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How to install KUSO-IDE
For use Kuso-IDE follow below step:
First you must install some Dependencies for installing KUSO-IDE by the below list:
* GNU Emacs
Python dependencies
* pep8
* pyflakes
* pychecker
* pylint
HTML dependencies
* tidy
CSS dependencies
* python-cssutils (pip install cssutils)
second clone Kuso-IDE any where you like on your computer:
$ git clone
Third install Kuso-IDE with running like:
$ ./
Then you will see this question and follow the awnser:
Do you want to install Kuso IDE as an stand alone application ([y]/n)?
(if you say [y]es you can run KUSO-IDE stand alone.)
Enter your full name: YOUR NAME
Enter your email address: YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS
Where is your workspace directory[~/src/]:~/YOUR WORKSPACE "if you null this option your emacs work with ~/src/ as default workspace"
Then you will see this message and your installation completed:
Backing up exists .emacs file . . .
Copying files . . .
Creating ~/.emacs
Installation finished.
Restart the GNU/Emacs and make sure that all the requirements met Backing up exists .emacs file . . .
Copying files . . .
Creating ~/.emacs
Installation finished.
Restart the GNU/Emacs and make sure that all the requirements met.
Enjoy it!
KUSO-IDE Facilities
In this version of KUSO-IDE some facilities developed for working better and faster with this IDE like:
* Auto Complition
with this facility which in KUSO-IDE existent you can complete reserve word and the variables
previously written by the user and this Auto Complition available for these programming
language : (C , Python , Elisp , Html).
* Syntax Checker
with this facility there is no worried about syntax error.when you type wrong , this facility
highlight your wrong code.
* Django mode
Django mode is the best of KUSO-IDE facilities , for running this facility use :
M-x Django-mode
then you can see Django in your menu bar which organized :
Development server<f6> "press f6 buttom for running Django server which equivalent (python runserver) command in shell"
Development server Extended "runnig Django server with manual argumant"
syncdb <f7> "press f7 for synchronized your database"
syncdb with Extra option "runnig syncdb with extra parameter"
Custom Command "runnig another command of"
Project shell C-c s "runnig Django-shell of your project"
Check buffer whit pylint "based on pep8 standard check you'r source code and give a rank number to you'r source code quality"
Cleanup source tree "cleanup source tree of project"
Current word help <Super-f1>