#!/usr/bin/env bash #author: Dane Williams #script for gathering current location and weather at location #script is then called in the dracula.tmux program city=$(curl -s https://ipinfo.io/city 2> /dev/null) region=$(curl -s https://ipinfo.io/region 2> /dev/null) zip=$(curl -s https://ipinfo.io/postal 2> /dev/null | tail -1) country=$(curl -s https://ipinfo.io/country 2> /dev/null) region_code_url=http://www.ip2country.net/ip2country/region_code.html weather_url=https://forecast.weather.gov/zipcity.php zip=46556 #substitute region code for regions in north america get_region_code() { curl -s $region_code_url | grep $region &> /dev/null && region=$(curl -s $region_code_url | grep $region | cut -d ',' -f 2) echo $region } weather_information() { curl -sL $weather_url?inputstring=$zip | grep myforecast-current | grep -Eo '>.*<' | sed -E 's/>(.*)/dev/null; then echo "$(display_weather) $city, $(get_region_code)" else echo "Location Unavailable" fi } #run main driver program main