== Getting Started In this section i'm going to walk you through the installation process of *FG42* and some basic usage. Also If you already know how to use Emacs you just need the installation subsection of this section. === Installation In order to run *FG42* you need *GNU Emacs >= 25*. FG42 uses several extensions internally which each of the has different external dependencies. To gain more information about external dependencies ( If we failed to tell you inside the **FG42** ) just run the `describe-extension` command. Also I have plans in near future to create some packages for popular gnu/linux distros and MacOS as well, but untill then you have to take care of the external dependencies by yourself. In order to install **FG42**, issue the following commands: [source,bash,linum] ---- # clonse the FG42 repository in ~/.fg42 directory git clone git://github.com/FG42/FG42.git ~/.fg42/ # You can clone it where ever your want cd ~/.fg42/ # You need to be sudoer, the install script will ask for your password. make install ---- Since the installer script uses `sudo`, during the installation process, you'll have to enter your password. Make sure that you're user account has a `sudo` access. === Execution If you installed FG42 using git your installation does not contain any elisp package. So, when for the first time you executes FG42 it detects the missing libraries and download them from Melpa. It might take a while depends on your internet connection.