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264 lines
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# This Makefile byte-compiles the ECB lisp files and generates online-help.
# Copyright (C) 2000 - 2010 Jesper Nordenberg,
# Klaus Berndl,
# Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Author: Jesper Nordenberg <>
# Klaus Berndl <>
# Maintainer: Klaus Berndl <>
# Keywords: browser, code, programming, tools
# Created: 2001
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# $Id$
# ========================================================================
# User configurable section
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Byte-compiling ECB:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define here the correct path to your Emacs or XEmacs binary. Ensure you
# have set this variable to 'xemacs' if you want byte-compile with XEmacs!
# In the following path-settings of this section use always FORWARD-SLASHES
# as directory-separator even with MS Windows systems.
# -------- Compiling ECB with the cedet-library ----------------------
# cedet >= 1.0pre6 (contains a.o. semantic >= 2.0, eieio >= 0.18 and
# speedbar >= 0.15).
# + If you use Emacs >= 23.2 and you want to use the integrated CEDET:
# Set this to empty (CEDET=)
# + If you use Emacs < 23.2 or if you want to use the author version of CEDET:
# Set this to the full path of your CEDET-installation.
# You can set here more load-paths to arbitrary packages if you want. But
# this is really not necessary!
# Two ways to build ECB:
# - Call "make" to byte-compile the ECB. You can savely ignore the messages.
# - Or call
# make [EMACS="path/to/emacs"] [CEDET="path/to/cedet" or empty]
# if you want to set either different load-paths or Emacs-binary and
# you do not want edit the Makefile. Do not forget quoting the arguments
# if they contain spaces!
# If there are any warning messages during byte-compilation (normally there
# are not any) you can savely ignore them!
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generating different online-help formats
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# If you want to generate all formats of online-help from the texi-source
# you must set here the FULL paths to the required tools. The Makefile
# tests if the tools are available on these locations, so if a tool x is
# not available let the related setting X empty! NOTE: For generating the
# PDF-format you will need an installed TeX and Ghostscript!
# You need either the dvipdfm-tool
# or the tools dvips and ps2pdf. If dvipdfm is available the Makefile uses
# this one!
# To generate the online-formats just call "make online-help" for info- and
# HTML-format and "make pdf" for PDF-format.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Installing the info online-help in the Top-directory of (X)Emacs-info
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set here the path of the info subdirectory of your (X)Emacs installation
# which contains the dir file.
# If you want to install the info-format of the online-help in the
# Top-directory of the info-directory of (X)Emacs (see above EMACSINFOPATH)
# then you must specify the full path of the tool install-info.
# To install the online-help just call "make install-help"
# end of user configurable section
# ========================================================================
# ========================================================================
# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do not change anything below !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# ========================================================================
# $Id$
# For the ECB-maintainers: Change the version-number here and not
# elsewhere!
ecb: $(ecb_LISP_EL)
@echo "Byte-compiling ECB with LOADPATH=${LOADPATH} ..."
@$(RM) $(ecb_LISP_ELC) ecb-compile-script
@echo "(add-to-list 'load-path nil)" > ecb-compile-script
@if test ! -z "${CEDET}"; then\
if test -f $(CEDET)/cedet-devel-load.el ; then \
echo "(load-file \"$(CEDET)/cedet-devel-load.el\")" >> ecb-compile-script; \
else \
echo "(load-file \"$(CEDET)/common/cedet.el\")" >> ecb-compile-script; \
fi \
else \
echo "(semantic-mode 1)" >> ecb-compile-script; \
echo "(require 'semantic/bovine/el)" >> ecb-compile-script; \
@if test ! -z "${LOADPATH}"; then\
for loadpath in ${LOADPATH}; do \
echo "(add-to-list 'load-path \"$$loadpath\")" >> ecb-compile-script; \
done; \
@echo "(require 'ecb)" >> ecb-compile-script
@echo "(setq debug-on-error t)" >> ecb-compile-script
$(EBATCH) -l ecb-compile-script --eval '(ecb-byte-compile t)'
@$(RM) ecb-compile-script
all: ecb online-help
online-help: $(ecb_TEXI)
@if test -x "$(MAKEINFO)"; then\
$(RM) -R $(ecb_INFO_DIR) $(ecb_HTML_DIR); \
$(MKDIR) $(ecb_INFO_DIR) $(ecb_HTML_DIR); \
echo Generating info-format...; \
$(MAKEINFO) --fill-column=78 $<; \
$(MV) *.info* $(ecb_INFO_DIR); \
echo Generating html-format...; \
$(MAKEINFO) --html --output=$(ecb_HTML_DIR) $<; \
for file in $(ecb_HTML_DIR)/*.html; do\
$(MV) $$file tmpfile; \
sed "s/index\\.html/$(ecb_HTML)/g" tmpfile > $$file; \
$(RM) tmpfile; \
done; \
$(MV) $(ecb_HTML_DIR)/index.html $(ecb_HTML_DIR)/$(ecb_HTML); \
else \
echo No info- and html-format generating because the tool; \
echo - makeinfo in $(MAKEINFO); \
echo is not available!; \
pdf: $(ecb_TEXI)
@if test -x "$(TEXI2DVI)" -a -x "$(DVIPDFM)"; then\
$(RM) $(ecb_DVI) $(ecb_PDF); \
echo Generating pdf-format with dvipdfm ...; \
$(TEXI2DVI) --clean $<; \
$(DVIPDFM) $(ecb_DVI); \
$(RM) $(ecb_DVI); \
elif test -x "$(TEXI2DVI)" -a -x "$(DVIPS)" -a -x "$(PS2PDF)"; then\
$(RM) $(ecb_DVI) $(ecb_PS) $(ecb_PDF); \
echo Generating pdf-format with dvips and ps2pdf ...; \
$(TEXI2DVI) --quiet --clean $<; \
$(DVIPS) -Pcmz -q $(ecb_DVI) -o $(ecb_PS); \
$(PS2PDF) $(ecb_PS); \
$(RM) $(ecb_DVI) $(ecb_PS); \
else \
echo No pdf-format generating because at least one of the tools; \
echo - texi2dvi in $(TEXI2DVI); \
echo - dvips in $(DVIPS); \
echo - ps2pdf in $(PS2PDF); \
echo is not available!; \
install-help: $(ecb_INFO_DIR)/$(ecb_INFO)
@if test -x "$(INSTALLINFO)" -a -f "$(EMACSINFOPATH)/dir"; then\
echo Installing the Online-help in $(EMACSINFOPATH)...; \
$(CP) $(ecb_INFO_DIR)/*info* $(EMACSINFOPATH); \
else \
echo Can not install the online-help because either; \
echo - the tool $(INSTALLINFO) or; \
echo - the file $(EMACSINFOPATH)/dir; \
echo is not available!; \
@$(RM) $(ecb_LISP_ELC) ecb-compile-script
# The targets below are only for maintaining the ECB-package.
$(ecb_INFO_DIR)/$(ecb_INFO): online-help
# updates RELEASE_NOTES, README, NEWS, ecb.texi and ecb.el to the
# version-number of $(ecb_VERSION).
@sed "1s/version.*/version $(ecb_VERSION)/" RELEASE_NOTES.tmp > RELEASE_NOTES
@sed "1s/version.*/version $(ecb_VERSION)/" README.tmp > README
@$(RM) README.tmp
@$(MV) NEWS NEWS.tmp
@sed "1s/version.*/version $(ecb_VERSION)/" NEWS.tmp > NEWS
@$(RM) NEWS.tmp
@$(MV) ecb-upgrade.el ecb-upgrade.el.tmp
@sed "s/^(defconst ecb-version.*/(defconst ecb-version \"$(ecb_VERSION)\"/" ecb-upgrade.el.tmp > ecb-upgrade.el
@$(RM) ecb-upgrade.el.tmp
@(echo "/@macro ecbver"; \
echo "+"; \
echo "c"; \
echo "$(ecb_VERSION)"; \
echo "."; \
echo "w"; \
echo "q") | ed -s $(ecb_TEXI) 1> /dev/null
@$(RM) $(ecb_AUTOLOADS) $(ecb_AUTOLOADS)c
$(EBATCH) -l ecb-autogen -f ecb-update-autoloads
# builds the distribution file $(ecb_VERSION).tar.gz
distrib: $(ecb_INFO_DIR)/$(ecb_INFO) prepversion autoloads ecb
@$(RM) ecb-$(ecb_VERSION).tar.gz
@$(RM) -R ecb-$(ecb_VERSION)
@$(MKDIR) ecb-$(ecb_VERSION)
@$(CP) $(ecb_DISTRIB_FILES) ecb-$(ecb_VERSION)
@$(CP) -r $(ecb_INFO_DIR) ecb-$(ecb_VERSION)
@$(CP) -r $(ecb_HTML_DIR) ecb-$(ecb_VERSION)
@$(CP) -r $(ecb_IMAGE_DIR) ecb-$(ecb_VERSION)
@find ecb-$(ecb_VERSION)/$(ecb_IMAGE_DIR) -name CVS -print | xargs rm -Rf
@find ecb-$(ecb_VERSION)/$(ecb_IMAGE_DIR) -name *~ -print | xargs $(RM)
@find ecb-$(ecb_VERSION)/$(ecb_IMAGE_DIR) -name *.png -print | xargs $(RM)
@tar -cvzf ecb-$(ecb_VERSION).tar.gz ecb-$(ecb_VERSION)
@$(RM) -R ecb-$(ecb_VERSION)
# End of Makefile