codes/lxsameer}{\faIcon{link}~https://devheroes.codes/lxsameer}} \\ {\href{https://devheroes.codes/Serene}{\faIcon{link}~https://devheroes.codes/Serene}} \\ {\href{https://github.com/lxsameer}{\faIcon{link}~https://github.com/lxsameer}} (I'm not using github anymore) \\ {\href{https://devheroes.codes/lxsameer/CV}{\faIcon{link}~https://devheroes.codes/lxsameer/CV}} (Yes! My CV is opensource)} \end{multicols} \end{document}