#! /bin/bash # Kuso IDE installer script # Its a very quick way to install Kuso IDE # I now this code is not very nice but who cares it works VERSION=1.0.0 remoteconffile="http://raw.github.com/Karajlug/KusoIDE/master/conf/dotkuso" remoteexecutable="http://raw.github.com/Karajlug/KusoIDE/master/bin/kuso" conffile=conf/dotkuso mode="basic" REQUIREMENTS=(emacs git) # Coloring Functions function info() { echo -e "[\033[01;32mINFO\033[00m]: $1" } function error(){ echo -e "[\033[01;31mERR\033[00m]: $1" } function warn(){ echo -e "[\033[01;33mWARN\033[00m]: $1" } function requirements_check(){ for app in "${REQUIRMENTS[@]}" do info "Check for $app" if hash $1 2>/dev/null; then info "$app is present" else REQUIREMENTS_CHECK=false error "Can not find $app" fi done } while getopts ":e" option do case "${option}" in e)mode="expert";; esac done # Gathering informations echo -e "\n\033[01;32mKuso IDE\033[00m $VERSION copyright 2010-2013 \033[01;34mSameer Rahmani \033[00m\n\n" # Requirments check to make sure everything is ok echo -e "Requirment Check" # if this variable changed to fasle , means we have something to install REQUIREMENTS_CHECK=true requirements_check $REQUIREMENTS # exit if our requirement check if [ $REQUIREMENTS_CHECK == false ]; then error "Please install requirments first"; exit; fi echo -e "\n\n" echo "Enter requested informations. You can change it later in top" echo -e "your init file.\n\n" condition="1" while [ "$condition" == "1" ] ; do read -p "Do you want to install Kuso IDE as an stand alone application ([y]/n)? " standalone if [ "$standalone" == "" -o "$standalone" == "y" ] then standalone="y" dotemacs=~/.kuso repo=~/.kuso.d condition="0" executable=kuso fi if [ "$standalone" == "n" ] then dotemacs=~/.emacs repo=~/.emacs.d condition="0" executable=kuso fi done read -p "Enter your full name: " fullname read -p "Enter your email address: " mail read -p "Where is your workspace directory[~/src/]: " workspace # Validating informations if [ "$workspace" == "" ] then workspace="$HOME/src/" fi # Installing stage1 info "Creating configuration folder in $repo" mkdir -p $repo if [ -e $dotemacs ]; then info "An init file already exists." info "Backing up exists init file to $dotemacs.backup . . ." #cp $dotemacs "$dotemacs.backup" fi if [ -e $conffile ] then info "Copying init files . . . " cp $conffile $dotemacs if [ "$standalone" == "y" ] then cp bin/$executable $repo/$executable fi else info "Downloading init file and executable . . ." wget $remoteconffile -q -O $dotemacs if [ "$standalone" == "y" ] then wget $remoteexecutable -q -O $repo/$executable fi fi if [ "$standalone" == "" -o "$standalone" == "y" ] then info "Creating a link in globe PATH . . ." sudo ln -s $repo/$executable /usr/bin/$executable chmod +x $repo/$executable fi sed "s/--EMAIL--/$mail/mg" -i $dotemacs sed "s/--FULLNAME--/$fullname/mg" -i $dotemacs sed "s,--WORKSPACE--,$workspace,mg" -i $dotemacs sed "s,--REPO--,$repo,mg" -i $dotemacs #if [ $mode == "expert" ] #then # info "Installing base system . . ." # echo "(setq KUSO-INSTALL-MODE \"expert\")" > /tmp/init_kuso_installer.el # `which emacs` --batch -l /tmp/init_kuso_installer.el -l $dotemacs #else # info "Installing base system . . ." # `which emacs` --batch -l $dotemacs #fi echo -e "\nNow run 'kuso' and have fun ;)"