Commit the final changes before moving to C++ :(

This commit is contained in:
Sameer Rahmani 2020-07-09 13:52:46 +01:00
parent 402e267e7c
commit 72fb1f1a2c
3 changed files with 120 additions and 108 deletions

View File

@ -7,105 +7,122 @@ use crate::namespace::Namespace;
use crate::types::Expression;
use std::collections::HashMap;
pub fn create_compiler<'a, 'ctx>() -> Compiler<'a, 'ctx> {
let default_ns_name = "user";
let context = Context::create();
let builder = context.create_builder();
let mut namespaces = HashMap::new();
let user_ns = Namespace::new(&context, default_ns_name);
namespaces.insert(default_ns_name, &user_ns);
let fpm = PassManager::create(&user_ns.module);
// pub fn create_compiler<'ctx>() -> Compiler<'ctx> {
// let default_ns_name = "user";
// // let builder = context.create_builder();
// let context = Context::create();
// //let user_ns = Namespace::new(&context, default_ns_name);
// //namespaces.insert(default_ns_name, &user_ns);
// // let fpm = PassManager::create(&user_ns.module);
// // fpm.add_instruction_combining_pass();
// // fpm.add_reassociate_pass();
// // fpm.add_gvn_pass();
// // fpm.add_cfg_simplification_pass();
// // fpm.add_basic_alias_analysis_pass();
// // fpm.add_promote_memory_to_register_pass();
// // fpm.add_instruction_combining_pass();
// // fpm.add_reassociate_pass();
// // fpm.initialize();
// //, builder, fpm, namespaces, Some(&default_ns_name)
// //Compiler::new(context)
// let builder = context.create_builder();
// Compiler {
// builder: builder,
// context: context,
// namespaces: HashMap::new(),
// }
// }
Compiler::new(context, builder, fpm, namespaces, Some(&default_ns_name))
pub struct Compiler<'a, 'ctx> {
pub struct Compiler<'ctx> {
pub context: Context,
pub builder: Builder<'ctx>,
/// This hashmap contains all the namespaces that has to be compiled and
/// maps two different keys to the same namespace. Since namespace names
/// can not contain `/` char, the keys of this map are the namespace
/// name and the path to the file containing the namespace. For example:
/// A let's say we have a namespace ``, this namespace will have
/// two entries in this hashmap. One would be the ns name itself which
/// is `` in this case and the otherone would be
/// `/path/to/abc/xyz.srn` file that contains the ns.
pub namespaces: &'a HashMap<&'a str, &'a Namespace<'a, 'ctx>>,
pub fpm: &'a PassManager<FunctionValue<'ctx>>,
// /// This hashmap contains all the namespaces that has to be compiled and
// /// maps two different keys to the same namespace. Since namespace names
// /// can not contain `/` char, the keys of this map are the namespace
// /// name and the path to the file containing the namespace. For example:
// ///
// /// A let's say we have a namespace ``, this namespace will have
// /// two entries in this hashmap. One would be the ns name itself which
// /// is `` in this case and the otherone would be
// /// `/path/to/abc/xyz.srn` file that contains the ns.
pub namespaces: HashMap<&'ctx str, Namespace<'ctx>>,
// pub fpm: &'a PassManager<FunctionValue<'ctx>>,
current_ns_name: Option<&'a str>,
// current_ns_name: Option<&'a str>,
impl<'a, 'ctx> Compiler<'a, 'ctx> {
pub fn new(
context: Context,
builder: Builder<'ctx>,
fpm: PassManager<FunctionValue<'ctx>>,
namespaces: HashMap<&'a str, &'a Namespace<'a, 'ctx>>,
ns_name: Option<&'a str>,
) -> Compiler<'a, 'ctx> {
impl<'ctx> Compiler<'ctx> {
pub fn new() -> Compiler<'ctx> {
let default_ns_name = "user";
// let builder = context.create_builder();
let context = Context::create();
//let user_ns = Namespace::new(&context, default_ns_name);
//namespaces.insert(default_ns_name, &user_ns);
// let fpm = PassManager::create(&user_ns.module);
// fpm.add_instruction_combining_pass();
// fpm.add_reassociate_pass();
// fpm.add_gvn_pass();
// fpm.add_cfg_simplification_pass();
// fpm.add_basic_alias_analysis_pass();
// fpm.add_promote_memory_to_register_pass();
// fpm.add_instruction_combining_pass();
// fpm.add_reassociate_pass();
// fpm.initialize();
//, builder, fpm, namespaces, Some(&default_ns_name)
let builder = context.create_builder();
Compiler {
context: context,
namespaces: &namespaces,
fpm: &fpm,
builder: builder,
current_ns_name: ns_name,
context: context,
namespaces: HashMap::new(),
pub fn current_ns(&self) -> Option<&'a Namespace<'a, 'ctx>> {
let ns = self.current_ns_name?;
self.namespaces.get(ns).map(|x| *x)
/// Returns the `FunctionValue` representing the function being compiled.
pub fn current_fn(&self) -> FunctionValue<'ctx> {
/// Creates a new stack allocation instruction in the entry block of the function.
// fn create_entry_block_alloca(&self, name: &str) -> PointerValue<'ctx> {
// let builder = self.context.create_builder();
// let entry = self.current_fn().get_first_basic_block().unwrap();
// match entry.get_first_instruction() {
// Some(first_instr) => builder.position_before(&first_instr),
// None => builder.position_at_end(entry),
// }
// builder.build_alloca(self.context.f64_type(), name)
// #[inline]
// pub fn current_ns(&self) -> Option<&'a Namespace<'a, 'ctx>> {
// let ns = self.current_ns_name?;
// self.namespaces.get(ns).map(|x| *x)
// }
pub fn compile(
exprs: Vec<&impl Expression<'ctx>>,
) -> Vec<Result<PointerValue<'ctx>, String>> {
let current_ns = match self.current_ns() {
Some(ns) => ns,
None => panic!("Current namespace is not set."),
// /// Returns the `FunctionValue` representing the function being compiled.
// #[inline]
// pub fn current_fn(&self) -> FunctionValue<'ctx> {
// self.current_ns().unwrap().current_fn()
// }
let mut generated_code = vec![];
// /// Creates a new stack allocation instruction in the entry block of the function.
// // fn create_entry_block_alloca(&self, name: &str) -> PointerValue<'ctx> {
// // let builder = self.context.create_builder();
for expr in &exprs {
let code = expr.code_gen(current_ns);
// // let entry = self.current_fn().get_first_basic_block().unwrap();
// // match entry.get_first_instruction() {
// // Some(first_instr) => builder.position_before(&first_instr),
// // None => builder.position_at_end(entry),
// // }
// // builder.build_alloca(self.context.f64_type(), name)
// // }
// pub fn compile(
// &self,
// exprs: Vec<&impl Expression<'ctx>>,
// ) -> Vec<Result<PointerValue<'ctx>, String>> {
// let current_ns = match self.current_ns() {
// Some(ns) => ns,
// None => panic!("Current namespace is not set."),
// };
// let mut generated_code = vec![];
// for expr in &exprs {
// let code = expr.code_gen(current_ns);
// generated_code.push(code);
// }
// generated_code
// }

View File

@ -13,12 +13,10 @@ pub mod reader;
pub mod scope;
pub mod types;
use crate::compiler::create_compiler;
fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
let yaml = load_yaml!("cli.yml");
let args = App::from(yaml).get_matches();
let compiler = create_compiler();
//let compiler = create_compiler();
if let Some(input) = args.value_of("INPUT") {
let mut f = File::open(input)?;

View File

@ -3,36 +3,33 @@ use inkwell::context::Context;
use inkwell::module::Module;
use inkwell::values::FunctionValue;
pub struct Namespace<'a, 'ctx> {
pub struct Namespace<'ctx> {
/// Each namespace in serene contains it's own LLVM module. You can
/// think of modules as compilation units. Object files if you prefer.
/// This way we should be able to hot swap the namespaces.
pub module: Module<'ctx>,
scope: Scope<'a>,
// The option of the current function being compiled
current_fn_opt: Option<FunctionValue<'ctx>>,
scope: Scope<'ctx>,
// // The option of the current function being compiled
// current_fn_opt: Option<FunctionValue<'ctx>>,
impl<'a, 'ctx> Namespace<'a, 'ctx> {
pub fn new(context: &'ctx Context, name: &str) -> Namespace<'a, 'ctx> {
let module = context.create_module(&name);
impl<'ctx> Namespace<'ctx> {
pub fn new(context: &'ctx Context, name: &str) -> Namespace<'ctx> {
Namespace {
module: module,
module: context.create_module(&name),
scope: Scope::new(None),
current_fn_opt: None,
// current_fn_opt: None,
/// Gets a defined function given its name.
pub fn get_function(&self, name: &str) -> Option<FunctionValue<'ctx>> {
// /// Gets a defined function given its name.
// #[inline]
// pub fn get_function(&self, name: &str) -> Option<FunctionValue<'ctx>> {
// self.module.get_function(name)
// }
/// Returns the `FunctionValue` representing the function being compiled.
pub fn current_fn(&self) -> FunctionValue<'ctx> {
// /// Returns the `FunctionValue` representing the function being compiled.
// #[inline]
// pub fn current_fn(&self) -> FunctionValue<'ctx> {
// self.current_fn_opt.unwrap()
// }