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;;; rinari.el --- Rinari Is Not A Rails IDE
;; Copyright (C) 2008 Phil Hagelberg, Eric Schulte
;; Author: Phil Hagelberg, Eric Schulte
;; URL:
;; Version: DEV
;; Created: 2006-11-10
;; Keywords: ruby, rails, project, convenience, web
;; EmacsWiki: Rinari
;; Package-Requires: ((ruby-mode "1.0") (inf-ruby "2.2.1") (ruby-compilation "0.16") (jump "2.0"))
;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.
;;; License:
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
;; any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
;;; Commentary:
;; Rinari Is Not A Ruby IDE.
;; Well, ok it kind of is. Rinari is a set of Emacs Lisp modes that is
;; aimed towards making Emacs into a top-notch Ruby and Rails
;; development environment.
;; Rinari can be installed through ELPA (see
;; To install from source, copy the directory containing this file
;; into your Emacs Lisp directory, assumed here to be ~/.emacs.d. Add
;; these lines of code to your .emacs file:
;; ;; rinari
;; (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/rinari")
;; (require 'rinari)
;; (global-rinari-mode)
;; Whether installed through ELPA or from source you probably want to
;; add the following lines to your .emacs file:
;; ;; ido
;; (require 'ido)
;; (ido-mode t)
;; Note: if you cloned this from a git repo, you will have to grab the
;; submodules which can be done by running the following commands from
;; the root of the rinari directory
;; git submodule init
;; git submodule update
;;; Code:
(let* ((this-dir (file-name-directory (or load-file-name buffer-file-name)))
(util-dir (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name "util" this-dir)))
(inf-ruby-dir (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name "inf-ruby" util-dir)))
(jump-dir (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name "jump" util-dir))))
(dolist (dir (list util-dir inf-ruby-dir jump-dir))
(when (file-exists-p dir)
(add-to-list 'load-path dir))))
(require 'ruby-mode)
(require 'inf-ruby)
(require 'ruby-compilation)
(require 'jump)
(require 'cl)
(require 'easymenu)
;; fill in some missing variables for XEmacs
(when (eval-when-compile (featurep 'xemacs))
;;this variable does not exist in XEmacs
(defvar safe-local-variable-values ())
;;find-file-hook is not defined and will otherwise not be called by XEmacs
(define-compatible-variable-alias 'find-file-hook 'find-file-hooks))
(defgroup rinari nil
"Rinari customizations."
:prefix "rinari-"
:group 'rinari)
(defcustom rinari-major-modes nil
"Major Modes from which to launch Rinari."
:type '(repeat symbol)
:group 'rinari)
(defcustom rinari-exclude-major-modes nil
"Major Modes in which to never launch Rinari."
:type '(repeat symbol)
:group 'rinari)
(defcustom rinari-tags-file-name
"Path to your TAGS file inside of your rails project. See `tags-file-name'."
:group 'rinari)
(defcustom rinari-fontify-rails-keywords t
"When non-nil, fontify keywords such as 'before_filter', 'url_for'.")
(defcustom rinari-controller-keywords
'("logger" "polymorphic_path" "polymorphic_url" "mail" "render" "attachments"
"default" "helper" "helper_attr" "helper_method" "layout" "url_for"
"serialize" "exempt_from_layout" "filter_parameter_logging" "hide_action"
"cache_sweeper" "protect_from_forgery" "caches_page" "cache_page"
"caches_action" "expire_page" "expire_action" "rescue_from" "params"
"request" "response" "session" "flash" "head" "redirect_to"
"render_to_string" "respond_with" "before_filter" "append_before_filter"
"prepend_before_filter" "after_filter" "append_after_filter"
"prepend_after_filter" "around_filter" "append_around_filter"
"prepend_around_filter" "skip_before_filter" "skip_after_filter" "skip_filter")
"List of keywords to highlight for controllers"
:group 'rinari
:type '(repeat string))
(defcustom rinari-migration-keywords
'("create_table" "change_table" "drop_table" "rename_table" "add_column"
"rename_column" "change_column" "change_column_default" "remove_column"
"add_index" "remove_index" "rename_index" "execute")
"List of keywords to highlight for migrations"
:group 'rinari
:type '(repeat string))
(defcustom rinari-model-keywords
'("default_scope" "named_scope" "scope" "serialize" "belongs_to" "has_one"
"has_many" "has_and_belongs_to_many" "composed_of" "accepts_nested_attributes_for"
"before_create" "before_destroy" "before_save" "before_update" "before_validation"
"before_validation_on_create" "before_validation_on_update" "after_create"
"after_destroy" "after_save" "after_update" "after_validation"
"after_validation_on_create" "after_validation_on_update" "around_create"
"around_destroy" "around_save" "around_update" "after_commit" "after_find"
"after_initialize" "after_rollback" "after_touch" "attr_accessible"
"attr_protected" "attr_readonly" "validates" "validate" "validate_on_create"
"validate_on_update" "validates_acceptance_of" "validates_associated"
"validates_confirmation_of" "validates_each" "validates_exclusion_of"
"validates_format_of" "validates_inclusion_of" "validates_length_of"
"validates_numericality_of" "validates_presence_of" "validates_size_of"
"validates_uniqueness_of" "validates_with")
"List of keywords to highlight for models"
:group 'rinari
:type '(repeat string))
(defvar rinari-minor-mode-hook nil
"*Hook for customising Rinari.")
(defcustom rinari-rails-env nil
"Use this to force a value for RAILS_ENV when running rinari.
Leave this set to nil to not force any value for RAILS_ENV, and
leave this to the environment variables outside of Emacs.")
(defvar rinari-minor-mode-prefixes
(list ";" "'")
"List of characters, each of which will be bound (with control-c) as a prefix for `rinari-minor-mode-map'.")
(defcustom rinari-inf-ruby-prompt-pattern
"\\(^>> .*\\)\\|\\(^\\(irb([^)]+)\\|\\(\[[0-9]+\] \\)?[Pp]ry ?([^)]+)\\|\\(jruby-\\|JRUBY-\\)?[1-9]\\.[0-9]\\.[0-9]+\\(-?p?[0-9]+\\)?\\) ?\\(:[0-9]+\\)* ?[\]>*\"'/`]>? *\\)"
"The value used for `inf-ruby-prompt-pattern' in `rinari-console' buffers."
:group 'rinari)
(defvar rinari-partial-regex
"render \\(:partial *=> \\)?*[@'\"]?\\([A-Za-z/_]+\\)['\"]?"
"Regex that matches a partial rendering call.")
(defadvice ruby-compilation-do (around rinari-compilation-do activate)
"Set default directory to the rails root before running ruby processes."
(let ((default-directory (or (rinari-root) default-directory)))
(defadvice ruby-compilation-rake (around rinari-compilation-rake activate)
"Set default directory to the rails root before running rake processes."
(let ((default-directory (or (rinari-root) default-directory)))
(defadvice ruby-compilation-cap (around rinari-compilation-cap activate)
"Set default directory to the rails root before running cap processes."
(let ((default-directory (or (rinari-root) default-directory)))
(defun rinari-parse-yaml ()
"Parse key/value pairs out of a simple yaml file."
(let ((end (save-excursion (re-search-forward "^[^:]*$" nil t) (point)))
(while (re-search-forward "^ *\\(.*\\): \\(.*\\)$" end t)
(push (cons (match-string 1) (match-string 2)) pairs))
(defun rinari-root (&optional dir home)
"Return the root directory of the project within which DIR is found.
Optional argument HOME is ignored."
(let ((default-directory (or dir default-directory)))
(when (file-directory-p default-directory)
(if (file-exists-p (expand-file-name "environment.rb" (expand-file-name "config")))
;; regexp to match windows roots, tramp roots, or regular posix roots
(unless (string-match "\\(^[[:alpha:]]:/$\\|^/[^\/]+:/?$\\|^/$\\)" default-directory)
(rinari-root (expand-file-name (file-name-as-directory ".."))))))))
(defun rinari-highlight-keywords (keywords)
"Highlight the passed KEYWORDS in current buffer.
Use `font-lock-add-keywords' in case of `ruby-mode' or
`ruby-extra-keywords' in case of Enhanced Ruby Mode."
(if (boundp 'ruby-extra-keywords)
(setq ruby-extra-keywords (append ruby-extra-keywords keywords))
(list (list
(concat "\\(^\\|[^_:.@$]\\|\\.\\.\\)\\b"
(regexp-opt keywords t)
(list 2 'font-lock-builtin-face))))))
(defun rinari-apply-keywords-for-file-type ()
"Apply extra font lock keywords specific to models, controllers etc."
(when (and rinari-fontify-rails-keywords (buffer-file-name))
(loop for (re keywords) in `(("_controller\\.rb$" ,rinari-controller-keywords)
("app/models/.+\\.rb$" ,rinari-model-keywords)
("db/migrate/.+\\.rb$" ,rinari-migration-keywords))
do (when (string-match-p re (buffer-file-name))
(rinari-highlight-keywords keywords)))))
(add-hook 'ruby-mode-hook 'rinari-apply-keywords-for-file-type)
;; user functions
(defun rinari-rake (&optional task edit-cmd-args)
"Select and run a rake TASK using `ruby-compilation-rake'."
(interactive "P")
(ruby-compilation-rake task edit-cmd-args
(when rinari-rails-env
(list (cons "RAILS_ENV" rinari-rails-env)))))
(defun rinari-cap (&optional task edit-cmd-args)
"Select and run a capistrano TASK using `ruby-compilation-cap'."
(interactive "P")
(ruby-compilation-cap task edit-cmd-args
(when rinari-rails-env
(list (cons "RAILS_ENV" rinari-rails-env)))))
(defun rinari--discover-rails-commands ()
"Return a list of commands supported by the main rails script."
(let ((rails-script (rinari--rails-path)))
(when rails-script
(ruby-compilation-extract-output-matches rails-script "^ \\([a-z]+\\)[[:space:]].*$"))))
(defvar rinari-rails-commands-cache nil
"Cached values for commands that can be used with 'script/rails' in Rails 3.")
(defun rinari-get-rails-commands ()
"Return a cached list of commands supported by the main rails script."
(when (null rinari-rails-commands-cache)
(setq rinari-rails-commands-cache (rinari--discover-rails-commands)))
(defun rinari-script (&optional script)
"Select and run SCRIPT from the script/ directory of the rails application."
(let* ((completions (append (directory-files (rinari-script-path) nil "^[^.]")
(script (or script (jump-completing-read "Script: " completions)))
(ruby-compilation-error-regexp-alist ;; for jumping to newly created files
(if (equal script "generate")
'(("^ +\\(create\\) +\\([^[:space:]]+\\)" 2 3 nil 0 2)
("^ +\\(exists\\) +\\([^[:space:]]+\\)" 2 3 nil 0 1)
("^ +\\(conflict\\) +\\([^[:space:]]+\\)" 2 3 nil 0 0))
(script-path (concat (rinari--wrap-rails-command script) " ")))
(when (string-match-p "^\\(db\\)?console" script)
(error "Use the dedicated rinari function to run this interactive script"))
(ruby-compilation-run (concat script-path " " (read-from-minibuffer (concat script " ")))
(concat "rails " script))))
(defun rinari-test (&optional edit-cmd-args)
"Run the current ruby function as a test, or run the corresponding test.
If current function is not a test,`rinari-find-test' is used to
find the corresponding test. Output is sent to a compilation buffer
allowing jumping between errors and source code. Optional prefix
argument EDIT-CMD-ARGS lets the user edit the test command
(interactive "P")
(or (rinari-test-function-name)
(string-match "test" (or (ruby-add-log-current-method)
(file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name))))
(let* ((fn (rinari-test-function-name))
(path (buffer-file-name))
(ruby-options (list "-I" (expand-file-name "test" (rinari-root)) path))
(default-command (mapconcat
(append (list path) (when fn (list "--name" (concat "/" fn "/"))))
" "))
(command (if edit-cmd-args
(read-string "Run w/Compilation: " default-command)
(if path
(ruby-compilation-run command ruby-options)
(message "no test available"))))
(defun rinari-test-function-name()
"Return the name of the test function at point, or nil if not found."
(when (re-search-backward (concat "^[ \t]*\\(def\\|test\\)[ \t]+"
"\\([\"'].*?[\"']\\|" ruby-symbol-re "*\\)"
"[ \t]*") nil t)
(let ((name (match-string 2)))
(if (string-match "^[\"']\\(.*\\)[\"']$" name)
"\\?" "\\\\\\\\?"
(replace-regexp-in-string " +" "_" (match-string 1 name)))
(when (string-match "^test" name)
(defun rinari--rails-path ()
"Return the path of the 'rails' command, or nil if not found."
(let* ((script (rinari-script-path))
(rails-script (expand-file-name "rails" script)))
(if (file-exists-p rails-script)
(executable-find "rails"))))
(defun rinari--wrap-rails-command (command)
"Given a COMMAND such as 'console', return a suitable command line.
Where the corresponding script is executable, it will be run
as-is. Otherwise, as can be the case on Windows, the command will
be prepended with `ruby-compilation-executable'."
(let* ((default-directory (rinari-root))
(script (rinari-script-path))
(script-command (expand-file-name command script))
(if (file-exists-p script-command)
(concat (rinari--rails-path) " " command))))
(if (file-executable-p (first (split-string-and-unquote command-line)))
(concat ruby-compilation-executable " " command-line))))
(defun rinari-console (&optional edit-cmd-args)
"Run a Rails console in a compilation buffer.
The buffer will support command history and links between errors
and source code. Optional prefix argument EDIT-CMD-ARGS lets the
user edit the console command arguments."
(interactive "P")
(let* ((default-directory (rinari-root))
(command (rinari--wrap-rails-command "console")))
;; Start console in correct environment.
(when rinari-rails-env
(setq command (concat command " " rinari-rails-env)))
;; For customization of the console command with prefix arg.
(setq command (if edit-cmd-args
(read-string "Run Ruby: " (concat command " "))
(with-current-buffer (run-ruby command "rails console")
(dolist (var '(inf-ruby-prompt-pattern inf-ruby-first-prompt-pattern))
(set (make-local-variable var) rinari-inf-ruby-prompt-pattern))
(defun rinari-sql-buffer-name (env)
"Return the name of the sql buffer for ENV."
(format "*%s-sql*" env))
(defun rinari-sql ()
"Browse the application's database.
Looks up login information from your conf/database.sql file."
(let* ((environment (or rinari-rails-env (getenv "RAILS_ENV") "development"))
(sql-buffer (get-buffer (rinari-sql-buffer-name environment))))
(if sql-buffer
(pop-to-buffer sql-buffer)
(let* ((database-alist (save-excursion
(expand-file-name "config" (rinari-root)))))
(goto-char (point-min))
(re-search-forward (concat "^" environment ":"))
(adapter (or (cdr (assoc "adapter" database-alist)) "sqlite"))
(sql-user (or (cdr (assoc "username" database-alist)) "root"))
(sql-password (or (cdr (assoc "password" database-alist)) ""))
(sql-password (when (> (length sql-password) 0) sql-password))
(sql-database (or (cdr (assoc "database" database-alist))
(concat (file-name-nondirectory (rinari-root))
"_" environment)))
(server (or (cdr (assoc "host" database-alist)) "localhost"))
(port (cdr (assoc "port" database-alist)))
(sql-server (if port (concat server ":" port) server)))
(intern (concat "sql-"
((string-match "mysql" adapter)
((string-match "sqlite" adapter)
((string-match "postgresql" adapter)
(t adapter)))))
(rename-buffer sql-buffer)
(defun rinari-web-server (&optional edit-cmd-args)
"Start a Rails webserver.
Dumps output to a compilation buffer allowing jumping between
errors and source code. Optional prefix argument EDIT-CMD-ARGS
lets the user edit the server command arguments."
(interactive "P")
(let* ((default-directory (rinari-root))
(command (rinari--wrap-rails-command "server")))
;; Start web server in correct environment.
(when rinari-rails-env
(setq command (concat command " -e " rinari-rails-env)))
;; For customization of the web server command with prefix arg.
(setq command (if edit-cmd-args
(read-string "Run Ruby: " (concat command " "))
(ruby-compilation-run command nil "server"))
(defun rinari-web-server-restart (&optional edit-cmd-args)
"Ensure a fresh `rinari-web-server' is running, first killing any old one.
Optional prefix argument EDIT-CMD-ARGS lets the user edit the
server command arguments."
(interactive "P")
(let ((rinari-web-server-buffer "*server*"))
(when (get-buffer rinari-web-server-buffer)
(set-process-query-on-exit-flag (get-buffer-process rinari-web-server-buffer) nil)
(kill-buffer rinari-web-server-buffer))
(rinari-web-server edit-cmd-args)))
(defun rinari-insert-erb-skeleton (no-equals)
"Insert an erb skeleton at point.
With optional prefix argument NO-EQUALS, don't include an '='."
(interactive "P")
(insert "<%")
(insert (if no-equals " -" "= "))
(insert "%>")
(backward-char (if no-equals 4 3)))
(defun rinari-extract-partial (begin end partial-name)
"Extracts the region from BEGIN to END into a partial called PARTIAL-NAME."
(interactive "r\nsName your partial: ")
(let ((path (buffer-file-name))
(ending (rinari-ending)))
(if (string-match "view" path)
(let ((partial-name
(replace-regexp-in-string "[[:space:]]+" "_" partial-name)))
(kill-region begin end)
(if (string-match "\\(.+\\)/\\(.+\\)" partial-name)
(let ((default-directory (expand-file-name (match-string 1 partial-name)
(expand-file-name ".."))))
(find-file (concat "_" (match-string 2 partial-name) ending)))
(find-file (concat "_" partial-name ending)))
(yank) (pop-to-buffer nil)
(rinari-insert-partial partial-name ending))
(message "not in a view"))))
(defun rinari-insert-output (ruby-expr ending)
"Insert view code which outputs RUBY-EXPR, suitable for the file's ENDING."
(let ((surround
((string-match "\\.erb" ending)
(cons "<%= " " %>"))
((string-match "\\.haml" ending)
(cons "= " " ")))))
(insert (concat (car surround) ruby-expr (cdr surround) "\n"))))
(defun rinari-insert-partial (partial-name ending)
"Insert a call to PARTIAL-NAME, formatted for the file's ENDING.
Supported markup languages are: Erb, Haml"
(rinari-insert-output (concat "render :partial => \"" partial-name "\"") ending))
(defun rinari-goto-partial ()
"Visits the partial that is called on the current line."
(let ((line (buffer-substring-no-properties (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position))))
(when (string-match rinari-partial-regex line)
(setq line (match-string 2 line))
(let ((file
(if (string-match "/" line)
(concat (rinari-root) "app/views/"
(replace-regexp-in-string "\\([^/]+\\)/\\([^/]+\\)$" "\\1/_\\2" line))
(concat default-directory "_" line))))
(find-file (concat file (rinari-ending)))))))
(defvar rinari-rgrep-file-endings
"Ending of files to search for matches using `rinari-rgrep'.")
(defun rinari-rgrep (&optional arg)
"Search through the rails project for a string or `regexp'.
With optional prefix argument ARG, just run `rgrep'."
(interactive "P")
(if arg
(call-interactively 'rgrep)
(let ((query (if mark-active
(buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (mark))
(thing-at-point 'word))))
(funcall 'rgrep (read-from-minibuffer "search for: " query)
rinari-rgrep-file-endings (rinari-root)))))
(defun rinari-ending ()
"Return the file extension of the current file."
(let* ((path (buffer-file-name))
(and (string-match ".+?\\(\\.[^/]*\\)$" path)
(match-string 1 path))))
(defun rinari-script-path ()
"Return the absolute path to the script folder."
(concat (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name "script" (rinari-root)))))
;; rinari movement using jump.el
(defun rinari-generate (type name)
"Run the generate command to generate a TYPE called NAME."
(let* ((default-directory (rinari-root))
(command (rinari--wrap-rails-command "generate")))
(message (shell-command-to-string (concat command " " type " " (read-from-minibuffer (format "create %s: " type) name))))))
(defvar rinari-ruby-hash-regexp
"Regexp to match subsequent key => value pairs of a ruby hash.")
(defun rinari-ruby-values-from-render (controller action)
"Return (CONTROLLER . ACTION) after adjusting for the hash values at point."
(let ((end (save-excursion
(re-search-forward "[^,{(]$" nil t)
(1+ (point)))))
(while (and (< (point) end)
(re-search-forward rinari-ruby-hash-regexp end t))
(when (> (length (match-string 3)) 1)
(case (intern (match-string 1))
(let ((partial (match-string 3)))
(if (string-match "\\(.+\\)/\\(.+\\)" partial)
(setf controller (match-string 1 partial))
(setf action (concat "_" (match-string 2 partial))))
(setf action (concat "_" partial)))))
(:action (setf action (match-string 3)))
(:controller (setf controller (match-string 3)))))))
(cons controller action)))
(defun rinari-which-render (renders)
"Select and parse one of the RENDERS supplied."
(let ((path (jump-completing-read
"Follow: "
(mapcar (lambda (lis)
(concat (car lis) "/" (cdr lis)))
(string-match "\\(.*\\)/\\(.*\\)" path)
(cons (match-string 1 path) (match-string 2 path))))
(defun rinari-follow-controller-and-action (controller action)
"Follow CONTROLLER and ACTION through to the final controller or view.
The user is prompted to follow through any intermediate renders
and redirects."
(save-excursion ;; if we can find the controller#action pair
(if (and (jump-to-path (format "app/controllers/%s_controller.rb#%s" controller action))
(equalp (jump-method) action))
(let ((start (point)) ;; demarcate the borders
(renders (list (cons controller action))) render view)
;; collect redirection options and pursue
(while (re-search-backward "re\\(?:direct_to\\|nder\\)" start t)
(add-to-list 'renders (rinari-ruby-values-from-render controller action)))
(let ((render (if (equalp 1 (length renders))
(car renders)
(rinari-which-render renders))))
(if (and (equalp (cdr render) action)
(equalp (car render) controller))
(list controller action) ;; directed to here so return
(rinari-follow-controller-and-action (or (car render)
(or (cdr render)
;; no controller entry so return
(list controller action))))
(defvar rinari-jump-schema
(("app/controllers/\\1_controller.rb#\\2$" . "app/models/\\1.rb#\\2")
("app/views/\\1/.*" . "app/models/\\1.rb")
("app/helpers/\\1_helper.rb" . "app/models/\\1.rb")
("db/migrate/.*create_\\1.rb" . "app/models/\\1.rb")
("spec/models/\\1_spec.rb" . "app/models/\\1.rb")
("spec/controllers/\\1_controller_spec.rb". "app/models/\\1.rb")
("spec/views/\\1/.*" . "app/models/\\1.rb")
("spec/fixtures/\\1.yml" . "app/models/\\1.rb")
("test/functional/\\1_controller_test.rb" . "app/models/\\1.rb")
("test/unit/\\1_test.rb#test_\\2$" . "app/models/\\1.rb#\\2")
("test/unit/\\1_test.rb" . "app/models/\\1.rb")
("test/fixtures/\\1.yml" . "app/models/\\1.rb")
(t . "app/models/"))
(lambda (path)
(rinari-generate "model"
(and (string-match ".*/\\(.+?\\)\.rb" path)
(match-string 1 path)))))
(("app/models/\\1.rb" . "app/controllers/\\1_controller.rb")
("app/views/\\1/\\2\\..*" . "app/controllers/\\1_controller.rb#\\2")
("app/helpers/\\1_helper.rb" . "app/controllers/\\1_controller.rb")
("db/migrate/.*create_\\1.rb" . "app/controllers/\\1_controller.rb")
("spec/models/\\1_spec.rb" . "app/controllers/\\1_controller.rb")
("spec/controllers/\\1_spec.rb" . "app/controllers/\\1.rb")
("spec/views/\\1/\\2\\.*_spec.rb" . "app/controllers/\\1_controller.rb#\\2")
("spec/fixtures/\\1.yml" . "app/controllers/\\1_controller.rb")
("test/functional/\\1_test.rb#test_\\2$" . "app/controllers/\\1.rb#\\2")
("test/functional/\\1_test.rb" . "app/controllers/\\1.rb")
("test/unit/\\1_test.rb#test_\\2$" . "app/controllers/\\1_controller.rb#\\2")
("test/unit/\\1_test.rb" . "app/controllers/\\1_controller.rb")
("test/fixtures/\\1.yml" . "app/controllers/\\1_controller.rb")
(t . "app/controllers/"))
(lambda (path)
(rinari-generate "controller"
(and (string-match ".*/\\(.+?\\)_controller\.rb" path)
(match-string 1 path)))))
(("app/models/\\1.rb" . "app/views/\\1/.*")
((lambda () ;; find the controller/view
(let* ((raw-file (and (buffer-file-name)
(file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name))))
(file (and raw-file
(string-match "^\\(.*\\)_controller.rb" raw-file)
(match-string 1 raw-file))) ;; controller
(raw-method (ruby-add-log-current-method))
(method (and file raw-method ;; action
(string-match "#\\(.*\\)" raw-method)
(match-string 1 raw-method))))
(when (and file method) (rinari-follow-controller-and-action file method))))
. "app/views/\\1/\\2.*")
("app/controllers/\\1_controller.rb" . "app/views/\\1/.*")
("app/helpers/\\1_helper.rb" . "app/views/\\1/.*")
("db/migrate/.*create_\\1.rb" . "app/views/\\1/.*")
("spec/models/\\1_spec.rb" . "app/views/\\1/.*")
("spec/controllers/\\1_spec.rb" . "app/views/\\1/.*")
("spec/views/\\1/\\2_spec.rb" . "app/views/\\1/\\2.*")
("spec/fixtures/\\1.yml" . "app/views/\\1/.*")
("test/functional/\\1_controller_test.rb" . "app/views/\\1/.*")
("test/unit/\\1_test.rb#test_\\2$" . "app/views/\\1/_?\\2.*")
("test/fixtures/\\1.yml" . "app/views/\\1/.*")
(t . "app/views/.*"))
(("app/models/\\1.rb#\\2$" . "test/unit/\\1_test.rb#test_\\2")
("app/controllers/\\1.rb#\\2$" . "test/functional/\\1_test.rb#test_\\2")
("app/views/\\1/_?\\2\\..*" . "test/functional/\\1_controller_test.rb#test_\\2")
("app/helpers/\\1_helper.rb" . "test/functional/\\1_controller_test.rb")
("db/migrate/.*create_\\1.rb" . "test/unit/\\1_test.rb")
("test/functional/\\1_controller_test.rb" . "test/unit/\\1_test.rb")
("test/unit/\\1_test.rb" . "test/functional/\\1_controller_test.rb")
(t . "test/.*"))
(("app/\\1\\.rb" . "spec/\\1_spec.rb")
("app/\\1$" . "spec/\\1_spec.rb")
("spec/views/\\1_spec.rb" . "app/views/\\1")
("spec/\\1_spec.rb" . "app/\\1.rb")
(t . "spec/.*"))
(("app/models/\\1.rb" . "test/fixtures/\\1.yml")
("app/controllers/\\1_controller.rb" . "test/fixtures/\\1.yml")
("app/views/\\1/.*" . "test/fixtures/\\1.yml")
("app/helpers/\\1_helper.rb" . "test/fixtures/\\1.yml")
("db/migrate/.*create_\\1.rb" . "test/fixtures/\\1.yml")
("spec/models/\\1_spec.rb" . "test/fixtures/\\1.yml")
("spec/controllers/\\1_controller_spec.rb". "test/fixtures/\\1.yml")
("spec/views/\\1/.*" . "test/fixtures/\\1.yml")
("test/functional/\\1_controller_test.rb" . "test/fixtures/\\1.yml")
("test/unit/\\1_test.rb" . "test/fixtures/\\1.yml")
(t . "test/fixtures/"))
(("app/models/\\1.rb" . "spec/fixtures/\\1.yml")
("app/controllers/\\1_controller.rb" . "spec/fixtures/\\1.yml")
("app/views/\\1/.*" . "spec/fixtures/\\1.yml")
("app/helpers/\\1_helper.rb" . "spec/fixtures/\\1.yml")
("db/migrate/.*create_\\1.rb" . "spec/fixtures/\\1.yml")
("spec/models/\\1_spec.rb" . "spec/fixtures/\\1.yml")
("spec/controllers/\\1_controller_spec.rb". "spec/fixtures/\\1.yml")
("spec/views/\\1/.*" . "spec/fixtures/\\1.yml")
("test/functional/\\1_controller_test.rb" . "spec/fixtures/\\1.yml")
("test/unit/\\1_test.rb" . "spec/fixtures/\\1.yml")
(t . "spec/fixtures/"))
(("app/models/\\1.rb" . "app/helpers/\\1_helper.rb")
("app/controllers/\\1_controller.rb" . "app/helpers/\\1_helper.rb")
("app/views/\\1/.*" . "app/helpers/\\1_helper.rb")
("app/helpers/\\1_helper.rb" . "app/helpers/\\1_helper.rb")
("db/migrate/.*create_\\1.rb" . "app/helpers/\\1_helper.rb")
("spec/models/\\1_spec.rb" . "app/helpers/\\1_helper.rb")
("spec/controllers/\\1_spec.rb" . "app/helpers/\\1_helper.rb")
("spec/views/\\1/.*" . "app/helpers/\\1_helper.rb")
("test/functional/\\1_controller_test.rb" . "app/helpers/\\1_helper.rb")
("test/unit/\\1_test.rb#test_\\2$" . "app/helpers/\\1_helper.rb#\\2")
("test/unit/\\1_test.rb" . "app/helpers/\\1_helper.rb")
(t . "app/helpers/"))
(("app/controllers/\\1_controller.rb" . "db/migrate/.*create_\\1.rb")
("app/views/\\1/.*" . "db/migrate/.*create_\\1.rb")
("app/helpers/\\1_helper.rb" . "db/migrate/.*create_\\1.rb")
("app/models/\\1.rb" . "db/migrate/.*create_\\1.rb")
("spec/models/\\1_spec.rb" . "db/migrate/.*create_\\1.rb")
("spec/controllers/\\1_spec.rb" . "db/migrate/.*create_\\1.rb")
("spec/views/\\1/.*" . "db/migrate/.*create_\\1.rb")
("test/functional/\\1_controller_test.rb" . "db/migrate/.*create_\\1.rb")
("test/unit/\\1_test.rb#test_\\2$" . "db/migrate/.*create_\\1.rb#\\2")
("test/unit/\\1_test.rb" . "db/migrate/.*create_\\1.rb")
(t . "db/migrate/"))
(lambda (path)
(rinari-generate "migration"
(and (string-match ".*create_\\(.+?\\)\.rb" path)
(match-string 1 path)))))
(("app/cells/\\1_cell.rb" . "app/cells/\\1/.*")
("app/cells/\\1/\\2.*" . "app/cells/\\1_cell.rb#\\2")
(t . "app/cells/"))
(lambda (path)
(rinari-generate "cells"
(and (string-match ".*/\\(.+?\\)_cell\.rb" path)
(match-string 1 path)))))
(features "F" ((t . "features/.*feature")) nil)
(steps "S" ((t . "features/step_definitions/.*")) nil)
(environment "e" ((t . "config/environments/")) nil)
(application "a" ((t . "config/application.rb")) nil)
(configuration "n" ((t . "config/")) nil)
(script "s" ((t . "script/")) nil)
(lib "l" ((t . "lib/")) nil)
(log "o" ((t . "log/")) nil)
(worker "w" ((t . "lib/workers/")) nil)
(public "p" ((t . "public/")) nil)
(stylesheet "y" ((t . "public/stylesheets/.*")
(t . "app/assets/stylesheets/.*")) nil)
(sass "Y" ((t . "public/stylesheets/sass/.*")
(t . "app/stylesheets/.*")) nil)
(javascript "j" ((t . "public/javascripts/.*")
(t . "app/assets/javascripts/.*")) nil)
(plugin "u" ((t . "vendor/plugins/")) nil)
(mailer "M" ((t . "app/mailers/")) nil)
(file-in-project "f" ((t . ".*")) nil)
(((lambda () ;; Find-by-Context
(let ((path (buffer-file-name)))
(when (string-match ".*/\\(.+?\\)/\\(.+?\\)\\..*" path)
(let ((cv (cons (match-string 1 path) (match-string 2 path))))
(when (re-search-forward "<%=[ \n\r]*render(? *" nil t)
(setf cv (rinari-ruby-values-from-render (car cv) (cdr cv)))
(list (car cv) (cdr cv)))))))
. "app/views/\\1/\\2.*"))))
"Jump schema for rinari.")
(defun rinari-apply-jump-schema (schema)
"Define the rinari-find-* functions by passing each element SCHEMA to `defjump'."
(lambda (type)
(let ((name (first type))
(specs (third type))
(make (fourth type)))
(eval `(defjump
,(intern (format "rinari-find-%S" name))
,(format "Go to the most logical %S given the current location" name)
,(when make `(quote ,make))
(rinari-apply-jump-schema rinari-jump-schema)
;; minor mode and keymaps
(defvar rinari-minor-mode-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
"Key map for Rinari minor mode.")
(defun rinari-bind-key-to-func (key func)
"Bind KEY to FUNC with each of the `rinari-minor-mode-prefixes'."
(dolist (prefix rinari-minor-mode-prefixes)
(eval `(define-key rinari-minor-mode-map
,(format "\C-c%s%s" prefix key) ,func))))
(defvar rinari-minor-mode-keybindings
'(("s" . 'rinari-script) ("q" . 'rinari-sql)
("e" . 'rinari-insert-erb-skeleton) ("t" . 'rinari-test)
("r" . 'rinari-rake) ("c" . 'rinari-console)
("w" . 'rinari-web-server) ("g" . 'rinari-rgrep)
("x" . 'rinari-extract-partial) ("p" . 'rinari-goto-partial)
(";" . 'rinari-find-by-context) ("'" . 'rinari-find-by-context)
("d" . 'rinari-cap))
"Alist mapping of keys to functions in `rinari-minor-mode-map'.")
(dolist (el (append (mapcar (lambda (el)
(cons (concat "f" (second el))
(read (format "'rinari-find-%S" (first el)))))
(rinari-bind-key-to-func (car el) (cdr el)))
(easy-menu-define rinari-minor-mode-menu rinari-minor-mode-map
"Rinari menu"
["Search" rinari-rgrep t]
["Find file in project" rinari-find-file-in-project t]
["Find file by context" rinari-find-by-context t]
("Jump to..."
["Model" rinari-find-model t]
["Controller" rinari-find-controller t]
["View" rinari-find-view t]
["Helper" rinari-find-helper t]
["Worker" rinari-find-worker t]
["Mailer" rinari-find-mailer t]
["Javascript" rinari-find-javascript t]
["Stylesheet" rinari-find-stylesheet t]
["Sass" rinari-find-sass t]
["public/" rinari-find-public t]
["Test" rinari-find-test t]
["Rspec" rinari-find-rspec t]
["Fixture" rinari-find-fixture t]
["Rspec fixture" rinari-find-rspec-fixture t]
["Feature" rinari-find-features t]
["Step" rinari-find-steps t]
["application.rb" rinari-find-application t]
["config/" rinari-find-configuration t]
["environments/" rinari-find-environment t]
["migrate/" rinari-find-migration t]
["lib/" rinari-find-lib t]
["script/" rinari-find-script t]
["log/" rinari-find-log t])
("Web server"
["Start" rinari-web-server t]
["Restart" rinari-web-server-restart t])
["Console" rinari-console t]
["SQL prompt" rinari-sql t]
["Script" rinari-script t]
["Rake" rinari-rake t]
["Cap" rinari-cap t]))
(defun rinari-launch ()
"Call function `rinari-minor-mode' if inside a rails project.
Otherwise, disable that minor mode if currently enabled."
(let ((root (rinari-root)))
(if root
(let ((r-tags-path (concat root rinari-tags-file-name)))
(set (make-local-variable 'tags-file-name)
(and (file-exists-p r-tags-path) r-tags-path))
(rinari-minor-mode t))
(when rinari-minor-mode
(rinari-minor-mode -1)))))
(defun rinari-launch-maybe ()
"Call `rinari-launch' if customized to do so.
Both `rinari-major-modes' and `rinari-exclude-major-modes' will
be used to make the decision. When the global rinari mode is
active, the default is to try to launch rinari in any major
mode. If `rinari-major-modes' is non-nil, then launching will
happen only in the listed modes. Major modes listed in
`rinari-exclude-major-modes' will never have rinari
auto-launched, but `rinari-launch' can still be used to manually
enable rinari in buffers using those modes."
(when (and (not (minibufferp))
(or (null rinari-major-modes)
(memq major-mode rinari-major-modes))
(or (null rinari-exclude-major-modes)
(not (memq major-mode rinari-exclude-major-modes))))
(add-hook 'mumamo-after-change-major-mode-hook 'rinari-launch)
(defadvice cd (after rinari-on-cd activate)
"Call `rinari-launch' when changing directories.
This will activate/deactivate rinari as necessary when changing
into and out of rails project directories."
(define-minor-mode rinari-minor-mode
"Enable Rinari minor mode to support working with the Ruby on Rails framework."
" Rinari"
(define-global-minor-mode global-rinari-mode
rinari-minor-mode rinari-launch-maybe)
(provide 'rinari)
;; Local Variables:
;; coding: utf-8
;; indent-tabs-mode: nil
;; byte-compile-warnings: (not cl-functions)
;; eval: (checkdoc-minor-mode 1)
;; End:
;;; rinari.el ends here