forked from FG42/FG42
Fork 0

Setup the noether mode

This commit is contained in:
Sameer Rahmani 2024-03-23 12:06:01 +00:00
parent e3f744ae8f
commit 8f2944e0e4
Signed by: lxsameer
GPG Key ID: 8741FACBF412FFA5
3 changed files with 81 additions and 55 deletions

View File

@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
(require 'fpkg))
(require 'fg42/modeline)
;; (require 'fg42/utils)
;; (require 'fg42/modeline)
;; (require 'fg42/cubes/modeline)
@ -62,64 +64,71 @@ after enabling the minor mode if you enter ~C-x~ and wait for the default of
1 second the minibuffer will expand with all of the available key bindings
that follow ~C-x~ (or as many as space allows given your settings).
This includes prefixes like ~C-x 8~ which are shown in a different face."
(require 'which-key)
(use! projectile
"Projectile is a project interaction library for Emacs. Its goal is to provide
a nice set of features operating on a project level without introducing
external dependencies."
:hook (emacs-startup . projectile-mode)
;; We don't want the auto discovery on startup
(setq projectile-auto-discover nil)
(setq projectile-enable-caching t)
:bind (:map projectile-mode-map
("s-p" . projectile-command-map)
("C-c p" . projectile-command-map)))
(use! projectile-ripgrep
"Use ripgrep with projectile"
:after projectile)
(use! helpful
"Helpful is an alternative to the built-in Emacs help that provides much more
contextual information."
(require 'helpful)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-h f") #'helpful-callable)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-h v") #'helpful-variable)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-h k") #'helpful-key)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-h x") #'helpful-command)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-d") #'helpful-at-point))
(("C-h f" . helpful-callable)
("C-h v" . helpful-variable)
("C-h k" . helpful-key)
("C-h x" . helpful-command)
("C-c C-d" . helpful-at-point)))
(use! envrc
"Activate direnv whenever encounter a `.envrc' file"
(require 'envrc)
(use! pinentry
"Pinentry cube with setup the =pinentry= program to be used within FG42."
:commands pinentry-start
(require 'pinentry)
(setq epa-pinentry-mode 'loopback)
(setq epa-pinentry-mode 'loopback))
(use! imenu-list
"his Emacs minor-mode creates an automatically updated buffer
called `Ilist' that is populated with the current buffer's imenu entries.
The `Ilist' buffer is typically shown as a sidebar (Emacs vertically splits the window)."
(global-set-key (kbd "C-'") #'imenu-list-smart-toggle))
:bind (("C-'" . imenu-list-smart-toggle)))
(use! emojify
"Adds support for emojis to `FG42'"
:hook (after-init . global-emojify-mode))
:hook (emacs-startup . global-emojify-mode))
(use! discover
"Adds support for the discover.el `'.")
(use! exec-path-from-shell
"This package fixes the =exec-path-from-shell= issue on MacOS."
(require 'exec-path-from-shell)
(when (memq window-system '(mac ns x))
(use! hl-line
"Highlights the current line."
(require 'hl-line)
:hook (emacs-startup . global-hl-line-mode))
(use! rainbow-delimiters
"rainbow-delimiters is a =rainbow parentheses= like mode which highlights delimiters
@ -137,11 +146,6 @@ data. The typical example of this would be Lisp or Scheme source code."
(clojure-mode . paredit-mode)
(scheme-mode . paredit-mode)))
(add-hook 'fg42/after-initializing-theme-hook
(lambda ()
(set-default 'cursor-type 'box)
(set-cursor-color "#eeeeec")))
(use! avy
"This cube controls the different aspect of buffer navigation"
:bind ("M-1" . avy-goto-word-1))
@ -150,8 +154,6 @@ data. The typical example of this would be Lisp or Scheme source code."
"This cube controls the different aspect of buffer navigation"
:bind ("C-<tab>" . ace-window))
(use! vertico
"Vertico provides a performant and minimalistic vertical completion UI
based on the default completion system. The focus of Vertico is to provide
@ -185,11 +187,17 @@ match all of the components in any order."
(use! all-the-icons
"A utility package to collect various Icon Fonts and propertize them within
:if (display-graphic-p))
;; In the following section we're setting some default behavior of FG42.
;; Most of these configuration are opiniated and I think most of people
;; shared the same opinion or don't care at all.
(add-hook 'fg42/after-initializing-theme-hook
(lambda ()
(set-default 'cursor-type 'bar)
(set-cursor-color "#eeeeec")))
;; Remove splash screen
(setq inhibit-splash-screen t)

View File

@ -21,31 +21,53 @@
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(defvar fg42/modeline-setter #'fg42/default-mode-line-setter)
(require 'fpkg))
(defmacro defmode-line (name &rest body)
`(defun ,name () ,@body))
(defvar fg42/modeline-views nil
"A list of Noether views to use for modeline.")
;; The default modeline has to be nil to let the
;; modeline setters know that they can use their
;; default modeline
(defmode-line fg42/default-modeline)
(defface fg42/-disabled-modeline-active-border
:background "#bd93f9" :height 0.1 :box nil))
"A new face for modeline in active state."
:group 'fg42)
(defun fg42/default-mode-line-setter (def)
"Set the modeline definition in X to the `fg42-modeline'."
(unless (null def)
(setq mode-line-format (plist-get def :brief))
(setq mode-line-format (plist-get (fg42/default-modeline) :brief))))
(defface fg42/-disabled-modeline-dective-border
:background "#44475a" :height 0.1 :box nil))
"A new face for modeline in active state."
:group 'fg42)
(defun fg42/setup-modeline-format (definition)
"Setup the modeline by calling the setter function and passing the DEFINITION."
(funcall fg42/modeline-setter definition))
(use! noether
"Smart mode line is a pretty simple yet fantastic alternative
to Emacs modeline."
:if (display-graphic-p)
:after projectile
;;(require 'noether)
(require 'noether-views)
;; Disable the default modeline
(setq-default mode-line-format "")
(let ((face-remaps (default-value 'face-remapping-alist)))
(setf (alist-get 'mode-line face-remaps)
(alist-get 'mode-line-inactive face-remaps)
(default-value 'face-remapping-alist) face-remaps))
(let ((vs (or fg42/modeline-views
(setq noether-views vs)
(provide 'fg42/modeline)
;;; modeline.el ends here

View File

@ -24,20 +24,16 @@
;; Each system has to have a `start' function to start the setup process.
;;; Code:
(require 'fpkg)
(require 'fg42/flags)
;;(fpkg/require 'projectile)
(require 'fpkg))
(fpkg/require 'f)
(defflag fg42-project
"Enable the support for project files in FG42." t)
(defgroup fg42/project nil
"The customization group for the fg42-project-global-mode."
:group 'convenience)
(defvar fg42/visited-projects nil
"A plist of all the visited projects.
It's mapping of project name to the project datastructure")