;; Uncomment this for debugging purposes ;;(setq debug-on-error t) ;; THEME ;; ===== ;; Load the default theme ;; Other options are: ;; (theme themes/color-theme-spacemacs-light) ;; (theme themes/color-theme-spacemacs-dark) (theme themes/color-theme-doom-one) ;; (theme themes/color-theme-doom-molokai) ;; ABILITIES ;; ========= ;; Disable abilities which you don't want. (disable 'rbenv 'helm 'spell 'linum 'smart-mode-line 'desktop-mode 'dired+ 'guru 'emoji) ;; EXTENSIONS ;; ========== ;; Uncomment extensions that you may need. (activate-extensions 'editor 'development 'web 'editor-theme 'javascript 'ruby 'clojure 'php 'python 'arduino) ;; What are you ? (i-am-god) ;; i-am-god => Emacs user. ;; i-am-human => A user of other boring editors. ;; i-am-evil => An evil user. A vim user. ;; Example of things you can do in your ~/.fg42.el config file: ;; ;; Setting your TODO file path: ;; (setq fg42-todo-file "~/.TODO.org") ;; or you can open a remote TODO file ;; (add-hook 'fg42-before-open-todo-hook 'disable-projectile) ;; (setq fg42-todo-file "/ssh:user@host:/home/USER/.TODO.org") ;; ;; Set some environment variables for your fg42 to use ;; (setenv "http_proxy" "localhost:8118") ;; (setenv "https_proxy" "localhost:8118") ;; ;; Alwasy open a your TODO file as your first buffer ;; (add-hook 'fg42-after-initialize-hook 'fg42-open-todo) ;; If you're using tools like rbenv or nodenv or other similar tools ;; to manage versions of your favorite language, then you need to ;; add their shims to your path. Follow the example below: ;; ;; (setenv "PATH" (concat "/home/USER/.rbenv/shims:" ;; "/home/USER/.nodenv/shims:" ;; "/home/USER/bin:" (getenv "PATH"))) ;; ;; Ofcourse you need to change the USER to your username ;; If you have a separate bin directory as well you can add it ;; to the exec-path as follows: ;; ;; (add-to-list 'exec-path "/home/USER/bin") ;; ;; abilities like clojure which uses the lien tools need to find ;; specific tools (lein in this case) in your exec-path.