
138 lines
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Org Mode

* Noether Mode
In admiration of [[][Amalie Emmy Noether]].
*Noether Mode* is a global minor mode which manages user defined [[*View][Views]]. Views can be called upon
using their corresponding function or keybinding. Each of them, may contain one or more [[*Unit][Units]] that
can automatically update the parent view. As an example, my main use case for *Noether Mode* is a
replacement for mode line. I defined a View with a bunch of units like, buffer name, project name,
current time, line/column number of the cursor, and so on. And I used ~C-c 1~ as the keybinding,
and set the timeout of the view to 10 seconds. Subsequently, I just disabled the mode line since I
don't use it any more. Whenever I need the view, I just the ~C-c 1~ to call upon it. Noether shows
it to me for 10 seconds in a position that I set in the view definition.
One can create a view with several resource utilization units to have a status bar.
The way *Noether* works is a bit opinionated. While using timers is fine as long as you're OK
with their performance penalty, *Noether* uses variable watches to update each unit. Moreover,
unlike mode line, unit length in *Noether* is fixed. Just because I don't like my content
to jump around in a view.
* View
Each view represents a frame in Emacs literature (controlled by [[][posframe]] under the hood). A view
can be defined using the =noether-defview= macro like:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(noether-defview example-bar
"Just a test view"
;; Name of the buffer to be used for the view. It will be managed by Noether
:buffer "*mainview*"
;; What keybinding will trigger the view
:binding (kbd "C-c 1")
;; A seperator, to be used between the units
:separator "|"
;; Any posframe property can be used in the list passed to `:frame'
:position (cons (- (frame-outer-width) 10)
(- (frame-outer-height) 40))
:border-width 1
:border-color "#bd93f9")
;; A list of units to use in this view
;; A unit's properties can be overriden by passing the key value
;; to the unit's function.
(format "%s " (propertize (all-the-icons-octicon "clock")
'face `(:family ,(all-the-icons-octicon-family) :height 1.0 :weight 'bold)
'display '(raise -0.1))))
* Unit
Units are like placeholders in a view, containing some information that is updated based on an event.
For example, the current line number in the active buffer can be unit. It gets updated as you move the
cursor around in the buffer. Or the current active buffer name can be a unit too. It gets updated when
you switch to another buffer.
In general, a unit is just a data structure with few properties:
- =:label= An optional string to be used as a label for the unit
- =:len= A mandatory integer that defines the maximum number of characters, that the unit will
occupie in the view. *Noether* uses this integer to calculate the position for the next unit.
- =:init= A function that will be called by *Noether* when setting up a view. Each unit can set up
whatever that, it might need to be operated in this function. For example, any hook or timer.
- =:deinit= A function that *Noether* will call during the tear down process to let each
unit cleans up after itself before deactivating the *Noether Mode*. If you're setting
a hook function or a timer, this is the place to remove them.
- =:var= *Noether* will setup a watcher for the variable given as the value to this property.
The watcher will monitor the variable and call the =:fn= function whenever it detects a change
in the value of the variable. So, when you want to update the unit in the view, just set
the variable to a new value.
- =:fn= This function will be called whenever the variable given as the value for the =:var= key
changes. This function will be called with the following arguments =(SYMBOL NEWVAL OPERATION WHERE)=. Most of the time, you just need the =NEWVAL= parameter.
While *Noether* comes with a few units, you can define you own like:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
;; The variable that we want to watch
(defvar noether--project "")
;; A function to set the watched
(defun noether--set-project ()
"Set the current project name using projectile."
(setq noether--project (projectile-project-name)))
(defun noether--format-project (_ new-val _ _)
"Just return the new project name that is set in `noether--project'."
;; We can format the project name however want as long as it size is within
;; the provided len for the unit below
;; The unit definition of the unit
(noether-defunit projectile-project-unit
"Show the current project name in the view."
;; The format of this unit would be like: "P: "
;; the free space will be filled with the project name
:label "P:"
;; The max len for the project name, longer names will be truncated
:len 30
;; We will user the `noether-on-buffer-change-hook' hook (provided by Noether) to
;; use the `noether--set-project' function (from above) to set the watched var
;; `noether--project' to the current project name whenever user's focus changes
;; to another buffer.
:init (lambda ()
(if (and (featurep 'projectile) projectile-mode)
(add-hook 'noether-on-buffer-change-hook #'noether--set-project)
(warn "Can't find feature `projectile'")))
;; When deactivating, remove the hook
:deinit (lambda ()
(remove-hook 'noether-on-buffer-change-hook #'noether--set-project))
;; Noether will watch the `noether--project' var
:var 'noether--project
;; The function to call whenever `noether--project' changes
:fn #'noether--format-project)