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First of all you need to read All you need to know about Parser algorithms. Then here is the list or parsers that we have considered

Rust parser combinator framework
LR(1) parser generator for Rust
A parser combinator library for Rust
Parsing Expression Grammar (PEG) parser generator for Rust
General purpose parser


For a generic list of resources on compiler design take a look at

Other languages

Julia: A Fresh Approach toNumerical Computing

Possible solutions

Features to implement


Branch instructions

It would be cool to have macro to instruct the compiler about the likelyhood of a branch in a conditional. Something similar to kernel's likely and unlikely macros

Execution Instrumentation

The compiler should be able to embed some code in the program to collect data about the different execution paths or function instrumentation and other useful data the can help the compiler to optimize the program even further. For example Imagine a scenario which we compile a program with out any optimization ( in debug mode ) and using some test cases or real usage of the program in several iteration we collect data about the compiled application in a file (let's call it the ADF short for Analytic Data File), and the we can pass that ADF file to the compiler to let it compile and optimize the program by using the usual passes alonge side with some extra passes that operate on ADF



Chicken Scheme - Easy-to-use compiler and interpreter, with lots of libraries
Stalin - Brutally optimizing Scheme compiler, with lots of optimization flags



TODO Language Spec

TODO A proper List implementation

It should be a proper linked list

TODO Vector implementation

TODO Hashmap implementation

TODO Call stack

  • Thread local call stack
  • Handle TCO in the call stack
  • Integration with the Error handling

TODO Meta data support

  • Attachable meta data to any expression
  • Spec for special meta data that mean something to the interpreter. E.g: docstrings
  • Meta data API

TODO Docstring support

  • For functions and macros
  • For namespaces and projects
  • API to interact with docstrings and helps

TODO FFI interface

  • Convertion of Serene types to C types
  • Shared libraries dynamic loading
  • Integration with namespaces and requirement set
  • Necessary API and checks for library and ABI Availability

TODO Load path and namespace loading


TODO Emacs mode

TODO Number implementation

  • Basic operations
  • Standard functions in Serene itself
  • Type infer and conversion

TODO String implementation

  • Basic operations
  • Numer <-> String
  • Interpolation

TODO Enum implementation

  • Embedded data in a variant
  • Generate functions based on variants

TODO Protocol

  • Polymorphic functions

TODO Struct implementation

TODO Error handling

  • Integration with callstacks

TODO Multi arity functions

TODO QuasiQuotation

TODO Linter

TODO Document generator

TODO Spec like functionality

TODO Laziness implementation

Standard libraries

TODO IO library
TODO Test library