Some styling issues in key-bindings.el have been fixed

This commit is contained in:
Sameer Rahmani 2020-03-15 11:53:06 +00:00
parent 63f978dfe6
commit 0c82c80c18
1 changed files with 9 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -48,14 +48,14 @@
((not (null emacs-key)) (evil-define-key 'emacs map (kbd emacs-key) fn)))))
(defmacro defkey (map fn &rest keys)
"Defines a key binding for FG42 for different types.
Defines a keybinding in the given MAP for the given KEYS that maps
to the given FN with the given DOCSTRING.
Example usage : (defkey `'global-map`' 'counsel-M-x :evil (:normal \"SPC s u\") :god \"C-x C-n\")"
Example usage :
\\(defkey `'global-map`' 'goto-line
:evil \\(:normal \"SPC s u\"\\)
:god \"<f2>\"\\)"
(let ((god-key (plist-get keys :god))
(human-key (plist-get keys :human))
@ -64,5 +64,6 @@ Example usage : (defkey `'global-map`' 'counsel-M-x :evil (:normal \"SPC s u\")
((is-god?) `(-defkey-god ,map ,god-key ,fn))
((is-human?) `(-defkey-human ,map ,human-key ,fn))
((is-evil?) `(-defkey-evil ,map (quote ,evil-state-key) ,fn)))))
(provide 'fg42/key-bindings)
;;; key-bindings.el ends here