== Getting Started In this section i'm going to walk you through the installation process of *FG42* and some basic usage. Also If you already know how to use Emacs you just need the installation subsection of this section. === Installation In order to run *FG42* you need *GNU Emacs >= 25*. FG42 uses several extensions internally which each of the has different external dependencies. To gain more information about external dependencies ( If we failed to tell you inside the **FG42** ) just run the `describe-extension` command. Also I have plans in near future to create some packages for popular gnu/linux distros and MacOS as well, but untill then you have to take care of the external dependencies by yourself. In order to install **FG42**, issue the following commands: [source,bash,linum] ---- # clonse the FG42 repository in ~/.fg42 directory git clone git://github.com/FG42/FG42.git ~/.fg42/ # You can clone it where ever your want cd ~/.fg42/ # You need to be sudoer, the install script will ask for your password. make install ---- Since the installer script uses `sudo`, during the installation process, you'll have to enter your password. Make sure that you're user account has a `sudo` access.